Pastoral Staff: FR. GREGORY VENEKLASE, OCD, ADMIN. Dk. Robert Kostka, Permanent Deacon Sue Hanmer, Business Administrator Kathy Saylor, Secretary Jean Zielinski, DRE, 906-284-3136 ST. AGNES PARISH 702 N. 4th Ave, Iron River, MI 49935-1304 Phone (906) 265-4557 Fax (906) 265-7155 ST. CECILIA PARISH P.O. Box 517 510 Brady Street, Caspian, MI 49915 Phone (906) 265-3777 Email: Web Site: Or PARISHES’ MEMBERSHIP New families and individuals are welcome to the Parishes. It is important that every family or independent adult register in the Parish of their choice: to keep our records, especially addresses, current. Please contact the Office, located at St Agnes Rectory, to register, as soon as you are able. Thank you, and Welcome! ST. CECILIA AND ST. AGNES PARISHES OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE November 23, 2014 BULLETIN NOTICES Submit bulletin notices in writing to the Rectory before 9:30am on Monday. SACRAMENTS: SUNDAY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: St. Agnes 4:00 PM Sat. & 10:00 AM Sun. St. Cecilia 8:00 AM & 12 NOON Sun. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:45 AM—9:30 AM at St Cecilia, 2:30 PM—3:30 PM at St. Agnes, before daily Mass, or by appointment INFANT BAPTISM: Parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must be registered and be actively participating in parish life. Parents must also attend a Baptism class before the Baptism of their first child. Contact the office in advance. MATRIMONY: Arrangements for marriages must be made at least six months in advance. One of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, contact the parish office immediately. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Welcome to St. Cecilia Parish of Caspian and St. Agnes Parish of Iron River Mass Intentions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 ST C 8:00 AM +Kathryn Bugni by George & Beverly Woons ST A 4:00 PM Conversion of our government by Char Serena SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 ST C 8:00 AM For the parishioners ST A 10:00 AM +The parents of Bob & Micki Haydon by Micki ST C 12:00 PM +Ed Stauber by Donn, Faye, Alex, Aubrey and Austin Atanasoff MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +The Brule Lake Bachelors by Edward Ochylski TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 ST A 5:30 PM +Kathryn Bugni by Mrs. Veronica Ropele & family WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Deceased family members of Joseph & Mathilda Grant by their family ADORATION—Benediction at 3pm @ St. Agnes THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 ST C 7:30 AM Rosary ST C 8:00 AM +Archie Carlotto by Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Meyer FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 ST C 7:35 AM Rosary ST C 8:00 AM +Gerald Jurecic by his wife & children ADORATION—Benediction at noon @ St. Cecilia SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 ST C 8:00 AM +Lena Delago by John & Olga Cocco ST A 4:00 PM For the parishioners SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 ST C 8:00 AM +Keith Mitchell by his wife Elvira & family ST A 10:00 AM +Tom & Nancy Beber by Dcn. Bob & Sue Kostka ST C 12:00 PM +Keith Mitchell by Carol Busakowski SCRIPTURE READINGS Nov 24 Mon Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 COMMUNITY NEWS PRO LIFE CORNER Please pray for those in danger of abortion. May their parents be open to the new life that God has chosen to give them, no matter the circumstances of conception. Let us pray and work to end abortion. Please Pray for Vocations, including to Matrimony. Celebrating the Wisdom Of Venerable Bishop Baraga Fr. Baraga thanked God every day for the privilege of laboring and suffering for His Name, yet, he did have one complaint. He found it difficult to read his breviary by the flickering light of campfire. St. Vincent de Paul Today as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear Jesus say: “...whatever you did for one of the least brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” Knowing that we find the Face of Christ in the poor, this month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to provide families with food & help with utility & rent, etc. Thank you! Nov 25 Tue Rv 14:14-19 Lk 21:5-11 Nov 26 Wed Rv 15:1-4 Lk 21:12-19 Nov 27 Thu, Thanksgiving Day Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 Nov 28 Fri Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2 Lk 21:29-33 Nov 29 Sat Rv 22:1-7 lk 21:34-36 Nov 30 Sun Is 63:16b-17, 19b, 64:2-7 This week our featured advertiser is: First Financial Insurance Agency Home-Auto-Life John Waite, Agent-Parishioner 906-265-6457 “?”: “If the Father-Son-Holy Spirit are all equal, then how could the Father send the Son down to Earth to be crucified? Why didn’t the Son send the Father?” Fr Greg: First of all, the Holy Trinity: One God in Three Divine Persons, is a Mystery beyond our understanding. Secondly, the Father begot the Son. Thirdly, the Father asked the Son to Redeem us, and the Son said Yes! And, while the Divinity of the Son was mysteriously joined to His humanity on Earth, it was at the same time also in Heaven! The Son didn’t send the Father because God chose not to do it that way, and it shows us the hierarchy of Family! PAMPHLETS CD’S COMMUNITY NEWS OTHER INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ALL LOCATED AT THE CHURCHES’ ENTRANCES. PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT AND CHECK-OUT ALL THAT IS AVAILABLE. UPCSA—TOTALS: 98 RETURNED ST. AGNES=$17,773.08 119 RETURNED ST. CECILIA=$18,926.10 THANK YOU! HAT & MITTEN TREES The trees are up and ready to be decorated with your homemade or newly purchased hats & mittens. Also needed are scarves & socks. Thank you for helping those in need. May God Bless you. NOVEMBER 23, 2014, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE FR. GREG’S NOTES This weekend, the crowning of the Catholic Church’s year, God’s Word at Holy Mass presents to us a King Who is more a Good Shepherd! The First Reading from the Prophet Ezekiel has God saying that He will tend His sheep like a good shepherd, gathering them back to Himself, and one day judge between them, “shepherding them rightly.” Following this Reading is the beautiful Psalm 23: “The Lord is my Shepherd”. The Second Reading reminds us that the Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. It also tells us that one day, He will conquer all of His enemies, and turn everything over to His Heavenly Father. Finally, the Gospel reminds us that not all will gain entrance to Heaven, but only those who do the Will of His Heavenly Father, seeing and serving Jesus in the needy! The new combination Missal-Hymnal, “Breaking Bread” will be put into use next weekend. As I mentioned last week, it isn’t perfect, but seems the best which we can afford at this time. It will be both familiar & different. Many of the songs are not appropriate for Holy Mass. Some of them contain doctrinal error. These will not be used, but only those which support God’s Word and His Catholic teachings at Holy Mass! If you look at the top of page 2, you will find, not an “Imprimatur” and “Nihil Obstat”, but rather the words “Concordant cum originali”, meaning only that the songs are in agreement with their owners’ copyrights. Wish List [St Joseph, O.P.N.] * an electronic carillon [bells] for St Agnes * new Church flooring at St Cecilia, repair and paint walls * video security system for each Parish Dream List {St Joseph, O.P.N.} * 26 yet-needed windows at St Agnes Rectory [replacing the rest of the rotted ones] * repair/re-surface both parking lots * camp-style steel pipe gates and concretefilled steel posts to fence-off the St Agnes property along 3rd Ave, and between the school & Church, for safety & preservation PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Fr. Norm Clisch, Roland Kwasny, Richard Roche, Jean Ross, Mike Manfrom, Cheri Dennis, Rita Marlowe, Doug Damp, Ken Damitz, Adeline Brunell, Suzzette Camomilli, Robert LaMarche, Corrine Williams, Andrew Tomasoski, Gary P. Johnson, Sharon Trapasso, August Menghini, Cari & Pierce Dzanbazoff, Jody Pederson, Debbie Ponozzo Clark, Chris Bal, Betty Webber- Williams, Mary S., Shelly Silfven, Ann Brunamonti, Lee Routheaux, Sharon Warner, Shirley LaBocki, Patricia Sebastian, David Ross, Jacob Tomasoski, Donna Hibbard, David Eberhard, Lorraine Saigh, Joyce Singleton, Jerry Schinella, Ed Lau, Irene Guisbert, Pat Cole, Charlotte Serena, Juanita Frostell, Aloysius Hasenberg, Marshall Henke, Carol Hoover, Tony Fittante, Leila Hope Adamson, Stephanie Tinkey, Bill Koepsell, Gloria Vjak, Zachary Lambert, Dora Bobula, Helen Shubat, Shannon DeRoche, Clare Gross, Mary Ann VanWagner, Mary Nelson, Shirley Sartorelli, Allyce Westphal, Verna Pedranzan, Gene Zanon, Mary Hall, Kathleen Miller, Jerry Koski, Arla Thomas, Jayni Angeli, Marilyn Uren, Ginny Benson, Helen Jones, Terri Ann Johnson, Amy Fisco, Rica Watts, Jim Condon, Corinne Ross, Teresa Cristan, Ernest Sorby, John Trottier, Regina Robinson, Valerie Tomasoski, Ryan Swee-Hoover, Vickie Johnson, Irene Youngren, Blanche Gursky, Antoinette Sova, Sandy Moln, family of Dean Choquette, Julius Scalcucci, Adam Wilson, Marge Phillips, Ted & Frances Kozicki No contribution information due to early publication of the bulletin. SAINTS FOR REAL LIFE St. Joseph of Cupertino: Do your kids sometimes struggle with schoolwork? Enlist St. Joseph of Cupertino’s aid. He was said to be extremely “un-clever” and had a dreadful time learning to read and write. But he worked hard and continued to try. Because of that, he is the patron of students and testtaking. He is also known for his mystical visions during prayer. St. Elizabeth of Portugal: Being a step-parent can be difficult, and yet filled with joy at the same time. St. Elizabeth cared for the children she had with Denis, King of Portugal, but also parented his children from other relationships. The kindness and love she showed all of the children is a model for parents today. Stained-Glass Series St Cecilia: Christ Blessing Children This window, in what is now called the “Cry Room”, for those accompanying small children, presents the Lord Jesus calling the little children to Himself and Blessing them. It also has a “mill stone” at the bottom. The top portion reminds us that Jesus wants the children to be allowed by grownups to come to Him. This He told the Apostles who were trying to prevent them. Jesus told us to become “child-like” in accepting & living His teaching if we want to get to Heaven! The bottom portion reminds us that Our Lord also said it would be better for us to have a mill stone tied around our necks and be thrown into the sea, than to lead astray one of His precious little ones! CHRIST THE KING The Solemnity of Christ the King is the final Sunday in the liturgical year. We believe that Christ is king, but not in an earthly sense. He is the Anointed One, the Savior of the world. White or Gold vestments are worn at Mass on this feast to symbolize Christ’s victory over death and Gift of eternal Life. The white garment we are given at Baptism and the white pall laid over our coffin are reflections of our own victory over death in Christ. UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Nov. 25, 6:30pm Faith Class, St. Agnes Little Flower Room THE RECTORY OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED NOVEMBER 27 & 28 THANKSGIVING DAY & THE DAY AFTER We wish all our parishioners and guests a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!
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