current newsletter - Wesley United Methodist Church

Our Lenten Series for this year is going to focus on "adding" things to our lives
instead of taking things away for Lent. A booklet with reflections on the lent theme
and scripture readings will be given out at worship services on Sunday, February
15th. We encourage that these booklets are brought to church every Sunday in Lent
as they are incorporated into the sermon theme:
"Just Do Something"
Sunday, February 22: Witness
Sunday, March 1: Share Giftedness
Sunday, March 8: Pray
Sunday, March 15: Serve (Mission/Outreach)
Sunday, March 22: Give
Sunday, March 29:29 Palm Sunday ----- Choir Cantata
Sunday, April 5: Easter Sunday
Dear Friends,
I am writing to share with you that it is the
intention of the Bishop to appoint me as Pastor
of St. John United Methodist Church in Scott
Depot, WV at Annual Conference this June.
This new appointment will begin July 1, 2015.
The decision to accept this appointment has
come with much prayer and discernment.
Although it is difficult to close this chapter of our
journey together and start new chapters apart,
we know that God is faithful and will provide us
all strength and courage to embrace the future.
And, we trust that God’s goodness and
faithfulness will guide the Bishop and her
Cabinet in the discernment process as they
seek to determine the pastor that will lead
Wesley United Methodist Church for years to
So what’s next??? First, let me be clear. Our
time is not finished. As Paul reminded the
church at Philippi – “I press on toward the goal
for the prize of the heavenly call of God in
Christ Jesus.” (3:14) God is not finished with
us nor are we finished working together for the
Kingdom of God.
We have mission and
ministry to complete together.
I trust that you will agree and join me as we allow
God to complete the work He has started in us!
Secondly, I ask you to PRAY. Pray for: the
Bishop and her Cabinet as they discern the best
possible pastoral leadership for Wesley, Wesley’s
Staff Parish Relations Committee as they share
their thoughts and desires for pastoral leadership,
Candy and Me and our children as we make
adjustments and prepare for this transition, and
pray for St. John UMC as they prepare for their
transition in ministry.
In closing, I want to take this opportunity to thank
each and every one of you for the journey we
have shared over the last seven years. In many
ways, I am not the same person I was when I
walked into WUMC as your pastor. You all have
given me the freedom to lead you, try new
ministries together, and allowed me to lead you in
the renovation our facility to better serve our
congregation and community. But most of all, you
have extended grace for me to make mistakes
along the way. I am forever grateful to you for the
role you have played in my life and ministry.
Thank You!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mike
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The Wesley Journal
February, 2015
as practiced and experienced by the members of
+ Men's Prayer Breakfast ++The Prayer Team +++ Women's Prayer Fellowship
Let's spend a few minutes unwrapping the wonderful gift called HOPE.
"HOPE is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears."
"The word which God has written on the brow of every person is HOPE."
Vincent McNabb
Victor Hugo
"What oxygen is to the lungs, such is HOPE to the meaning of life." Emil Brunner
"HOPE” What does it look like? Have you seen the 'face' of hope?
What does it feel like? Have you felt hope?
Hope can be seen on the face of one who gets the news, “There is no cancer.” Hope is real to the person
who has been jobless for months when told, “We are hiring you.” Hope comes alive when the paycheck
covers all the bills. Hope is displayed on the face of a child that receives a shoe box of gifts in a war torn
country who never had a reason to hope. (OCC) Hope is escalated when the food is gone and a friend or
neighbor comes to the door and gives that person a box of groceries. There is hope in the eyes of a hurting
person when someone says, “I care about you” and shows kindness to demonstrate that. A hug, a kind word,
a smile or just listening will bring hope to a face. Yes, hope can be seen and definitely felt in the heart of
people, young and older alike. When you see it on a face, it will be felt within the heart!."
Joetta Stephen - faithful member of Wesley, prayer partner, BIBLE student, published writer, wife of Gene.
Prayer Ministry at Wesley is all about offering HOPE, through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to the many people who request our prayer support. Because of the faithfulness of God, prayers are
answered. We can say, without a doubt, Prayer Works!!
When those in need know that prayers are being offered for them, anxiety and hopelessness are replaced by
the blessings of peace and hope, straight from the mighty resources of God. As pray-ers, we have answered
the call to pray about many kinds of needs: physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, relational, etc. God
understands our needs and is willing and able to share His boundless love and power in response.
Please consider joining one, or two, of Wesley's prayer groups:
+Men's Prayer Breakfast group meets with Pastor Mike once a month on the third Thursday at Panera
(Evansdale) beginning at 6:30 a.m. All Wesley Men are welcome to join Pastor Mike for prayer and
fellowship on Thursday, February 19th.
++Prayer Team Members receive prayer requests via email and pray about each for 3 weeks unless more
or less time seems to be indicated. One has the freedom to choose when, where and how to be a faithful pray
-er. Come, join the many other men and women and make a difference. For any questions please contact:
Mickey Baker at 304.599.8370 or Edith Vehse at
+++Women's Prayer Fellowship meets, traditionally, on the 2nd & 4th Mondays, at 7:45 am in the home
of Mickey Baker - 655 Lashley Street for a light breakfast, discussion, prayer and fellowship. All women are
welcome to "come and see." In the winter, we do not meet if public school is canceled because of bad
weather. In February, meetings are scheduled for the Mondays of February 9 and 23.
February, 2015
The Wesley Journal
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The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God and in
Loving Memory or in Honor of someone special in our lives. Listed
below are the available dates for 2015 to dedicate altar flowers.
March 8 ~ May 3 ~ June 21 ~ June 28 ~
July 19 ~ August 2 ~ August 30 ~ September 13
Anyone that is interested can contact Carolyn Ryan at 304-2921982. A flower chart is posted on the bulletin board in the Lecture
Room, but we kindly ask that requests not be written on the chart.
donations that were given to our local neighboring Community
Kitchen at Trinity Episcopal Church located just across Wesley’s
parking lot. Lunch is served during the week to those in need.
All UMW are invited to the next meeting scheduled for Thursday,
February 19th at Eat-n-Park beginning at Noon. Please contact
Caryol Longenecker at 304-376-1556 or Margie Collins at 304291-2780 if you are attending.
Snack Pack Project for Scott’s Run Settlement House needs
helping hands on Wednesday, February 25th starting at 12:30
p.m. at Scott’s Run House.
2015 is the year for the
biennial UMW Flea Market!
Mark your calendar for the
week of August 10th to be a part of this great event. This is an
early reminder to save your items for our sale. We sell just about
everything--from household goods, jewelry, sports equipment,
baby clothes and essentials--anything in good condition will be
welcome at our sale, so when you do spring cleaning, please
remember that we will be happy to relieve you of things you don't
It will take many helping hands to organize all donations, donate
baked goods and work the sale. Any help will be greatly
appreciated! Future announcements will be made to outline when
items may be brought in to the church and any help needed to
organize sale.
Prayer shawls offer comfort and
support. The Wesley Prayer Shawl
Ministry regularly meets the first
Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM.
For the next couple of months, due to
construction and parking, the Prayer
Shawl Ministry will meet at Panera
(Evansdale location). There will not
be a February meeting, but we hope to
continue with our regular schedule in
March. (We do not meet if the schools
are cancelled or delayed - We want all
to be safe.) What - you want to
become a part of the team but you
don’t know how to knit or crochet? We
can help you with that. Already know
how to knit or crochet but don’t want to
come to meetings? You can still be
involved - contact us and we can get
you started!
Doris Pitman, Sandy
Anderson or Helen Ashenfelter.
Pocket Prayer Shawls are available in
the lecture room. They are a smaller
version of the large prayer shawls.
They are meant to offer comfort in
times of need. They are small and can
be fit in a pocket or purse. Please feel
free to take one for yourself or
someone who you would like to offer
comfort and prayers to.
Wesley’s Advent Brunch and Hat & Mitten Tree brought in the following donations delivered to Scott’s Run Settlement House:
ADVENT BRUNCH canned good donations reached over 200 cans/boxes that filled the
Scot’s Run entire shopping cart!
HAT & MITTEN TREE was filled with 20 Hats/Toboggans ~ 40 Pairs of Gloves ~ 2 Pair
Men’s Thermal Socks ~ 2 Scarves ~ 2 Pair Ladies Fuzzy Socks ~ 1 Hat & Mitten Set
~ 1 Jacket/Hat/Mitten Set.
News from the Bumpe Chiefdom
Sierra Leone, West Africa
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Women Clean-up
February 2015
Hindo Meeting
Ebola in West Africa
As the West African Ebola outbreak wanes enough to be ignored by the nightly news, Sierra Leone
continues to have significant spread. As of Jan. 13th the CDC reported a total of 8,483 West African deaths
from 21,408 cases (13,510 confirmed cases). Nearly half of those afflicted were in Sierra Leone; they had
3,083 deaths at this last report and are presently the hardest hit country .
Ebola in Bumpe Chiefdom
In Bumpe chiefdom, 55 cases have resulted in 37 deaths; there have been no infections or deaths in
Bumpe village. The educational and preventive work that Wesley has been supporting through the Kposowa
Foundation has helped prevent infection in 237 villages; of the 10 villages that have had cases, only four still
have quarantines in effect.
Containment of Ebola, Education, and Cooperation are a Focus
As education and resupply of buckets and antiseptics continue, the crisis has stimulated unprecedented
cooperation across the chiefdom as people are looking ahead and making plans to resume their
lives. Meetings (and a recent work day with 600 volunteers) have addressed sanitation and clean-up of
public areas. A textbook loan program is encouraging students to begin working and studying at home in
preparation for reopening of school, and as Ebola statistics are posted and shared, the public affirms support
for the by-laws that restrict movement of persons with possible disease.
Thanks and appreciation from the Bumpe Chiefdom
The M. L. King quote was sent by Hindo on King’s birthday; Hindo and his team certainly have been
standing in a lot of the right places during this challenge. They join all of the people of Bumpe chiefdom in
thanks to you for your continuing support of their efforts to end Ebola and return to normalcy.
Jim, Judy, and Sarah Culberson
“A little goes a long way”, the saying goes. Wesley
UMC has an opportunity to contribute pocket change
each Sunday to send to the school in Bumpe. After
worship look for the poster “Wesley Change for
Bumpe Change” in the Lecture Room. Bring your
pocket change for the Bumpe Bucket!
February 2015
The Wesley Journal
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“Wesley 5:35” is designed to provide a comfortable and spirit filled
environment for everyone to share in an abundance of fellowship and
worship. Centered around an informal setting, enjoy fellowship and
refreshments with friends … new friends … family, and neighbors.
Pastor Valerie Burgess
& Wesley’s Praise Team
February 7th: "The Beat of a Different Drummer"
February 14th: "Love Will Keep Us Together"
Happy New Year! We are one month into 2015 and I
hope that your New Year is already being abundantly
blessed with God’s hope, peace, and much joy! So
did you make any New Year’s resolutions? I have to
say that I gave up on resolutions a number of years
ago, silly things. But I still like to mark the beginning of
a new year with something that helps me focus on the
potential of the coming year. So instead of making
resolutions, I select a theme for the year: “Live
_____________.” In the past, my years’ themes have
included things like “Live Courageously,” “Live
Flexibly,” “Live Joyfully.” Each theme represents a
way I want to nurture growth in my whole life,
physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally and
mentally. For example, the year my theme was to
“Live flexibly,” I really worked on being less of a
control-freak and more open to unexpected
possibilities. That was the year I met Andy – the best
of unexpected possibilities!
You see, I think God calls each of us to something,
and that calling develops, even changes, over time.
But too often we fall into our familiar faith practices –
the way we worship, the pattern of our prayers, the
ways we are comfortable reaching out into the
community. Those ways are fine, but sometimes
being open to a new faith practice makes it possible
to grow in our relationship with God in a way we
would not have otherwise.
Will I go on a mission trip to a foreign land? Will I
become part of a community outreach that is
completely out of my comfort zone? God knows –
and I will try to live adventurously trusting God to
make all things possible.
What about you? Is there a new faith practice you
can claim as a new way to grow in your relationship
with God? You might try taking on a Bible reading
plan, join the prayer ministry, volunteer with Circle of
Friends or something else. Why not try a new way to
worship? If you haven’t yet taken the opportunity to
worship at our Saturday worship service, Wesley
5:35, I invite you to join us and see how God might
use worship to help you grow closer to Him as we
grow closer to each other. Hope to see you
Saturdays at 5:35pm!
For 2015, my theme is “Live Adventurously.” I want
to try some new things – like zip-lining and white
water rafting. Mostly I want to resist being hesitant to
try something new just because it seems scary. So,
how will I live adventurously in my faith? Well, I want
to be open to discovering and responding to God’s Here’s to 2015 – the year of living adventurously!
current calling on my life.
Pastor Val
Have you ever wondered how the 66 books of the Bible fit together?
The Berean Sunday School class will survey the entire Bible during the six Sundays in Lent.
Sunday, February 22: Genesis-Deuteronomy
Sunday, March 1: Joshua-Esther
Sunday, March 8: Job-Song of Solomon
Sunday, March 15: Isaiah-Malachi
Sunday, March 22: Matthew-John
Sunday, March 29: Acts-Revelation
Each class session is stand-alone, so feel free to attend
as many or as few as you are able. Contact Frances
Van Scoy via email at with
questions or check the February 15 church bulletin for
the location of the class.
February 2015
The Wesley Journal
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The church is extremely close to finishing the renovations. The children's area is almost structurally
complete; however, the "finishing touches" need to be put on it before our dedication. Will YOU please
consider helping the children update their rooms? The rooms are nice and big and updated; however, our
shelves and tables are old!
We are in need of white boards, shelving, tables, chairs, bean bag chairs, projector and many other supplies
to make the children's space welcoming.
On two Sundays in February (8th and 15th), the children will be having a bake sale after both services and
will be accepting donations (cash or check) to help our cause. If you are willing to donate before or after
those dates, please mark your check or envelope to "Children's Ministry."
Thank you for helping make the children's space a place that our future will want to come and learn about
Jesus and bring others! For more information, please contact Lya Stroupe at
Mark your calendars and plan to cheer on the Mountaineers and the Women's Basketball Team takes on
Iowa State on Saturday, February 21st at noon. Watch the bulletin for more information concerning meeting
place and time. Anybody can join us to go!!! For more information, please contact Lya Stroupe at
G-Force....coming to Wesley!!! Wesley's Vacation Bible
School (VBS), the G-Force, is coming your way in early June
2015. During VBS children will discover that they can use
God's power in their lives to help them Move! Act! Care!
Follow! and Share! This fun, interactive Bible-based program equips children to use their talents, skills, and
momentum in a Christ-centered direction. Watch for more information in upcoming newsletters and bulletins.
Parents and children, mark your calendars for March 20th-21st. The Children's Ministry will have a
lock-in. During this time we will have time for fellowship, time to explore and learn about the events of
Holy Week and then put the finishing touches on our new space above the gym. Mark you calendars
and plan to spend time with other families growing closer with each other and with God! Watch the
bulletin and future newsletters for more information!
All Wesley youth from middle school to high school are
welcome to be a part of youth group. We meet Sundays
at 1:15 p.m. on the second floor balcony. This is a great
way to share fellowship with each other. Friends are
welcome! For more information please contact Youth
Coordinator, Jean Ann McGuigan by phone 304-2911990 or email
SOUPer BOWL SUNDAY - February 1st Wesley Youth were
at the church exits collecting donations of loose change/bills/checks
for local soup kitchens. This youth-led nationwide event is a great
outreach mission! Many thanks to those who donated. Total amount
collected will be announced Sunday, February 15th.
What Valentine Can I Give Him?
What can I give to Jesus
On this special Valentine's Day?
How can I tell Him I'll love Him,
And follow Him, come what may?
How can I show I need Him?
Should I send a red heart, with lace?
How can I thank Him enough
For his sacrifice, love and grace?
What Valentine can I give Him,
My adoration to impart?
I'll give to Him what He wants most;
I'll yield to Him my heart.
By Joanna Fuchs
February 2015
The Wesley Journal
Page 7
11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Hazel & JW Ruby Community
Tickets are available for a minimum donation of $15 per
person. Children 10 and under eat free but do not receive
a ceramic bowl. Purchasing a ticket in advance reserves
a bowl on the day of the event. Tickets will be sold to walk
in patrons as available. Stop by the Lecture Room after
worship services today to purchase your tickets or to
volunteer to bake cookies!
Feb. 14-15
Paul Ragland
March 14-15
Christine Wang
Apr. 11-12
Ben Tuel
May 9-10
Caryol Longenecker
June 13-14
Music Ministries Lya Stroupe
July 11-12
Praise Team Gabriele Votta-Suite
Aug. 8-9
Paul Ragland
Sept. 12-13 Basketball Team Christine Wang
Oct. 10-11
Karen King
Nov. 14-15
Ben Tuel
Dec. 12-13
Caryol Longenecker
Winter Farmer’s Market
Saturdays: February 7th & 21st
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Wesley UMC - Davis Gym
Red Beans & Rice
Potato Salad
Jalapeno Cornbread
*Vegetarian dishes offered
Meal served in the Davis Gym
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EACH DAY FROM WESLEY’S GYM.
Any questions about Circle of Friends please contact
Joann King 304-599-0206. Thank you!
Stop Hunger Now Day (April 18 this year) is a nice example
of how a church works in this world. Several years ago we
opened our gym to a group of Rotarians who were
interested in the Stop Hunger Now international feeding
program. Stop Hunger Now is a church-based initiative that
has supplied more than 138 MILLION meals around the
globe since it began this food-packaging and distribution
program in 2005! About 200 people will converge on the
gymnasium to prepare (both pack and ship) over 45,000
nutritious meals to feed kids at schools in food-poor
countries in places like Uganda and Guatemala and Sierra
Leone. That sounds like ministry! More information will be
announced about this great event in upcoming newsletters.
The Wesley Journal
February 2015
Page 8
Join us for services:
Contemporary: Saturdays at 5:35 p.m.
Traditional: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
(nursery available at both services and Sunday School)
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Wesley Church Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(Monday - Friday)
Phone: 304.292.9485
Dear Friends,
We wish to thank you so much for the generosity
and kindness you expressed to us during Christmas.
Your love and care for us does not go unnoticed and
is felt in so many ways! We love you!!!
Michael and Candy
Dear Church Family,
I would like to thank all of you for the reception held
this past Sunday for me. I will miss Wesley Church
and all the great people that have been part of my
church life. I am very excited to move to Virginia and
be a full-time grandfather and give support to my son
and his family. My new address is:
Lou Angotti
12330 Constitution Highway
Orange, VA 22960
Again thanks and hope to hear from you all:
Sincerely, Lou
Wesley United Methodist Church
503 N. High Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Non-Profit Organization
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