April 12, 2015 - St. Agnes Parish

233 West Gay Street • West Chester, PA 19380 • 19380
Phone: 610-692-2990 • Fax: 610-692-9623
Web: www.saintagnesparish.org
Parish Staff
Rev. Alfonso J. Concha ( Fr. Al)
Rev. Laurence J. Gleason
Rev. Stephen J. Baker, O.S.A.
Rev. John Franey
Deacon Victor Gonzalez
Deacon Clement J. McGovern
Deacon Thomas Shurer
Sr. Dorothy Mayer, I.H.M., Superior of Convent-610-692-9430
Sr. Joan Felicia, I.H.M., School Principal-610-696-1260
Felicia Navarro, Coordinator of Religious Education-610-436-4640
Sr. Helene McGroarty, I.H.M., Hispanic Ministry-610-344-7224
Sr. Martha Staarman, O.S.U., Hispanic Ministry-610-436-5580
Mr. Sean McElwee, Dir. of Music-smcelwee@saintagnesparish.org
Mrs. Barbara Kirby, Dir. of Outreach Services-610-429-0697
Mr. John Mattia, Facilities Manager- 610-692-2990
Mrs. Joan Fogarty, Business Manager- 610-692-2990
Mr. Samuel Riccardo, Jr., Cemetery Manager- 610-692-4421
Second, Third and Fourth Sundays: 1:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
First Sunday in Spanish: 1:15 p.m.
Sunday 7:00, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. &
Pre-Jordan, First Sunday (TPH), 12:00 p.m. Saint Agnes Catholic Church
12:00 p.m. (Spanish), 5:15 p.m.
Saturday: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Vigil of Holy Days and
First Friday Eve: 4:00-4:30 pm
233 West Gay Street
6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
West Chester, PA. 19380
First Friday
6:30 & 9:00 a.m.
Holy Days
5:15 p.m. (anticipated), 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
To register for Pre-Cana, www.philamarriageprep.com
12:10 & 5:15 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
April 12, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday
Jesus promised that "The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall
obtain the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment."(Diary 699) He went on to say
"I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive
Holy Communion on the Feast of My Mercy." (Diary 1109)
We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this incredible promise and the addi onal Plenary Indulgence on this great Feast of Mercy "Divine Mercy Sunday".
Confessions: 2:00-3:00 PM
Devotions & Benediction: 3:00 PM
Adora on
“If we visit our EucharisƟc God and seek His counsel in all
our problems, if we let ourselves be purified by the sancƟfying power that flows from the altar...then we cannot but be
drawn ever more deeply into the current of the Divine
Life." (St.Benedicta, Edith Stein)
Adora on every Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Mass.
Concluding at 8 in the evening.
Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have
during their life and their death the light of God and
the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death
they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise! (St.Pope JohnPaul II)
Join us daily for the Rosary of The Blessed Virgin
Mary immediately following the 8 a.m. Mass.
World Mee ng of Families Prayer
God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in
the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united
to one another in fidelity to the Gospel.
May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those
most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!
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Week of April 12, 2015
Sunday: Divine Mercy Sunday (white)
9:00 AM: Charles W.Waltz,Jr.
10:30AM: Anthony Melillo by Steve & Colleen Pimer
12:00: Lucian F. Poli by Tom & Elaine Chambers
Monday:St.Martin I,Pope & Martyr (white /red)
6:30AM: Seniang Uy by Blake Family
8:00 AM: David & Patricia Lewis by Family
Tuesday: Easter Weekday (white)
6:30 AM: Patricia Lewis by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sears
8:00 AM: Michelle Marie Leonard by Jean&Dick
Wednesday: Easter Weekday (white)
6:30AM: Abbey Mallon by O’Rourke Family
8:00 AM:Bernardo & Santo Ciaffoni by Alex,Grace &
Thursday: Easter Weekday (white)
6:30AM:Pierre Mommessin by O’Rourke Family
8:00AM:Martha Di’Archangelo by Dolly & Diane
Friday: Easter Weekday (white)
6:30 AM: Christian Miller by Steve & Colleen Pimer
8:00 AM: William Cuff by Steve & Anne Quigley
Saturday: Easter Weekday (white)
8:00 AM: Mary Zandi by Steve & Anne Quigley
Please pray for the
repose souls of
Our family and friends
May they rest in peace
USMC: Cpl John Mitas, 2nd Lt. , Pvt. Joseph Rochford,Jr., Capt. Ryan Yeandel, Capt. Gregory W.
Kosh, Sgt. Isaac Pineda ,Sgt. Joshua Feliciano
USAF: 1st Lt. Timothy J. Baldwin, 1st Lt. Kathleen
Styron, Capt. Jared Yankech, Major Katie Sullivan,
Major Lt.Adam M. Sema, 2nd Lt. Jessica Clark
USN: LTJG Charles G. Schappert, CTR2 Alexandra Haney,CTR3 Reilly Haney,Lcpl Anthony Serrato
USA: Specialist Jason Hall, 1st Lt Grant T. Hahn,
Capt. John Paul Snook, Sgt. James Mac Fadden,1st
Lt Eric Lugo, David P. Estes, Private 2nd Class,
Specialist Ian Donoghue,1st Class,2nd Lt. Walter R.
Snook, Capt. Jessica Bayer Chominski 1st Lt. John
Eife, SPCMatthew Conway.2nd Lt.James DiBello
Lisa Jacobsen, Samantha Calfapietra, Charles Gebel,Carol
Theis, Susan Curran, Geralyn Mattera, Bob Hoeveler ,Barbara Watkins, Kenneth Wylie,Tiffany Brandt,Agnes
Grady Chesko,Breelyn Valentine, Noreen C. Crowley, Phil
Kennedy, Zachary Trexler, Megan Whitman, Alexandra
Kendell, Isabella Large, John Frank, James Dudrick,
Joseph Zaber, Patty Rositter, William Mullin
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New families should call (610-692-2990) to make an
appointment with a priest to register in the Parish or
visit the Rectory Office on Sunday between 10:30 AM
and Noon. Members of the parish who reach the age of
18 should register separately as adults. If you have recently changed your status, married, moved out of your
parents home or graduated from college, you need to
re-register. If you move, we would also appreciate a call
to the Parish Office so that our records will be in order.
Direct Debit Program
St. Agnes offers a direct debit program for parishioners who
are interested in electronic giving for their Sunday contribuons. Please stop by the rectory for an authoriza on form.
Thank You
Gratitude From the Day Room:
Thanks to all who helped to make our Easter Distribution such a success. It was through the competent
and generous efforts of many good people that hundreds of families received Easter food and new Easter
outfits for their children. Particular thanks to Marie Holland who coordinates all the many volunteers
for the day and organizes the food distribution. Thanks to Maria DiMarco who managed to procure
many of the hams and fresh vegetables as well as donations from many supermarkets. Thank you to the
Giant Supermarket store managers who came out to assist with the distribution. Gratitude to Maryanne
Parsons and Partners in Outreach for gathering all the beautiful Easter clothes for the children and the
Easter Baskets in partnership with Villa Maria Academy. Thanks to Saint Agnes School and Prep Pro‐
gram for assisting with our canned goods for Easter. Our thanks to the Janie Wermuth and the Dela‐
ware Valley Children’s Charity for their ongoing support of our work as well as the Saint Thomas the
Apostle Parish Sharing and Caring Committee. We are grateful to Catholic Social Services for their fi‐
nancial support of our children’s Educational Programs. Gratitude to all of you for your kindnesses this
Lent and Easter, many of which are given quietly, asking no acknowledgement, simply done for love of
Our Lord Jesus Christ and in His Name for our neighbors in need.
Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia! For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia!
Sunday Collec on Report
Sunday Collec ons:4/5/2015– $10,883.95
(includes direct debit of $9,143.50)
Easter: 4/5/2015- $52,821.00
First Holy Communion
Star ng April 19th at the 10:30
A.M. Masses we will celebrant First
Holy Communions for St. Agnes and
PREP children receiving the sacrament.
Sunday Collec on: 4/6/14– $37,008.76
(includes direct debit of $8,333.50)
Easter: 4/20/2014-$46,700.
May God Bless these children and
their families at this very special
Thank You for your generosity to
St. Agnes Parish!
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St. Agnes School Hispanic
Scholarship Fund
Saturday, April 18,2015
Doors open at 6:30 P.M.
Games begin at 7:00
Tickets are $25.00 each
Or a table of seven $160.
At the door- $30.00
Call Sr. Helene-610-344-7224
for informa on.
TICKETS available a er Mass
or in the school office.
In Celebration of the
World Meeting of Families
We are preparing The Saint Agnes
Parish Family Photo Album
With Life Touch Photography Studio
It is our hope that all members of
our parish family will be featured in
our new directory! So make your
appointment soon.
Now scheduling photo sessions for
May 12th through May 16th
Home Sweet Home!
Attention to all those who love their families and homes and
JESUS & MARY. Why not invite them to be a part of your
family and share in many special graces? At the end of all
the Masses on May 2 & 3, our “Enthronement Weekend”, a
short talk will be given and all will be invited to enthrone the
Sacred Heart of Jesus into their homes and to consecrate
themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Enthronement
Packets will be distributed which include beautiful pictures of
Jesus and Mary. This was first done in our parish 10 years
ago. This is an opportunity for our new families and those
that missed it the first time to participate, and a time for renewal for all others.
and May 26th through May 30th
Tuesdays and Fridays from
2:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
You speak with the registry team who
will be available after Sunday Masses be‐
ginning mid April through May.
JESUS SMILES when you honor His Heart.
Give it a try – May 2 & 3
Regina Luminis High School
wishes to recognize the academic
achievement of parishioners
Katherine O'Keefe (2018),
Christopher O'Keefe (2016)
Kathleen Raymundo(2015)
who have earned high academic honors for the
third quarter of this school year.
Are You a Young Adult in Chester County?
If you're a Catholic adult in your 20s or 30s, we want to meet
you! Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC - pronounced "kayak") exists to offer you social, spiritual, and service opportuni es. Join us this Wednesday for a social
night! The women will be mee ng at Paint with a Twist in
Wayne and the men will be mee ng at the Flying Pig Tavern
in Malvern. Check us out on Facebook or email us
at cyacc1@gmail.com for more info.
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Adult Faith Formation
If you know of a parishioner who is homebound and
unable to come to Church please ask them to call the
Rectory at 610/692-2990 and request a visit from a
priest and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Someone will contact them to schedule a visit.
School of Community – weekly companionship & reflection on the presence of Christ in our lives using writings
promoted by Communion & Liberation, a lay movement
founded by Msgr. Luigi Giussani
Meets: Tuesday evenings 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Day Room
Contact: Barbara Kirby (610) 429-0697
Women’s Bible Study – “Walking toward Eternity”
Meets: Thursday mornings 9am – 11 am TPH
Contact: Sharon Chevalier (610) 738-7720
Men’s Bible Study
Meets: Friday mornings 6:30 am – 7:30 am TPH
Contact: Denny Masson –484-354-9601
The King’s Men
Contact: Denny Masson—massonwc@verizon.net
As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environments, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies and
training curriculum for mandated reporters of child
abuse and neglect. These new policies reflect the
Church’s commitment to always do more, as well as the
new Pennsylvania laws that went into effect on December 31, 2014. If you are likely to come into direct contact with children, you may be a mandated reporter.
The updated version of the Mandated Reporter training
is up and running. The training is required of all new
paid and non-paid staff, and volunteers who have regular contact with children and youth.
To register please use the following link: h ps://
learning.childyouthprotec on.org/login/index.php.
Those who previously completed the Mandated Reporter
Training either in person or via the online system are not
required to retake the training—you should have received a copy of the Mandated Reporter brochure and
Adult Evening Study -Acts of the Apostles
Meets:Thursday evenings starting January 15th from 78:30pm
in the Cafeteria
Contact: Rob and Terry Gallagher at (610) 996-6761
or RGallagher1130@comcast.net
Breaking Open of the Word- is a time to come together as
a community and share how God speaks to us through his
Word in Sacred Scripture proclaimed in the Sunday readings at Mass. Breaking Open the Word is every Sunday immediately following the 10:30 Mass. Both take place in the
Religious Education Office. All are welcome to come and
learn about the faith or share it with others. Anyone
interested may contact Claudia Robuck at
crobuck@saintagnesparish.org or the Religious Education
Office at (610) 436-4640.
Crown of Thorns Prayer Ministry The ministry prays
for healing of people with mental, emotional and physical
illnesses, conversion of hearts and souls to God, and reparation of sins.
Contact Chris Turner at cotpmwc@gmail.com or
call at 484-459-3838.
Legion of Mary-Join us for work and devotions,
Contact: Carmela Cinquina at cllcinquina@msn.com
acknowledgement form which needs to be signed and
returned to the parish office.
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12 de abril de 2015
Segundo domingo de Pascua Ciclo B
Misa en español Todos los domingos a las 12:00 (mediodía ) y días de precepto a las 7:00
Horario de confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 5:00 pm en la iglesia.
Bautizos: El primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:15pm. Comuníquese con la hernana
Martha para registrarse a tiempo.(610) 436-5580.
Clases de Inglés: Grupo A: Lunes y Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00 PM , y Grupo B: Martes y miércoles de 10:00 a 11:00 AM. Empezando en la semana del 15 de septiembre.
Pláticas pre-bautismales: El último jueves de mes a las 7:00 pm, en la capilla. Comuníquese con Eva Henríquez al teléfono (610)692-4708.
Grupos de Oración: Se reunen en el Thomas Patrick Hall (TPH) los miércoles a las
7:00pm. Para información, comuníquese con el diácono Victor González.
Bole n: Para cualquier anuncio que desee publicar en esta página del bole n, favor de llamar a Eva Henriquez al teléfono
(610) 692-4708 o enviar mensaje: evahenriquez1971@yahoo.com
Comité Parroquial: Se reune todos los 3er lunes de cada mes enThomas Patrick Hall a ;as 700pm.
Escondidos en una casa, los apóstoles ven a Cristo; entra con
todas las puertas cerradas. Pero Tomás, ausente entonces,
cierra sus oídos y quiere abrir sus ojos. Deja estallar su incredulidad, confiando así en que su deseo será concedido.
Hemos visto al Señor
«Mis dudas desaparecerán en cuanto lo vea, dice. Pondré mi
dedo en las marcas de los clavos, y estrecharé al Señor al que
tanto deseo. Que censure mi falta de fe, pero que me colme
con su vista. Ahora soy descreído, pero después de verlo,
creeré. Creeré cuando lo abrace y lo contemple. Quiero ver
su costado, que cazó a la muerte del costado del hombre.
Quiero ser tes go del Señor y el tes monio de otro no me
basta. Lo que contáis exaspera mi impacienia. La buena no cia que me dais sólo aumenta mi turbación. No curaré este
dolor si no le toco con mis manos.» El Señor se vuelve a aparecer y disipa al mismo empo la tristeza y la duda de su discípulo. ¿Qué digo? No disipa su duda, colma su espera. Entra
con todas las puertas cerradas.
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St. Agnes School News
Honors Chorus
Blue Ribbon Olympians
Congratulaons to the
St. Agnes
School 4th
Grade Reading Rebels,
Congratula ons to Raquel Lacusky, Maura Taylor, Gianna
Charney, and Caitlin Howe for their par cipa on in the
Archdiocesan Chorus at Archbishop Ryan High School on
March 22, 2015.
5th Grade
and 6th and
7th Grade
Title Waves
for bringing
home Blue
Ribbons from
this year’s
County Reading Olympics!
Thanks to Grade 6 for their beau ful presenta on for The Living Sta ons . What a special way to get us ready for Holy Week.
Our mission at Saint Agnes Catholic School is to develop every student spiritually, intellectually, physically, emoƟonally and socially in a joyful,
faith-based environment that inspires integrity, ciƟzenship, leadership and service to others in the Church and in the world.
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Informa on Page
St. Agnes
Bulle n No.
Contact Informa on:
Mar ne Simonis
So ware:
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Wednesday, Noon
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