Pastoral Staff: FR. GREGORY VENEKLASE, OCD, ADMIN. Dk. Robert Kostka, Permanent Deacon Sue Hanmer, Business Administrator Kathy Saylor, Secretary Jean Zielinski, DRE, 906-284-3136 ST. AGNES PARISH 702 N. 4th Ave, Iron River, MI 49935-1304 Phone (906) 265-4557 Fax (906) 265-7155 ST. CECILIA PARISH P.O. Box 517 510 Brady Street, Caspian, MI 49915 Phone (906) 265-3777 Email: Web Site: Or PARISHES’ MEMBERSHIP New families and individuals are welcome to the Parishes. It is important that every family or independent adult register in the Parish of their choice: to keep our records, especially addresses, current. Please contact the Office, located at St Agnes Rectory, to register, as soon as you are able. Thank you, and Welcome! BULLETIN NOTICES Submit bulletin notices in writing to the Rectory before 9:30am on Monday. SACRAMENTS: SUNDAY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: St. Agnes 4:00 PM Sat. & 10:00 AM Sun. St. Cecilia 8:00 AM & 12 NOON Sun. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:45 AM—9:30 AM at St Cecilia, 2:30 PM—3:30 PM at St. Agnes, before daily Mass, or by appointment INFANT BAPTISM: Parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must be registered and be actively participating in parish life. Parents must also attend a Baptism class before the Baptism of their first child. Contact the office in advance. MATRIMONY: Arrangements for marriages must be made at least six months in advance. At least one of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, contact the parish office immediately. ST.CECILIA First Sunday of Lent FEBRUARY 22, 2015 ST. AGNES Welcome to St. Cecilia Parish of Caspian and St. Agnes Parish of Iron River Mass Intentions SATURDAY, FEBUARY 21 ST C 8:00 AM +David Adamson by wife Barbara ST A 4:00 PM +Fred Saigh by Cory COMMUNITY NEWS PRO LIFE CORNER Worldwide, it has been estimated that there have been more than 1.73 BILLION aborST C 8:00 AM +Julie McDonald tions over the last 42 years. by husband Don This is a trend that is not lessST A 10:00 AM +John Angeloff, Jr. by Crystal Falls HS class of 1943 ening but growing exponentially as more countries emST C 12:00 PM For the parishioners brace and legalize abortion. MONDAY, FEBUARY 23 We must pray and work to end ST A 7:35 AM Rosary abortion and euthanasia. ST A 8:00 AM +George Moyle by wife Lena TUESDAY, FEBUARY 24 Celebrating the Wisdom of ST A 5:05 PM Rosary Venerable Bishop Baraga ST A 5:30 PM +Edna Lipiec “The marching through the day Love, Ronnie is still tolerable, but when it WEDNESDAY, FEBUARY 25 comes to the evening, to spend ST A 7:35 AM Rosary the night on the snow under the ST A 8:00 AM +For the Poor Souls in Purgatory open sky in this northerly cliby Margaret Shine mate, that does not go well. By ADORATION—Benediction 3pm at St. Agnes the tiresome walking on snowTHURSDAY, FEBUARY 26 shoes, over hill and dale, one is ST C 7:35 AM Rosary in a sweat the entire day...and ST C 8:00 AM +William Webber in the evening, when one comes by Art & Dorothy Aregoni to a halt, he then soon feels FRIDAY, FEBUARY 27 extremely cold and begins to ST C 7:35 AM Rosary shiver as if he had a fever.” ST C 8:00 AM +Art Bal (20th anniversary) by Betty Bal Please Pray for Vocations ADORATION—Benediction noon at St. Cecilia SUNDAY, FEBUARY 22 SATURDAY, FEBUARY 28 ST C 8:00 AM +Jane Kinney by Roland Kinney ST A 4:00 PM For the parishioners St. Vincent de Paul In the Gospel, Jesus overcomes the temptations to wealth, power and esteem. As we begin SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Lent, may we open our hearts to ST C 8:00 AM +Deceased members of the the grace of prayer, fasting and Deno & Jennie Sartorelli family almsgiving. by Don & Marion This month, through your gifts, ST A 10:00 AM +Roberta Schewe the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by Cheryl & Ray Spencer ST C 12:00 PM +Kay Dalessandri, by Myrna Masuga, was able to assist families by providing food and help with utility, Paula & Mike Maloney, Julie & rent and other bills. God Bless Rodney Shaw, Cory & Valerie You! Masuga, Mike & Carol Masuga, Paul & Marlene Masuga, Mary & MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Rich Shamion, Pat & Dick Goely Our St. Agnes & St. Cecilia Churches’ SCRIPTURE READINGS Feb 23 Mon Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 Mt 25:31-46 Feb 24 Tues Is 55:10-11 Mt 6:7-15 retreat at Marygrove, combined with Ontonagon, Ewen, Ironwood, Bessemer and Crystal Falls Churches, is scheduled for April 24-26. For info call the office: 265-4557 or Marygrove: 906-644-2771 Feb 25 Wed Jon 3:1-10 Lk 11:29-32 Feb 26 Thu Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25 Mt 7:7-12 This week our featured sponsor is: Feb 27 Fri Ez 18:21-28 Mt 5:20-26 Feb 28 Sat Dt 26:16-19 Mt 5:43-48 40 E. Adams St., Iron River, MI Free Wireless-Pool-Perk Breakfast Mar 1 Sun Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Rom 8:31b-34 Mk 9:2-10 AmericInn 906-265-9100 “?”: “ What is the difference between a homily and a sermon?” Fr Greg: There are two main differences between a homily and a sermon: length, and subject matter [topic]. A homily is shorter—eight to ten minutes is considered ideal—and is about the Scripture Readings for that day’s Holy Mass. A Sermon is longer, generally thirty minutes or longer, and can talk about topics other than the Scripture Readings for the day’s Holy Mass. CONGRATULATIONS! ST. AGNES ALTAR SOCIETY’S NEW OFFICERS: President: Marni Suliin (265-9788) Vice President: Mary Commenator Secretary: Judy Boegler Treasurer: Dolores Sapletal Thank you to the outgoing officers for all your years of dedicated service. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL. NEEDED! St. Cecilia Church is in need of 2 newer baby highchairs & large oven casserole dishes. If you would like to donate these items please call Mary Ann at: 265-0363 Also, there are dishes, platters, etc. in need of pick-up at St. Cecilia. Please stop by to see if any of them are yours. Thank you. FEBRUARY EVENTS AND MEETINGS NO Faith Class on Tuesday, Feb. 24 Bible Study Thursday, Feb.26 St. Agnes Church Hall Feb. 24, 10am, Mass at ICMCF Feb. 25, 10am, Mass at IRCC STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday during Lent St. Agnes: 3:10pm St. Cecilia: 5:10pm February 22, 2015, First Sunday of Lent FR. GREG’S NOTES Welcome to Lent! In this Season of penance, begun with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads, we try to grow in holiness through generosity in giving and self-denial in daily living. In this Year “B” of the Church’s Scriptural Cycle, we begin on a positive note: by hearing of Noah and the Ark which God ordered him to make, as well as God’s Promise to never destroy all mortal beings by flood again. The bad news is, that the next cleansing destruction will be by fire! The Gospel has Jesus “driven” by the Holy Spirit out into the desert to be tempted for 40 days. Jesus stays until the arrest of His cousin John the Baptist. St Peter, the first Pope, reminds us in the Second Reading, that Jesus suffered and died for our sins; then arose from the dead. Jesus’ Gift of the Sacrament of Baptism, prefigured by the Great Flood, washes our souls and consciences clean. And that gives us hope of one day joining Jesus in Heaven! On Thursday, Feb. 12th, we had a spe- cial visitor. A Mr. Curtis Chambers, parishioner of the Catholic Church in Cheboygan, MI, and former Chairman of the Burt Lake Band of Ottawa & Chippewa, stopped by the Office at the end of his snowshoe trek in honor of Ven. Bishop Baraga. He left us a Letter of Presentation from our Bishop John, a poem which he wrote about Ven. Baraga, and a cedar cross with sweetgrass & red, white, yellow and black ribbons attached. They can be seen in the Office. Wish List [St Joseph, O.P.N.] * an electronic carillon [bells] at St Agnes * new Church flooring at St Cecilia, repair and painting of Sanctuary walls * video security system for each Parish * new roof for former convent at St Agnes Dream List {St Joseph, O.P.N.} * 26 yet-needed windows at St Agnes Rectory [replacing the rest of the rotted ones] * repair/re-surface both parking lots * camp-style pipe & concrete-filled pipe fencing & gates for 3rd Ave St Agnes lots, & between Church & School for protection PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Fr. Norm Clisch, Roland Kwasny, Richard Roche, Jean Ross, Mike Manfrom, Cheri Dennis, Rita Marlowe, Doug Damp, Ken Damitz, Adeline Brunell, Suzzette Camomilli, Robert LaMarche, Corrine Williams, Andrew & Valerie Tomasoski, Gary P. Johnson, Sharon Trapasso, August Menghini, Cari & Pierce Dzanbazoff, Jody Pederson, Debbie Ponozzo Clark, Chris Bal, Betty Webber Williams, Mary S., Shelly Silfven, Ann Brunamonti, Lee Routheaux, Sharon Warner, Shirley LaBocki, Patricia Sebastian, David Ross, Jacob Tomasoski, Donna Hibbard, David Eberhard, Lorraine Saigh, Joyce Singleton, Jerry Schinella, Ed Lau, Irene Guisbert, Pat Cole, Charlotte Serena, Juanita Frostell, Aloysius Hasenberg, Marshall Henke, Carol Hoover, Tony Fittante, Leila Hope Adamson, Stephanie Tinkey, Bill Koepsell, Gloria Vjak, Zachary Lambert, Dora Bobula, Helen Shubat, Shannon DeRoche, Clare Gross, Mary Ann VanWagner, Mary Nelson, Shirley Sartorelli, Allyce Westphal, Verna Pedranzan, Gene Zanon, Mary Hall, Kathleen Miller, Jerry Koski, Arla Thomas, Jayni Angeli, Marilyn Uren, Ginny Benson, Helen Jones, Terri Johnson, Amy Fisco, Rica Watts, Jim Condon, Corinne Ross, Teresa Cristan, Ernest Sorby, John Trottier, Regina Robinson, Ryan Swee-Hoover, Vickie Johnson, Irene Youngren, Blanche Gursky, Antoinette Sova, Sandy Moln, family of Dean Choquette, Julius Scalcucci, Adam Wilson, Marge Phillips, Ted & Frances Kozicki, Dan Vignali, Ron Sykora, Sally Applin-Reed, Sue Hanmer, Rolando Ansay PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS 113 St. Agnes envelopes were returned last week, representing 41% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $2586.00 averaging $22.88 per contributor. ST. AGNES Adults……………………. $2586.00 Loose…………………….. 88.70 Cen. & East. Mission…. 20.00 Newspaper……………… 30.00 Votives lights…………… 34.00 Total last week…………. $2758.70 ST. CECILIA Adults…………………... $1259.50 Loose……………………. 214.00 Newspaper……………… 45.00 Eastern Europe.………. 5.00 Votive lights…………... 26.35 Total Last Week……... $1549.85 86 St. Cecilia envelopes were returned last week, representing 35% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $1259.50 averaging $14.65 per contributor. +++ Additional collection envelopes for St. Cecilia: 68 contribution envelopes = $1502.00 30 Catholic newspaper en.= $ 337.00 Thank you for your generosity! Stained-Glass Series St Agnes: Saint Patrick The first window on the top-right, as we enter the Little Flower Room from the Church, is of the famous St. Patrick. St. Patrick was likely born in England, around the year 389 A.D. At 16, he was captured by Irish raiders, and sold as a slave in Ireland. He later managed to escape and return to England. Patrick never forgot Ireland, and following his Ordination, he went back to Ireland as a missionary bishop! St. Patrick was very successful in converting the Irish. God permitted him to work many miracles. He died around the year 461 A.D. He is the Patron Saint of Ireland to this day. Feast Day: March 17th Knights of Columbus 20-20 winner: Week #8: Jeff Haydon LENTEN RECIPE CORNER! CRAB ROCKEFELLER 4 T. butter 2 T. flour 1 1/2 C. milk 1/2 C. grated Parmesan cheese 1-10oz pkg. frozen spinach chopped, thawed & squeezed dry 1-6 oz can crabmeat, drained, flaked and picked for cartilage 1/2 C. dry bread crumbs In a sauce pan melt 2 T. butter, stir in flour until smooth, gradually add milk. Bring to a slow boil while stirring. Stir for about 2 min. or thickened. Reduce heat. Stir in cheese until smooth. Add spinach & crab. Transfer to a greased shallow 1 qt. baking dish. Melt remaining butter, toss with bread crumbs. Sprinkle over the top. Bake uncovered at 375 for 15-20 min. or until bubbly. GRILLED CHEESE—VARIATIONS! Butter bread—or use Mayo, add your favorite cheese or try a new kind. Here is where it becomes interesting! Add any or all of the following: slices of tomato, jalapeno peppers (fresh sliced or jar), black olives, or small amt. raw or fried onions. Grill as usual. Be sure to flip carefully.
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