A Ministry Team is available at each service to pray with you. Please come to the chancel either during Communion or after the service. Please come for prayer in confidence whatever the problem, for encouragement or to give thanks for something. We have a hearing loop available in the church and we invite hearing impaired people to sit on the left hand side of the church (as you face the front), ideally near to the sound desk and baptism font (within the loop) and switch their aids to the T setting in order to gain the benefit of this facility. We do not take a collection at our 10.45am services.. If you would like to give an offering towards the continuing work of the church here, please place it in the plates at the back of church, give it to one of the welcomers or pick up a standing order form. Thank you. St Stephen’s Church Calendar – our Church Calendar is on our website. Do look at our website regularly to keep fully up-to-date with all that is going on at St Stephen’s and our local community. Please send your calendar entries to the church office in good time! A Warm Welcome to St. Stephen’s Church, Shottermill Sunday 12th October 2014 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Emptying Himself ... 9.00am 10:45am 7.00pm Readings THE ARK – could we remind parents that the Ark is for children 8yrs and under and should only be used if supervised by an adult. Parents please remember that your children are your responsibility before AND after the service. Please help them to take care in the car park and the surrounding grounds. Thank you. Holy Communion Morning Worship Liquid Philippians 2: 1 - 13 (p 1179) * Matthew 21: 23 - 32 (p 989) We warmly welcome Grace and Pete How and their sons Will and Oliver to both our morning services Weekly Mission Prayer CMCT and Colleen Redit Parking - If you have a large car or people carrier please could you not park in the bays alongside the road as this obstructs the pavement & also impairs the view of drivers trying to exit the main car park. Please could you park elsewhere if you have a large vehicle to ensure safety for everyone. Thank you. Also, if you are parking in the company car park opposite for church, please avoid the spaces reserved for the residential flats. Contacts Rev Danny Wignall Tel 01428 645878 vicar@shottermillparish.org.uk (Rest Day is Friday) Next Week 9.00 am Tuesday 14th October Morning Prayer 10.00am 6.30pm Thursday 16th October Holy Communion Amplified 1.00pm Saturday 18th October Thanksgiving Service for Pat Carron Sunday 19th October Holy Communion Holy Communion with Adult Baptisms Youth & Children Directors Becca and Eliot Ambrose Tel 01428 643344 (Rest days: Monday and Friday) youth@shottermillparish.org.uk 9.00am 10:45am Emergency Friday contact: Hilary Bicknell 01428 651276 We are especially pleased to see you if you are with us for the first time. You are very welcome! Please fill in a Hello Card so we can keep in touch. No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey, we hope that you will be able to meet with God through our services. The Church Office is open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.30 - 2.00pm Tuesday 9.30 - 4.30pm Church Administrator Jenny Parsons Church Office Tel: 01428 642609 email office@shottermillparish.org.uk or office.shottermill@gmail.com Website: www.shottermillparish.org.uk God, through His Holy Spirit, wants to meet each of us in a special way – to transform us. We believe that God still communicates with us today. God may speak to you as an individual – He may give you something to share with the congregation. If He does, please write it down and give it to Danny or whoever is leading the service. PRAYER Church and Community Events Mission Prayer – this Sunday & week we are praying for CMCT and Colleen Redit. Please use their October Prayer and News sheet to aid you in your prayers. Moving On Course - from 13th October on Mondays 9.15am – 10.30am at 17 The Leys, Fernhurst GU27 3JY. Exploring what it means to be a Christian and belong to a church. Relaxed, safe & fun environment to ask questions. For more information email Louisa: louisa.j.lewis@gmail.com Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Sudan – we continue to lift up these nations and their people for God’s protection especially for Baghdad from the Islamic State, comfort, healing & provision; for wisdom for international leaders; for lasting peace in all the nations. Amen Please also pray for: Gill Carron and family Marge & Bill Hitchmough, Margaret Hinkin, Bill & Ruth Harding, , Doreen Day, Pauline White & Canon Andrew White Growing Leaders Course: all participants & mentors Liquid Youth weekend away 17th – 19th October Our new Bishop Andrew Watson and his family Ralf and Helen being baptised on 19th October Baptism or Renewal of Baptismal Promises – if anyone is considering either of these you can join Ralf Mason and Helen Griffiths whose Baptisms here are next Sunday 19th October at 10.45am. Please speak to Danny soon! Our annual special Service of Thanksgiving and Reflection for those who are bereaved is on Sunday 2nd November at 3.00pm. An opportunity to remember and give thanks for those who have died. This short service is followed by refreshments. Personal invitations are sent to all those bereaved in the last few years, although everyone who wishes to join us for this special occasion is warmly invited. Please feel able to invite other relatives and friends. We look forward to seeing you. Invitations for the church family are at the back of church for please collecting. Diocesan Events Bishop of Guildford - we warmly welcome Bishop Andrew Watson as our new Bishop of Guildford: Carers’ afternoon tea and dedicated evensong – All carers welcome to afternoon tea and evensong at the Cathedral on Thursday October 16th 3.30pm: Tea and cake in The Refectory, at Guildford Cathedral 4.00pm: Talk by Healthwatch Surrey 5.30pm: Evensong dedicated to carers for those who would like to stay. Application forms (for catering purposes) from emma.beswick@cofeguildford.org.uk Domestic Abuse Seminar 23rd October 10am - 3.30pm at Godalming Baptist Church, Queen Street, Godalming 'Faith Sharers' Course Mon eves 7.30pm – 10pm from 12th January to 23rd March. Cost £100. 24 places only. Each event is open to everyone – see information & forms in church or www.cofeguildford.org.uk/ Noah’s Ark Table Top Sale Saturday 18th October 10am – 11.30am in The Cross. £10 per table, all profits your own. If you would like to book a table please contact Lana at topbananalearning@gmail.com Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Pat Carron Saturday 18th October at 1pm followed by refreshments. All Welcome. Organ Taster Workshop Saturday 18th October 2pm 5.30 pm for pianists & piano teachers at St Thomas-onThe-Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham GU9 8HA. Free to students. Observers - suggested donation £5. Leader: Julian Cooper. Tea included. Prime Time - 2.15 pm 25th October the film "Amazing Grace" in church followed by tea in The Cross. Cost for the tea is £5. This film is about William Wilberforce's great work in getting the Abolition of Slavery bill through Parliament. A very moving film balanced by humour and ends well! Please contact Vanessa 642180. Chestnut View – St Stephen’s is leading the next communion service at Chestnut View Care Home on Sunday 26th October at 4pm. Please support by coming to this service & offer help with the preparations by contacting Erika Glaysher 652692 or Maggie Grimshaw 656288. Shottermill House Autumn Fayre – Saturday 1st Noivcember 10-11.30am. Enjouy coffee with residents and frinerds. Handmande gfopods and cakes, gifts and books. All warmly invitred Operation Christmas Child 2014 – It’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about collecting items to fill a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child so you can bring hope and a smile to some of the world's poorest children this Christmas. Leaflets with full instructions & labels at the back of church. Please leave all filled shoe boxes stacked under the table next to the church entrance by Wednesday 5th November. Voluntary donation will be £3. More info, contact: Michele Webb (645126) or email: michelewebb@uwclub.net Church Office closure - our Church Administrator, Jenny, is now on holiday returning on 20th October. Although the office opening hours will be reduced, staff team members are available: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from mid-morning. The answer phone & emails will also be checked. Please use this notice sheet to aid your daily prayers
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