St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi
WEDDINGS: Contact Father Broheimer
as soon as possible, at least six months in
PO Box 259, Neligh, NE 68756
Phone 402-887-4521 e-mail
Rev. John Broheimer, Pastor
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
BAPTISMS: Contact Father Broheimer
about time and class
CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before all
Sat and Sun Masses; after 7 pm Mass Sat
and 10 am Mass Sun; 15 minutes before
weekday Masses
Call the Parish Office
ROSARY: Every Sat 10 am at the
Knights of Columbus: First Tue of the
month, 8 pm
Mon 17 Nov -------------Tue 18 Nov ----- 9:00 am (T)
Wed 19 Nov --- 8:30 am (N)
9:30 am (GLC)
Thu 20 Nov----- 9:00 am (T)
Fri 21 Nov ----- 8:30 am (N)
No Mass - Father’s day off
Clem Brotski +
Tom Kaczor +
Mildred Simmons +
Mark & Betty DeCamp +
Shirley Schmit +
Sat 22 Nov ----- 5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Sun 23 Nov ---- 8:00 am
10:00 am
John & Mary O’Brien +
Charley Grace Nielsen +
Av & Frances Klein +
Parishioners of OLMC & St. Francis
Rosary Sodality: Second Tue of the
month, 7 pm (no meeting in July)
Parish Council: Third Thu of the month,
7 pm
Saturday 22 November 7:00 pm
Sunday 23 November 8:00 am
Milly Clemens, Bob Eggerling,
Joe & Bev Hartz, Dale Kallhoff
Kathy Schultz, Jim & Kathy Koenig,
Carla Teel, Doris Ternus, Bill Kuester
Mark Ervin
Mathew Ervin, Brooke Frey, Bryce Frey
Connor Ramold, Ashton Krebs, Beau Murray
Brad Higgins Family
Matt Booth Family
Gordon Baker, Daryl Booth,
Gary Gunderson, Otto Schindler
Tim Kallhoff, Chad Shabram,
Jack Sehi, Merle Kallhoff
Jim McNally
Wednesday 19 November 2014
Grades K-6 6:00-7:00 pm Regular Class
Parent helpers
5:45 -6:00 pm Troy & Bobie Shabram
7:00-7:15 pm Virgina & Leonardo Luna
If you are unable to be at your assigned time,
please find a substitute. Thanks.
Grades 7-8 7:15-8:15 pm Regular Class
Grades 9-12 7:15-8:15 pm No Class
As winter weather is coming, remember that
cancellations of Religious Education Classes will be
announced on the radio or, if we cancel earlier in the day,
at school. We cancel automatically if school is cancelled
or has to let out early and if the wind chill is predicted to
be -10° F or lower before or after class time.
The November Omaha Archdiocesan
Catholic Women deanery meeting will be
Nov at St. Francis Catholic Church
Registration will begin at 9:30 am, and the
begin at 10 am.
Council of
held Tue 18
in Neligh.
meeting will
This weekend there will be a second collection to help
the parish to meet its responsibilities toward Pope John
High School. There is an envelope in your packet for
this collection.
Tuesday this week at 7:15 pm in the Parish Hall we will
have our next installment of the Catholicism series.
This episode about the nature of the Church is called, “A
Body Both Suffering and Glorious.”
Pray for leaders of the pro-life cause
that God may endow them with wisdom.
Again this year we have placed near the sanctuary a
book of remembrance for anyone to inscribe the names
of their deceased relatives and friends. At each Mass
celebrated at St. Francis in November Father will
remember to pray for the persons listed there.
Advent Baby Shower During the Advent Season, as
we anticipate the good news and great joy of our
Savior’s birth please express this joy with gifts for his
little ones. Your unwrapped gifts can be placed in the
play pen across from the St. Joseph statue. Items
needed are disposable diapers size 4 especially, lotion,
shampoo, baby bath and any clothing up to size 18
months. Advent gifts will be gathered until Epiphany.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me;
Body of Christ, save me;
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Passion of Christ, strengthen me;
O good Jesus, hear me;
Within Thy wounds hide me;
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee;
From the malignant enemy defend me;
In the hour of my death call me
and bid me come to Thee
that with Thy Saints I may praise Thee
forever and ever.
Weekly Collection Report
November 8 and 9, 2014:
weekly offering budgeted
offering received on Sun
weekly surplus/(deficit)
Sunday collection report for this fiscal year:
year-to-date budgeted
year-to-date received
year-to-date surplus/(deficit)
Thank you for your generous
donations to your parish.
God is a kind and loving Father whose
greatest desire is that we live forever in
eternal splendor with him. But he does expect us to
do the necessary work on our own part to make
that happen. Jesus showed us the way on Calvary,
the way of sacrifice and love.
We are all called to work for God, to do our part
in building the Kingdom here on earth. It’s
important to know that when we’re working for
God by living in holiness, we’re also working for
our own eternity. Giving God glory and securing
our eternal life are the results of the same good
works and good faith in this life.
There’s definitely a temptation to ignore the fact
that one day we will be called to settle accounts
with the Lord. We can easily go through life
thinking that we can always do better later, pray
later, show more love later. But when we finally get
to our judgment - and no one knows when that will
be - it will be too late to do anything.
The parable this weekend of the Master giving
large sums of money to his servants while he’s
away tells us there’s an urgency to living in
holiness. Our Master will want to know what
we’ve done with all he’s given to us.
Don’t we all know this at the core of our being,
that, in the end, the good will be rewarded and the
wicked will be punished? It’s part of the sense of
justice which God has placed within us as a
reflection of his own perfect Justice. Instead of
hoping that everything will be alright when the time
comes, let’s work each day to please the Lord and
love our neighbor. When we live each day in
righteousness, we have nothing to worry about
when our day comes to tell God what we did with
the gifts he gave us.
- Fr. Broheimer
Please remember in your prayers:
Derek Heiss, Albert Schindler, Jerry Miller, Vince
Thiele, Pat McLain, Marcelline Degener, Ken
Merkel, Doug Eggerling, Jeannie Desanti, Shirley
Fineran, Joe Knust, Dodi Bauer.
Please call the parish office to add names to this list.
Names will remain for three weeks unless otherwise specified.
Thank you for your prayers.
St. Francis families responsible for cleaning
the church Saturdays in November, 9 am
Nov 22 Duane Knievel, Nick Strom, Ron Gilg
Nov 29 Ryan Kittleson, Tom Farber, Jeff Kerkman
Thank you for helping. If you cannot be present
at your assigned time, please find a substitute.
Fr. Broheimer is willing to sub if you need.
Pope John XXIII High School News
The Pope John students will hold a paper drive on Sat 22 Nov.
Please place materials by the parish parking lot in front of church
by 8 am. Papers, mailings, magazines, shredded paper, cereal
boxes and the like will be collected. If at all possible, put them in
double paper sacks. They will not take cardboard. For assistance
in Neligh, call Jon Meis (402-843-0373).
The Pope John Drama Team will present The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow for their annual dinner theater to be held Sat 22 Nov in the
St. Boniface Gym. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm and the
show is at 7:30 pm. Tickets for the show only are not sold in
advance and may be purchased at the door.
Events in Other Places
Friends of St. Boniface is selling Lottery Calendars for
2015 with daily drawing prizes ranging from $50$1,500. To order your calendar send $50 to St. Boniface
Calendar Lottery, PO Box B, Elgin NE 68636. Deadline
is 1 Dec or when all 1,000 are sold.
On Thanksgiving Day St. Boniface in Elgin is serving
turkey, dressing, special recipe sausage, potatoes, gravy,
sauerkraut and ribs, corn, cranberry salad, gelatin salad,
buns, homemade pies and desserts, all buffet style from
11 am to 3 pm. Adults $10, age 6-12 $5, age 2-5 $3.
Raffle drawing at 4 pm. Bingo, Country Store and games
add to the fun.
Post Communion Prayer for the 33rd Sunday
We have partaken of the gifts of this sacred
mystery, humbly imploring, O Lord, that what
your Son commanded us to do in memory of him
may bring us growth in charity.