Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015

15353 Moneta Road, Moneta, VA 24121
Office: 297-5530 Fax: 297-6316 Hours Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00
Web Page: http//
Twinning with: Children’s Center of the Good Shepherd
Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2015
Rev. Salvador Añonuevo
Senior Pastoral Associate: Deacon Chris Barrett
Business Administrator:
Parish Nurse:
Youth Coordinator:
Joe Day
Tami Akin
Melissa Murtagh
Youth Group Minister
Lisa Lietz
Music Coordinator:
Al Broholm
Pastoral Council Chair:
Gary Buddie
Finance Council Chair:
Rusty MacMullan
Pastoral Care Team:
John Parrish
Joyous Junque Pick-ups: Tony Cusumano
Franklin County
Resurrection Weekly Masses:
Holy Name of Mary, Bedford Masses
Francis of Assisi, Rocky Mount Masses:
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Resurrection
Holy Name of Mary
540-297-5530 x 109
540-297-5530 x 101
434-846-5902 (home)
540-297-5530 x 108
540-297-5530 x 104
540-297-5530 x 105
434-426-0042 (cell)
Don Fournier 540-297-4126
Bedford County
5:00 PM Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 11:00 AM Thursday
Sunday 8:00 and 10:45 AM
4:30 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM Sunday
Last Thursday each month or as requested
Wednesday 6:00 PM
Baptism: Contact Senior Pastoral Associate
Must attend sacramental preparation session
Confirmation: Contact Youth Coordinator.
Must be enrolled in Youth Faith Formation on Sunday evenings
Marriage: Contact Senior Pastoral Associate before
setting date to begin pre-marriage counseling and other preparation
Sacrament of the Sick: Contact Pastor or Senior Pastoral
Associate to arrange a time to receive the Sacrament at
church, in the home or at the hospital in Sunday afternoon process.
Prepare for Sacraments of Initiation
Monday, March 23, 9:00 a.m.
Mary Ann Burch, Richard Dorss, Betty Murphy
Tuesday, March 24, 9:00 a.m.
Robert Walter, Jean Ringel, Marie Papp
Wednesday, March 25, 9:00 a.m.
Gertrude Bahr, Kelsy Ann Lorent
Thursday, March 26, 11:00 a.m.
John Lee, John Drawser, James Howley,William Lenhart
Saturday, March 28, 5:00 pm
Frank Lombardo, requested by Calpin-Lombardo Families
Sophia Kantner, requested by Terry and CK Roberts
Betty Queensbury, requested by Cindy Martin
Marge O’Connell, requested by Marion Wagner and Jim Bennett
August Langhage
Mass – Palm Sunday, March 29th, 4:00 p.m.
Maria Cavacini, requested by Ann Cavacini
Stephen Pronko and Family, requested by Phil and Ellen Servidea
Anne Martin, Richard McLaughlin
Finance Council, Tuesday, March 24, 1:00 p.m.
RCIA, Sunday, March 29, 2:30 p.m.
Rosary Prayer Group: Monday, 9:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer: 9:00 a.m. Tue. Wed., Thur.
Healing Prayer: Monday, 6:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal: Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 2:45 p.m.
Christian Initiation: Sunday, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
The Annunciation of The Lord
(Wednesday, March 25th)
We celebrate the wondrous event that binds God
and humanity forever. Christ, the Word who becomes
the Son of Mary is enfleshed in her virginal womb,
making Mary the Mother of God. The liturgy celebrates
the beginning of God’s new redemptive work and
recognizes Mary as the “new Eve,” the obedient and
faithful woman who generously agreed to participate in
God’s plan of salvation. May we imitate her generous
and trusting commitment when she gave herself fully
to God’s mysterious ways.
Holy Thursday, April 2nd
This Week’s Liturgies
Mass – Mon., March 23rd, 9:00 a.m.
Mass, Tues., March 24th, 9:00 a.m.
Communal Penance Service, with individual
confessions, Tues, March 24th, 7 pm.
Mass, Wed., March 25th, 9:00 a.m.
Rosary, Thurs., March 26th, 10:45 a..m.
Mass – Thurs. March 26th, 11:00 a.m..
Stations of The Cross --- 3 p.m. Friday, March 27th.
This week’s Thomas More Center Team
Sunday, March 22 Dinner at 5 p.m.,with
opening session at 6 p.m.
Mon., Tues., Wed. March 23, 24 and 25
Mass each morning at 9:a.m. followed by a
presentation, then dinner at 6 p.m., followed
by an evening session at 7 p.m. Please note
that the morning and evening sessions are on
different topics with different presentations.
Tuesday evening’s session will be a
Communal Penance and Reconciliation
Service with individual confessions
no morning Rosary or Mass
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper,7:00 p.m.
Good Friday, April 3rd
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday, April 4th
Blessing of Easter Foods, 12:00 noon
Easter Vigil Mass, 8:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 5th
Masses at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.,
followed by Easter Egg Hunts
Memorial Services and Burials
Two former Resurrection parishioners, Bob
Fanelli and Marion Muldoon, died out-of-state last year
and their cremated remains are being brought back to
Resurrection by their spouses, Maureen Fanelli and Bill
Muldoon, for interment in our cemetery.
A Memorial Service, followed by the Rite of
Committal, for Bob Fanelli will take place on Friday,
March 27 at 11:30 a.m., and a Memorial Mass followed
by the Rite of Committal for Marion Muldoon on
Saturday, March 28 at 11 a.m.. Receptions in Morrow
Hall will follow both burials. Please consider
contributing finger foods. Thank you.
is going to take place on Wednesday, March
25th, led by Epworth United Methodist Church, to pray
for and be a visible witness to the faithfulness of Jesus
Christ in our community. It will start at 1:00 p.m. at
the front of where Bank of America was and go down
the street to Runk & Pratt, and then back to the corner.
Questions/more info, contact Pastor Josh Munnikhuysen
at 540-721-4926.
Divine Mercy Sunday at Holy Name of Mary
Note: if you are attending, please consider
contributing finger foods for the refreshment
table at our March 23rd,-24th, and 25th a.m.
and p.m. sessions. Thank you kindly.
Decorating the Church for Easter
Parishioners are invited to again help decorate the
Church by ordering lilies in memory of a loved one, or
just to help decorate. Sign-up sheets will be available in
the office until March 29th. The price is $15 per lily
Will take place on April 12th at 1:45 p.m. It will
begin with adoration, during which confessions will be
heard. At 2:45 those gathered will pray the Novena to
the Divine Mercy, followed by the Divine Mercy
Chaplet and Benediction. A reception with light
refreshments will follow. For more info please call
Carol Morales at 540-586-5722.
Bereavement Meetings schedule
Tuesdays, March 24th and 31st at 1:00 p.m.
Job Opportunity
Wednesday Women’s Group
We will be joining with our other RCC members in the
retreat next week so we’ll resume our regular meetings
on April 1 at 9:30 a.m. –- no fooling!
St, Gerard’s Catholic Church in Roanoke is
seeking a part-time secretary for 25 hours per week. For
detailed info please email Fr. Bob Spencer, pastor, at
Ministry Schedule
Palm Saturday, March 28th, 5:00 p.m.
Those who believed ==. shared
Dialogue Gospel Lectors: N - Sheri Given
V- Loretta. Lavanco
C- R. MacMullan
EMs: Mitzi Kelly, Ted Lagosky, Sandy Horan
George and Michele Moonan, Vicki Mathis
Ushers: Enrique Campbell-Stone, Jack Kuhn
Jim and Anna Turner
Server: Kassidy Given
Offertory Income Mar.15th
$ 5,772.88
Offertory income FY budget
$ 319,195.02
Offertory income FY15 to date
$ 312,168.68
$ -7,026.34
We are under budget by
THANK YOU for your continued generosity
Palm Sunday, March 29th, 4:00 p.m.
Dialogue Gospel Lectors: N – Denise Gregory
V – Melissa Murtagh
C – Chuck Murphy
EMs: M.L. McDonald, Diane McVaney, Terry Jones
Brad Rings, Carol and Larry Patton
Ushers:Ronnie Gilbarte, Paul Champagne,
Chuck and Annie Murphy
Server: M. Alcorn
----------------------------------------------------------Gift Cards for use at CVS, Walmart/Sam’s Club and
Food Lion can be purchased from our volunteers at a table
in the Commons Please support this fundraiser that costs
you no money and is a source of income for the parish.
Profit at this point this FY
Profit at this point last FY
Difference from last year
Sellers, Saturday, Mar. 28:
Sellers, Sunday, Mar. 29:
$ 6,517.36
$ 7,448.62
$ - 931.26
Note: Cards will be sold from the office during Lent
From Parish Nurse Tami Akin -- call her at 540-297-5530 for more info, or to register for events
Thur., March 26th Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson Disease, by Dr. Sean Burke from Carilion Clinic at
Resurrection. No cost, light refreshments. Must register with Tami.
Mon., March 30 The Celiac Disease Foundation SML Support Group at 10:00 a.m. at the Kroger in Westlake.
Wed., April 1st
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group (Chair Yoga) at Resurrection at noon. Bring a bagged lunch
and a drink
Men’s Cancer Support Group (spouses are welcome) Research - bring some info to share on
Wed. April 1st
prostate cancer. 3:00 p.m. at Trinity Ecumenical Parish, Moneta
(note date change) Wed. April 8th Alzheimer/Dementia Caregiver Support Group (General
Wed. April 8th
Discusiion), 2:00 pm, Trinity Ecumenical Parish, Moneta
Mon., April 13th Life for One (Chair Yoga by Kathy Graham) , 11:30 a.m.(note date and time change) Trinity
Ecumenical Parish, Moneta (bring a bagged lunch and a drink)
Note A community coordinator is needed for the Franklin County Ministry of Caring Program. Responsibilities are to assist
the parish nurse in planning the Ministry of Caring meetings, and to assist the parish nurse and eleven Franklin County group
leaders, as needed. The position requires very little time. Interested? Call Tami (above) or email her at
Please pray for
Mary Jo Clark, Dave Lortscher, Bill Hughes, Judy J., June Kingan, Dona Miller, David
Batchelder, John and Phyllis Blankenship, Teresa Bryant, Dominic Buscani, Janet Byington, Diana Cobbs, Brian
Cochrane, Amanda Coleman, Thomas Croach, George and Anita Cross, Adele and Bob DellaValle-Rauth,
Devin Dineen, Jan Dobson, Al Drake, Joann Droge, Bill Dunn, Paul Ellet, Margaret Estes, Anne Favo, Gerry
Fiamingo, Hannah Filardi,Patricia Foley, Michael Gardiner, Christopher George, Betsi Gerber, Gregory Ghosh,
TK Ghosh, Bob Haas, Stephen Hanlin, Kelly Harper, Georgia Helbish, Timothy Herlehy, Laura Hollon, John
Holmes, Ann Howard, David Howard, Joe Howard, Douglas Hull, Bert Jones, KP, Laura Keeley, Nina Keeley,
Charles Klinger, Betsy Kripas, Patricia Kuhl, Ted Lagoski, Betty Lallier, Joseph Lanzi, Jim Leftwich, Marge
Lostoski, Stephen Lanzi, Spencer Madden,Geri Markovich, Anne Marr, Anne Woolley Matienzo, Eileen
McSweeney, Ronny McDonald, Doris Meyer, Edmond Miller, Alma Morgan, Olwen Mortimer, Tracy Neilson,
James Newman, John O’Brien, Don O’Dell, Joe and Jean Pasqua, Stephen Prucinski, Thomas Roark, Toni
Robertson, Kendal Satterfield, Ken Sauer, Marie Sauer, Tom Schnurr, Jennifer Sliter, Valerie Sloan, Glenn
Sprinkel, Connie Stephens,Karen Thompson, Tracy Trinidad, Julie Vallimont,Barbara Vitt, Heather Weston, Judy
Please notify the Main Office with any changes.
A Parish Social Ministry Regional Gathering for Catholics working in outreach ministries, such as Haiti ministry and
Justice & Peace ministries, with excellent national speakers and workshops, will take place on Friday evening, April 17, and throughout
Saturday, April 18, at Church of the Incarnation in Charlottesville. Co-sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and Catholic
Charities USA. You can register at