ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver HE IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! 2347 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 April 5th 2015 Pastor: In residence: Office Hours: F Office: (604) 926-6881 Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: Website: Archdiocesan Website: Fr. Gary Franken Fr. Joseph Thanh Thoai Le, JCL Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. r. O’Malley was working very hard on his homily for the Easter Sunday. One of the altar servers, Johnny, was there to do the preparation for the service, and after watching Father O’Malley for awhile, Johnny asked: “Father, how do you know what to say?” Fr. O’Malley replied, “Why, God tells me”. Johnny queried further: “Oh, then why do you keep crossing things out?” How do we expect John to narrate the resurrection this Easter morning? Do we look for trumpets, for a swelling note of glory from the evangelist whose Gospel opens with the awesome proclamation of the word made flesh? What we find is Mary of Magdala shocked to discover in the semi-darkness that the tomb has been disturbed. She flees - fearing that the men of violence, have taken the body - and shares her fear with the disciples. So, ironically, John opens his account of the resurrection with a picture of dismay. The disciples expect the worse; and the resurrection at first proves so far from their minds that they repeatedly fail to grasp the meaning of what they see. Behind this ancient irony lurks our terrible conviction that evil always wins in the end. And then in the growing light of dawn the disciples see the cloths neatly folded in the tomb: this was not the work of soldiers carrying away the body. Faith dawns: the other disciple, the disciple Jesus loved, sees and believes. The Lord is risen - and the disciples find themselves running to catch up. Not for the first time God has surprised them. Christ has risen from the dead and the Evangelist presents us not with the resurrection itself but with this picture of the Church, the people of God, to be liberated from fear and the despair which underlies that fear. The Church is revealed as the place of dawning hope through faith. Easter is the feast on which each of us is called to rediscover our redeemed humanity. To celebrate Easter is to look at our life from the perspective of the empty tomb, a perspective which re-orders that life, what St Paul means in his Letter to the Colossians by looking for the things that are in heaven. He's not telling us to ignore what is happening around us; rather, by concentrating on the Risen Christ we find our true humanity. By looking with love upon the one who is truly good and radiant with every grace and virtue we come by this grace to be re-fashioned in His likeness. We can then celebrate the Eucharist, in the realization that God through love has beaten down these deadly powers and calls us to take our place at His final victory. Happy Easter! SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM; Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM. CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass; Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SUN April 5th EASTER SUNDAY 9 am FOR PARISHIONERS 11 am † Anne Lucey † Dave Fleming 2 pm Sp. Int. Richard Podgurski Mon April 6 9 AM Sp. Int. Mark Sohn Tue April 7 8 am † J ohn † Mar gar et Micallef Wed April 8 8 am † J anice Bar nes Thu April 9 8 am Sp. Int. Patrick Le Fri April 10 8 am 7 pm Sp. Int. Hasumi Kazoko † Linda Paez Sat April 11 8 am 5 pm † Gabr iella Micallef † Mary Kitchen SUN April 12 th 9 am † Gabr iella Micallef DIVINE MERCY 11 am FOR PARISHIONERS ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011 STA HIGH SCHOOL (604) 987-4431 Catholic Cemeteries: are a link between the living & the departed. DATE April 11th: 5 PM April 12 th: 9 AM April 12 th: 11 AM HOSPITALITY FLORENCE HIGGS UNA KERIN HANAN HADDAD GLORIA LOWE MONIQUE CATTERMOLE JoANN CULLEN LECTORS TOM FIELD IVY WEI JoANN CULLEN EMHC ELAINE MOONEN ROCIO HAUSER MONIQUE CATTERMOLE SOCIAL HOSTS SUNDAY, APRIL 12 th BEV CARSON JULIE BARTLETT St. Anthony’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday at 3:50 PM for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email PREP at FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY During the course of Jesus' revelations to Saint Faustina (Divine Mercy In My Soul) He asked on numerous occasions that a feast day be dedicated to the Divine Mercy and that this feast be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. “On one occasion, I heard these words: My daughter, tell the whole world about my inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of my tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of my mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment”. (Diary 699). “Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to absolve yourself from it”. (Diary 742). St. Anthony’s Parish Divine Mercy Devotion Every Friday, 3-4 pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour in Church. Everyone welcome! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Rocio Hauser, Cathy Gardner, Jay Shrager, Marcela Chavez, Vini Fitzgerald, Patricia Trapp, Blaine Fogal, Dan & Chris Peak, Sho Uyeda, Maria Castle, Theresa Tu, Jacqueline Cummings, Joyce Field, Pat Keough, Georgia Bridger, Joy Sescar, Donna Fontanella, Rose Kowch, Susan Stastny, Har vey Sazunic, Wallace Murray, Alexandria Pius, Declan Lord, Dan Arenet, Marina Andrew, Keith Jacobsen, Marian & Jack Welch, Lynne Cavaleigh, David Kritzwiser, Patr ick Leslie, Les Szabo, Roman Moshevich, J oseph Wein, Ed Hauser, Agnes Koh, Gr ace Sue, Lachoo Narain, Alex Barraza, Tanis Stastny, Gina Charles, Don/Edna Copley, Irene Masterman, Christine Ermita, Kenelm Burridge, Rico Alvano, Bobbi Bass, Pamela Kinna, Brendan Stephens, Louise Schubert, Agnes Notte, Margar et Irving, & Annette Garm. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION . . . “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2 On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for God’s response on how we should use our gifts to fulfill His plan. RED MASS & DINNER Wednesday, April 8th, 5:10 PM, HR Cathedral Celebrant, Archbishop Michael Miller, in honour of the legal profession. Reception, 6:30 PM at the Hyatt Regency. Keynote speaker at the Dinner is St. Anthony’s parishioner, Mrs. Gwendolyn ALLISON of the Foy Allison Law Group. ALL FAMILIES WITH 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS . . . St. Anthony’s School invites par ents and their 3 & 4 year olds to their Ready, Set, Learn event on Thursday, April 30th from 1:30 - 2:30 pm in the Kindergarten Classroom. RSVP the school office (604) 922-0011 by Thursday, the 16th. STEWARDSHIP AWARD PRESENTATION Sunday, April 12th, 2:30 pm, @ HR Cathedral 37 individuals are recognized by the Archdiocese for outstanding service in time, talent or treasure through their parishes or the wider community. These Stewardship Award recipients exemplify lives of gratitude and generosity and most notably their gifts for the good of others through teaching, serving, praying, mentoring and more! Reception in Rosary Hall immediately after Mass. Mrs. Jan HERRICK, from St. Anthony’s is receiving this award! Come and join in the celebration. It will be your Sunday Mass. St Thomas Aquinas School 150 STA students participated in the annual ThinkFast on March 27 & 28. Thanks to the generosity of school families and parishioners from the North Shore Catholic churches, 77 food hampers were prepared and distributed to families in need on the North Shore and to the women who live at the Rainier Hotel in downtown Vancouver. Staff and students of STA wish everyone a blessed Easter! Tickets: $130; two for $250. Visit: INFERTILITY, HEALING, HOPE, HEALTH Thursday, April 9th, 7:30 PM, JPII Pastoral Centre Explore new field of restorative reproductive medicine with Maria Bizecki. She’ll speak on differ ent causes of infertility and what couples can do to achieve pregnancy and hear success stories. Visit: SPRING INTO FAITH FORMATION Saturday, April 11th, Holy Cross Secondary, Surrey One-day faith formation and ministry training for adults. Topics: Basics of the Faith, Discovering the Gospels, Ecumenism - Why Bother? and more. Cost $35, includes lunch. Visit: SPRING RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM April 10th-12th, (604) 530-6710 Your Marriage in Crisis? Retrouvaille, a Catholic ministry offers help to married couples having difficulties including infidelity, separation, or even divorce. Rediscover romance! PREVENTING DEMENTIA Friday, April 17th, 6 PM, Vancouver Convention Centre Neurologist Dr. Alexandre Henry-Bhargava discusses changes with the aging brain & lifestyle changes to support brain health. Refreshments & displays. Register: MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND April 17th-19th @ Holiday Inn, North Van. (604) 876-7298. Join millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive by attending an intimate weekend with your spouse. Contact Steve & Mary Bohnen at 604-876-7298 or email:
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