ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 401 Brookline Blvd. Havertown, PA 19083 Rectory: 610.449.1613 Fax: 610.449.7041 Email: Reverend James M. Cox, Pastor Msgr. Ignatius L. Murray, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, In residence Rev. Ugo Piasentin, In residence Rev. William J. Byron, SJ, Weekend Assistant Deacon Bob McElwee Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8:30 AM Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 AM Holyday Mass Schedule Vigil 7:00PM Holyday 6:30 & 8:30AM Parish Office Hours M-F 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Meetings using parish facilities must be scheduled in advance. Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family. Please call the parish office to register. Phone Directory Rev. James M. Cox Maryanne Eskridge, Secretary Ed McMenamin, Business Manager Zachery Moren, Youth Minister Leslee Smith, CRE/PREP Maria Lennon, Music Director 101 100 102 105 106 400 Cardinal John Foley Regional Catholic School Mrs. MaryAnn DeAngelo, Principal 610-446-4608 Sacrament of Reconciliation Every day by appointment. Saturdays 3:30 – 4:15 PM Communal Penance Services are scheduled seasonally. Sacrament of Baptism Pre Jordan classes are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Pre-registration is required one week in advance. Baptisms are held the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:15 PM. Call the rectory to register 610-449-1613. Sacrament of Marriage Couples contemplating marriage are requested to make an appointment with a priest at least six months in advance. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Wednesday following the 8:30 am Mass in church. Evening Prayer and Benediction will be celebrated at 7:00 pm Wednesday evening. Church is open every day 8:30—2:30 for private prayer. Anointing of the Sick This Sacrament is available to the seriously ill. Emergency calls will be given prompt attention any hour of the day or night. Communion for the Homebound If you or a family member are unable to attend Sunday Mass, please contact the Parish Office so that arrangements can be made for you to receive Holy Communion at home. 11 January 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 039AnnunciationBVM MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 1/11 9:00am 11:00am Monday 1/12 8:30am Tuesday 1/13 6:30am Wednesday 1/14 8:30am Thursday 1/15 6:30am Friday 1/16 8:30am Saturday 1/17 8:30am The Baptism of the Lord Liz Kelly Joseph N. Pucillo Weekday Anthony & Ida Cirotti Weekday Anna Smith Weekday Patrick Egan Weekday Bill Kelly 21st anniversary Weekday Elizabeth Kelly St. Anthony Pam Bemer The rosary is prayed in church each morning following the 6:30 am mass or before the 8:30 am mass. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament We have Exposition and Adoration in church every Wednesday immediately following the 8:30 am Mass Evening Prayer and Benediction is celebrated at 7:00 pm every Wednesday evening. MASS BOOK 2015 Request for announced masses for the year 2015 may be made in the parish office. Office hours are 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD We are in need of more volunteers for our weekly Children's Liturgy of the Word program. This group meets during the 9 am Mass with 2 adult leaders in the church hall during the Liturgy of the Word part of Mass. If you are interested or would like more information, please call Leslee Smith at 610-449-9858. YOUTH GROUP The parish youth group meets every Wednesday at 7pm in the ABVM school building (third floor). All high school age students are invited to attend. Contact Zac for more info. Check out the website for upcoming events PRAYER CORNER Together this week as a parish, let us join in praying for families living on Hirst Avenue, Holbrook Road, Kathmere Road and Kenmore Road. H.O.P.E. Helping Other People in Emergencies tries to arrange rides to church, the doctor, the hairdresser, the store, etc. for our parishioners in need. Week of 1/11 Joan Smyth 610-449-1405 Monica McLaverty 610-449-8488 Week of 1/18 Norma Grassi 610-789-2237 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SICK OF THE PARISH: Claire Bowe, Kathleen Cera, Tiffany Cera, Carrie Connolly, Livia Coppa, Karen Creeley, Valerie Dati, Mary DiPersio, Bill Dolan, Matthew Donahue, Rose Anne Dunn, Pat Flynn, Tom Forester, Brianna Gansert, Baby Sean Grogan, Donald Halderman, Teresa Immel, Susan Karwacki, Barry Kelly, Erika Kolbe, Elena LaBriola, Josephine Latrano, Dominic Perri, Bill Powers, Gary Prasalowicz, Michael Scanlon, Christine Seltzer, Lori Ellen Simon, Robert Smedley, Larry Smith, John Tinney, Barbara Tourdot, and Ann Whearty We continue to pray for all the men and women serving in the armed forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace, and may God bring them all home safely. 2 All the sick and shut-ins of the parish remain in our prayers. Also remembered in our prayers are the intentions written in the Intention Book on the Sacred Heart Altar. 039AnnuciationBVM ANNUNCIATION SOCIAL CLUB Annunciation Seniors The next luncheon/meeting of the Social Club will be on Tuesday, January 13th at McCall’s Country Club. Please call Joe Hart, 610-446-3295 for reservations. All are welcome SACRED HEART SENIORS TRIP Monday, February 23,2015 Mt. Airy Lodge—Cost $28.00 Rebate $20.00 for slots and $10.00 food card. Villa Roma, Catskills—April 19-23, 2015 $480.00 All inclusive! Call Elaine Beaumont 610-853-1785 ALL PARISHIONERS AND ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH Join us on Tuesday Evening 7:00—8:15 PM in the Annunciation School Building (entrance off Sagamore Road) Part 2: Living the Faith, we will now see how Christ works through the sacraments and liturgy to apply the fruits of Christ’s salvation and redemption to our lives. We will also explore how we are to live out the Christian life through a Catholic moral vision—how Christ desires for us to live fully human lives through grace, the virtues, and true freedom in Christ. January 13, 2015 The session will cover: The Sacraments: Baptism & Confirmation • What is a sacrament? • The different kinds of sacraments • How the sacraments are a key part to the Christian life • Why baptism is considered the “gateway” to the Christian life • Why Catholics baptize infants • The significance of Confirmation and its relationship to Baptism The next two sessions: January 20, 2015 The Eucharist: Source & Summit of Christian Life January 27, 2015 Walk Through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy 3 CARDINAL FOLEY SCHOOL NEWS! MONDAY 1-19 Martin Luther King Holiday -No School THURSDAY 1-22 PK Conferences-No School for PK SUNDAY 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 1-25 Open House Come visit us and see all that we are doing! SPOTLIGHT ON THE MEDIA CENTER There are countless sensational activities happening at the Cardinal John Foley School Media Center! This fall we had an author and an illustrator visit our school. His name was Scott Campbell and visited our kindergarten and first grade classes. He is the author and illustrator of the book titled The Hug Machine. The children listened to the story, participated in Hug Machine workout and watched Mr. Campbell draw pictures to hang in our Media Center. Clifford the Big Red Dog visited our Media Center during our Scholastic Book Fair. Children were able to have their picture taken with him at the Ice Cream Social that took place in November. There were more than 1260 books that students bought which generated over 227,988 voluntary reading minutes! PS and PK classes are learning what authors and illustrators do. We are reading where authors and illustrators develop their ideas; how they start stories and how long it takes them to write or illustrate a book. Students in grades four through eight are preparing for Reading Olympics competition that will take place in April at Springton Lake Middle School. There are 65 students involved in this year’s competition. Many students have already read more than eight books to date. Students in grade five and six have been working hard on citing their work and learning about plagiarism and its implications. Students throughout these grades utilize Noodle Tools, which is an integrated tool for note taking, outlining, citing, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing. 039Annunciation PILGRAMAGE TO ITALY ROME, LANCIANO, SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO, LORETO AND ASSISI Chaplains: Fr. James Cox and Fr. Ugo Piasentin June 16-24, 2015 Trip includes • flights and transportation with luxury bus • all breakfasts and all dinners • all tips to drivers, hotel and tour guide A pilgrimage of a lifetime for the whole family! Basilica of St. Paul Visit Proximo Travel on the web: or email JOY OF THE GOSPEL Have you read Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation "The Joy of the Gospel"? Are you inspired by the Pope's dream for a missionary transformation of the Church? Come and meet others who share this dream and want to implement the Pope's vision! Join us for five consecutive Saturday evenings starting January 17th through February 14th, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, 1723 Race Street in Philadelphia after the 5:15p.m. Mass. We will present excerpts from Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel.” The excerpts will be followed by a panel discussion to explain the “New Evangelization” and how families can put Pope Francis’ words into action. Hear priests, deacons, sisters, and local educators discuss how you can be part of the New Evangelization! See the poster in church for more details. Register today by e-mail: or call Michael Campbell at 215-407-7402. FLAME OF LOVE CELEBRATION Date: Monday, February 2nd Place: Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul Schedule: 6:30 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Praise Music 7:30 pm Mass 8:30 pm Ceremony to receive the Flame of Love 9:00 pm Final blessing February 2nd (often called Candlemas Day) is the Feast of the New Flame of Love Movement. All are welcome. 4 ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE St. John’s Hospice feeds, clothes and shelters hundreds of homeless men in need. Donations of underwear (preferably boxers), heavy socks, and undershirts may be dropped off at the same time and day as the casserole collection. Casseroles will be collected on Friday, January 16th from 6:30 am until 10:30 am in the church hall. Kindly mark your casserole lid with the pick up date. 33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY “Marian Consecration is the surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means to becoming a saint.” Saint Louis Marie de Montfort 33 Days to Morning Glory is a lifechanging 33-day program in which participants consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary. Over the past several weeks, the Legion of Mary has been leading a small pilot group in this program. As a result of the success of the pilot program, we will be offering the program to the entire parish beginning on Feb. 20, with a consecration date of March 25, 2015, the Feast of the Annunciation. The program consists of a short daily reading, reflection questions, and a weekly meeting that includes a small-group discussion and DVD presentation. There will be an information meeting in early February (date to be determined). Day care will be provided. To be placed on the contact list, or if you have any questions, please contact Mike Gormley at 610-2461639 or 039AnnunciationBVM Francis Filtered -- GEORGE WEIGEL While there's been a lot of talk about the "Francis Effect," it's worth pondering, on the Holy Father's seventy-eighth birthday, the Francis Filtration. About a year ago, I suggested to one of the top editors of a major American newspaper that his journal's coverage of things papal left something to be desired, as it seemed based on the assumption that Pope Francis was some kind of radical wild-man, eager to toss into the garbage bin of history all those aspects of Catholic faith and practice that mainstream western culture finds distasteful. My friend replied, in so many words, look, you know how these media narratives are: They're like bamboo. Once they get started, there's no stopping them. They just keep growing. Alas, he was right. And while there's been a lot of talk about the "Francis Effect," it's worth pondering, on the Holy Father's seventy-eighth birthday, the Francis Filtration. The Francis Filtration began in earnest during the impromptu press conference in the papal plane while the pope was en route home from World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro. That was the presser that produced the single-most quoted line of the pontificate: "Who am I to judge?" But as Cardinal Francis George pointed out in a pre-retirement interview with John Allen, that sound-bite "has been very misused . . . . because he was talking about someone who has already asked for mercy and been given absolution. . . . That's entirely different than talking [about] someone who demands acceptance rather than asking for forgiveness." (For the record, the entire quote, which is almost never cited, was "Who am I to judge them if they're seeking the Lord in good faith?") But as my journalist-friend suggested, the "bamboo" shoot of "Who am I to judge?" has continued to grow, until it's now a virtual bamboo curtain. And what's being filtered out? All the things the pope says that don't fit the now-established "narrative" of "humane, progressive pope vs. meanie reactionary bishops and hidebound Catholic traditionalists." Things like what? Well, things like the pope's passionate defense of marriage as the stable union of a man and a woman, which he underscored in an address to the Schoenstatt movement right after Synod 2014, and in his keynote address to a November interreligious conference at the Vatican on the crisis of marriage in the twenty-first century. And what's being filtered out? All the things the pope says that don't fit the now-established "narrative" of "humane, progressive pope vs. meanie reactionary bishops and hidebound Catholic traditionalists." And things like the pope's defense of the Gospel of Life, a persistent theme in Francis's November address to the European Parliament. The press reports I read focused on Francis' concerns for immigrants and the unemployed. Fair enough; that was certainly in the text. But what about the Holy Father's defense of those whom indifference condemns to loneliness or death, "as in the case of the terminally ill, the elderly who are abandoned or uncared for, and children who are killed in the womb?" What about his insistence that "Europe," past, present, and future, makes no sense without Christianity? What about his condemnation of those who subject Christians "to barbaric acts of violence," and his plea for support for those Christians who are "evicted from their homes, and native lands, sold as slaves, killed, beheaded, crucified or burned alive, under the shameful and complicit silence of so many?" You didn't read much about that, did you? Nor did you read (unless you read the pope's text himself) that Francis, having made a plea for environmental stewardship, went on to "emphasize" (his word) that "along with an environmental ecology, there is also need of a human ecology which consists in respect for the person." Another aspect of Pope Francis's preaching that's been too often filtered out of the coverage of his pontificate involves (if you'll pardon the term) demonology. No pope in decades has so regularly referred to Satan as Pope Francis. The Evil One is no abstraction to this pontiff, nor does he think of "satanic" as a rhetorical intensifier to underscore one's disapproval of, say, Hitler. Satan and his minions are very real to Pope Francis; it would be interesting for an enterprising reporter to draw him out on the subject in one of those freewheeling papal press conferences. The Francis Filter may be bamboo. But if it keeps growing, so will the distortions that bamboo curtain creates. 5 039AnnunciationBVM MINISTRY OF MOTHERS SHARING The MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing) group is designed to support and affirm women in the many roles that we have in life as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends. It is a ministry about women bonded by their vocation and their Catholic faith who come together to share the joys and struggles of motherhood. Moms (as well as spiritual moms!) of all ages and stages are welcome to participate in our monthly meetings. To fulfill this mission we will be loyal to the church and the Magisterium in order to encourage each other to grow in our great Catholic faith. The meeting format typically goes as follows: 7-7:15 Meet/greet 7:15 - 7:25 Open with prayer, then announcements, note key points in newsletter, etc. Introduce topic and/or speaker 7:25 - 7:45 Speaker/witness/presentation on topic 7:45 - 8 Q & A in large group or small group 8 - 8:30 Socialize wrap up in prayer Our parish group will begin meeting Wednesday, January 21st in the ABVM school building. For information please contact Katie Amrhein 215-692-4638 or 2015 MARCH FOR LIFE THEME “Every Life is a Gift” will be the theme of the January 22, 2015 March for Life For more information about the March for Life in Washington, DC call the Office for Life and Family at 215-587-0500 or visit If you can’t go on the March for Life to Washington, D.C., Holy Cross Church, Springfield will offer the following services: •11:30 am Pro-Life Prayers and Rosary •12:00 noon Mass •3:30 pm Pro-Life Prayers and Rosary •6:30 pm Pro-Life Prayers and Rosary •7:00 pm Mass CARDINAL JOHN FOLEY OPEN HOUSE PRESCHOOL, PREK AND K-8 SUNDAY, JANUARY 25,2015 11:00 AM—2 PM Early Childhood Info Session 11:15 AM Middle School Info Session 11:45 PM One Faith, One Community, One School MONSIGNOR BONNER AND ARCHBISHOP PRENDERGAST Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast Respect Life Club will host a one-day “Ace the SAT” workshop on Saturday, January 17 from 8:30am to 12:30 pm for students who want their best test scores. Get great tips and tricks from SAT test experts and targeted insights on the writing, math and verbal skills necessary for top scores. Students taking the Spring SAT or ACT will benefit the most from this program. Space is limited. Early registration discount available. Check or call 610-449-6311 for information and registration forms. Women’s Weekend at St. Raphaela Center: Living the Gospel with Passion and Joy Our first Women’s Weekend of the year will take place Jan. 16-18. Take a weekend away with other women to nurture your relationship with God. Our experienced facilitators will provide you with food for your prayer, guiding you as you retreat with our God of abundant love. For more details and registration, visit our website at or give us a call: 610 -642-5715. 6 Cardinal Foley Offers A culture where children learn and grow in faith and knowledge through a respectful, caring, and safe environment. A strong academic program that celebrates families of all backgrounds and offer opportunities for financial assistance. A school where family is at the heart of who we are, which builds a strong community, where lifelong friendships are formed. A challenging and technology rich curriculum that is relevant to the 21st Century through the use of SMART Boards, iPads, a technology-based reading program and state of the art technology. Continuous education from the age of three through 8th grade. A caring staff, qualified teachers, and support services provided by the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. An inquiry based comprehensive curriculum for Pre-Kindergarten classes that develops all the critical development skills of a 4 year old through the InvestiGator Club Program, helping students learn core values and skills through socialization as “scientists, mathematicians, musicians, artists, writers and actors.” 039AnnunciationBVM Tim Valentine CPA, MT Tax Returns & Planning Personal, Business, Inheritance Tire & Auto Service Emissions-Inspection-Alignment-Brakes -Tune-Ups 610-446-4661 610-853-2871 610-789-2121 $1 OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA WITH THIS AD Since 1947 Township Line & Lynn Blvd. • Upper Darby Kelly, Welde & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 510-A Abbott Dr. • Broomall, PA 604-0909 DAN SCIULLI Air Conditioning & Heating 6 1 0 - 325- 347 4 QUINNTESSENTIAL SIGNS Michael J. Quinn - Parishioner Complete Sign Service Company Electric Signs - Awnings - Neon & Bucket Truck Service 610-955-5756 789-3375 WE DELIVER Open 7 Days a Week 1619 E. Darby Rd. (Next to Library) 446-5231 CHRIS CLEMENT Lori Rufo PLUMBING & HEATING 484-802-7820 Floss McGarrity DelGaone 610-517-4715 "Quality Plumbing Matched with Old Fashioned Care" Fully Licensed & Insured Senior Citizen Discount The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving Broomall Pediatric by supporting what Dentistry and Orthodontics you care about most. 215.587.5650 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Anthony P. Zarella Attorney at Law Accidents Personal Injury 610-308-6077 15% OFF Your Neighbor 610-520-0100 Life Long Parishioners CHARLES B. GANS Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning PLUMBING HEATING-COOLING Bath Showroom on Premises Since 1926 610-853-1100 $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Carpet Stretching & Repair Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT COME SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 1220 West Chester Pike Havertown, PA 19083 484-454-3230 The Newly Renovated LLANERCH COUNTRY CLUB WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, FUNERAL LUNCHEONS & GOLF OUTINGS Please Contact: Sue Egan, Diocese Member 610-446-2232 PA TDD/TTY # 800.654.5988 ©2013 Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. CSR 176680-01, EOE Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Havertown Condos 103 LLANDAFF ROAD Open Sunday 2pm - 4pm (2) Large Two Bedroom Condos all in a single building with 1 Car garage each. Newly remodeled with new kitchen & central air. You don't have to live in a high rise to down size. Come See!! Call Fern Simon at 215-896-2062 cell • 610-649-4500 office SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 039 Annunciation-Havertown, PA (i) John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • STRETCH Funeral Service, Inc. John J. Stretch III, F.D. Supervisor John J. Stretch IV, F.D., Member of Annunciation Timothy J. Stretch, F.D. Edward (Ted) F. Powers, III, F.D. East Eagle Road at St. Denis Lane - Havertown, PA 19083 446-1075 Havertown Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1928 Specializing in Full Service, Cremation, Pre-Paid Funerals QUINNTESSENTIAL CONTRACTING Casimir M. Wolanin, D.M.D. Family Dentistry Michael J. Quinn - Parishioner All Phases of Construction Electrical and Remodeling 610-955-5756 "No job to small" DAVID McGOLDRICK PLUMBING & HEATING "Your Hometown Plumber" • Complete Bathroom Remodeling • Gas Boiler Installations HAVERTOWN, PA • Water Heaters • Repairs And Installations (610) 446-6899 1210 Darby Rd. (610) 789-7337 *Most insurance accepted Merrill Lynch 668-6176 MCGOLDRICK ELECTRIC, INC. Mary Elise Willcox CONTRACTING & REPAIRING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Robert J. McGoldrick James J. McGoldrick 12 E. Eagle Road (rear) • Havertown 789-2910 Attorney at Law Simple Wills $75. Civil- Realty 516 Cumberland Rd, Havertown, PA 789-5955 A Member of the Parish Parishioner Denise Crawford Denise Galvin Realtors® & Parishioners Alliance "We Have Helped Many Parishioners Buy & Sell Homes." Office 610-449-6006 Employee Benefits Group Health, Dental, Life & Disability (Individual Plans too) Since 1924 Residential & Commercial 610 449 8188 Pa HIC 008425 GARAGE DOORS Lifelong Parishioner New Doors & Openers Repairs - All Major Brands 610-259-2590 MICHAEL CARR 610-356-2902 Senior Financial Advisor "A Tradition You Can Trust" 2 Bala Cynwd Plaza , Bala Cynwyd Havertown, PA. 19083 THE MINNIS GROUP Bill Minnis Patrick J. Welde, CFP® NEWTOWN SQ SINCE 1980 Jim Ryal Associate Broker Parishioner Experience, Integrity & a Creative Approach Office: 610-325-4100 • Cell: 610-636-7471 Thank you for supporting Scout Troop 463! Serving the Dignity of Life PA Lic. #006806 FREE INSPECTION RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. Licensed & Insured 898 est. 1 8401 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082 Supervisor - Francis J. Huf Other Locations: Wayne • Newtown Square Downingtown • West Chester 610-449-0300 Parishioners: John A. Donohue Daniel F. Donohue BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 PIANO - KEYBOARD LESSONS IN YOUR HOME Beginners to advanced All Ages Senior discounts The Leader in Senior Care Home Health Companions Transportation Housekeeping A Nonpro it Organization 610.647.9840 039 Annunciation-Havertown, PA (b) Rt. F CALL Norbert Elberson (610) 604-4898 R.F.PFEIFFER, D.M.D. William P. Culp, Jr. 2416 Darby Rd. Havertown, PA Wills & Estate Administration General Dentistry ATTORNEY AT LAW Home Appointments Available 614 Darby Road, Havertown 610-789-6800 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • 446-4210
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