Wesley Place Methodist Church, Lawton Road, Alsager

Wesley Place Methodist Church,
Lawton Road, Alsager
Welcome to worship today. We are pleased
that you are able to join us. Whether you
are visiting briefly or are new to Wesley
Place we hope that you feel at home and
among friends. Please introduce yourself to
one of the stewards.
Sunday 12th October, 2014
10:30am Morning worship is led by Rev’d Bill Anderson
Harvest Festival - All Age Worship
Please join us for coffee and fellowship afetr the service
6:30pm Evening Worship is led by Rev’d Bill Anderson
Harvest Festival
Baby changing facilities are available in the disabled toilet near the
rear entrance.
Lord, in your goodness, open our eyes to your light,
And so fill our hearts with your glory that we may always acknowledge Jesus as Saviour,
And hold fast to his word in sincerity and truth.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings for your Devotions
Exodus 32: 1-14
Psalm 106: 1-6, 19-23
Phil 4: 1-9
Matthew 22: 1-14
(OT p89)
(OT p602)
(NT p250)
(NT p32)
Diary for Week Beginning Monday 13th October, 2014
Due to the ongoing building work and access problems all meetings at
the church this week are cancelled. This includes 025, Womens Fellowship and The Guild.
Wed “Time Out” will now be meeting at Bank Corner at 10:30. Please
come along and join.
8:30 Mens Breakfast
10:00-12 noon: Action for Children Coffee Morning
Sunday 19th October, 2014
10:30am Guild Sunday
6:30pm At Alsager URC
Church Rotas
12th October, 2014
19th October, 2014
Peter Morris,
Bronwen Degg
Ann Pask,
Harriet Crompton
Christine Harper,
Liz & Tony Hough,
Jean Walker
Anne Milner,
Gwynneth Godfrey,
Margaret Collier,
Ivy Bennett
Doris Bach,
Kathleen Berisford
Alan & Muriel Rhead
Christine Harper
Coffee Rota
Team Crompton
Peter Morris,
Margaret Keeling,
Arthur Pointon
Vestry Steward Geoff White
Harriet Crompton,
Alice Pritchard,
Alison Bell
Judith Bell
Jazz Evening - Wednesday 12th
November 7pm
With Eric Newton and Friends at
Bank Corner Restaurant. Tickets
are only £7.50 which includes Pie
& Pea Supper. Please see Tom or
Jean Walker.
Christmas Tree Festival 2014 Advance notice!
Planning is underway for this
year's Christmas Tree Festival
which will be held on Friday 28th
November to Monday 1st
December. This outreach event is
for the whole church and as
Help Needed
always there are plenty of
If you are able to help take out the
opportunities for everyone to be
flowers that have been used for
decorating the hall for our Harvest We are hoping to have a Craft and
Thanksgiving services to friends of Gift Stall again in the hall selling
Wesley Place who are ill or
Christmas gifts, handmade crafts,
housebound please meet at church
handiwork, cards, homemade
tomorrow ( Monday) morning at
goods etc. for church funds. Many
items are needed to stock the stall
over the weekend and all
Fish & Chip supper - Friday 31st donations will be gratefully
October 7pm with sweet and a fun received.
table top quiz at Wheelock
Please put the date in your diary,
Methodist Church. Tickets £8 from more details to follow!
Gordon or Bronwen 01270 872832
All proceed s to Bible Society
Ray Apps would like to thank all
who helped him last Sunday,
especially Sandra Moors, when he
was feeling unwell . He is now
improving in Leighton Hospital.
Happy Birthday
Happy 7th birthday to Rosie
Richardson for 17th Oct and
Happy 8th birthday to
Cameron Chambers for 18th
Oct. Lots of love and best
wishes from all your
friends at
Wesley Place
Our Minister: Rev’d Bill Anderson. He can be contacted on 01270
Senior Steward: Harriet Crompton harrietwc@hotmail.com
Booking Secretary: Ann Pask 01270 879633
Notices for next week: Please see Sarah Simpson or Andrew Shaw.
Call 07718140733 or e-mail sarahsimo28@live.co.uk by Thursday
8pm please.
Email address for “Messenger” - Wesley.place@tesco.net
Wesley Place facebook page - Wesley Place church
Visit the Circuit wedsite (www.cheshiresouth.org.uk) for the Circuit
news letter and forthcoming events. A paper copy of the weekly news
letter is available to read on the Circuit notice board.
Pew Leaflet. Firstly let us thank Ruth for all her hard work with the pew
leaflets over the last 25 years and for all her help in passing it over to us.
I hope that we can do a good job for you all and our church. Please bear
with us while we find our feet. There may be a few teething problems
but hopefully nothing to serious.
We would greatly appreciate any comments about things you feel should
be added to the leaflets or changes you may want made.
Thank you Sarah and Andy xx