Scripture verse for the week (try to memorise it!) Proclaiming Christ: Christ paid the penalty “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” (1 Peter 3:18) Scripture memory verses taken from the Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators ( // THE // ROTAS for 18th January 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT SHEET Crèche - Christina Fleck, Sharon Logan, Jay McIlroy, Tanya Greer, Ryan McKendry & Lynn Clarke Sunday 11th January, 2015 Kid’s Church Leaders Bubbles - Claire Craig, Maria McKendry and ???? Splash - Victoria Wylie and Lisa Kernohan Junior and Totally x-stream - Pauline McCorriston, Wendy Paul, Judith Simpson Door Duty G Backus, T McNeill, J McClelland, J Morrison, R Morrison & S Warwick Counting Rota G Allen, T Farquhar, C Gillespie, J Graham, J McClelland & B Wells Information Desk Jean Graham Sunday Cuppa Dorinda & Margaret Praise Team Cameron, Andy, Stuart, Jay, Richard, Donna, Rab, Christina, Lynn, & Tori Media Team // WELCOME TO BALLYLOUGHAN! If you are visiting or new to Ballyloughan, it’s great to have you with us - we hope that you feel at home. Our desire is that each of us wouldn’t leave as we have come, but would be challenged and changed having encountered the Living God. Please make yourself known at the information desk - we would love to give you one of our welcome packs to take home. And if you haven’t been too put off and want to find out more (!) then feel free to complete and return one of the ‘contact’ cards available at the information desk and we’ll be in touch. CDs and DVDs of our services are available - fill out a request form available at the information desk. // TODAY... 10.15am Time of prayer open to everyone, meeting in the Jubilee Room. 11.00am Morning Worship. Malachi: Half hearted giving? Malachi 3: 6-12 Our Kids Church programme....Bubbles, Splash, XStream, and Totally Xstream, for all children of primary school age. It takes place during the service, with the children leaving the main service following the children’s slot. Please note that Kids Church has a set finishing time of 12.15pm. Crèche facilities are available during the service - please ask a member of the welcome team if you require more information. // CONTACT INFORMATION Johanna Kelly (Office Administrator) 2564 8502 Mary & Tom Kerr (Church Officers) 2564 9280 David Lutton (Director of Music) 2565 4592 Andy McGuigan (Music Associate) 2563 0127 Rev. Darran McCorriston 2564 1101 Thomas McNeill (Clerk of Session) 2563 9766 Rosemary Morrison (Pastoral Worker) 2563 0863 Gareth Parker (Youth & Outreach Worker) 07923 407900 6.30pm Time of prayer and waiting on God prior to our Sunday at 7. Open to everyone 7.00pm Sunday at 7. Worship, Teaching, Ministry, Community. Continuing in our series ’Messy Church’ from 1 Corinthians Ignite for all young people also meets at 7.00pm. Members of our Prayer Ministry Team are available following Sunday at 7 “TO SEE PEOPLE BECOMING WHOLEHEARTED FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST” through... Worshipping | Growing | Caring | Serving | Engaging // THIS WEEK... // DATES FOR YOUR NEW DIARY... Mon: Parent & Toddler Group meets at 10.00am. A very warm welcome awaits all mums, dads, grandparents or carers. Remaining Wednesdays in January at a glance... Wed 14th Small Groups night Wed 21st Men of Ballyloughan ‘Man Up’ night. North Room 8pm. Wed 28th Small Groups night Girls’ Brigade:Tinies 6.15 - 7.30pm Explorers 6.15 - 7.30pm Company Section 7.15 - 9.00pm Tues: Celebrate Recovery 10 a.m. until noon. This is a weekly support group designed to offer new hope, a fresh start, ongoing support and encouragement for anyone struggling with ‘hurts, hang-ups and habits’. PW at 8pm. Speaker... Sandra Matthews - A Story in a Patchwork Quilt. There will be a choir practice at 7.15 pm in preparation for our PW service. It would be appreciated if as many ladies as possible could come. Wed: Cafe will be open in the North Room from 10.00 - 12 noon. Opportunity to have a game of table tennis, darts or snooker. Enjoy a cup of tea/coffee & wee scone. Someone will also be available to pray with you if you wish to receive prayer regarding any issue of concern. Small Groups meet this week in the various homes starting at 7.45pm. If you aren’t yet part of a group but wish to be, speak with a group co-ordinator, or with Darran or pick up a small groups form for details of how to join. Groups finish by 9.30pm. Please make sure you pick up the material today in preparation for the group this week. Thur: Ladies Circle meets at 10.30 am. when Michael Saunderson will sing and demonstrate Churning while speaking about his own life experience. All ladies and friends will be very welcome. Teen Scene youth club for young people from the local community at 7.30pm. Fri: Cafe - enjoy some time out as you grab a cuppa or a game of pool, table tennis or darts. Open 11:30 - 1:30. Boys’ Brigade: Anchor Boys, 6.30 - 8.00pm Junior Section 6.30 - 8.00pm Company Section age 11+ 7.30 - 9.45pm Sat: Just for Her. Please join us for breakfast on Saturday at 9.00am (lasting to around 10.30am). Enjoy some breakfast, chat together, and hear our speaker Margaret Small share her story and tell how prayer has made a real difference in her life. Open to all women. Please rsvp by signing your name at the information desk or by texting the church mobile on 07954 726672. Feel free to bring along a friend! Next Sunday... Morning Worship at 11.00am Café Church at 6:00pm in the main hall. A relaxed night with live music, good food and a short film (made by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) including testimonies and a presentation on the cross. A great opportunity to bring someone along who wouldn’t normally come to church. Invites available from the vestibule table. Men of Ballyloughan! Next ‘Man Up’ night is Wednesday 21st January at 8.00pm. A cuppa and dessert, followed by a varied programme including ‘The Challenge’, ‘Hero of the month’, ‘Toolbox Talk’, worship and a talk from God’s Word. A great night to be built up together as men. Sign up at the information desk or text 07954 726672 in order to help us have an idea of numbers. Christianity Explored A down to earth, seven week course for anyone wanting to learn more about the Christian faith. A short easy to watch talk on DVD, a bite of supper and time to raise questions. Begins on Tuesday 3rd February at 8:00pm. Invites available from the vestibule table. Congregational Committee meets on Monday 19th January at 7.30pm. Kirk Session meets on the same evening at 7.30pm. Session also meets on Thursday 29th January. The Presbytery of Ballymena Divine Healing Committee invite you to the January prayer meeting on Tuesday, 13th January in the Wellington Room in Wellington Presbyterian Church at 8.00 p.m.. This month we are focussing our prayers on those in our churches whose lives have been affected by cancer. Doreen Draffin who works as chaplain in the Northern Ireland Hospice will be coming to speak to us on her work and encouraging us on how we can pray for specifically for those with cancer and their families. // OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS... Kids Church needs your help! We are in need of additional leaders to serve in all sections of Kids Church, most urgently for January’s Bubbles (pre-school and P1) and XStream (P4& P5) groups. Help is also needed for the Splash (P2&P3) group from the spring. If you would be willing to help in this very important ministry to our children, please speak with Julie Houston as soon as possible (07719 807947) or with Darran. Tea & coffee. Thanks again to all those who help by serving tea & coffee before the service on Sunday morning and after the Sunday at 7. If you can help in this way please add your name to the rota at the coffee dock. Thanks! Youth & Children Summer camps. Just a reminder for anyone wishing to book places for a summer camp - now is the time to check it out and book it to avoid disappointment. There is plenty to chose from - PCI, CEF, Scripture Union, Faith Mission, Christians in name a few - check out their webpages for more details. Tidying up! Just a wee reminder to all organisations to ensure that you clear up and leave the premises clean and tidy following your programme each week. Many thanks for you co-operation!
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