PARISH DIRECTORY: Parish Priest: Monsignor Brian Rayner Pastoral Associates: Sister Elizabeth - Tues, Weds & Thursdays Brother Charles - Wednesdays. Presbytery: St Catherine’s Youth Group - Uplift Web: Youth Mass held every 1st & 3rd Sundays at the 6pm Evening Mass. 123 Gymea Bay Rd Gymea. Secretary: Office Hours:: Liz Ermers 9:30am-1:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Office & Presbytery telephone: 9525 1138 Office facsimile: 9531 1786 Email: PARISH DIRECTORY: St Catherine’s Friendship Club: Meets the 3rd Friday of every Month at the Gymea Bowling Club from 10am, after morning Mass & Rosary. St Catherine Labouré Parish School: Principal: Telephone: Allan Fagerstrom 9524 9706 21st/22nd March 2015 Acolytes: Ministers of Holy Communion: Sunday 7.30am Sunday 9.30am Kevin Bourke Phil Boland James Clancy Gary Reneker Judith Rumsey Doreen Vernon Margaret Reid Gary Reneker Helen Reece 1st Reader: 2nd Reader: Barry Collier Intercessions: Carly Spedding Altar Servers Audio Grace Visual Operators: Sunday Evening 6.00pm David Gormley Jim Gothard Tracy McEwan Teresa MacAlpine Alison Rumsey Judith Rumsey Doreen Vernon Sue Day Barbara Foster Carole Venier Jim Gothard Jenni Gormley Liturgies & Sacraments Weekday Masses (followed by Rosary) Monday - Saturday: 9am. Saturday Vigil: 5pm. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am & 6pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9am Mass - until completion and prior to the Vigil Mass - from 4:30pm to 4:45pm. Tuesday Morning 9:30am: The Legion of Mary (meeting is held in the Conference Room) Thursday Evening 6:00pm: The Medjugore Prayer Group (meets inside the Church) Exposition and Benediction after 9am Mass on: Alison & Hugh James & Cameron SENIOR CHOIR YOUTH GROUP 1 May 2015 for First Friday 2 May 2015 for First Saturday The Altar Society: Group 4: Joy Spain, Eileen Bransgrove, June Frost, Kath Burns and Laurice Dooley In the Counting House: Team 4: Mark Cutcliffe, Norm Frost and Peter Wild. The Clean Team: Group D: Frank Shannon, Norm Frost and Chris Jacobs. Year B 14th/15th March 2015 Team D Team C Frank The Fourth Sunday of Lent Sunday Masses: The 5th Sunday of Lent - Yr. B Saturday Vigil 5.00pm Ken Connolly St Catherine Labouré Parish, Gymea. Please phone the office for: Baptisms: Only by appointment. Most Sundays at 11am. Weddings: By appointment. Please endeavour to allow 6 months’ notice. The Readings for the Masses for the 4th Sunday of Lent — Year B. The 1st Reading: From the 2nd Book of Chronicles 36: 14 - 16. 19 - 23. The Responsorial Psalm: Psalm: 136: R. v. 6. Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you The 2nd Reading: From the 1st Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians. 2: 4 - 10. The Gospel Acclamation & Verse: John: 3: 16. Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord. God loved the world so much, he gave us His only Son, that all who believe in Him might have Eternal Life. Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord. The Holy Gospel: According to Saint John. + 3: 14 - 21. From the Mons : Dear Parishioners: W E L C O M E t o F a t h e r J o h n D e L u c a ( P e t e r ’ s b r o th e r ) wh o w i l l celebrate Masses here over the next 2 week -ends. STATION OF THE CROSS: Each Friday evening during Lent at 7 pm. Perhaps this could be one of the things that you take on as a special effort during Lent. 5 VISITING REDEMPTORIST Seminarians from Laos and Thailand will stay in the parish for 2 months from 20 April to 20 June improving their English and appreciating Australian culture. Any family that can accommodate one seminarian for a fortnight or a month please contact Mons or Liz on 9525.1138 or Also anyone who would like to arrange to teach them English please contact the office. We really would like these first year seminarians to experience family life in Australia and our hospitality. PROJECT COMPASSION ENVELOPES 2015 are still available at the back of the Church. You are asked to return them on the second collection plate each week until Easter. This Lenten Project is run by Caritas Australia and donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. PARISH MISSION: Our parish Mission will begin on ANZAC week-end and continue through to the following Thursday, 30 April. Father Joel from the Fathers of Mercy USA will conduct the Mission. CATECHIST REQUIRED for a kindergarten teacher on a Thursday mornings at 10.40 am at Gymea Bay Public School. Please contact Alison 0435.040.753 or Trish 0425.240.149, if you can help. FIJI GOODS: Please no more donations for Fiji until after Easter if possible for you. No TVs or furniture or large toys. No heaters or cook books, text books or encyclopaedias. Happy 90th. Congratulations to Doreen Vernon who celebrated her 90th Birthday this week (12 March) Doreen is a Reader, Minister of Holy Communion and a hospital Chaplain who still continues to visit people both in hospital and their homes. May God continue to bless her and her good works. Lord, Grant Eternal Rest to: Recently Deceased; Eric Catt, (husband of Lyn), Emilio Franco Dafiles, Father Jim Gallen, Natalie Anne Thompson, Neil Pocock, Amelia Jenkins, Ben Madden, Nancy Casey, Father Ron Harden, Luigi Torcello, Roseanna Vella, John Clift, Des Bradley, Harold Hardwicke, Gerhard Badorrek, Clare Withers, Charles Doherty, Sharon Bordeaux, Eric Winchester, +We remember those whose Anniversaries we Commemorate at this time : + Eva Biden, Tracy de Lyall, John Vincent Gaudron, Dusan Rudolf, Judith Ward. Also; Gary Allibon, Mario Balzan, Roy Esplin, Olivia Ferreira, Lean Family, John Vincent Sidgreaves, The Holy Souls. PALMS NEEDED. Palm Sunday is 28/29 March and palms are needed. They can be left just outside the Presbytery door from Friday, 27 March. Also, volunteers are sought to assist in cutting them up after the Saturday (28 March) morning 9 am Mass and Rosary (from 9:45 am) Many thanks. Grahame (952.3615) ST CATHERINE’S FRIENDSHIP CLUB: Wednesday, 18 March St Patrick’s Day Luncheon departs from Gymea @ 9:30am. Friday, 20 March Meeting 10am at Gymea Bowling Club following the morning 9am Mass and Rosary. Final payment of $805 is due at this meeting for the trip to Wangaratta. Congratulations to Paul Charman who recently celebrated his 80th Birthday. We wish him well and improved health. E-WASTE & HOUSE-HOLD CHEMICALS COLLECTION this week-end at Bellingara Netball Complex, 99-105 Bellingara Road, Miranda from 9 am to 3 pm. E-waste: such as laptops, CPUs, monitors, keyboards and all IT computer products as well as old televisions and screens. David Micallef has retired from the Sunday night youth choir after years of generous service. His musical gifts have always been evident and his inspiration to the young members of the choir/ band has been immeasurable. Now that his own children have grown up, David has decided to change direction but his contribution to the liturgical life of the parish is really appreciated. He assures us he will still be available on occasion and his continuing generosity is still with us. ‘Happy Retirement’
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