May 31, 2015 - St. Agnes Parish

233 West Gay Street • West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: 610-692-2990 • Fax: 610-692-9623
Parish Staff
Rev. Alfonso J. Concha ( Fr. Al)
Rev. Laurence J. Gleason
Rev. Stephen J. Baker, O.S.A.
Rev. John Franey
Deacon Victor Gonzalez
Deacon Clement J. McGovern
Deacon Thomas Shurer
Sr. Dorothy Mayer, I.H.M., Superior of Convent-610-692-9430
Sr. Joan Felicia, I.H.M., School Principal-610-696-1260
Felicia Navarro, Coordinator of Religious Education-610-436-4640
Sr. Helene McGroarty, I.H.M., Hispanic Ministry-610-344-7224
Sr. Martha Staarman, O.S.U., Hispanic Ministry-610-436-5580
Mr. Sean McElwee, Dir. of
Mrs. Barbara Kirby, Dir. of Outreach Services-610-429-0697
Mr. John Mattia, Facilities Manager- 610-692-2990
Mrs. Joan Fogarty, Business Manager- 610-692-2990
Mr. Samuel Riccardo, Jr., Cemetery Manager- 610-692-4421
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
Second, Third and Fourth Sundays: 1:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. &
First Sunday in Spanish: 1:15 p.m.
Pre-Jordan, First Sunday (TPH), 12:00 p.m.
p.m. (Spanish), 5:15 p.m.
233 West Gay Street
Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
West Chester, PA. 19380
First Friday: 6:30 & 9:00 a.m.
Saturday: 4:00-5:00 p.m
Holy Days: 5:15 p.m. (anticipated), 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
Vigil of Holy Days and
12:10 & 5:15 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m.
First Friday Eve: 4:00-4:30 pm
To register for Pre-Cana,
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
May 31, 2015
We welcome the newest member of St. Agnes who was
recently bap zed. May God bless her and her family.
Congratulations to the following couple married at
St. Agnes Church on May 30,2015
Mason Hill
Helena Kathleen Patry
James Levi Styron
Thomas Yabor & Brittany Miske
"Our best life, all our spiritual life, is nothing but a succession of VisitaƟons, Visita ons from Mary bringing Jesus
withher. But nowhere is the similitude so faithful as it is in
the Blessed Sacrament. In Adora on how o en our cares
fall off, tears are dried, doubts melt away...our soul is
bathed in quiet sudden jubilee . (Fr. Faber)
Feast of the VisitaƟon May 31st.
AdoraƟon every Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Mass.
Concluding 8 in the evening.
"The Rosary recited with meditaƟon on the mysteries brings
about the following marvelous results: - It gradually gives us
a perfect know-ledge of Jesus Christ:-it purifies our souls,
washing away sin; It gives victory over all our enemies."(St.
Louis De Monƞort) Pray the Rosary daily following the 8
a.m. Mass. We shall obtain all we ask for by the recitaƟon
of the Rosary. (St. Dominic)
This week begins with Trinity Sunday which always follows Pentecost. It celebrates the un-knowable rela onship
between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - and their loving support for us in our lives. “I have much more to tell
you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.”
This week of prayer can be very blessed. Just as Jesus looked out on that crowd of followers and saw the spiritually
poor, who were mourning and stripped of all success, looking for jus ce, yet themselves merciful and seeking to
make peace with others, Jesus looks upon us this week. His words to us remain the same, “Rejoice and be glad.”
All week, we can ask for the grace to understand and embrace the blessedness of poverty, of our grief, of our
seeking for jus ce, of how difficult it is to be merciful and be a peacemaker. We are blessed in this place, because
Jesus promises we will be comforted, we will be shown mercy, we will be God's children, because the Kingdom of
Heaven is ours.
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Week of May 31, 2015
Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity (white)
9:00 AM: Faus na Caldwell by Nancy Anderson
10:30 AM: Mary Hunt by Susan & Kathryn Donnelly
5:15 PM: Thomas Donatucci by Zarelli Family
Monday: St. JusƟn,Martyr (red)
6:30 AM: Frances Alesiana by Chuck & Lauren Hamblin
8:00 AM: John Dudziec by Glasser Family
Tuesday: St. Marcellinus and Peter,Martyrs (green/red)
6:30 AM: John Saltzburg by Blake Family
8:00 AM: Dorothy Dougherty by Daniel Dougherty
Wednesday: St. Charles Lwanga & Companions,Martyr (red)
6:30 AM: Martha DeAngelo by Dolly & Diane Feconda
8:00 AM: Anne Pennell by Pennell Family
Thursday: Weekday (green)
6:30 AM: Mary Naylor by Julie Ryan
8:00 AM: Peter Sena 3Rd Anv. By Family
Friday: St. Boniface,Bishop & Martyr (red)
6:30 AM: Joe Magno by Ed &Mary Lou Williams
9:00 AM: Cheryl Ann McGlinchy by Nevins Family
Saturday:St. Norbert,Bishop (green,white)
8:00 AM: Igna us Hneleski by Eileen & Gerry Conroy
USMC: Cpl John Mitas, 2nd Lt. , Pvt. Joseph Rochford,Jr., Capt. Ryan Yeandel, Capt. Gregory W.
Kosh, Sgt. Isaac Pineda ,Sgt. Joshua Feliciano
USAF: Capt. Timothy J. Baldwin, 1st Lt. Kathleen
Styron, Capt. Jared Yankech, Major Katie Sullivan,
Major Lt.Adam M. Sema, 2nd Lt. Jessica Clark
USN: LTJG Charles G. Schappert, CTR2 Alexandra Haney,CTR3 Reilly Haney,Lcpl Anthony Serrato
USA: Specialist Jason Hall, 1st Lt Grant T. Hahn,
Capt. John Paul Snook, Sgt. James Mac Fadden,1st
Lt Eric Lugo, David P. Estes, Private 2nd Class,
Specialist Ian Donoghue,1st Class,2nd Lt. Walter R.
Snook, Capt. Jessica Bayer Chominski 1st Lt. John
Eife, SPCMatthew Conway.2nd Lt.James DiBello
Please note star ng May 27th we will discon nue the
Wednesday, 7:00 PM confessions. We will resume Wednesday Confessions in the fall.
Confession is available Saturday from 4:00-5:00 PM
Please remember in your prayers all those who have died:
Noreen Crowley
Samuel Riccardo,Sr.
Lisa Jacobsen, Samantha Calfapietra, Charles Gebel,
Carol Theis, Geralyn Mattera, Bob Hoeveler ,Barbara
Watkins, Kenneth Wylie,Tiffany Brandt,Breelyn Valentine, Phil Kennedy, Zachary Trexler, Megan Whitman,
Alexandra Kendell, Isabella Large, John Frank, James
Dudrick, Joseph Zaber, Patty Rositter,
William Joyce, Bernadette Matecki
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Corpus ChrisƟ
June 7,2015
We observe Corpus ChrisƟ in honor of the Holy Eucharist. It is also known as the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ. Following the Noon Mass on Sunday we will have a Procession for Corpus ChrisƟ.
From Outreach Services:
Last Friday the children in our Educational Support Program
walked in a May Procession to honor Our Blessed Mother. The chil‐
dren, ages 3 to 5, sang with great joy “Immaculate Mary”, “Lovely
Lady Dressed in Blue”, “The Hail Mary” and “Oh! How I Love Je‐
sus!”. Lupita was our May queen who crowned the statue of Our
Lady in the Lourdes Grotto and all of the children brought flowers
for our dear Virgin Mother. Deep gratitude to our teachers, partic‐
ularly Sister Cecilia who works so lovingly with the little ones to
teach them all of the beautiful hymns and to bring them closer to
Jesus through Mary.
We look forward to graduating another “Count Down to Kindergar‐
ten” class. The children are ready and able for the educational ad‐
ventures ahead! Our thanks to Mrs. Lisa Bice, Coordinator of Edu‐
cational Support Programs and all those who serve in them, as well
as those who provide financial support and prayers.
Sunday CollecƟon Report
Sunday Collec ons:5/24/2015– $23,527.061
(includes direct debit of $1690.50)
Sunday Collec on: 5/25/14–$20,832.03
(includes direct debit of $1520.50)
Thank You for your generosity to
St. Agnes Parish!
Increase Offertory Generosity
This report is the last concerning the Increased Offering Appeal now completed. Though there will be
no more letters,you can always return one of the special Appeal Envelopes to make your intentions
known. Even if you cannot make an increase it helps
tremendously to build a budget on what are the financial intentions of our parishioners. The people of
St. Agnes are to be congratulated for a truly outstanding response. We heard from 145 families
and individuals and their increase totaled $753.93
weekly. This outpouring of understanding and generosity is a great source of hope for the future of our
Parish. Thank you and God bless you.
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VacaƟon Bible School
Is July 13-17, 2015
Don’t miss out on this
"Great Adventure”
with God's Mighty Power
Registra on Form is available on the Parish Web
Page Under Faith Forma on – PREP/CCD
In the St. Agnes Cafeteria on
SUNDAY June 14, 2015
9:00am to 2:00pm
To raise funds for the celebraƟon of
Our Lady of Guadalupe:
Tostadas Tamales Quesadillas
Mangos Esquites (Corn with chili and lime)
Pastel de tres leches (Three Milk Cake)
Ice Pops
Aguas Frescas (Fruit Waters)
If you would like to join the guadalupano group, have
any recommenda ons or would like to make a donaon, please contact Sister Martha Staarman. Everyone
is welcome and every contribu on helps so come before or a er Mass and get some delicious food to help
make the celebra on in December the best it can be!
Place: Barnes and Noble, Main Street,Exton
Dates: June 8th through June 10th
Time : All Day
Unable to a end visit and enter Book fair
ID# 11571494. St. Agnes will receive a percentage of all purchases made in the store with a voucher that can be obtained at the rectory or school office. Online purchases use
the ID number.
Please come out and support our school library!
Parish Religious Education Ministry Office
St. Agnes Parish seeks a full-time (40 hours per week)
Administrative Assistant to provide operational and administrative support to the Director.
Application Process: Inter ested candidates should
submit a resume to:
Fr. Al Concha -
Fax: 610/692-9623
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Adult Faith Formation
If you worship with us, we welcome you to St .Agnes
Church! We encourage you to register and become an acve member of our parish community. We strive to keep
our membership records as updated as possible. There is a
constant ebb and flow of people moving in and out of the
parish. If you don’t receive mail from the parish, it is a good
indica on that we do not have you enrolled. If you wish to
register, please come to the Rectory Office a er Mass on
Sunday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM .
The Rectory Office phone number is (610) 692-2990.
School of Community – weekly companionship & reflection on the presence of Christ in our lives using writings
promoted by Communion & Liberation, a lay movement
founded by Msgr. Luigi Giussani
Meets: Tuesday evenings 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Day Room
Contact: Barbara Kirby (610) 429-0697
Women’s Bible Study – “Walking toward Eternity”
Meets: Thursday mornings 9am – 11 am TPH
Contact: Sharon Chevalier (610) 738-7720
Men’s Bible Study
Meets: Friday mornings 6:30 am – 7:30 am TPH
Contact: Denny Masson –484-354-9601
The King’s Men
Contact: Denny Masson—
Adult Evening Study -Please keep an eye out for upcoming evening study sessions
Contact: Rob and Terry Gallagher at (610) 996-6761
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you knit or crochet, please consider joining Saint
Agnes's Prayer Shawl Ministry. ComforƟng shawls
are prayerfully worked to be given to others: the ill,
bereaved, infants at-risk, etc.
For informaƟon, or to request a shawl:
Breaking Open of the Word- is a time to come together as
a community and share how God speaks to us through his
Word in Sacred Scripture proclaimed in the Sunday readings at Mass. Breaking Open the Word is every Sunday immediately following the 10:30 Mass. Both take place in the
Religious Education Office. All are welcome to come and
learn about the faith or share it with others. Anyone
interested may contact Claudia Robuck at or the Religious Education
Office at (610) 436-4640.
Crown of Thorns Prayer Ministry The ministry prays
for healing of people with mental, emotional and physical
illnesses, conversion of hearts and souls to God, and reparation of sins.
Contact Chris Turner at or
call at 484-459-3838.
Young Adults: Join us for Monthly AdoraƟon
Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC pronounced "kayak") exists to offer Catholics in
their 20s and 30s local social, spiritual, and service opportuni es. Join us this Wednesday at
7:30 pm for monthly Adora on, confessions, and
night prayer at St. Agnes. Check us out on Facebook or email us at for more
Legion of Mary-Join us for work and devotions,
Contact: Carmela Cinquina at
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31 de mayo de 2015
Solemnidad de La San sima Trinidad Ciclo B
Misa en español Todos los domingos a las 12:00 (mediodía ) y días de precepto a las 7:00 pm.
Horario de confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 5:00 pm en la iglesia.
Bautizos: El primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:15pm. Comuníquese con la hernana Martha para registrarse a
tiempo.(610) 436-5580.
Clases de Inglés: Grupo A: Lunes y Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00 PM , y Grupo B: Martes y miércoles de 10:00 a 11:00
AM. Empezando en la semana del 15 de septiembre.
Pláticas pre-bautismales: El último jueves de mes a las 7:00 pm, en la capilla. Comuníquese con Eva Henríquez al
teléfono (610)692-4708.
Grupos de Oración: Se reunen en el Thomas Patrick Hall (TPH) los miércoles a las 7:00pm. Para información,
comuníquese con el señor Mauricio García al teléfono (484) 319-0648.
Boleơn: Para cualquier anuncio que desee publicar en esta página del bole n, favor de llamar a Eva Henriquez
al teléfono (610) 692-4708 o enviar mensaje:
Comité Parroquial: Se reune todos los 3er lunes de cada mes enThomas Patrick Hall a las 700pm.
Rosarios en las casas: Si desea el rezo del rosario en su casa comuníquese con Maria Or z al teléfono
(610) 696-7192
Dios es Padre, Hijo y Espíritu. El Padre es el principio de todo,
la causa del ser del que es, la raíz de los vivientes. Es aquel del
que fluye la Fuente de la vida, la Sabiduría, la Potencia, la Imagen perfecta semejante al Dios invisible: el Hijo engendrado
por el Padre. Por este nombre de Hijo, sabemos que comparte
la misma naturaleza: no es creado por una orden, sino que
brilla sin cesar a par r de su sustancia, unido al Padre de toda
eternidad, igual a él en bondad, igual en potencia, compar endo su gloria.
Cuando nuestra inteligencia haya sido purificada de pasiones
terrestres y cuando deje a un lado toda criatura sensible, igual
que un pez que emerge de las profundidades a la superficie,
devuelta a la pureza de su creación, verá entonces al Espíritu
Santo allí donde está el Hijo y donde está el Padre. Este Espíritu, siendo la misma esencia según su naturaleza, posee todos
lo bienes: bondad, rec tud, san dad, vida. Lo mismo que arder está ligado al fuego y resplandecer a la luz, así no se le
puede quitar al Espíritu Santo el hecho de san ficar o dar vida.
Evento memorable en la parroquia Santa Inés
Francisco Henriquez , miembro de la parroquia Santa Inés será
a ordenado diácono permanente el 6 de junio de 2015 en la Catedral Basílica San Pedro y San
Pablo por el Arzobispo Carlos Chaput. La misa de acción de gracias será el domingo 7 de junio
a las 12:00m en la parroquia de Santa Inés. Mantengamos en nuestras oraciones a Francisco
por su perseverancia en su vocación al servicio de la Iglesia.
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St. Agnes School News
Philadelphia Union Visits Grade 5
To help combat childhood obesity in the Philadelphia area, the Independence Blue Cross (IBC) Founda on took a huge step by implemen ng the Healthy Futures ini a ve. The goal of the ini a ve is to
improve the health of children and reverse the childhood obesity
epidemic. As part of the program, St. Agnes students have had a
culinary class to teach how to cook, a class in healthy ea ng and
healthy growing, a personal trainer has come by to teach techniques
they can use at home and a CHOP nurse for a wellness class and
injury preven on. “They’ve had a li le array of a lot of different
things in childhood wellness,” Maureen Furle , senior founda on
program analyst at the IBC Founda on .
Since the IBC Founda on has partnered with the Philadelphia Freedoms, Philadelphia
76ers and Philadelphia Union, somemes the students get a very special guest. And on May 18, St. Agnes fi h graders had the
opportunity to meet and talk with defender Richie Marquez of the Union as part of the Get Fit
por on of the program.
“The kids absolutely love it,” Furle said. “They get so thrilled to see a professional athlete
come out here and talk to them about how he stays fit and what he does to eat right and get
enough sleep at night and things like that. They do a lot of fun components with them, as well
as some soccer drills. It really is just the mo va on from the player and from the Union staff to
get these kids pumped about ge ng the right exercise. It’s terrific.”
The students were broken down into different groups and rotated around to sta ons where they
got to do different soccer drills and had me to speak with Marquez, who is in his rookie season
with the club. The students got to ask him whatever was on their minds.
“I think it’s awesome and I love it,” Marquez said. “I think this is how everything starts — you start
young. As an adult, you can teach kids at a young age it’s be er for them and be er for them in
the future.”
Marquez may not have had a professional athlete give him the mo va on as a kid growing up in
California, but that’s what his siblings were for. “I have three older brothers,” he said. “Those guys
were always on me and on my case. We’re all pre y compe ve, so I was constantly trying to keep up with them.” Some mes with parents,
whatever they say will go in one ear and out the other. That’s why the IBC Foundaon takes advantage of bringing in athletes.
“I’m a researcher and founda on person, but I always wear a different hat — I’m a
mom, too,” Furle said. “I know how excited kids can get and really, the impact it
can have to have that influence and mo va on, especially coming from these professional athletes and CHOP — the best of the best in childhood wellness. It’s really
exci ng.”
For Marquez, he relishes the chance to give back, especially to students.
“I’ve always loved kids,” he said. “I worked with kids in college and being able to help
them out any way I can is always a special thing for me.”
Our mission at Saint Agnes Catholic School is to develop every student spiritually, intellectually, physically, emoƟonally and socially in a joyful,
faith-based environment that inspires integrity, ciƟzenship, leadership and service to others in the Church and in the world.
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InformaƟon Page
St. Agnes
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