KIMMAGE MANOR PARISH Telephone: 406-4377 Sunday 1st March 2015. e-mail: Fr. Eddie O’Farrell C.S.Sp. Fr. Tom Hogan C.S.Sp. 4558316. Fr. Raphael Annan C.S.Sp. 4928554 & Fr. Roddy Curran C.S.Sp. Child Protection Contact: Bríd 087-2951425, Tracy Pryce 087-7994897. SUNDAY MASSES: 6.00 p.m. (Sat.), 10.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 5.30 p.m. Saturday. BAPTISMS: 3rd Sunday of the month. Mass Intentions Saturday 6.00 p.m Sheila Smith, Months Mind. Joseph Farrell, 10th Anniversary. Margaret Dowling Anniversary and her sister Mary Harahan R.I.P. Margaret Walker R.I.P Jim Collins R.I.P. Anniversary Mass. Sunday 10.a.m. Grace & Hughie Vickery Anniversary Sunday 11.30am Christie,Olive,Sandra & baby Mary Moore Annivesary. Monday 10.00 a.m. Kevin O’Brien R.I.P. Brendan whelan R.I.P. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Arthur Purcell R.I.P. Wednesday 10.00 a.m Kevin O’Brien R.I.P. Thank you Mass. Br. Francis Addai Boating R.I.P. Thursday 10.00a.m.Mary Costello Special intention. Friday 10.00 a.m Patrick Walsh R.I.P. Margaret Maher,R.I.P. Charlotte Davenport Maher R.I.P. John Maher R.I.P. Saturday 10.00 a.m Marie O’Connor R.I.P Month’s Mind. Remember in your prayers those who are ill in our Parish, especially Sr. Angela Hurley, Sheila Donovan, Mark Rodgers, Mae Quinn, Geraldine Ryan, Joan Doyle, Eamonn Moran and his wife Eileen Moran, Anne Byrne, Joe O’Connell, Monica Mitchell, Muriel Acheson, Julia Berkery, and those in Nursing Homes. They are very much part of our community and our thoughts are with them. Our prayers are requested for Claire Shearman and Eugene Mc Grath who died during the week. To their family and friends we extend our sincere sympathy. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace Amen. The flowers on the altar next Sunday the 8th of March are in memory of Phil Cordelle R.I.P. “Come aside and rest awhile” During Lent why not come to a short time of prayer on Thursdays at 3-4pm at 12 Priory Walk? A warm welcome awaits you. Holy week pilgrimage to Medjugorie March 30th to April 6th with Spiritual Director. Ex Dublin Airport 639 Euro. Accom.opposite St. Jame’s church. For more information contact Bernie at 087-9353953. Church Gate Collection This weekend’s gate collection is for The Irish Childrens Pilgrimage Trust. Every year at Easter Over 400 children with special needs travel to Lourdes for what is always a wonderful week. All proceeds from the church gate collections goes towards the childrens costs. All volunteers pay their own costs. Please give generously to this worthy cause. Your support is always greatly appreciated, Thank you, Nessa Green. Group 91 Irish Pilgrimage Trust. Help to take Special Needs Children to Lourdes at Easter Sale of Work Sunday the 8th of March St.Joseph’s Parish Hall Terenure, 10am to 1.00pm. All donations greatfully accepted. Books, Toys, Bric A Brac,Unwanted Gifts,Groceries, Baked Goods. Please drop any donations big or small To :Bernadette Anderson 21 Templevill Rd. 087 6377138 / 01 4905280 Next week’s church gate collection is for the KILLESHANDRA SISTERS The Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary,who are better known as the Killeshandra Sisters,were founded in 1924 by Bishop Joseph Shanahan. Bishop Shanahan who was born in Tipperary,was a member of the congreation of the Holy Spirit and was working in Southern Nigeria. He saw a great need for religious sisters to work there,among the women promoting Health, Education and Development. Today the Holy Rosary Sisters work in twelve countries,in Africa,Central and South America. They are joined by a large number of Holy Rosary Sisters from Africa and South America. Together they minister to and work with people who are marginalized, with refugees and with those displaced by war and famine in an effort to help people make better lives for themselves today and into the future. In Ireland the Holy Rosary Sisters are working with refugees and asylum seekers as well as caring for the Sisters who have returned after a lifetime of service on the missions. Preparation for Baptism There will be a meeting on Wednesday 4th of March at 8.00pm in our Parish Office for those who wish to have their children baptised on Sunday 15th of March.Please phone the parish Office at 4064377 to register for baptism. Novena of Grace From 4th to 12th of March in St. Dominic’s Church, Tallaght. Wed 4th to Fri 6th at 10.00 am. Sat 7th at 11.00 am. Sun 8th at 3.00 pm. Mass of the Sick: Mon 9th to Thurs 12th at Fr. Joe Cavanaugh OP. All welcome. Novena of Grace and Parish Retreat for Lent in St Agnes Church Crumlin. The Passionists will conduct the Annual Novena of Grace and Parish Retreat for Lent run from Wed 4th to Thurs 12th March, twice daily – 10.00 am and 7.00 pm. Sunday 8th at 9.30am only. Also with Penitential Service on Wed 11th March. All most welcome. Venerable Matt Talbot 90 th Anniversary First Friday Novena Mass and prayers for healing. For those suffering from any form of addiction, those in recovery, their families and the wider community affected by alcohol and drug misuse. St. Agatha’s Church, North William Street on 6 th March at 7.30 pm. All welcome. For further information please visit Spring Clean your Mind with POSITIVE Energy Tapping with Aisling Killoran and Ray Manning of Accomplish Change Clinic in Dublin 07 March 2015 (1 Day Workshop) 10.30am - 4.30pm .This self-healing day is designed to increase your quality of life & Vibration energy so that you feel more empowered in life and to have emotional freedom from every day stress and allow self-healing to take place! Fee - €65 Lunch included in cost This space could be yours: If you would like to advertise in our newsletter please drop into our parish office between 10am & 2pm Monday-Friday. Articles received before 12 0’clock on Thursday will be included in that week-end’s newsletter.
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