THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PASTORAL TEAM: Rev. Stephen Bauer, Pastor 636-946-6641 ext. 220 Rev. Frederick Meyer, retired 636-946-6641 ext. 241 Deacon Larry Boldt 636-723-4406 Deacon John Schiffer 636-946-6641 ext. 211 Deacon Tim Dallas 636-284-5639 Deacon Thomas Willbrand Deacon Donald Wussler (Retired) PARISH OFFICE: 221 First Capitol Drive 636-946-6641 ● Fax 636-946-9789 Don Moxley, Business Manager 636 344-7001 Betty Elmendorf, Parish Center Manager 636-724-7505 Lisa Orf, Administrative Asst. 636-946-6641 ext.201 Sally Brockman, Administrative Asst. 636-946-6641 ext. 202 Peggy Oleson, Administrative Asst. 636-946-6641 ext. 200 Marty Charleville, Music Director 636-344-7011 SCHOOL: 201 First Capitol Drive 636-947-9669 Tammi Rohman, PSR & School Principal, 636-947-9669 ext. 100 EARLY LEARNING CENTER: 333 South Second St. 636-947-9669 Katie Palmer, Director 636-344-7000 APRIL 19, 2015 SUNDAY MASSES: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am - Sunday 5:00 pm - Saturday WEEKDAY MASSES: 6:30, 8:00 am Monday - Friday 8:00 am Saturday HOLY DAY MASSES: 6:30, 8:00, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday afternoon 3:45-4:45 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesday 8:30 am - 7:30 pm Thursday 8:30 am - 10:00 pm PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS: Tuesday evening 7:00 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Third Sunday of the month. Please call the rectory in advance FUNERALS: Please contact the Parish Office SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: All Marriage arrangements must be made six months in advance PARISH COUNCIL: David Sida, Chairperson; Wayne Boschert, Vice-Chairperson; Mark Oppelt, Secretary BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday morning to: Please pray for repose of the soul of: A NN M ARGUERITE (M ARGE ) W ILLIAMS Sister of Mary McColloch May her soul rest in our Lord’s eternal embrace. Congratulations to all our newly confirmed students that received the sacrament of the Holy Spirit at the Cathedral on Saturday. What makes us even more blessed is we have the opportunity to visit Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. There are sign-up sheets in the chapel vestibule. Please stop by and see what is available. We need two committed adorers for each hour. Talk to anyone on the sheets and they will tell you how wonderful and hour with Jesus can be. For more information contact or sign up for your personal hour contact: Margaret Kish Bill Kish Nettie Weber 636-541-0627 314.753.0334 635-946-8024 Eucharistic Adoration Hours: Tuesday – 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Thursday – 8:30 am to 10:00 pm MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY 5:00pm Ben & Lucille Fischer SUNDAY, APRIL 19 7:00 Kevin Ohlms 9:00 Debra Moore 11:00 People of the Parish MONDAY 6:30 Mildred Rood 8:00 Lawrence Louise Fischer TUESDAY 6:30 Paul Luetkenhaus 8:00 Jeanne Zerr WEDNESDAY 6:30 Albert Wetter 8:00 Linda Seeler THURSDAY 6:30 Margaret Hammond 8:00 Communion Service FRIDAY 6:30 Communion Service 8:00 Gene Knoblauch SATURDAY 8:00 Communion Service 5:00pm Gerald Flick SUNDAY, APRIL 26 7:00 Glennon & Francis Fuest 9:00 Tracy Delegatto 11:00 People of the Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK: Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12;Ps118:1,8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;1Jn 3:1-2;Jn10:11-18 MASS/DATE LECTOR SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Joe Armour 5:00 pm SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Libby White 7:00 am 9:00 am Karen Zerr 11:00 am Jessica Randolf EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION ALTAR SERVERS Deacon Ray Dickerson Bill Montgomery Vicky Egan Roger Gronefeld Laura Frothingham Kathy Montgomery Lloyd, Jake Vohsen, Oliver Oppelt, Cameron Marilyn Bock Shiela Eckstein Ralph Elmendorf BeƩy Elmendorf Joe Haug Louise Crowe Don Moxley DoƩy Moxley Fred Rohan George Ilgenfritz Amanda Davis Larry Rhoads Carol Schierding Vince Michalak Kathy Michalak James Heinsz Boerding, Andrew Boerding, Elizabeth Schmitz, WyaƩ Schmitz, GarreƩ Ermeling, Ethan McKelvey, Ryan McKelvey, Shane ParroƩ, Riley Future week Ministry Schedules are available at The Pastor’s Workshop Inotedinmyhomilylastweekthatit’stimetobeplantingagarden.Ifyouareplantinga gardenyoumightwanttousethisprayerforseed.Youneverknowwhatmighthappen. LordofAllLife,whodidhideyourseedsinallthatlives,bepresenthereaswe greetthesetinyseedswiththeirgiftsoflife. Thank you for helping St. Peter Church April 12, 2015 Parish Total: $20,768 Envelopes $14,353 Online $2,111 Loose $858 Repair & Maintenance $705 Regina Cleri $577 Holy Land 577 SeedsofLife,sosmall,andyet,inthemysteryof deathandburial,youwillproducelifeten-foldand more.Wesprinkleyouwithwater,sacredsignoflife, askingthatyoumaybeembracedbyourmotherthe earth,fedbyrainandkissedgentlybysun. A man’s wedding band was found in the church. Contact Peggy Oleson in the Parish office 636-946-6641 ext. 200 or for more information. Incaringforyouweshallexperiencethemost ancientprofessionofthehumanfamily,theprimal vocationofbeingworkersinthegarden.Soonyou willbeourprideandjoy.Soonyouwillbeourfood asyougiveupyourlifethatwemaylive. WEDDING BANNS Suzanne Daugherty & Marcus Eckstein Angela Trupiano & David Wiechens Kelly Tallman & Kevin Nowak Seeds,pregnantwithlife,teachustheEasterSecret ofLife,asweaskGodtoblessyou.Amen.(from PrayersfortheDomesticChurch,Rev.EdwardHays) Fr.Meyeranniversary-Mythankstoallwhomadethis 50thanniversarycelebrationsowonderfullastSunday.Ihad thechancetojokeabitforhisoccasionalclumsinessandhis loveofbingo.Butontheseriousside,hehasneverbeen clumsyaboutservingthechurch,whichhehasdone admirablyfor50+yearsasapriest.Wesharedaverylarge honorariumaswellasnotesandothergifts.Theschool childrenevenhadaspiritualbouquetfromtheirprayer garden.IthinkIcanrelatethatitwasasplendiddayforall. TheHiddenHomeless–(wehaveourownshareof homelessfolkinSt.Charles,especiallyhomelessmen.This articlefromafewmonthsagochallengesournotionabouthomelessmen,womenand children.Fr.B.) Thehomelesspeopleweencounter,oravoid,areusuallyonthestreets,menandwomen sprawledonaparkbenchorhuddledinadoorwaybehindacardboardsignidentifying themselvesasveterans,pregnantorunemployed.Butaccordingtoarecentreportfrom theNationalCenteronFamilyHomelessness,therehasbeenstartlinggrowthinthe numberofchildrenamongthenation’spopulation.Nearly2.5millionchildrenwere homelessatsometimeduring2013.In2006,1in50childrenwerehomeless;todaythe numberis1in30. Thetermhomelesscoversthosewholacka ixednighttime residence.Thatincludespeoplesleepinginapark,car, abandonedbuildingortemporaryshelter,aswellasthosewho shareahotelroom,faceevictionorare leeingviolenceagainst orwithintheirfamily.Despitetheeconomy’srecentresurgence, familiesonthecuspofpovertyremainvulnerable.Thegap betweenrichandpoorcontinuestowiden,andracialminorities haveforthemostpartnotbene itedfromtherecovery.The typicalfamilyisanunmarriedmotherandtwochildrenwithno meansofsupport.Childrenlivinginsuchunstable circumstancesoftenmissschool,failcoursesanddropout.Upto25percentofpreschooland40percentofschool-agechildrenexperiencinghomelessnesshavemental healthproblemsandareatriskofgrowingupwithoutthecognitiveandsocialskills neededforfutureemploymentandparenting. Thereportconcludesthatwecouldendchildhomelessnesswithadecadeiffundsatthe local,stateandfederallevelswererelocated,makingchildrenatoppriority.But irst,all ofuswouldhavetocare.(TakenfromAmericaMagazineDec.8,2014) PLEASE PRAY FOR PARISHIONERS IN NURSING HOMES: Delores Blackwell Kathleen Bornhop Kathleen Buse Mary Dickherber Sally Scherer Margie Tuck Mary Lou Watson Walter Watson JoAnn Zeisler PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Julie Buehrle Steve Cameron Bob Ermeling Dr. Jim Felder Peter Felder Glennon Fuest Michael Hannon Bob Heck Calvin Hefner Nancy Heinsz Jacob Hoeft Tina Jurkowski Susan Kendrick Karen Kipper Jerry Kleeschulte Margaret Lammert Melvin Linson Josephine Meyer Joe Niggemeier Marty Ohlms Carla Rose Harry Schramm Evelyn Shaver John Shelton Paul Sigman Jack Witman Dcn. Don Wussler PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: John Appelbaum Jerry Andersen Catherine Bahr Jaclyn Basiley Matt Boschert Kai Lee Fields Ray Fogg Megan Hallemeier Chris Hollingsworth Mary Horn Jamie House Kenneth Kaibel Aaron Kellogg Karen Kipper Chris Levale Grant Lindberg Chass Linson Steven Lorenz Matthew Meske A. J. Maiuro Shaun Mueller Adam Peth Francis K. Porter Timothy Scott Tim Siemer Darryl L. Smith Chris Suttmoller John Zerr Saint Peter Congratulationstothe eighthgradestudents fromourdayschooland PSRwhoreceivedtheSacramentofCon irmation yesterdayattheCathedralBasilicaofSt.Louis.God blessyouall! TaylorAlsup JohnPatrickMcLain JamieMarieBugajski BrandonJosephMiles KelseyFennewald PaigeMorfeld MorghenFisher MeganMundy BrittanyGarcia-Cortez BriannaRist SkylerHance WyattSchmitz KarchHertelendy AmyShemwell PhilipHoffmann BenjaminStopke LeahNicoleHolzwarth OliverVohsen QuinnAlexanderIngram LaurenYarusso KaleighLevins DuringtheseasonofLent,theboysandgirlsofour schoolandPSRmadesacri icestosavetheircoinsto sendtoNicaragua.We'rehappytoreportthatatotal of$746.72wascollectedforthisproject.Greatjob, boysandgirls! Pleaseprayforthesecondgradersastheyprepareto maketheirFirstCommunionthisSaturday,April 25th.MayyougrowinGod'slove,boysandgirls. FLE RAF L O SCHO Lisa Morfeld Joe Kelly Raffle tickets sell for $10 each. Two tickets are drawn every week, December through November. The first name will receive $50 and the second name will receive $25. Winning tickets are returned to the drum for future drawings. Please contact the Parish Office to purchase a ticket PARISH PICNIC Sunday, May 17th The Parish Picnic Day is almost here! Help in the dining room serving the chicken dinner is still needed. If you could help out from 1:30-4:30 p.m. or from 4:307:30 p.m. please give us a call. If these times do not work for you, we will also welcome your help when you are available. Please call Jane Lawson at 636-724-2524 or Dorothy Thro at 636-724-3296 Thank You in advance for helping at the picnic! Spring Wedding Music Preview St. Peter Catholic Church will be presenting its annual Spring Wedding Music Preview on Sunday evening April 19th beginning at 5:00pm. This is free and open to the public and has proven to be especially helpful to engaged couples who are currently planning their Wedding ceremonies. Come listen to an hour of talented musicians and vocalists performing excerpts of Wedding music appropriate for use at Catholic Wedding ceremonies. All are welcome. For more information contact Marty Charleville, Music Director at 636-344-7011 or at or 636-344-7011 VARIETY BOOTH ITEMS NEEDED: It's almost Parish Picnic time again! We are in need of items for the Variety Booth. We are looking for donations of all sorts, but the items must be new. There will be an orange collection bin in the back of Church starting the weekend of April 10th. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Manning at or 314-581 -7842. PICNIC PLANT STAND NEWS Items Needed For the Plant Stand: Annuals, Bulbs, Small trees or shrubs Perennials, Herbs Potting soil House plants, Starts, Flower pots, Cuttings Decorative planters Vegetable plants Your donations are greatly appreciated. Small items can be dropped off to the container in Chapel Lobby. Plants and larger items can be dropped off at Mary Widaman's 406 S. Pam Ave. or contact Mary 314913-5218 also Rita Ritter 636-916-5069. This is our first year taking over; we can use your help and experience, so please contact us. Are you l king for a way to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Are you finding yourself drawn to a deeper spirituality, to community, to a focus on justice and mission? If yes, then consider exploring various ways of being in relationship with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet i.e. Vowed life, Association, Prayer Partners. Partners in Ministry, Volunteer etc. To find out more about the CSJ Way come to an informational meeting on Thursday, April from 7:00pm-8:30pm in Celestine Auditorium at the motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (6400 Minnesota Ave). For more information and/or to RSVP contact either Peggy Maguire, CSJA at 314-678-0318 or Linda Markway, CSJ at 314-678-0315. St. Anne Sodality will meet April 21st at 9:00am in the Parish Center. Janice Scott and ladies from the U.S. Missouri 8th will be modeling some Civil War fashions. Looking forward to seeing everyone! 2015 Men’s White House Retreat Join the men of our Saint Peter Catholic Church by signing up for the 2015 ANNUAL RETREAT at the White House. The retreat starts Thursday, August 20 at 6:00pm and finishes on Sunday, August 23 at 2:00pm. Ask any man who has ever made a retreat at White House and he will volunteer that NEVER HAS HE BEEN MORE AT PEACE WITH HIS SOUL AND HIS GOD. A retreat once a year is a vital necessity these days. Call for your reservation NOW – Bill Kish, 314-753-033 or Thom Huellinghorst, 636-949-2783. Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Banquet Center Belleville, IL Dining and entertainment event: FOR THE LOVE OF BROADWAY! MAY 15, 16 & 17 Once a year, the Shrine hosts this special event…a spectacular Broadway Revue coupled with a deluxe buffet from our award-winning restaurant. The show is NEW every year, with fabulous music and re-created scenes from everyone's favorite Broadway musicals performed by a talented cast and live orchestra….a delightful experience for adults and children alike! May 15 & 16: Dinner Buffet at 6:30 pm, show at 7:30. May 17: Brunch Buffet at 1:00 pm, show at 2:00. ALLINCLUSIVE Entertainment Package with all-you-can-eat buffet, full-length two-act show, all taxes and gratuities, only $35.00 per adult, children 5-12 half price, under 5 free. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Order early for best table seating. Shrine Hotel discounted Bed and Breakfast package available for out-of-town guests. Call 618-409-0015 or email: NEW PARISHIONERS Saint Peter Parish is happy to welcome new members to our faith community. We ask you to register at your earliest convenience. This can be done by speaking with one of our priests or deacons after Mass. If you prefer, you can make an appointment to meet with one of them during the week at the Parish Office located below the Chapel, 9466641. If you would like someone to contact you, please complete the registration form and place in the collection basket. Registration Contact Form Date: ________ Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address Home Phone# _ City_ _Zip ______ Cell Phone # ___________________________ Email _______________________________________________ SinglesAgainisasupportgroupforseparated,divorcedandwidowed.SinglesAgainmeetsatSt.CletusChurchonApril30at7:15PMfortheir generalmeeting.St.Cletusisat2705ZumbehlRoad,St.Charles,MO.Comeandmeetforfriendshipandsupport.Allfaithsarewelcome.Contact isRickPass618-520-0966.CareandShareisonthe1stand3rdweekendofthemonth.ContactLeeSchellertforanyquestionsat 636-946-7782.OurguestspeakerisKimHuffwhoisgoingtospeakonspirituallife. APRIL 2015 S 19 Baptism Sunday M 20 PSR 6:45-8:00pm T 21 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-7:30pm Chapel Perpetual Help Devotion 7:00pm Chapel St. Anne Sodality Mtg 9:00am Parish Center Home & School 6:00pm Cafe W 22 Parish Council Mtg 7:00pm Office Conf Rm TH 23 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-10:00pm Chapel Men’s Group 7:00pm Pope Francis Rm Sa 24 First Communion 10:00am Church S 26 Donut Sunday/SVdP Mtg M 27 PSR 6:45-8:00pm T 28 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-7:30pm Chapel 7:00pm Chapel 8:30am-10:00pm Chapel Perpetual Help Devotion TH 30 Eucharistic Adoration Church Cafe Holy Rosary Church in Warrenton, MO is sponsoring their Annual Spring Dinner and Craft Show on Sunday, April 26, 2015. We will be serving Fried Chicken and Kettle Beef from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm. Adults $12.00, children ages 6-12, $5.00, Children ages 6 and under free in dining room only. We also offer a drive-thru carry-out for $12.00. The Office of Young Adult Ministry, part of Catholic Youth Apostolate, has a full-time opening for a Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry. This position will be located at the Cardinal Rigali Center in Shrewsbury, MO. Here’s the link providing more details about the job: http:// 70YearsaNun SisterAngell,whotaughtatSt.PeterHigh SchoolandDuchesneHighinthe1950’s,is celebratingher70thAnniversaryasaSSND nun.Thecelebrationwilltakeplaceathe VeronicaHouse,12284DePaulDr.,Bridgeton, MO63340onSaturdayMay16,2015.There willbeaMassat2p.m.withareceptionfrom3 to5p.m.SheisnowknownasSisterMary HelenHotzeandwillbegladtoseesomeofher formerstudents.Hopeyoucanbewithheron May16th.RSVPbyMay2,2015at314-2098814,ext.252 You are Invited to St. Norbert’s 50th Celebration May 16, 2015 Mass: 5:00pm - St. Norbert Church, Most Rev. Robert J. Carson , Main Celebrant Dinner & Dancing - 6:00pm—James J. Eagan Center, 1 James J. Eagan Center Drive, Florissant, MO 63033 Live Music - Dinner & Drinks provided. Dinner is for Adults only. Childcare will be provided at no charge at St. Norbert Gym. For more information or to purchase dinner tickets please call 314.831.3874. 50th Annual St. Ferdinand Golf Tournament St. Ferdinand Parish’s Men’s Club invites you to play in its 50th annual golf tournament on Saturday June 27, 2015. Registration begins at 12:30 pm for the shotgun start at 1:30 pm. Play will be at Eagle Springs Golf Course. Golf, cart, beverages, a steak dinner and a special gift is included. Prizes will be awarded to winners of three flights (A, B, and C) and as well as a family flight. All profits are used to help support youth programs. Space is limited so reserve your place now by calling Paul Manganelli at 314-972-6000. Lloyd & Company LLC — Continuing to Meet The Needs of Area Catholics • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living 723 First Capitol Drive Contact Social Services at (636) 946-4140 x 107 ST. CHARLES OPTICAL Since 1950 Roy Cox Plumbing Certified Public Accountants Jim Lloyd, CPA Caryn Lloyd Watson, CPA Julie Pryor Mary Russo Jackie Johannesman Lorie Tippett 1001 Fairgrounds at Boonslick 636-724-2570 636-946-6763 40 Portwest Court 636.946.3411 ST. CHARLES Saint Charles, MO 63303 Hair Salon 60 Years In Business St. Peter Parishioner Alexander Insurance Agency 821 Madison Wayne & Matt Alexander Scott Ilgenfritz 636-724-9077 (636) 946-8611 636.724.4508 611 First Capitol Dr. Family Dentistry of St. Peters (636) 928-1100 Danielle M. Riordan, DDS – Mark R. Zust, DDS “Trust Your Smile To Us” Power Washing Window & Carpet Cleaning 2539 W. Clay St. RESTAURANT COCKTAIL LOUNGE – 724-5919 – 4th & First Capitol Drive St. Charles, Missouri (Z) 636.723.2600 John Zerr Books Noble Deeds, Sundown Town Duty Station and The Ensign Locker Available at Main St. Books in St. Charles Amazon & Barnes & Noble in all 3 Formats including e-book Visit Author’s website: WE BUY HOUSES Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 860.399.1785 Any Condition. Any Situation. We buy with cash and close quick! Please call today! 636-565-0035 St. Gianna Parishioner Tim Gruettemeyer 314.630.3131 • Membership has its benefits. 5773 Westwood Dr. • Weldon Springs Peter Abegg 636.926.9989 Field Agent (636) 485-6002 Dawson ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 Open 24 Hours Breakfast Lunch Dinner • WE DELIVER • Accepting All Ins. Plans Including Medicare • Great Know-Your-Name Service • Same Co-Pays • Hallmark Greeting Cards • Melissa & Doug Toys • All Your Over-the-Counter Health Needs Homestyle Restaurant 946-0266 305 Hawthorn Avenue St. Charles, MO 63301 phone: 636.946.7350 Filling the Needs of Our Neighborhood! 1881 Sherman Dr. Senior Discounts PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 311 South Main, Ste. 100, O’Fallon, MO 63366 TALK ........ 636-281-1990 / 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH PICKLEMAN’S ➢No Long-Term Contracts ➢Price Guarantee ➢American Made Dierberg’s Bogey Plaza Sandwiches, Soups, Salads & Pizza TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Steve Maureen and CJ Weseman Ph. (636) 946-9000 *First Three Months Life is too short... to wear boring glasses! Experience the Art of Eyecare Dr.Julie Emming-Thomas Sacred Heart Parishioner 636-928-4888 GENERAL DENTISTRY-IMPLANTS-TEETH WHITENING CROWNS-BRIDGES-DENTURES INSURANCE ACCEPTED-FLEXIBLE FINANCING 115 N. Main St. • St. Charles 63301 • • 636-393-8888 Susan Eilers, Realtor St. Peter Parishioner • 314-607-9631 Thank you for reading Painting & Home Improvement (314) 565-0060 Renew by J & F 917 South 5th St. 314-302-0716 FREE Online Subscription: Under new ownership Mike Maroney, St. Charles Borromeo Parishioner (636) 724-4100 Scottish, Irish, and Welsh Tartans / Heraldry / Gift Items (636) 946-2449 407 S. Main • Historic St. Charles, 63301 225 Fox Hill Road Free Inspection Termite & Pest Control Mike & Todd Pickering Rick Wilkins 947-1452 281-4020 RICHARD R. VEIT Attorney at Law 2341 Hwy K 2nd Floor 916-HELP (4357) O’Fallon, MO St. Charles Borromeo Parishioner 780400 St Peter Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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