Weekly Schedule Parish Financial Activity Last Week

Weekly Schedule
Parish Financial Activity
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8am & 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Masses Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12noon
Reconciliation ~ Saturdays at 4:30pm
Parish Office ~ Tuesday-Friday 9am-3:30pm
Last Week
Monthly Mortgage Assistance
Weekly Amount for Balanced Budget
Sun, Oct 12
Mon, Oct 13
Return Feed the Hungry bags
RCIA—9am at Historic Chapel
First Reconciliation Students &
Parents Session—9:15am
First Reconciliation Families
Introduced at 10:30am Mass
Columbus Day — office closed
St Vincent de Paul—7pm
Tues, Oct 14 Knights of Columbus—7:30pm
Wed, Oct 15
Pastoral Council—7pm
Fri, Oct 17
Book Discussion—10:30am
Sat, Oct 18
Ray Shaw’s 40th Anniversary of
Ordination to the Deaconate
Sun, Oct 19
RCIA—9am Chapel
Reconciliation Family Class—9:15a
A Jesuit Perspective—12n
Fr. John Donahue at the church
(Offertory + Monthly Mortgage Assistance)
Collection Compared to Target
Upcoming Events at St. Agnes Parish
Total Income
Year-to-Date (Surplus or Deficit)
Tithe to help those in need
(St. Agnes tithes 10% of all offertory donations)
Other Activity
Catholic Sharing Appeal YTD
(Goal $33,550 — 48% of Goal)
Parish Financial Activity
September 28
Monthly Mortgage Assistance
Weekly Amount for Balanced Budget
(Offertory + Monthly Mortgage Assistance)
Collection Compared to Target
Total Income
Remember in Prayer
Tithe to help those in need
Please pray daily for those serving in the military
(St. Agnes tithes 10% of all offertory donations)
and those recently ill especially Marie Botsford,
Beth Yates, Mary Cain, Cas Ostapovicz, Lisa
Saghy’s brother Ed Miller,
Miller Jane Edward’s father
Jerry O’Callaghan, Ryan Shaffer. Together we
pray as a community for all those listed in our
prayer book displayed near the reconciliation
Next weekend we will celebrate
the marriages of
Emily Bauer & Jonathan Nelson
Carolyn Brubaker & James Vigil
A Note from Our Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
I want to express my appreciation for the many cards that you sent and all the good wishes as I
celebrated my 65th birthday this past week. The day was pretty much a normal work day but it was not
all that normal either. I appreciate your love and support as we work together to be the best parish
community that we can be. I think about retirement but that will not happen for a few more years
down the road. And why would I ever retire when I have the greatest parish and most encouraging and
caring folks around! Thank you for your full and active participation!
Next Sunday, as a parish we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Ordination with our parish member
A. Ray Shaw, III. Ray was the first individual to be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate by Bishop
Joseph, H. Hodges, D.D. on October 18, 1974. Over these years Ray has served in the central area of
the state, assigned to the Parish of St. Elizabeth, Philippi, WV, where he was also active in Campus
Ministry at AldersonAlderson-Broaddus College. Ray has also been involved in and very supportive of the
Ecumenical Ministry of the Diocese.
A little over a year ago, Ray moved into the Martinsburg area to be near his family in Virginia and
Maryland. We are blest to have Ray as a member of our parish. Even though he is retired from active
ministry, he has not hesitated to offer his time and assistance when ever I have asked. Presently, he is
serving as our St. Agnes clergy representative to the Shepherdstown Ministerial Association.
Next weekend, Ray will be giving the homily at all three of the Sunday Masses and he will have many
of his family members and friends present during the 5:30 p.m. Mass. We extend a warm welcome
to Ray's guests and our good wishes as he celebrates these 40 years of ministry in our Diocese of
Let us continue to pray for our young people who are preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation
and Confirmation. Bishop Michael J. Bransfield will be with us on November 9th to celebrate
Confirmation. May all our young folks be open to the grace, wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit!
The Synod of Bishops, addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of
Evangelization, continues this week at Vatican City. Let us continue to pray for all those bishops,
clergy, and lay representatives that they will be open and receptive as they address issues that affect
each of our families.
Did you know that St. Agnes Catholic
Church currently has 188 fans on facebook? If you
facebook, friend us and keep upup-toto-date with our
faith community.
Learning Our Prayers ~ The Glory Be
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Contact Brigitte Schmidt
StAgnesCFF@frontier.com ~ 304304-876876-6436
This week’ Gospel (Matthew 22: 1-14) proclaims
the story of a wedding feast where a king invites
guests to his son’s wedding and they all reject his
invitation. Upset by this, the king took matters into
his own hands and had his servants go into the
streets to round up enough guests to fill the hall.
Additionally, the king provided all guests with
wedding clothes to wear. Even then, a person still
showed up without wearing the wedding clothes
provided. Back in those times, this was considered
an absolute insult to the host who could only assume
the guest did not want to take part in the wedding
In this parable, the wedding clothes represent the
righteousness needed to enter God’s kingdom and
the total acceptance that Christ gives every
believer. Christ has provided these clothes of
righteousness for everyone, but each person must
choose to put them on in order to enter the King’s
banquet (eternal life). God invites many to the
great feast between Jesus and humankind, but even
then it is possible to refuse the invitation.
Studying today’s Gospel in our faith formation
classes, our kindergarteners and first graders
learned about Jesus’ invitation to see God’s kingdom
as a wonderful celebration—one with room for
everyone. In grades 2-3, we learned how important
the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Ten
Commandments are for those who are invited to
Jesus’ great feast. In grades 4-6, we talked about
the experience of hunger and why Jesus might
have used the story of a feast to tell about God’s
kingdom; and in grades 7-8, we read about how the
Gospel shows the value Jesus put on the wedding
banquet and the king’s invitation for all to come.
As we pray together as a family, let’s ask each
member to pray in his or her own words that, just as
Jesus invites everyone to the banquet, we can work
together to feed a hungry world (both spiritually
and nutritionally). We all have an open invitation,
but we must choose to put on the wedding clothes
given to us by our King so we can enter the banquet
He has provided.
All students preparing to receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation this year will be
attending a retreat on Sun, Nov 2 at Priest
Field Pastoral Center in Kearneysville. Meet at
Priest Field between 10:30-11am. We will
begin promptly at 11am, and end with Mass
together at 4:30pm at Priest Field. Be sure to
get your permission slips submitted by Oct 27.
Contact Jen Murphy at jenmurphy@att.net or
304-728-8814 for more information.
Youth Mass
We’ll celebrate our November
Youth Mass at Priest Field Pastoral Center on
Sun, Nov 2 at 4:30pm. This will be the closing
Mass for our Confirmation retreat but all are
invited to attend. Parents, sponsors, and
anyone from St. Agnes can join us. It will be at
the All Souls Chapel at Priest Field. (Note: No
potluck dinner in November)
Prayers Needed
During this final
month of preparation, please keep each of our
Confirmandi in your prayers:
Sadie Arnold ~ Jenn Biebel
Amanda Biebel ~ Cole Bonbright
Kyle Curtis ~ Allison Danson
Tighe Didden ~ Emily Everhart
Lauryn Fridley ~ Thomas Gavert
Marina Hamilla ~ Colin Hayes
David Hayes ~ Alex Inman
Kristina Kandalis ~ Ian King
Ryan Maiden ~ Nicholas Malin
David Mansell ~ Natalie O'Neill
Maddi Saghy ~ Johnathan Schattel
Olivia Schmidt ~ Jonathan Slattery
Eva Smith ~ Grace Valentine
Josie Valentine ~ Lucia Valentine
Billy White ~ Richard Yates
Mason Young ~ Lauren Zaglifa
and Ariana Miller
who was Confirmed at the Easter Vigil 2012
and will receive a special blessing
Sunday, October 19 at 12noon
Social Justice
at St. Agnes Church
A Jesuit Looks at a Jesuit Pope
Dan VanBelleghem
304/ 876876-9473 or dvanbell@citlink.net
The Social Concerns Committee is once again
Percy Byshhe Shelley once wrote of the winter
sponsoring a Fair Trade Sale on Oct 25-26 and
doldrums, “January gray is here, Like a sexton
Nov 1-2. All items will be displayed in the Day
by her grave; February bears the bier,” But
Chapel of the Church after weekend Masses.
February of 2013 came alive with the startling
Handcrafts from around world, gathered by
announcement by Pope Benedict XVI that he
Catholic Relief Services, will be featured along with
would resign the papacy as of Feb.28. Though
fairly traded coffee and chocolate. Come and get
known as a traditionalist, his resignation was one
your Christmas shopping started while helping
of the most radical events of modern church
many international workers make a living.
history and could change the nature of the office
itself. As the conclave to elect a new pope began,
leading contenders were in the mold of John Paul
II and Benedict. London bookies listed the Jorge
Mario Bergoglio, Cardinal of Buenos Aires as
25-1. But when the white smoke appeared with
the declaration that it was “the Jesuit, ” who chose
the name Francis (another “first”), and as he
appeared dressed in simple white cassock with a
plain cross and asked for prayers from the
thousands assembled in St. Peter’s square, the
world knew it was in for some surprises. With
Pope Francis the unexpected continues to unfold.
Fr. John R. Donahue, S.J. a priest for 50 years will
reflect on ways that his “Jesuit brother” embodies
past and present Jesuit ideals—along with a large
Mass Mobs Keeping Pews Full
measure of Franciscan charism.
In Detroit, a group of Catholics borrowed the idea
of flash mobs for "Mass mobs" to help revitalize
urban churches. Every month, a group called
getting cash back for St. Agnes
$385.37 Earned from Last Week’s
$9,345 in Sales
50 Participating Families
Detroit Mass Mobs picks a church, spreads the
word on Facebook — and just like that, it fills up
and buzzes with the energy it once had.
St. Florian Catholic Church is an eight-story, redbrick church built in 1908 by the Polish families
who flocked here to work for Dodge, Ford and
Packard. It seats 1,500 people, but normally only
about 200 people attend noon Mass. On a recent
Sunday, Thom Mann, an organizer with Detroit
Mass Mob who's not a regular at St. Florian, had
to get here early because, he says, "there'll be
standing room only." Read the whole story at
Community News
Attention Crafters! The Catholic Daughters of
the Americas will host a craft fair on Sat & Sun,
Nov 15-16 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 108
W. Stephen St, Martinsburg from 9am-2pm. In
Do you enjoy reading and discussing matters of
addition to crafts, food and drinks will be availa-
faith? St. Agnes has a monthly book discussion
ble. Crafters should contact Doris Mercerio at
group and YOU are invited! We meet at 10:30am
304-274-2453 to participate. Deadline Oct 25.
on the third Friday of the month in the Parish
Center. No RSVP is required. If you are able to
Saint John’s Catholic Prep Open House
read the book (or the majority of it), join us for
You’re invited to the new campus located in
the discussion each month! For more information
historic Buckeystown, MD on Sun, Nov 2 from
or to ask any questions, contact Eileen Dooley at
1-3pm. Experience the school’s community, meet
304-876-3320 or dooleywoods@comcast.net
students, faculty, and staff and learn more about a
faith-based, college prep education. Campus
Walter Kasper
tours, meet faculty and co-curricular representatives, pick up admissions and financial assistance
Nov 21 — This Land is Home To Me & At
Home in the Web of Life (Pastoral Letters of
information. For more information, please call the
the Bishops of Appalachia
school at 301-662-4210 or e-mail admissions@
Oct 17 — The Gospel of the Family by Cardinal
Dec 19 — The Testament of Mary (a novel) by
Colm Tóibín
Imagine No Poverty in West Virginia
A Community gathering in the spirit of St. Francis
with music, lament & stories of hope on Sat, Nov 7
at 7pm atthe Presbyterian Meeting House, 100 W.
Washington St, www.shepherdstownpresbyterian.org
Catholic Charities WV Volunteer Open House
Mon, Oct 20 from 12n-3pm at 224 S. Queen St,
Martinsburg. Learn about volunteer opportunities
and enjoy some refreshments. Contact Kathie
Campbell at 304-267-8837 or kcampbell@
ccwva.org for more information.
Thank You!
Walking for Breast Cancer Awareness
Please join the St. Agnes Walkers on Sat, Oct 18
to walk in the Step-N-Stride to raises funds for
Breast Cancer Awareness of the Cumberland
Valley. To join the team or to donate to a walker,
please go to http://www.bcacv.org/registrationtype_step_stride.php?eid=2 and click on either
Register or Donate. All funds help those affected
by breast cancer in our local area. If you have any
questions, please contact team captain, Chuck
Pierpont, at cvpierpont@comcast.net.
I could not leave St. Agnes without expressing my thanks to so
many wonderful members of this Parish. Individual notes would take a year, so I'll
send a group HUG! Fr. Mat's presence for countless hours of discussion and his ability
to guide in a most quiet, spiritual and pastoral manner will remain in my heart and soul
as long as I live. The support of the parishioners was phenomenal. There were those
members who drove me to Dr. appt's, grocery runs, errands, etc. The donation of time and very costly materials
for my move was much appreciated. There were so many ladies who stepped in to help with the packing and
several were fellow OWLS. The Knights of Columbus organized my garage, prepped for the move, and then
loaded the truck. The confirmandi and their families were terrific, too. I will miss you all so very much. But,
as I said that Saturday, "I'll be back!!" Love and blessings, Helen Clare Massey