SATURDAY 18th 6.00pm: People of the Parish SUNDAY 19th 11.00am: Kath and Mick Connolly MONDAY 20th 9.30am: Paddy Hanrahan (sick) TUESDAY 21st 9.30am: 10.15am: Funeral Service for Kevin Entwistle WEDNESDAY 22nd 9.30am: Mary Harris RIP THURSDAY 23rd – St George, Patron of England 9.30am: Reginald Cavanagh RIP 5.00pm: Reception of Thomas Bernard Walsh FRIDAY 24th 9.45am: Requiem Mass for Thomas Bernard Walsh SATURDAY 25th No service FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY 25th 6.00pm: Graham Raggett SUNDAY 26th 11.00am: People of the Parish Please pray for the sick, especially Janet Ashburne, Cathy Morrow, Jane Sexton, Susan Jepson, Christine Phinn, Ruth Campbell, John and Eileen Hanton, Gerard Kelly, Laura Latham, Agnes Morton, Noreen Griffin, Marion Zgoda, Fr Terry Tolan, Julia Stuart, Josie Thackery, Sheila Hurst, Mary Mumford, Lee Murphy (Consett), James Salt and those who have no-one to pray for them. READERS Saturday 18th: Chris Orange, Mary Regan Sunday 19th: Jan Royan, Angela Peterson Saturday 25th: Mary Regan, Rachel Slade Sunday 26th: Angela Peterson, Diane Vernon SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 5.30 - 5.55pm. RECENTLY DEAD: Kevin Entwistle, Thomas Bernard Walsh ANNIVERSARIES: Kathleen King WELCOME to Freddie Stephen Robinson, son of Adam and Katy, and to Ruby Fearn Harris, daughter of Neil and Maris, who will both be baptised this Sunday. CONGRATULATIONS to Fr. May, who celebrated the 65th anniversary of his ordination last Thursday, 16th April. Monday 20th Baptism Preparation at 6.00pm in the Parish Room. Wednesday 22nd: OVER 60s: last week discussions on the Eastertide Services and the pros and cons of mobility scooters took place, everyone participating. NO meeting this week. MEDJUGORJE PRAYER GROUP: 7.00 pm in the Parish Room. All welcome. Thursday 23rd Scripture Study in the Parish Room at 10.00am. Everyone welcome. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Room from 12.00noon until 6.00pm. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help keep our church clean. Anyone who can spare a couple of hours on alternative Wednesday mornings, please contact Mary or Anne Regan. Many hands make light(er) work! APF Red Mission Boxes will be emptied during April. MALTBY CATHOLIC CLUB: we still call on interested parishioners to join the membership of the Catholic Club and those who can spare a few hours a week to join the Committee. The Committee is reserved for baptised Catholics. So, please, let us preserve what is ours, please let Fr. John know if you are interested. 100 CLUB: the April draw will take place next weekend after the Sunday Mass. FAITH & LIGHT: hope you all had an enjoyable Easter. We meet next for Mass etc. in a fortnight's time, on Saturday 2nd May. Enquiries: Alison - 817623. SCHOOL NEWS: KS2 children took part in an orienteering festival at Wingfield Academy on Wednesday. To date, our Lenten Fundraising income totals £1,515.00. which will be divided among the following charities: Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Cancer Research and St. Bernard’s Lesotho Appeal. MAY DAY TREK FOR CAFOD: if you would like to sponsor Fr. Don on his 16 mile May Day Trek, please sign the form at the back of church. HALLAM DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: 28th – 3rd July 2015, £625 pp fully inclusive. Please see the notice in the porch. Booking forms are available from the sacristy. TEACHING VACANCIES: please see the notice board in the porch. ROSARIES FOR RANBY: if anyone has a spare rosary to donate to a prisoner at Ranby Prison, please put it in the box provided at the back of church. GENERAL ELECTION 2015: The Bishops have written a joint letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies will be available on Sunday 1 st March and can be obtained with other information, at that time, from the Bishops’ Conference website Please read the letter and encourage others to do the same.
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