10404 - 102 St, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2W3 Office: 780-532-2351 Fax: 780-538-2286 e-mail: sjc-church@gpcsd.ca saintjoseph.ca St. Joseph Catholic Church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 Called into Relationship Our next FAMILY MOVIE TIME is Sunday, March 29, beginning at 3 pm in Tranquille Hall. Bring something comfy to sit on. Popcorn and juice provided. CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING - Monday, March 30, 7 - 8:30 pm, in Tranquille Hall. For parents of children being Confirmed. Good Friday Liturgy of the Word with Children, April 3 at 11 am. Again we are offering a service intended for young children. We include this liturgy to help children understand why we celebrate on Good Friday - Jesus’ passion for us, through his death on the cross. Last year was well attended and greatly appreciated by all who were there. Communion is not distributed at this liturgy. Good Friday: A Live Dramatization of the Stations of the Cross at 8:00 pm, in the chur ch. Exper ience what it was like to witness Jesus on the cross! Please join us for this powerful prayer. On April 3, Good Friday & April 6, Easter Monday, the parish office will be closed. Weekday Mass is in the church at 9:00 am. Parish Financial Information (Diane Walker ext. 227) Offering Required Weekly $23,567.31 Offering received last Sunday $17,506.82 Children’s collection $152.00 March 29 - April 12 DATES TO REMEMBER Sun. 29: 3 pm, Family Movie Time, Tranquille Hall - 7:30 pm, Voices in the Wilderness Choir, church Mon. 30: 9 am - 3 pm, Quilting BeeLevers, Liguori Hall - 7 - 8:30 pm, Confirmation Parent Meeting, Tranquille Hall -7:30 - 9 pm, Choir practice, Church Wed. 1: 9:30 - 11 am, Ladies’ Bible Study, St. JPII Room - 10 - noon, Mom’s Pray & Play, Tranquille Hall - 7 - 9 pm, RCIA, Liguori Hall - 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Bible Study, Tranquille Hall Wed. 8: 9:30 - 11 am, Ladies’ Bible Study, St. JPII Room - 7 - 9 pm, RCIA, Liguori Hall - 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Bible Study, Tranquille Hall Calling All Youth Musicians! Youth will be playing for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross. Please call April, ASAP, if you are interested in joining us. Holy Week/Easter Schedule Mon., March 30: 7:00 am, Weekday Mass Tues., March 31: 7:00 am, Weekday Mass Wed., April 1: 7:00 am, Weekday Mass - 7:00 pm, Weekday Mass - 7:30 - 9:00 pm, Last confessions before Easter Holy Thursday, April 2: 7:30 pm, Mass of Our Lord’s Supper 8:30 pm - 12 midnight, Adoration in chapel Good Friday, April 3: 11:00 am, Liturgy of the Word with Children 3:00 pm, Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 8:00 pm, Live Drama of the Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday, April 4: 3:00 pm, Blessing of Food, church 9:30 pm, Easter Vigil, church Easter Sunday, April 5: 9:00 & 11:00 am, Easter Mass Easter Monday, April 6: 9:00 am, Weekday Mass, church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Family & Children Joanne Chiasson X-230 SALT (Gr . 3 - 5) The next SALT will be Friday, April 24, 7 - 9 pm, in St. JPII Room. Discussing “What I See in Church” and having a scavenger hunt. Leader’s Spring Formation for Liturgy of the Word with Children, in Moder n Mar tyr s Room on Wed, April 15, at 7:30 pm. Contact Joanne, ext. 230, or sjc-family@gpcsd.ca. A ll leaders must attend this meeting if they did not attend in March. Mom’s meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month, 10 am - noon in Tranquille Hall. Please note: The next gathering is April 15. Reflections are from “A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms”. Join anytime!! Newcomers welcome. www.facebook.com/groups/momsprayerandplay.gp.ab Join our parish group on Facebook, “St J oseph Catholic Church, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada”. www.facebook.com/groups/StJosephCatholicChurchGPAB/ and request to join. The Religious Gift Shop: First Com m union cards and gifts available. Lots of items to choose from. The Shop is open before Saturday, 7:00 pm Mass and after Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Masses. MASS INTENTIONS FOR MARCH 30 - APRIL 11 ( Signifies a Mass for someone deceased) Mon. 30, 7:00 am: Echebiri Family Tues. 31, 7:00 am: Fr. Robert Lesmerises Wed. 1, 7:00 am: Mike Vavrek 7:00 pm: Anna Rita Felicidade D’Souza Mon. 6, 9:00 am: Jesse Laurence Ridsdale Tues. 7, 10:30 am: 7:00 pm: Crespeniano & Purita Siega Wed. 8, 7:00 am: Joe Mazo 7:00 pm: Joseph Przybylski Thurs. 9, 7:00 pm: Raphael Mascarenhas Fri. 10, 7:00 am: Raphael Mascarenhas 9:30 am: Jerome Backmeyer Sat. 11, 9:00 am: Lena Geleta March 29, 2015 SACRAMENTS Darlene Lemay, x 228 Parents are required to complete a Baptism Course for each of their children. You ar e welcome to attend while you are still expecting. Pre-registration for these classes is required. Please call Darlene, ext. 228, at the parish office. Parish-based Confirmation Sessions begin Sunday, March 29, at 3:30 pm, in the Modern Martyrs Room. Receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist for the First Time: Euchar ist is a r epeatable Sacr ament that should always be celebrated with excitement. When we come to the Eucharist our focus should be on the beauty of the sacrifice that Christ made for us. When we gather to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord we come, not perfect and pure but broken, to be healed. In the Eucharist we are one with Christ and one with each other. With this in mind, we encourage you to dress your child in their “Sunday best”- for boys, dress pants and shirt (jacket and tie optional); for girls, semi-formal dress, not “little brides” (please, no tiara, and no veil). As well, because of our practice of receiving Eucharist in the open hand, no gloves should be worn. “First Time Eucharist” will be on: April 18 - 7:00 pm Mass - St. Patrick, Mother Teresa & St. Clements April 19 - 9:00 am Mass - Holy Cross & St. Kateri 11:00 am Mass - St. Gerard & Parish Based Program Go online to see our upcoming news & events: www.saintjoseph.ca/youth Good Friday Events (Gr. 6 - 12) After the 3 pm Good Friday Service the youth will be meeting in the St JPII Room to watch the Chronicles of Narnia, and afterwards attend the Stations of the Cross. Some of the youth will be participating in the choir for the Stations and all are welcome to join! St. Joseph Church ADULT FORMATION The Voices in the Wilderness choir under the dir ection of Ken Klukas, and accompanied by Sheila Shepherd, will perform a selection of sacred music on Palm Sunday, March 29. The 'Quintessential Winds' will also perform. No tickets are required for this free concert which begins at 7:30 pm in the church. The perfect start to your Holy Week! International Food Fair, Saturday, May 23/Sunday, May 24 - On the Feast of Pentecost we would like to gather in Tranquille Hall for a food fair after Mass to sample food from all the cultures that make up St. Joseph Parish. If you are part of an ethnic group that would like to participate, please call Fr. Remi at the parish office. Toolbox of Wisdom - As we continue to develop our pastoral theme “Called into Relationship” for the liturgical year we would like to develop a tool box of wise sayings about relationships. These wise sayings might be from your own experience (something you would share with a child or grandchild), from a book, a movie or a favourite musical. These words to live by will remain anonymous unless they are from a book, the bible, a movie or musical in which case please quote the source. We plan to make this tool box available in June. Please submit by email, st.joes.ppc@gmail.com or deliver to the parish office. Submit as many as you wish. These will be shared with the entire parish. In the Footsteps of St. Paul – 12-Day Pilgrimage to Greece & Turkey, July 3 - 14, 2015. Hosted by Fr. Ed Eherer, through Biblical Journeys Canada, the tour includes Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Ephesus, and Istanbul. Cost Summary from Edmonton: $4699 double occupancy (price subject to change) A deposit of $450 is required at time of registration. For information, contact Fr. Ed at the parish office, or Biblical Journeys Canada, biblicaljourneyscanada@yahoo.com. Deadline to register: April 30 El Shaddai (DWXI-Prayer Partners Fellowship Int’l) A Roman Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. Fellowship every Saturday following the 7:00 pm Saturday evening Mass in the chapel. For info call Lina or Arly, 780-833-6476, or Irene, 780-380-9540 or email: arly_cortez@yahoo.com, irene_4576@yahoo.ca or elshaddaicalchapter@yahoo.ca Grande Prairie, Alberta Did You Know…? Pope Fr ancis said " pover ty calls us to sow hope...Poverty is the flesh of the poor Jesus, in that child who is hungry, in the one who is sick, in those unjust social structures." (Meeting with students of Jesuit schools). If you haven't already, consider a donation to the D&P Share Lent campaign, Sow Much Love, on the theme of global hunger. To donate, go to their website: www.devp.org. Sow Much Love to Give! Development & Peace Workshop: Satur day, Apr il 18 fr om 9 am to 3 pm. Mark your calendars. Sara Farid, D&P animator for Alberta, will lead us in a workshop on the theme of global hunger. There will also be a local component to the workshop. Everyone is welcome. Stay tuned for more details in upcoming bulletins. CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME - It is time again to invite family and friends to our program for Catholics who have been away from the church for a while. Brochures are available in the entrance of the church. The next series begins on April 9. The Welcome Table is in the entr ance to the church, available after Sunday morning Masses. It is a place to welcome visitors and new parishioners to our church and city. We would like to have this ministry available after 7:00 pm Saturday evening Mass as well. If you would like to be a “welcomer” in this ministry, please contact Joanne, extension 230, or email sjc-family@gpcsd.ca. The Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan is looking to hire a Youth Ministry Coordinator. Employment commencing as soon as possible. See details on the diocesan website: http://archgm.ca or contact Lauri Friesen at the Chancery office: 780-532 -9766 or exec.agm@live.ca. Please check your donation envelope number to see if you have #275, 276 or 349. If you do, please call the parish office. On Stewardship… Good stewar ds str ive to conform their lives to that of Christ - emptying themselves of all pride and putting themselves at the service of others. St. Joseph Church GENERAL INFO Grande Prairie, Alberta Sunday Readings Passion (Palm) Sunday: Surrender to God’s W ill Please Pray For The sick, especially Rene Mencke The deceased, especially Fr. Robert Lesmerises Mavis Gerry Decorating the church for the Easter season: Environment set-up for the Triduum is on Thursday, April 2, at 1 pm in the church. Set-up for Easter is on Saturday, April 4, at 9 am in the church. If you can assist, please join us. Collecting Used Stamps for Development & Peace The first weekend of every month the CWL collection box is available in the entrance to the church, on the ledge beneath the bulletin board. Please leave at least 1/4 inch paper border around the stamp. Since 1992 Development & Peace members have raised more than $420,000 with this project. Hand Bell Choir practice, April 9, 7:30 pm, in the church. If you are interested in playing in this unique choir, please join us. 2015 Sunday Donation Envelopes ar e available from the parish office during office hours. If you have unused envelopes from a previous year, please discard them. We reassign unused envelopes and we want to be sure that donations are credited to the correct person. The Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan publishes a newsletter of upcoming events every Wednesday. If you wish to receive the A rchGM News via email, please send the request with your name and email address to Maureen at archgmcomms@yahoo.ca Please put the word "Newsletter" in the subject line. You can also find the A rchGM News online (http:// archgm.ca/archdiocesan-news/). The family of Helen McCarty invite you to an open house, April 4, fr om 1 - 5 pm, at the Golden Age Centre in honour of her 90th birthday. No gifts please. Mark 11:1 - 10. Entr y into J er usalem Isaiah 50:4 - 7. Salvation only thr ough the Lor d’s servant Philippians 2:6 - 11. Imitating Chr ist’s humility Mark 14:1 - 15:47. The passion of J esus Key Passage: J esus said, “Abba, Father , for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.” Mark 14:36 Question: When have you found it har dest to accept God’s will? What enabled you to accept it? Reprinted with permission from Heritage of Faith, by Jo McClure Rotunno. Copyright ©2004; all rights reserved. Published by Twenty-Third Publications, New London, CT 06355. FOR YOUR INFORMATON Regular Mass Schedule (September to June) For Holy week & Easter week Mass times see Mass Intentions in bulletin. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7:00 am Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Senior’s Lodge Masses at 10:30 am: 1st Tuesday - The Gardens 1st Friday - Heritage Lodge 3rd Friday - Pioneer Lodge 9:30 am: 2nd Friday - Wild Rose Manor Sunday Masses Saturday evening 7:00 pm Sunday morning 9:00 & 11:00 am Confessions: Saturday evenings, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., or by appointment (call the parish office) Morning Prayer: Mon - Fri, 8:45 am, in the Chapel. Devotions to our Mother of Per petual Help at Wednesday Mass. Baptism for Infants & Young Children: Contact Darlene at the Parish Office (even prior to the birth of your child) about Baptism Preparation for parents. Marriage: Couples wishing to be married in a Catholic Church must contact the Parish Office at least 6 months and preferably one year prior to their wedding date. Office Hours: Mon. - Fri, 8:30 am - noon, 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Prayer Chain Requests: Confidentiality assured. Contact Cliff, cliff.joyce.mitchell@gmail.com Religious Gift Shop/Library: Open befor e Satur day, 7:00 pm Mass & after Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Masses. Spanish Prayer Group: Satur days, 8 - 10 pm, in the Modern Martyrs Room. Contact Ana, 780-978-4966
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