Bulletin - December 25 & 28, 2014

Weekly Schedule
Weekend Masses
Merry Christmas
Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8am & 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Masses Monday and Friday at 12n
Holy Day Masses see below
Reconciliation ~ Saturdays at 4:30pm
Upcoming Events at St. Agnes Parish
Dec 25
The Nativity
of the Lord
Dec 26
 Feast of St. Stephen, the first deacon
 Office Closed
Feast of the Holy Family
Dec 28
 No RCIA or CFF
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of
God Vigil Mass at 5:30pm
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of
God ~ Holy Day Mass 10:30am
Dec 31
Jan 1
Jan 4
 Office Closed
 St Agnes Perpetual Memorial Mass
 RCIA—9am Historic Chapel
 Youth Mass—5pm
Remember in Prayer
Mass Intentions
Sunday, 8am Mass for
Joan Moler
Sunday, 10:30am Mass for
Joan Woods
May Joan and Joan share in the fullness of God’s
mercy and peace.
Requesting Masses for the Living & Deceased
Mass intentions for the living or deceased may
be arranged by simply calling or emailing the
parish office or use one of the Mass Intentions
Request Envelopes available in the narthex.
Mass cards are always provided.
In your kindness, please pray for Michael Joseph
Schaefer the husband of Susan Schaefer and Edwin
Lee Miller, Jr. father of Ariana Miller and brother of
Lisa Saghy who died this week. May Michael and
Ed share in the fullness of God’s mercy.
End-of-Year Giving
Thank you to so many of you who responded to
Please pray daily for those serving in the military
our year end appeal. If you would like to make an
and those recently ill especially Gary Budd, Mike
end-of-year gift for 2014 tax purposes, please be
Bozel, Linda Harper’s mother Catherine Wallace,
sure to write your check by December 31, 2014,
Manny Cabral, Doris Collier, Marie Botsford, Beth
and bring it to the office by Friday, January 2,
Yates, Mary Cain, and Ryan Shaffer. Together we
2014. Donations received for the Solemnity of
pray as a community for all those listed in our
Mary will be processed in 2014.
prayer book displayed near the reconciliation
My Brothers and Sisters,
Our Advent waiting is over and the cry of the people, "Come, Lord!" has been answered with a
baby's cry in a small town of Bethlehem and the angelic chorus proclaiming God's glory to all
the earth. Through intimacy as familiar as a mother giving birth, yet reaching out to all the
stars of the universe, God is present and promises to remain with his people. Where we had
been the ones waiting, now it is God who waits, God who cries to us, "Come!" ...........Come to
the Child who witnesses that God is not some distant being far away, but rather God is clearly
in our midst, sharing our humanity that we might share in all things divine. Born in a stable,
laid in an animal's eating trough, Jesus gives us confidence to believe that he can also be born
in the weakest and most unsure heart. Jesus can and desires to be born in each human heart.
Love makes him small...his silence makes him un-demanding...his humanity challenges us
never again to act in an inhuman way. My prayer is that the heart of each one of us may be
touched by that child calling us to come near!
I share with you a portion of "Five Days Old," from The Poetry of Francis Webb, (Harper and
Row Publishers, 1991).
Christmas is in the air.
You are given into my hands
Out of the quietest, loneliest lands.
My trembling is all my prayer.
To blown straw was given
All the fullness of Heaven...
In the sleeping, weeping weather
We shall all kneel down together.
I extend a warm welcome to all who have come to be with us as we celebrate the feast of
Christmas. Perhaps you are an active participant in your parish and you have come to be with
family and friends, or you might not be an active member in any church community and you
are looking and searching for that gathering that might help you find the Lord. I truly hope
that you will feel comfortable among us here at St. Agnes. We are a community founded
upon the Roman Catholic tradition that strives to live the gospel with a mission to serve those
in any need. We strive each day to become more and more one with the Lord Jesus. If you
would simply like to sit among us and not make any commitment, then by all means sit and
relax and let the Lord speak to your heart. If you would like to know more about us and even
learn more about the sacred word and the teachings of this Catholic Church, there are
opportunities for that to take place and happen. Where ever you might find your heart this
day, please know that you are always welcome here at St. Agnes! A Blessed Christmas to one
and to all!
Book Discussion
Eileen Dooley at 304-876-3320
The January/February book selection is Jesus: The
Memorial Flowers
Our parishioners donated flowers
in loving memory of
Ethel & Earl Ashurst ~ George & Dorothy Buys
Winnifred E. Coody ~ Violet Coffey
Gertrude H. Denzer ~ Ada Darling
Joseph L. Dzuris ~ Gevas family
Pilgrimage by James Martin, SJ. We’ll read and
discuss Chapters 1 through 18 in January, and
Chapters 19 through 25 in February. In March
we’ll read and discuss selections from Seek Justice
That You May Live by John Donahue, SJ.
Our discussion group meets at 10:30am on the
third Friday of the month in the Parish Center. No
RSVP is required. If you are able to read the book
(or the majority of it), join us for the discussion
each month!
Joan Hopkins ~ Rob Hopkins
Hirschfelt & Dzuris families ~ Philip Mueller
Kenneth & Anna McCullough
Feed the Hungry
Can you bring 3 items to help stock
Evelyn Merhaut ~ Albert Merhaut
JCCM Food Pantry? They are in need
Elsie McCafferty ~ Clement McCafferty
of jelly, cereal, rice, crackers, peanut
Jack Merhaut ~ Hank McQueeny
butter, oatmeal, pancake mix, beans,
Moler, Thompson, Burleigh, Greaser &
Robertson families ~ Family of Harry Duncan
Oatha & Brian Marken
the Hungr
Oct 12
canned goods (chili, meat, fish, soup, fruit), toilet
paper, shampoo, tooth paste, & laundry detergent.
Please leave your items in the narthex or parish
center for pick-up by our volunteers. Thank you!
Richard & Elizabeth Niemeier ~ Jane O'Brien
Richard Olson ~ John & Elsie Piccolomini
Alfred & Marie Pulaski ~ Lawrence Pulaski
Esther Quigley ~ Lorraine W. Roller
Jr. ROTC Helps Local Children
Thank you for your generous donations to the
Jefferson County Coat and Shoe Fund recently. Jr.
Joanne B. Stebbins ~ Francis Snowden
ROTC members collected $724 after weekend
Phyliss Smallwood ~ Ellen Stanford
Masses this year. Over $11,000 was collected
Trio family ~ Joseph & Marie Tlsty
countywide to purchase winter coats and shoes for
Jefferson County school children.
Frank & Cecila Vassallo
Woods & Dooley Families
Webber family and family & friends
of St. Agnes Parish
Youth Mass
Join us for our first Youth Mass of 2015 on Sun,
Jan 4 at 5pm (this counts as your Sunday obligation).
Afterwards we’ll enjoy a potluck dinner in the
Parish Center featuring traditional winter comfort
food. Please bring a dish to share as we bring in
2015 with friends and fellowship.
Contact Brigi e Schmidt
StAgnesCFF@fron er.com ~ 304-876-6436
We want to make sure we are keeping in touch
with you 365 days a year. Here are great ways to
keep in touch with St. Agnes:
Our Website
Catholic Formation is a lifelong process and our
goal at St. Agnes is to provide the kind of
foundation for our children and youth that
supports a desire to live out our faith
daily. We offer weekly classes for children in
kindergarten through Grade 12.
Here you can find the latest bulletin,
the latest homily, upcoming events,
and an easy link to online giving.
Make sure we are one of your favorite bookmarks!
Our CFF program strives to stand on Jesus
Christ and the Trinity by living the example of
our Catholic faith which Jesus gave us, passing
on our beautiful faith to our children, and
constantly seeking out and teaching others to
seek the answers to the following: How can we
meet Jesus? How can we know Jesus? How
can we love Jesus?
To help our young people build a foundation of
faith, we integrate catechetical and curriculum
-based learning with service, experiential, and
retreat opportunities in order to build up both
a knowledge of the Church and Her teachings;
as well as foster a foundational encounter with
the Living God. We prepare children for First
Reconciliation, First Eucharist (Communion)
and Confirmation. Please contact the parish
office to enroll your children in formation and
for information on preparation for the
Sacraments. If you are interested in becoming
Catholic, we offer preparation in our Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.
You are accepting the responsibility of training
[this child] in the practice of the faith. It will
be your duty to bring [this child] up to keep
God's commandments. Rite of Baptism, 377
Spending time
with God?
To have the daily scripture readings
sent to your email each day visit the
below site and add your email address.
St. Agnes Catholic Church (picture of
the upper baptismal font as our profile
pic). We don’t overload you with posts,
and it’s a nice place to see some pictures and find
some St. Agnes friends.
Our greatest & often most efficient
communication tool today! We
typically send only 1-3 emails each
month, and they are always
important. Whether updating you
on events or sharing urgent parish news, we rely
the most on email. Please make sure we have you
on our email list (you know if you got an email on
12/22). We can now add multiple emails for a
family. Please email your information to our parish
The mail
Yep, we still use it! Specifically, we
send each registered household offertory envelopes
each month and the Diocese send The Catholic
Spirit Newspaper monthly. If we don’t have your
correct address, let us know.
We have this old fashioned thing
called a telephone. If you ever
need us, it’s 304-876-6436. Our
Parish Office is open Mon-Fri,
9am-3:30pm (see holiday schedule for closures).
10th Annual
Foul Shooting
getting cash
back for
St. Agnes
$639.80 Earned from Last Week’s Sales
$14,615 in Sales
64 Participating Families
Thank you for using
Cash Cards for your gas
& groceries, holiday
gifts & entertaining,
and so much more!
Sponsored by St. Agnes Church
Knights of Columbus
Join us Sat, Jan 17 at 9am-12n at Shepherdstown Middle
School. Free and open to ALL boys & girls ages 9-14.
Winners will receive trophy & certificate and move on to
regional competition. Contact Bob Hamilla at 301-4327974 for more information.
Yoga Nidra Balance
Yoga Nidra is a very deep meditation that allows individuals to achieve complete body relaxation and enter into a
state of awareness where perspective broadening can occur. This series will focus on inner balance and strength.
Free weekly sessions will be offered at the Parish Center
on Jan 8, 15, 22, & 29. Session time, afternoon or evening, is yet to be determined. Contact Bob Cronin for ad-
Save the Date!!
Please mark your calendar and plan to join
ditional information and let him know your time preference. Phone 703-928-7745.
Catholics and others throughout the
United States for the 42nd Annual March
for Life, Thursday, January 22nd, in
Washington, DC. Special events for all WV
youth will be held in area parishes.
Contact Brigitte for more information.
Date Change
Clothing Collection & Giveaway
Drop off gently used clothing/shoes/
"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts
but the same Spirit;
there are different forms of service
but the same Lord;
there are different workings
but the same God who produces all of them
in everyone.
To each individual the manifestation of the
is given for some benefit."
(1 Corinthians 12: 4-7)
outerwear for men, women, & children in
the narthex of St James Catholic Church,
Charles Town from Thurs, Dec 26
These words of St. Paul are still true today. The Catholic
through Sun, Jan 11th (extended). Items
Church provides the compassion of Christ in countless
should be clean and in bags.
ways in the United States, including through health care
institutions, schools and universities, charities and social
FREE Clothing Giveaway on Sat, Jan 17th
service agencies and the work of individuals, parish
from 8:30am to 2pm at St James Catholic
communities and diocesan entities. To discover how you
Church in Charles Town. This annual
can become involved visit the US Conference of Catholic
event is sponsored by the American
Biships website or our website to find out about local
Heritage Girls local troop.