ST COLMCILLE’S CHURCH, HOLYWOOD PARISH Fr Stephen P McBrearty PP 2a My Lady’s Mile, Holywood, BT18 9EW Tel: 028 9042 2167 Office Hours: 10.00am – 2.00pm E: W: Recently deceased: Eddie Churchman, Maire Smyth, Cirian Lample Month’s Mind: Mary Stewart Anniversaries: Stephen Maguire, Paddy Bradley, Jim Eccles, Austin Treacy, John & Bernadette Kerstens, Betty Tumelty, Dympna McKenna, Isobella & Frank O’Reilly, Mollie Hanratty, Brendan Hanratty, Kevin McKinney. Sunday Mass Saturday vigil at 6.30pm Sunday at 10.00am and 12noon Weekday Mass Monday - Thursday at 9.30am Friday at 7.00pm Tuesday 9.30am - St Anthony’s Novena during Mass Friday at 7.00pm - Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Eucharistic Adoration Before weekday Mass for ½ hour for the following intentions: Monday for Peace, Tuesday for Families, Wednesday for the Youth & Vocations, Thursday for all the Marginalised, the Poor and Needy Friday for those who are ill or sick. Andrew Black’s Ordination 3rd May Volunteers needed to help with catering. On Sunday May 3rd the ordination will take place at 3.00pm and refreshments are needed for the visiting priests. This will be laid out for the priests in the school hall for before and after the event. Sandwiches and tray bakes are needed for perhaps up to 50 priests. On the next day, Monday 4th May, (May Day), Andrew will say his First Mass, at 7.00pm and there will be refreshments for parishioners in the school hall afterwards. Sandwiches and tray bakes are needed for this event and volunteers to help set up and serve the tea/coffee. This is an important event for the Parish. Anyone who is willing to help provide refreshments and/or serve please contact Carmel Hart on 07742490957 any evening after 6.00pm. Every Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm Confessions: Available before each Mass or by appointment. Baptisms: By appointment. At least 3 wks notice to be given. Marriage: By appointment. Collection for Rev Andrew Black’s Ordination Envelopes will be handed out this weekend in preparation for the Ordination on 3rd May 2015. Please return to the parish office by 26th April 2015 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2015: Full board in 3* hotel: 7nights (1017 July) for £625 or 5nights (11-16 July) for £570. Full board for sick or infirm pilgrims with medical and nursing care in Accueil Notre-Dame: 5nights (11-16 July) for £450. Youth Team (8-17 July) £520. All flights from Belfast International Airport. Application forms now available in the parish office or contact Pilgrimage Office T:9064-6040 or email: SAVE THE DATE Faith and Life Convention 2015 Saturday 26th September 2015 at Our Lady and St Patrick’s College Knock. Charity Presentation for St Vincent De Paul Society ‘A Month in the Country’ by Brian Friel Presented by Holywood Players St Patrick’s Hall at 7.30pm on Friday 24th April Admission Free Retiring Collection for SVP My Lady’s Mile entrance to the Church During the weekend Masses car parking at the My Lady’s Mile entrance is reserved for people with reduced mobility. Many thanks for your co-operation. NEW ENVELOPES FOR COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND 11th & 12th APRIL. Please collect in IONA after all the Weekend Masses. Every envelope will have a card re Gift Aid, if you have signed a form recently there is no need to re-sign up but if you haven’t and wish to do so, then just fill in the card and leave it into the parish office. ORDINATION CHOIR – rehearsal continues on Tuesday 14th April at 7.30pm in preparation for the ordination. Holy Hour for P4 children preparing for First Communion – this Monday 13th April from 6 to 7pm in Iona (inside Church Porch). DOWN AND CONNOR E-NEWSLETTER, SIGN UP TODAY !! Get all the latest news by sending an email to: The E-Newsletter aims to give an update on news and events in the Diocese. Parishioners can also follow the Diocese on Facebook & Twitter. Children’s Liturgy will be back on Sunday 19th April at 10am P1-P7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Centering Prayer resumes on Wednesday 15th April at 8.00pm. If you have never been before please feel free to come along! ST COLMCILLE’S CHURCH, HOLYWOOD PARISH 2nd SUNDAY of EASTER – Divine Mercy Sunday -12th APRIL 2015 Friends in Faith Group- Clonard- Open to new members ! Are you in your 30’s,40’s +plus,Interested in making new friends / living & sharing your faith together / participating in various Spiritual/Social events. Why not come and see for yourself, you would be very welcome at Clonard. Simply register now by emailing your name/and contact details to or text your name/to 07842960198 and we will be in touch. A new group for those interested in expressing themselves in Creative Writing. Every Monday evening at Gartan (2B My Lady's Mile, beside Fr Stephen's house), 7pm for 7.30pm to 9pm, initially for six weeks starting Monday 13th April, 2015. Contact Patrick on 07506 451043. The group is open to every level beginners to advanced, aged 21 &upwards. Creating Pastoral Communities If you want to know more information about Creating Pastoral Communities please read the document on the following website. and also at LIVING YOUTH – SAVE THE DATE – Summer Pilgrimage Fund Raising Quiz – Friday 1st May 2015 in Lansdowne Hotel, Antrim Road, Belfast at 8.00 pm. All welcome. LIVING YOUTH - A joint team from Living Youth and Ulster University will be travelling to Ethiopia this summer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity. As part of their fundraising campaign they are hosting a GALA BALL on Friday 17th April in The Tullyglass House Hotel, Ballymena. Tickets £40/£400 per table. To reserve tickets or for more information please contact Claire Smylie, Living Youth Office Manager * 16 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH ( 028 90232432 8 email: Please help build homes and hope in Ethiopia. Down and Connor Maryvale Association invite you to a Training Day For Facilitators of the Anchor Programme (a 6-part course looking at the beauty and mystery of the Mass) Tóbar Mhúire Retreat Centre, Crossgar Saturday 9th May 2015 9am–5pm Tel Brigid: 07955656780 / e-mail Price £60* before 10/4/15 (£70* after this date) *meal and materials incl. Closing date: 1/5/15 On DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, Sunday 12th April 2015 there will be a holy hour of prayer for “VOCATIONS” in St Comgall’s Church, Donaghadee. ALL BULLETIN NOTICES OR ANNIVERSARIES NEED TO BE RECEIVED WEDNESDAY AT 2.00PM Krista Detor will be in Concert at Tobar Mhuire on Friday 17th April at 7.30pm in aid of Tobar Mhuire funds. Donation £15.00. All welcome. INTO THE PARISH OFFICE NO LATER THAN "Come & See Day" - We invite single women who feel called to Eucharistic Adoration to come and learn more about the life of the Adoration Sisters. Saturday 18th April at 2pm. Why not take that first step to new life? To book your place Contact: The Adoration Sisters 63 Falls Road, Belfast. 02890 325 668 Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season opens Saturday 2nd May with One Day Retreats which continue on 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 25 of May. Advance booking is essential. The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May. You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day between 29 th May and 13th August. Pre-booking not required. Contact Lough Derg 00 353 71 9861518 or email. Down and Connor Diocesan Liturgy Seminar: 'Closer to Christ in the Eucharist' Saturday 9th May, 1.00pm to 4.30pm in St. Brigid's Parish Hall. Presented by Br Pat Mullins O.Carm. Cost £10 per person. UP AND COMING CELEBRATIONS IN OUR PARISH Sunday 26th April, 2015 at 4.00pm CONFIRMATION ORDINATION Rev Andrew Black Sunday 3rd May at 3.00pm 1ST MASS for Fr Andrew Black Monday 4th May at 7.00pm FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Saturday 16th May at 10.30am 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OF THE CHURCH Friday 29th May at 7.00pm ST PATRICK’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, End of Year Mass Wednesday 17th June at 9.30am
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