Pastoral Staff: FR. GREGORY VENEKLASE, OCD, ADMIN. Dk. Robert Kostka, Permanent Deacon Sue Hanmer, Business Administrator Kathy Saylor, Secretary Jean Zielinski, DRE, 906-284-3136 ST. AGNES PARISH 702 N. 4th Ave, Iron River, MI 49935-1304 Phone (906) 265-4557 Fax (906) 265-7155 ST. CECILIA PARISH P.O. Box 517 510 Brady Street, Caspian, MI 49915 Phone (906) 265-3777 Email: Web Site: Or PARISHES’ MEMBERSHIP New families and individuals are welcome to the Parishes. It is important that every family or independent adult register in the Parish of their choice: to keep our records, especially addresses, current. Please contact the Office, located at St Agnes Rectory, to register, as soon as you are able. Thank you, and Welcome! BULLETIN NOTICES Submit bulletin notices in writing to the Rectory before 9:30am on Monday. SACRAMENTS: SUNDAY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: St. Agnes 4:00 PM Sat. & 10:00 AM Sun. St. Cecilia 8:00 AM & 12 NOON Sun. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:45 AM—9:30 AM at St Cecilia, 2:30 PM—3:30 PM at St. Agnes, before daily Mass, or by appointment INFANT BAPTISM: Parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must be registered and be actively participating in parish life. Parents must also attend a Baptism class before the Baptism of their first child. Contact the office in advance. MATRIMONY: Arrangements for marriages must be made at least six months in advance. One of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, contact the parish office immediately. ST. CECILIA Palm Sunday MARCH 29, 2015 ST. AGNES Welcome to St. Cecilia Parish of Caspian and St. Agnes Parish of Iron River SATURDAY, MARCH 28 ST C 8:00 AM +Jane Kinney by Kinney family ST A 4:00 PM For the parishioners PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29 ST C 8:00 AM +Fr. Sartorelli by Leonard & Marilyn Gasperini and family ST A 10:00 AM +Jane Eagloski by her family ST C 12:00 PM Sue & Mike Hanmer by friends MONDAY, MARCH 30 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Dorine Quarless by Barb & Brian Johnson TUESDAY, MARCH 31 ST A 5:05 PM Rosary ST A 5:30 PM +Casey Schmitt by Robert & Catherine Cole WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Arthur Carne by his daughters ADORATION—Benediction at 3 PM, St Agnes HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2 ST C 5:30 PM +Douglas McGreaham by his parents Chalmers & Mitzi 5:30 Mass will be followed by Adoration til 11pm ST A Adoration from 7:30pm—10pm *ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND ADORATION* COMMUNITY NEWS PRO LIFE CORNER Many times truth and justice are compromised by the desire to avoid offending anyone! This applies to those of us who may be afraid to speak the truth about abortion. Let us pray for God’s courage to always speak the truth in defending the culture of life. Glimpses of the Life of Venerable Bishop Baraga The missioner, the people of the mission and I myself were very pleased that I came, for on the Sunday that I stayed here, I confirmed ninety persons whom in the Summer I could not have found here...And I thank God that I could make this journey on foot to administer to these good people the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3 St. Vincent de Paul ST C 12:10 PM Passion Service ST A 2:30 PM Passion Service Today is Palm Sunday and the Divine Mercy Novena begins today-books at entrances beginning of the holiest of HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4, EASTER VIGIL Christian weeks. Let us pray for the Grace to take up our ST A 8:00 PM +Manny Beauchamp own cross and to follow Jesus by his wife & family through death to new life. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 ST C 8:00 AM For the parishioners ST A 10:00 AM +Fred Roberts, Stanchina & Banche families by Tena, Theresa & Melanie ST C 12:00 PM +Joe Bal (20th anniversary) by Betty Bal During Lent, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring the mercy of Jesus into the hearts of the poor by assisting families, providing food & utility/rent help. SCRIPTURE READINGS Mar 30 Mon Is 42:1-7 Jn 12:1-11 Mar 31 Tue Is 49:1-6 Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Apr 1 Wed Is 50:4-9a Mt 26:14-25 Apr 2 Thu Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21 Evening: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Apr 3 Fri Is 52:13—53:12Heb4:14-16 Jn 18:1—9:42 Apr 4 Sat Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a Ex 14:15—15:1 Apr 5 Sun Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Col 3:1-4 Mk 16:1-7 Knights of Columbus 20-20 winner Week #13: Margaret Christensen This week our featured sponsor is: Lato Pole Building, Inc. 328 Hwy 141, Crystal Falls 35 years experience Don Lato 906-875-3542 “?”: “What is redemptive suffering?” Fr Greg: In a “nutshell”, “redemptive suffering“ is that suffering which Our Lord Jesus Christ endured for our Salvation, plus whatever suffering which we endure while offering it to God the Father in union with the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. EASTER SUNDAY Some people think that Christmas is the most important day of the year. But that’s just the beginning of everything, with Jesus’ birth. The biggest day of the year for Christians is EASTER! Easter Sunday is a day of joy. At Mass we read about how Jesus rose from the dead. Bells ring out. Easter lilies bloom, families share meals, and we sing “Alleluia,” which means “praise God!” APRIL EVENTS AND MEETINGS Faith Class Tuesday, March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28 St. Agnes Little Flower Room Bible Study—no class on April 2 Thursday, April 9, 16, 23, 30 St. Agnes Church Hall HOME VISITS: Thurs. April 2 Friday April 10 April 8, 6pm, Parishes’ Council April 9, 6:30pm Knights of Columbus April 12, >8am Mass, Men’s Club April 12, 3pm, Divine Mercy, St. Cecilia April 14, 1pm, St. Agnes Altar Soc. LFR April 20, 6pm, St. Anne’s, Fr. Sartorelli Hall April 22, 10am, Mass at IRCC April 28, 10am, Mass at ICMCF RECTORY OFFICE CLOSED AT NOON ON GOOD FRIDAY MARCH 29, 2015, PALM SUNDAY FR. GREG’S NOTES This weekend we observe both Palm and Passion Sundays, with both the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem [Palm Sunday], and the reading of the Passion and death of Jesus [what used to be called, “Passion Sunday”]. This year’s Passion is from the Gospel of St Mark. A procession is possible before the main Sunday Mass, and the Blessing & distribution of palms takes place at each Holy Mass. We carefully bring our Blessed palms home with us, and place them reverently with a Blessed Crucifix or Holy painting or statue to remind us throughout the year of the Praise which we owe to God for His Gift of Salvation, as well as the hope we have of obtaining the Palm Branch of Victory at the end of our Earthly life, and entry into Heaven’s Praise & Glory! Many thanks, again, to all who worked so hard to prepare, put on and clean-up after, the “Fun & Games” night at St Cecilia last Saturday. There were many smiles and much laughter, indicating that all had a good time! I am still trying to put together an accurate proposal to send to our Bishop for the repainting and flooring at St Cecilia, while a couple of ladies are continuing to do a wonderful job of cleaning and organizing. We are still awaiting the sale of property donated to St Agnes, for money to fund repairs and other energy-saving projects. May our Holy Week Liturgies bring you & yours many Graces! Wish List [St Joseph, O.P.N.] * an electronic carillon [bells] for St Agnes * new Church flooring at St Cecilia, repair and paint walls * video security system for each Parish Dream List {St Joseph, O.P.N.} * 26 yet-needed windows at St Agnes Rectory [replacing the rest of the rotted ones] * repair/re-surface both parking lots * camp-style steel pipe gates and concretefilled steel posts to fence-off the St Agnes property along 3rd Ave, and between the school & Church, for safety & preservation PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Fr. Norm Clisch, Roland Kwasny, Richard Roche, Jean Ross, Mike Manfrom, Cheri Dennis, Doug Damp, Ken Damitz, Adeline Brunell, Suzzette Camomilli, Robert LaMarche, Corrine & Kelly Williams, Andrew & Valerie Tomasoski, Gary P. Johnson, Sharon Trapasso, August Menghini, Cari & Pierce Dzanbazoff, Jody Pederson, Debbie Ponozzo Clark, Chris Bal, Betty Webber- Williams, Mary S., Shelly Silfven, Lee Routheaux, Sharon Warner, Shirley LaBocki, Patricia Sebastian, David Ross, Jacob Tomasoski, Donna Hibbard, David Eberhard, Lorraine Saigh, Joyce Singleton, Jerry Schinella, Ed Lau, Irene Guisbert, Pat Cole, Charlotte Serena, Juanita Frostell, Aloysius Hasenberg, Marshall Henke, Carol Hoover, Tony Fittante, Leila Hope Adamson, Stephanie Tinkey, Bill Koepsell, Gloria Vjak, Zachary Lambert, Dora Bobula, Helen Shubat, Shannon DeRoche, Clare Gross, Mary Ann VanWagner, Mary Nelson, Shirley Sartorelli, Allyce Westphal, Verna Pedranzan, Gene Zanon, Mary Hall, Kathleen Miller, Jerry Koski, Arla Thomas, Jayni Angeli, Marilyn Uren, Ginny Benson, Helen Jones, Terri Ann Johnson, Amy Fisco, Rica Watts, Jim Condon, Corinne Ross, Teresa Cristan, Ernest Sorby, John Trottier, Regina Robinson, Ryan Swee-Hoover, Vickie Johnson, Irene Youngren, Blanche Gursky, Antoinette Sova, Sandy Moln, family of Dean Choquette, Julius Scalcucci, Adam Wilson, Marge Phillips, Ted & Frances Kozicki, Dan Vignali, Sally Applin-Reed, Sue Hanmer, Rolando Ansay, Lois Langford, Mitzi McGreaham, Harold Nichols, David Mangone, baby Isaac Palmer PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS 111 St. Agnes envelopes were returned last week, representing 40% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $2045.50 averaging $18.43 per contributor. ST. AGNES Adults…………………. Loose………………….. Fuel/utility…………… Catholic Relief ………. Catholic newspaper… Nat’l communication.. Easter flowers……….. Votive lights………….. Total last week………. $2045.50 210.00 70.00 20.00 1.00 2.00 175.00 45.75 $2569.25 ST. CECILIA Adults…………………. Loose………………….. Fuel/utility.………….. Catholic relief………… Catholic schools…….. Home missions……… Easter flowers……….. Votive lights………….. Total Last Week……… $2488.50 180.00 3.00 169.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 62.25 $2226.25 118 St. Cecilia envelopes were returned last week, representing 48% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $2488.50 averaging $21.09 per contributor. Thank you for your generosity! Stained-Glass Series St Cecilia: Sanctuary, right side The right of the three windows in the Church Sanctuary portrays the following, from top to bottom: a winged lion representing St. Mark the Evangelist, a scroll representing the prayer of petition, a harp representing the prayer of adoration, incense from a censer representing the prayer of thanksgiving, a crown of thorns representing the prayer of atonement, and a winged eagle representing the Evangelist St John. Please pray for the Eternal Repose of STANLEY CIECIORKA ANN BRUNAMONTI HOLY LAND/NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COLLECTION On Good Friday, April 3, our parishes will take up this annual collection. Your support of the Holy Land portion of the collection helps house and feed the poor, provide religious information and education, maintain shrines and parishes, and conduct pastoral ministry. The communication portion supports the ministry of the U.S. Bishops’ Catholic Communication Campaign, which communicates the Gospel through Catholic Social media, half of this collection remains in our diocese, used toward the U.P. Catholic, etc. LENTEN RECIPE CORNER Granola Fruit Wraps Large flour tortillas (or other whole grain wraps) Natural peanut butter Low-fat granola Grapes Apples, peeled and diced Place tortilla in microwave, heat about 15 sec. Spread peanut butter down the middle of tortilla only, about a 2 inch strip (not the entire tortilla) Sprinkle granola on top of peanut butter Place grapes and apples on top of granola Fold tortilla, first from bottom then sides, like a burrito. This is the last recipe in the Lenten series. Thank you to all who shared their recipes.
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