Week 9 - Rosary Primary School

2 April 2015
Week 9 Term 1
Dear Parents
Following is an Easter message from the Director of Catholic Education, Mrs Moira Najdecki:
”Easter is a time of light and of joy. At the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening all is in darkness before the Paschal candle
is lit from a new fire. This Easter fire is a powerful symbol of the resurrected Christ who has come to cast darkness out
of our lives. The Easter celebration of new life, of light overcoming darkness, gives us the hope and faith to guide us
throughout this coming year. In many ways we can reflect the light of the Easter candle to all those we meet by offering
a helping hand, a kind word, encouragement in times of darkness.
I wish all school communities a joyful and light-filled Easter.”
Cross Country Carnival
Last Friday, Years 2—6 travelled to Stromlo Park for the Cross Country Carnival which was an outstanding success. The weather was kind
to us, the organisation superb, the students ran courageously, parental support was outstanding and the teachers (as always) exceptional. A
special thank you to the organising committee, Philippa Brotchie, Jo Chilver and Alison Marks for all their hard work and preparation.
Learning Journeys
You are all invited to accompany your child on a Learning Journey next Tuesday, 7 April. Classrooms will be open between 3:15pm and
6:00pm for you to visit with your child. You will be taken on a journey around the classroom to see the work that has been completed during
Term 1. Visits to the library, Indonesian and Music rooms, will be part of the journey. I hope you are able to take advantage of this opportunity to share in your child’s life at school.
Car Park
Thank you to all the parents and carers who consistently abide by the safety rules we have in place for the car park at the back of the school.
As you are aware, parallel parking is not available adjacent to the university grounds as this space is needed for vehicles to exit the parking
area in a forward direction. However, a number of cars are now parking on the grass adjacent to the red curb. This is not permitted as:
 it is the route students take if they are walking to Phillip Ave or to after school training on the oval
 cars will cause damage to the curb and to the grass.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Before School Drop Off
I have noticed that some students are still arriving at school before 8.30am. Please be aware that the school staff do not have ‘duty of care’
before 8.30am, which is the time when a teacher comes on duty. If you do drop your children off before this time you need to remain with
them. Please be aware that if you do drop your child off before morning duty time and leave them by themselves, you do so at your own risk.
The same applies for students who walk or ride to school and arrive before 8:30am. Our school does have before school care which is available from 7:00am and I suggest that you use this service.
Term 1 Holidays
Students return to school next Tuesday, 7 April for the last week of Term 1, which ends on Friday, 10 April. School resumes again on Monday, 27 April for Term 2.
As ACTION will not be running the normal school bus service on Monday, 27 April, parents of children who normally use dedicated school
services will need to make alternative arrangements to get their children to and from school. NSW school buses will be running as normal. ACTION has provided the following link to assist with alternate bus services available on Monday, 27 April, 2015.
Kind regards
Maureen Doszpot Principal
Fleming Street, Watson ACT 2602
Office.rosaryps@cg.catholic.edu.au ABN 14 964 349 708
Telephone: 02 6248 0010 Facsimilie: 02 6247 8777
St Francis Xavier College is hosting a Q & A
style event on Tuesday 7 April 2015
The panel will consist of:
Moira Najdecki - Director of Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn
Reverend Father Warrick Tonkin - Parish Priest of St Monica’s Evatt St Michael’s Kaleen, SFX Chaplain
Peter Lawrence - Chief Information Officer, Department of Defence
Natalie Sambhi - Analyst, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Geoff Riordan - Dean of Education, University of Canberra
Matthew Heinrich - SFX ex-student, Coordinator of ICT Innovation P to 6 at Radford College
St Francis Xavier College Board Chair Andrew Bewick will facilitate this hour-long event. The evening is open to anyone who is interested in education: educators, students, parents and the general community. Light refreshments
will be served.
For more information and to register your interest please email the College at school.office@sfx.act.edu.au
Year 7 2016 Enrolment Information
Wednesday 6 May 2015
9.30am to 7.00pm
Come and see the College in action!
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Tuesday 12 May 2015
Friday 15 May 2015
9.00am to 2.30pm
Come and see the College in action!
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Monday 11 May 2015
Tours commence at 5.00pm and followed at 6.30 with an information session
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Thursday 26 March 2015
Tours 5.00-6.30pm followed by the Year 7, 2016 information session from 7.00-8.00pm
Pre enrolment day for catholic Yr6 students Thursday 30 April 10.00-1.45
Sunday 3 May 9am-12 Noon
For your convenience, excursion notes, canteen menus and other information are available on our website.
School Banking Reward Redemption Day
Congratulations to the following students who have earned 10 silver Dollarmites tokens through the School Banking program and are now ready to redeem these tokens for a fantastic reward item.
Georgia Tonkin
Githure Githendu Mathenge
Achleigh Arundel
Edward O’Brien
Bradley Sharwood
Charlotte Canavan
Selina Williams
Oliver Koelmeyer
Ruby Higgins
Niamh Daly
Sanda Halpin
Ngoc Ai Nhien Vu
Andy Rakic
Anthony Rakic
If you haven’t already, please complete your reward card coupon and return it, along with your 10 tokens, on the
next School Banking day and the item will be ordered for you.
Changes to your Dedicated School Services from 18 May 2015
On Monday 18 May 2015, ACTION will be introducing a revised timetable for all normal weekday route services
and some dedicated school services. This is part of our commitment to continually revising and improving our
current timetable.
Since September 2014, we have been monitoring the network using performance data and identifying areas for
improvement. We have been able to address issues such as on time running and service reliability.
Your current dedicated school services have been reviewed and improvements have been made. Affected routes
- Route/s 619, 849, 880, 684
A detailed list of these changes will be available on the ACTION website from tomorrow, Thursday 2
Students that use regular route services will need to check timetable information as many services in the regular
weekday network have undergone timing adjustments. These will be available on the ACTION website tomorrow.
ACTION would appreciate your assistance in circulating this information to students and parents using your existing communications channels, such as school emails, newsletters or notices to start planning travel from Monday 18 May.
Should you have any queries regarding your school service please call 13 17 10.
Clothing Pool open every Friday 3.00 pm—3.30 pm
Congratulations to Freeman who won this Year’s Cross Country Carnival, held at Stromlo Forest
Park on Friday 27th March. It was fantastic to see such determination, enthusiasm, team spirit
and celebration, throughout the event.
Thank you to all of the parents who helped at the event, especially for the many ways you encouraged the children around the course. Your commitment and enthusiasm was very much
appreciated. Thanks also to the Rosary staff, who prepared students for their races and ensured
the smooth running of the day.
Religious Education News
PROJECT COMPASSION - Vinsen from West Timor
Until recently, the weather in Vinsen’s small farming village in West Timor has been quite stable. However,
in the last few years changing weather patterns have made harvests unpredictable and unprofitable.
To combat the variable weather patterns affecting farmers in Vinsen’s village in Indonesia, a local community program supported by Caritas Australia, is teaching farmers how to terrace land and grow sustainable
crops for life – regardless of the changing weather.
Thankyou to everyone for your generous support this year. We need to finalise the total amount raised and I will include it in
next week’s newsletter. The winner of the Easter Egg guessing competition was Georgia (4L) and the raffle was won by Jonah
(3B) and second and third were Jaslyn (4L) and Tearia (1H).
Prayer Celebration
Thankyou to the Yr 3 teachers , Greg Williams and David Kelly, and students for their Lenten Prayer Celebration last Thursday. As always it was wonderful to have so many family members join us at the ACU chapel.
Holy Week Prayer Celebrations
This week we have been celebrating and remembering the events of Holy Week.
This started with Yr 6 and Kinder presenting Palm Sunday at the beginning of the
week. Today we have reflected on the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane
and Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion. We will conclude our Easter Prayer Celebrations
next Tuesday when Yr 1 and 2 lead us in celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus.
This will be in the hall at 11.40.
John O’Brien
Religious Education Coordinator
B.E.S.T. Awards
Veritas Awards
Congratulations to the following students who
received a BEST award last week:
Congratulations to the following students who
received awards last week:
Tuesday 7 April
Year 2 and Year 1
Holy Week Celebrations
Tuesday 7 April
Learning Journeys
Class rooms
Wednesday 8 April
Gelato Day
Morning Session
Friday 10 April
Last Day Term 1
Monday 27 April
First Day Term 2
29 April
Anzac Day Assembly
Lone Pine Tree
(Adjacent to school oval)
All articles for inclusion in Veritas should be at the School Office no later than 9:00 am Wednesday