St. Paul’s and St. Francis of Assisi St. Paul’s Parish, 340A Newfoundland Dr., St. John’s St. Francis of Assisi, 49 Outer Cove Rd., Outer Cove Rev. Fred Brown St. Paul’s Ph: 754-1980 Fax: 754-5660 Website: Office Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am-4:00pm. Tuesday: 12:30pm – 4:00pm, Wednesday 8:30am – 12:00pm Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 St. Francis Ph: 437-5777 Fax: 754-5660, Website – Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30am – 12:00pm, Wednesday 12:30pm – 4:00pm PALM BRANCHES PALM SUNDAY Palm branches are a part of Christian worship on Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday as it is sometimes called. This event commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as foretold by the prophet Zechariah. The Bible tells us people cut the branches from palm trees, and waved them in the air. They greeted Jesus not as the spiritual Messiah who would take away the sins of the world, but as a potential political leader who would overthrow the Romans.. Their shout "Hosanna" meant "save now." In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness and victory. They were often depicted on coins and important buildings. Solomon had palm branches carved into the walls and doors of the temple(1 Kings 6:29). Again at the end of the Bible, people from every nation raise palm branches to honor Jesus (Revelation 7:9). Today in all Christian Churches palm branches are distributed to remember Christ's sacrificial death on the cross, praising Jesus for the gift of salvation, and looking forward to seeing Jesus again. “Morning by morning He wakens - wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.” Listen in prayer daily to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, seeking to know your vocation. If He is asking you to consider the priesthood or consecrated life, call Fr. Ken Walsh 432-2865, Fr. Steve Courtney 726-3660 or email: Mass Schedule March 30 – April 5, 2015 Tuesday, St. Paul’s, 9:30am - Wayne Doran, Jason English, Margaret Corcoran Wednesday, St. Francis, 9:00am - Patrick & Jack Devereaux, William & Alice Croke, Paul Coady Holy Thursday St. Paul's 7:00pm Adoration until 10:00pm Good Friday St. Francis 11:00am Station of the Cross for children St. Francis 7:00 pm Stations for adults St. Paul's 3:00pm Liturgy celebration Holy Saturday St. Paul’s Easter Vigil: 8:00 pm Easter Sunday St. Francis 9:45am – All Parishioners St. Paul’s 11:15am - All Parishioners ------------------------------------------------------------Offertory Collection with Thanks March 21/22 St. Paul’s Offertory $1968.30 Other Parishes $25.00 Food Bank $35.00 Solidarity Collection $5.00 Dev. & Peace $1301.00 Daily Ministries Canada $3.20 St. Francis of Assisi Offertory $720.45 Other Parishes $392.75 St. Paul’s $679.00 Initial Offering $3.00 Ash Wednesday $10.00 Dev. & Peace $888.00 New Year’s Day $2.00 ------------------------------------------------------------R.C. CURSILLO MOVEMENT has resumed its weekly Ultreyas at St. Patrick’s meeting room at 10:15 am every Saturday morning. Youth and Young Adult Activities Interested in getting involved with other Catholic youth or young adults? Visit the Archdiocesan website to find lots of upcoming activities that you can participate in this fall. Ministers of the Liturgy for April 2 St. Paul’s Parish Lectors: Derm Whelan, Doug Harris Bringing Up the Gifts: Art and Kay Escott Eucharistic Ministers: Eileen Madden, George Hynes, Ray English Ushers: Mike Russell, Charlie Dawe, Ken Yetman, Dave Power, Jim Critch Ministers of the Liturgy for April 3 St. Paul’s Parish Lectors: Maureen Roche, Robert Bartlett Eucharistic Ministers: Sheila Redmond, Gloria Carter, Leo Kinsella Ushers: Mike Russell, Leo Kinsella, Albert Croke, Mike Croke, Hubert Sorhaitz Ministers of the Liturgy for April 4/5 St. Paul’s Parish Lectors: Saturday - Anne Gosse O’Driscoll, Dave Dyer, Jean Loder Sunday - Maria Whitten, Hunter Read Bringing Up the Gifts: Saturday – Marie Skiffington, Mary McGuire, Bernadine Knight Sunday – Claud and Mary Moulton Eucharistic Ministers: Saturday – Roseanne Veitch, Doug Harris, Bernadine Knight Sunday – Eileen Bartlett, Gloria Cater, George Hynes Ushers: Saturday - Ray English, Charlie Dawe, Richard Croke, Ray Bonia, Bren McDonald Sunday – Claud Moulton, George Hynes, Gerald Brothers, Aloyoius Billings, Bernard Madden, Leo Kinsella St. Francis of Assisi Parish Lectors: Don Feehan, Jean Loder Eucharistic Minister: Helen Feehan Bringing Up The Gifts: Charlene, David, Rachel, Jared Devereaux Counselling Services: Individual, couple, family and sexual abuse counselling available upon request. To register for any of ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL COLLECTION – MAY 2 & 3 and MAY 9 & 10 Did you know that there is more than one way to give? You can take any envelope, include your name, address and envelope number, if applicable, and: - make a one-time gift; - make smaller donations over several weeks; - make smaller donations over several months; - make a donation in memory of a loved one; No matter which you choose we thank you. Every gift is appreciated and every gift is important.” MASS IN THE EXTRAORDINARY FORM (Traditional Latin Mass) Mass in the Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass) offered weekly on Sunday, celebrated at St. Pius X chapel at 5:15 pm. Visitor’s guide to Latin mass call Una Voce, #722-4842 (Elizabeth) or 726-6767 (Maureen) or email: Philomena Chafe Memorial Pilgrimage for 2015, with visits to Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Cape de la Madeleine and St. Joseph’s Oratory; from St. John’s to and from Montreal via Air Canada, Group 1: June 18th.- 25th and Group 2: August 6th. 13th. Interested parties please write to: Philomena Chafe Memorial Pilgrimage, P.O. Box 864, Stn. C, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5L7 Or Phone Frank Chafe (709) 579-7924 or Maureen Wyatt (709) 5796130. Register early to avoid disappointment. Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Scholarship 2015 The K of C Supreme Council Scholarship is available to members, sons and daughters of members and deceased members. It is available to students presently in Grade XII. The application deadline is May 1, 2015. Further information and application can be obtained at under Scholarships. State Council contact Maurice Lewis at or 709-447-4461. ST. CLARE’S MERCY HOSPITAL AUXILIARY has openings for day time volunteers in their Gift Shop. If you have a few hours a week that you are willing to offer providing customer service to our patients and visitors please call Volunteer Resources at 777-5539 for further information. the above groups or for further details: either go to our website for online registration, call Jennifer at 5790168, or email: FOUND KEYS at St. Francis of Assisi Church, if you are missing your keys (mailbox is one key), please contact the office. My Refuge, My Strength - A new book authored by Monsignor Francis A. Coady, P.H. Encouragement for Catholics and others. Available at the Basilica Parish Office or call Jocelyn at (709) 726-3660. $15.00 per copy. Limited quantity available. NL State Council of the Knights of Columbus Essay Writing Contest The essay topic this year is: “What effect do you think Pope Francis is having on the Church today. The essay should be approximately 500 words. All students from Grade 7 to 12 are eligible. 1st prize- $200, 2nd- $100, 3rd- $50. Please submit your essay to: James R. Murray, PGK, State Program Director, 17 Rutledge Cres., St. John’s, NL A1A 3J5 or email: by March 31, 2015. The prize winners will be announced at the State Convention in April. T'ai Chi Chih Joy Thru Movement “Special full Saturday morning sessions - T'ai Chi Chih Joy Thru Movement on March 21st and Chow Medical Qigong on March 28th promoting greater wellness body mind spirit. Being offered at Presentation Sisters Retreat House, Parsonage Drive, on Virginia Lake, just off Logy Bay Road. For new and returning students. See for more details. Please contact Sheila at 727-7863 or email to preregister.” 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu City, Philippines - January 21February 5, 2016 Fr. Jose Joaquin is organizing a pilgrimage to the 51st International INSPIRE. FORM. CONNECT AT THE NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT - April 24/25, 2015. Join over 4000 Catholics across Canada and the USA as they partake in a conference on the New Evangelization. The conference will feature 8 worldclass Catholic speakers on the New Evangelization – people like Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Ralph Martin, Patrick Coffin and JoEllen Gregus, to name a few and has been designed to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. Register now Where: Corpus Christi Parish Complex -When: Friday night, April 24 and Saturday, April 25. Cost: $50.00 (includes breaks, but please bring a bag lunch). For more information, contact Anne Walsh - or call 709-726-3660. What is "Live-Streaming"? "Live-Streaming" means that all events for this congress will be hosted at one site-- in this case, Ottawa-- but a limited number of sites (20) will receive a video and audio link that allows us to participate in the events as they happen. Nobody will be able to watch the events at home; you have to be at the site (Corpus Christi Complex). This is a wonderful technology that allows us here in Newfoundland to experience and share great speakers, inspiring talks and the energy of thousands of other people of faith. Early Bird Registration Prize! If you register before March 31, we will enter your name for a chance to enter a draw for a "New Evangelization Prize package"-- a basket of CD, books and other gifts! Register early for a chance to win! Registration for the New Evangelization Summit Registration is open for the New Evangelization Summit. When you go the website, you are given a choice to register on-line or call in to register. If are not comfortable with the technology, we are offering two opportunities where we here in St. John's will help you to register. For help with registration, you can come to: - Corpus Christi Parish Office after 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March 21 and after 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 22 or - Mary Queen of Peace Parish Office after 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March 21 and after 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 22. We are happy to help! Eucharistic Congress, to be celebrated in Cebu City, Philippines from January 21 - February 5, 2016. This will be a 16-day pilgrimage, including time spent at the Eucharistic Congress and then touring in the Philippines. A minimum of ten people is required to offer this package. The cost for the pilgrimage will be $4500.00 (Canadian funds, travelling to and from Toronto), including registration at the International Eucharistic Congress, airfare, travel within the Philippines, hotels and some meals. Travel from St. Johns-Toronto return is extra. You must purchase your own travel insurance. For more information, or to register, contact Fr. Jose Joaquin at or call (709)693-9326 on or before March 6, 2015. Further information will be made available upon expression of interest. Virginia Park Community Centre 50+ Club meets every Wednesday from 7-10 pm to play cards, bingo, darts or just to have a night out. All 50+ are welcome to attend. The Centre for Life invites you to read more about euthanasia and assisted suicide and its impact on the vulnerable in our society by visiting and To learn more about the Centre for Life visit us on line at There will be a 4th Degree Exemplification on April 11th 2015 at St. Teresa's church on Mundy Pond Road. All 3rd Degree Brothers are invited to apply. If you are interested please call Greg Richard 335-2515 for further details. St. Francis of Assisi Parish Divine Mercy Devotions will be held on Sunday, April 12th at 3:00pm. Catholic Youth Club Are you 11 or older? Are you looking to learn about the church, deepen your faith and have lots of fun doing it? Come join the Catholic Youth Club. Grades 6-9 meet on Sunday nights from 6:30-8pm. Grades 10+ meet on Monday nights from 6:30 - 8:30pm. All meetings are held at Mary Queen of Peace Church. Our meetings include prayer, catechesis, discussions, games and snacks. We also do several community service projects each year, attend prayer services as well as youth conferences and have social events including movie and game nights. We would love for you to come to a meeting! To join, drop into a meeting or email for more information. The Kidney Foundation of Canada will host the annual Eastern Avalon “Give the Gift of Life” Walk in St. John’s on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 1:00 pm from St. Teresa’s Parish Hall, Mundy Pond Road. Form a family team or register as an individual. Come out and see The St. Pat’s Dancers, meet Buddy the Puffin and enjoy other fun family activities. Register at, by calling 7538999 or email If you have any further questions, please call me at 753-8999 or email: AN EVENING IN SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY OUTREACH UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ARCHBISHOP MARTIN W. CURRIE Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Holiday Inn - Dinner, Live/Silent Auction, Raffles To reserve your ticket contact MaryLou Sweetapple - 726-3660 or We are looking for donations of homemade goods, gift certificates, products (new items only) and services for the LIVE/SILENT AUCTION! Any donation gratefully appreciated. To contribute contact Anne Marie Curran - 726-3660 or All proceeds make it possible for people to help people through Archdiocesan outreach programs and services. The Family Life Counselling Centre Winter 2015 Events Separation and Divorce (8 wks.) – Facilitator: Evelyn Piercey, B.A., M.T.S. Begins: Wed, April 15, from 7 - 9 pm (tentative). Parenting TEENS Course (5 wks.) OR Parenting Children Course (5 wks) (Depending on Demand) - Facilitator: Denise Sargeant, MMFT, CCC, n.d. Begins: Start date to be announced, Time: Wed., from 11:30 - 2 pm. . (Winter) . FLOWERS FOR ST. PAUL’S AND ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI If any parishioners are wishing to donate flowers for the altar for Easter please have them in by noon on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Thanking you in advance. WYD 2016 Meeting This Catholic pilgrimage will be from July 18- August 3, 2016 in Poland. If you will be between the ages of 18-35 at the time of travel, you and your parents are invited to attend. For more information please contact Sara at CONCERT - UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH KEVIN COLLINS Wednesday, June 3, 2015 @ 7:00 PM - St. Patrick’s Church Tickets: $20.00 -Tickets are available at the Parish Office – Telephone Number 754-1195 or after Mass at St. Patrick’s Church. Good Friday Ecumenical Prayer Service for Life will take place at St. Teresa’s Church Mundy Pond Road at 9:00 am, April 3rd. The Centre for Life extends an invitation to gather in spiritual fellowship to pray and reflect on the intrinsic value and dignity of all human life. All are welcome to attend. ARCHBISHOP HOWLEY ASSEMBLY 4TH DEGREE, K OF C The monthly meeting of Archbishop Howley Assembly 4th Degree, K of C, will be held Thursday, April 9, 8:30 pm. St. Clare Ave. All members are encouraged to attend. Deaf Ministries of Newfoundland Labrador Easter Church Service You are invited to a Special Easter Service. The Service is Signed and Voiced. Everyone is Welcome. When: Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015. Where: First United Church, Mt. PearlTime: 3 pm. Please stay a while after the service there will be a get together for a cup of tea and chat with old friends and make new ones. Hope to see you there! Email: AS TIME GOES BY An evening of music with Erin Winsor. A Fundraiser for The Singing Legionnaires. When: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 …7:30 P.M. Where: St. James United Church, 330 Elizabeth Ave. $20.00 Development and Peace would like to thank all those who made a gift to the Share Lent Campaign. Thank you for your generosity in helping to meet the needs of the world. CONCERT - UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH KEVIN COLLINS Wednesday, June 3, 2015 @ 7:00 PM - St. Patrick’s Church Tickets: $20.00 -Tickets are available at the Parish Office – Telephone Number 754-1195 or after Mass at St. Patrick’s Church.
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