St. Thomas the Apostle 715 Harris Road * Sheffield Lake * Ohio * 44054-1409 June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH INFORMATION MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM Monday through Saturday: 9:00 AM CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM or by appointment. BAPTISM: Sundays: 12:30 PM Parent Pre-Baptismal Class Required. MARRIAGE: Contact the Office at least six months before the tentative date is set. HOME COMMUNION: Anyone desiring Communion at home should notify the Parish Office. PARISH STAFF Father Stephen L. Shields……………….……… Pastor Mrs. Heather Centifanti………………..Office Manager Mr. Michael Chutes………………………….Custodian COMMUNICATIONS Parish Office…………………………… 440-949-7744 Office Fax……………………………… 440-949-8611 Office Address……....521 Harris Road, Sheffield Lake Email …………………… Parish Website:……………… PSR/Kim & David Gray………………..440-714-4007 CYO/Jim O’Connor…………………….440-949-2631 Grismer Hall/Gym……………………...440-949-8491 PARISH CLUSTER CONTACTS St. Anthony… 1305 East Erie Ave. Lorain 44052 (440) 288-0106 St. Teresa…… 1878 Abbe Road Sheffield Village 44054 (440) 934-4227 OUR HONORED FORMER PASTORS +Fr. Raymond J. Grismer 1960-1962 +Fr. Urban A. Reichlin 1962-1968 +Fr. Claude J. Gaebelein 1968-1981 +Fr. John J. McCaffrey 1981-1998 St. Thomas the Apostle Church is handicap accessible FUNERALS: Arrangements with the Parish Office must be made before publication. MEMBERSHIP: New members are welcome. Call the Office when you arrive. If you are moving, or turn 18 years of age contact us to keep files updated. SICK CALLS: Communion for shut-ins and hospital visitation notify the Parish Office PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-9:00 AM-4:00 PM Friday-9:00 AM-3:00 PM Any information/insert included in the bulletin must be in the Parish Office by Wednesday at 4:00 PM ST. THOMAS MISSION STATEMENT: We are a Catholic Community guided by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by our liturgy and communal prayer, we reflect Jesus as servants, teachers and leaders building the kingdom of God. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Mary, Holy Mother of God January 1, 2016 Immaculate Conception December 8, 2016 Christmas December 25, 2016 DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND Website:……………………… Phone…………………………..800-869-6525 Address……………..1404 E. 9th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 St. Thomas the Apostle June 7, 2015 Weekly Intention: The Holy Father Sunday June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Flag Day 9:00 AM Holy Name 11:00 AM Angel & Angie Maldonado Second Collection: Loose Change Monday June 15, 2015 9:00 AM Jim & Leslie Cheney Tuesday June 16, 2015 9:00 AM All Souls Wednesday June 17, 2015 Ramadan 9:00 AM James Gaal Thursday June 18, 2015 9:00 AM Mike Kuzlik Friday June 19, 2015 St. Romuald 9:00 AM All Souls Saturday June 20, 2015 9:00 AM Dave Cupar & Family 4:00 PM Viola Petcavage Sunday June 21, 2015 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Father’s Day Summer Begins 9:00 AM Ladies Guild 11:00 AM St. Thomas Parishioners Second Collection: Loose Change Lectionary Year: “B” Pre-Baptismal Classes-2015 June 21 St. Thomas-12:30 PM 949-7744 July 21 St. Mary-7:30 PM 934-4212 August 20 Holy Spirit-7:30 PM 933-3777 All new and expecting parents are required to attend class before scheduling a baptism at their church of Worship. St. Thomas Prayer Network is waiting to pray for you. Call Deb (440)-865-9387 or Penny (440)-949-7548 and our prayer group will storm heaven. Life has changed, not ended, for William Wtulich Sr. Pray for the consolation of his friends and family. Rest in Peace and may perpetual light shine upon you, Amen. Readings for the Week: Monday Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday Mt 6:7-15 Friday Mt 6:19-23 Saturday Mt 6:24-34 Sunday Mk 4:35-41 Page 2 Weekly Collections Offertory $4,141.00 Weekly Goal $5,000.00 Thank you for your generous and continued support. Remember St. Thomas Church in your Will St. Thomas News Free Health Screening held at Grismer Hall on Sunday, July 19th from 9:30-12:30 PM. Free Screening includes CMP, Lipids, HgA1c, TSH, PSA (Men 40 & Over), Blood Pressure. Fasting encouraged. Take AM meds with water if possible. This is made possible through Mercy Health Care, Nord Family Foundation. St. Thomas Bible Study starts June 25th and anyone interested can sign up in church and if they have any questions to call Penny at 949-7548. St. Thomas Golf Outing is booked for Sunday, August 9th at Bob-O-Links in Avon. $75 per golfer, includes prizes, food, draft beer, pop/water, etc. Tee time 9 or 10 AM most likely. Watch for updates. The Homeless Shelter is open 3 days a week for showers and to wash clothes. We will be collecting coffee, sugar & creamer, snacks, toilet paper and laundry detergent. Ladies Guild Rummage Sale has been scheduled for September 18th & 19th. More information on drop off dates will be provided as the date draws near. Collection for The Holy Father is June 27th & 28th. The proceeds from this collection fund emergencyrelief assistance to those throughout the world who suffer serious issues impacted by war, oppression, and natural disasters around the globe. Liturgical Schedule Saturday, June 20-4:00 PM C-J Mack L-J Rozmarynowycz EM-M Rozmarynowycz, L & G Zalek C– R O’Connor, S Lynch S-J Diemer, H Hendrix Sunday, June 21-9:00 AM C-R Kirsch L-E Bayus EM-D Arena, K Janosik K Yatson C-H Centifanti, E Torosik SSunday, June 21-11:00 AM C– J Houlihan L-M Fairweather EM-AM Woltman, D Munro, M Fairweather C-J Houlihan, K DuRell S-M DuRell, T Weppler Looking for new Servers, Lectors, Commentators or Eucharist Ministers, call the Parish Office at 949-7744. June 14, 2015 Thank you… Page 3 ….to the generous donor who bought us 10 yards of our famous red mulch. …to the Garden Angels who are spreading around much mulch. ...GOD’S WORD TODAY: In today’s Gospel, Jesus is presented to us as the master storyteller. He loved to use parables as a tool for comparing one thing to something else. In most of his parables, Jesus revealed who God is by comparing God’s essence or actions with something familiar to his listeners. In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus proclaims a marvelous and irrefutable truth. His small band of disciples, as insignificant as they may have felt, would one day produce a mighty kingdom whose growth was initiated by God. The seeds of this kingdom were planted by God and it is God who will harvest the fruit brought forth from those seeds. The extent of the growth of God’s kingdom cannot be predicted. We must trust the work of the Master’s hand as we, the mustard plant, grow and grow. Scheduled Parish Events Sunday, June 14 Monday, June 15 Tuesday, June 16 Music Club Wednesday, June 17 Teen Survivors of Suicide Thursday, June 18 Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 Music Lessons Sunday, June 21 Baptism Class BP/Sugar Screening Church 7-8:30 PM Room #1 7-8:30 PM 3rd Gr. Rm. 9AM-12:00 PM Church 12:30-1:30 PM Church Library 9:30-1:00 PM NOTICE– Only scheduled events have legal use of these facilities. To schedule an event call the Parish Office (440) 949-7744. No parish property is to leave the premises. This includes the school kitchen. We do not give permission or the opportunity to borrow or lend property. St. Thomas Grismer Gym & Kitchen is available for rent. Call for any questions, information/ price list. Hall rental includes the kitchen. No gambling except for a parish event. Hired security if alcohol is served. Requirements of the state of Ohio and/or the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Family Perspectives The gospel speaks of “the smallest of all seeds which grows and becomes the greatest of shrubs.” The seemingly insignificant acts of parents can have a tremendous effect upon their children. The smallest act of love, attention and approval, or the moments of time spent together, acts of faith and hope. Faith, because we show our belief and confidence in our children; hope, because we will not see the results of our parenting for many years. Events Around Town Mark your Calendar - The FEST! Join us on Sunday, August 9, 2015 from Noon - 10 PM on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The day is FREE and includes food, kids' and adults' activities, popular Christian music artists, Eucharistic Adoration and Reconciliation. The day concludes with Mass at 8 PM followed by fireworks. 33rd Annual Catholic Renewal Ministry will be held at Magnificat High School Friday, July 17th-Saturday, July 18th. Join us for Praise & Worship, Contemporary Christian Music. Teaching and Reconciliation & Mass. Call 440-327-1226 for information & registration. Saturday in the Park June 20th from 1-6 PM at Guenther Park. It’s time to play outside. Enjoy a community day in the park with games and activities. Bring your blankets and picnic baskets. Call Lisa Prokay 440-9497379. for more information. St. Anthony Mass times will be changing, Sunday Mass time, beginning June 7th, will be at 10 am. Saturday vigil will remain the same, 4 pm. A priest will be assigned soon Save the Date Friday, August 28th-Sunday, August 30th for St. Anthony School 90th Anniversary & Reunion. Information to follow on this event. Vacation Bible School is at St. Anthony 9-Noon, from July 27th-31st for pre-school-5th grade. This is Free. For information contact Susan 440-288-0106. Play clothes and tennis shoes required for games & outdoor play. 3 Parish Cluster Events St. Thomas: Music Club invites all singers and musicians to join us on Tuesdays, for practice, from 7-8:30 PM in the Church. For information contact Roger (440)346-3022. St. Teresa: Eucharistic Adoration is held on Wednesdays. Adoration is from 8:30AM– 1:00 PM. St. Anthony: Fr. Richard is feeling better and getting stronger and his spirits are good, the extended rehab has warranted his resignation, which Bishop Lennon has accepted. Thank you for your blessings and prayers during this time.
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