November 2014 THE WESLEYAN onnection Our Vision statement: Learn God’s word, Teach God’s word and Share God’s love Our Mission Statement: Office: 235-3070 Fax: 235-1158 Rev. Wiley Gladney Wesley United Methodist Church is a community of Christ’s disciples who strive to know, love and serve God more faithfully through Christ-centered worship, education, fellowship and true compassion that show God’s love for all people in the name of Jesus Christ. Notes from the Pastor Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Grace and peace to you this fall season. Fall is my favorite time of year, not only because of the weather and all things pumpkin, but also because it is the busiest time of year in the church. There are so many things going on in the life of our congregation. I first want to say thank you to everyone who made our 2nd annual fall block party a great success. We had many visitors to the church and strengthened the ties to our community. Speaking of community, the annual Interfaith Festival of Gratitude will be the night before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 26, starting at 7:00 at the Grand Opera House. We’ll have about a dozen different faith communities take the stage and express gratitude. This will be the 5th year at the Grand. I hope you and your family can attend. The annual stewardship drive will begin November 2. During each week in November, we will highlight one aspect of our stewardship in worship. During each week, we will have someone give a short talk about what stewardship means to them. On December 7, we will have a commitment service where we turn in our commitment to giving and serving cards as we pledge to God our time, gifts, and talents for the coming year. Please mark this on your calendars as I am sure it will be a great day in worship. Have a happy Thanksgiving, and see you in worship. Blessings, Pastor Wiley Gladney Interfaith Festival of Gratitude November 26, 2014 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Grand Opera House 100 High Street November 9 All Saints Service of Remembrance November 12 5:15 p.m. WWF November 13 Oshkosh Holiday Parade November 26 Interfaith Festival of Gratitude WWF Wednesday, November 12, at 5:15 p.m. The menu will include oven roasted turkey, potatoes, stuffing, corn, green beans, pumpkin pie along with other sides and more. The cost for this dinner will be $5.00 per adult, $2.50 per youth (12 and under) with a maximum of $15.00 per family. Please plan to come and join for our Thanksgiving holiday. The Men's Club Do you have an extra seat or two in your car, van or SUV? Those seats may be needed. Wesley's Membership Care Team is looking for volunteers to provide rides for those needing them to the Christmas Service at 7 P.M. on Christmas Eve. If you and your vehicle are able to serve the Lord in this way, please call the Church office at 235-3070 or Shirley Hiland at 235-6639 and we will match you with someone needing a ride. If you are able to provide this service at other times also, please mention this when you call and we will call you when needed. THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING! Page 2 On October 4 we held our 2nd annual Block Party. The weather was not as nice as it was last year but the committee proved that they are nimble and adapted to the cooler temps and the rain. We cancelled the dunk tank and moved most of the activities inside. Some new things this year were the Oshkosh Police Department came and spent time with us showing us their cars, the canine unit, and the new Command Center. We also had cart rides available with a miniature horse leading the way. Caramel apples, face painting, balloons made into animals, games and trivia were also big hits. This year we had t-shirts printed with the Wesley logo on the front and “Like a good neighbor, Jesus is there” on the back. We have shirts left and will be selling them for $5.00 each after church on Sundays. We are also wearing these shirts in the Holiday parade on November 13. The Food Pantry was excited to receive the boxes of food and the cash donations that were collected for them. Next year we are having the Block Party on Saturday, September 12, 2015. Please save the date! Thank you to everyone who donated, made food, planned, and worked at the block party. This could not have been accomplished without the help of our great committee. We are blessed to have such great people to work with at Wesley. Thank you to each and every one of you. Sally Counts and Linda Fournier Newsletter Sponsorship Virginia Roeder would like to sponsor the November and December newsletters in honor of her good friend June Granger). There is a sponsorship available for 2015 now! Your contribution helps defray part of the cost of the publication and is an extra gift of support to our expenses. Please contact the church office (235-3070) to ‘reserve’ your chosen month for 2015. Friendship Circle November 20 9:30 a.m. Meeting at Delta Restaurant We have several openings between now and the end of the year for flower sponsorship, only $15.00. Thank you DON’T BUG ME Wesley youth will be attending the one day conference educational event on Nov. 15 at Kalahari resort in the Dells. Conference price is $30. Focus of the event is No More Malaria. Day is divided into half education/ fundraising discussion. Other half is water park fun! Everyone invited to attend with the youth. Early registration October 25. Please contact Scott Colantonio with any questions you may have. Page 3 BIRTHDAYS 2 4 8 10 Holly Roe Alexa Witzke Hannah Ostertag Eric Zimmerman Liam Gladney 11 Lilly Fournier 13 Brian Peterson 17 Sally Counts 18 Audrey Jean Goss 19 Kathy Aaronson Clayton Bradley 21 Nathan Bradley 24 Susan Sapaula 25 Teresa Marx 27 Ronan Gladney ANNIVERSARIES 5 11 14 21 Donna & Mike LaPoint Patti & Ralph Dedecker Becky & Bill Zimmerman Victoria & Craig Krystek Diane & Dan Mueller Who: First United Methodist Church Where: 700 W. Linwood Ave, Oshkosh When: Saturday, November 1, 9:30 a.m.1:00 p.m. Holiday Breads for Sale Women of Wesley are baking pumpkin and cranberry bread. Betty Croninger is looking for volunteers to help with the baking on Saturday, November 8 from 8:00 a.m.Noon. Please see her if you would like to help. If you are interested in purchasing bread please call her before Thursday, November 6. Cost of the bread is $5.00 per loaf and can be picked up after church on Sunday, November 9. The holiday bread makes great gifts and freezes well. Save the Date! Pizza making will be Saturday, January 17. December 2, 2014 6:45 p.m. Our annual Charge Conference will be held jointly with Algoma Boulevard UMC and Waukau UMC. The location has not been chosen yet and will be announced in the Sunday bulletin as soon as possible. Page 4 MONTHLY MONTHLY MISSION MISSION FOCUS FOCUS Pastor’s Discretionary Money at WorkFund A certificate from Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church states: We are pleased to recognize Wesley United Methodist Church for its covenant support of the Global Ministries missionary community. based health programs, and access to clean water and sanitation. This is just a sampling of the good works that gifts like yours make possible. Thank you for giving so generously.” “Through The Advance, the designated giving channel of The United Methodist Church, 100 “Declare His glory among the nations, His percent of your contribution will go to marvelous works among all the peoples.” Psalm Undesignated - UMCOR, Advance #999895. Your 96:3 gift received on 8/11/14 is supporting programs that fight hunger and poverty, asset the displaced, Signed and respond to disasters. Giving through The Thomas Kemper, General Secretary Advance enables United Methodists to partner with General Board of Global Ministries one another in mission and ministry around the ——————————————————————- world. Thank you for joining with us to “BE Hope” to those who desperately need it.” A letter from UMCOR after receiving our monthly mission money. It says, Your gift brings hope to those who need it most. “Thank you for your support of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Grace and Peace, Through your gift you are helping to provide assistance for survivors of human trafficking, Roland Fernandes, General Treasurer UMCOR funding for health and development projects that Shawn Bakker, Deputy General Secretary alleviate hunger and poverty, holistic communityThere is still need for help with our youth for Sunday school. Please consider volunteering. Any help that you need in preparing the lesson is available. Please contact Jenny Fournier 231-3926. We all really appreciate when you volunteer. K-5 11/02/14 11/09/14 11/16/14 11/23/14 11/30/14 12/07/14 Pre-K 11/23/14 12/07/14 Ruth The Promised Prince of Peace Mary and Joseph Mary and Elizabeth The Shepherds The Wise Men Nursery 11/02/14 11/23/14 11/30/14 12/07/14 12/21/14 12/28/14 Live, Grow, Big lessons Live, Grow, Big lessons Page 5 The Holiday Parade is Thursday night, November 13, at 6:30 p.m And Wesley will have a float! We are looking for children, teens and adults to join us. The Parade committee organized by Jerry Vienola have met and planned the design for the float. Our theme is a “Rockin’ Christmas Story”. All the big pieces have been made. We will start putting everything together on the stage in the fellowship hall on November 1. We are asking more of you to join us in the finishing touches, riding on the float, or walking alongside the float. It is our plan to pass out candy and the magnets we began giving away at the Block Party. Call or talk to Jerry, Vernita Green, Linda Fournier or Mark Fournier if you would like to help. Check out the stage to see the float progress. The following is what will be read during the parade. “Our “Rockin’ Christmas Story, is the story of The First Christmas which happened over 2000 year ago when Jesus was born. The children, dressed in their bed clothes, are listening intently to the story being read by a Grandfather who sits in an oversized Rockin’ chair. Listen carefully and you can hear that story. The setting is the family’s living room. Stockings are hung by the chimney with care. The Nativity Set, depicting the First Christmas, sits prominently on the mantel of the fireplace. The tree is lighted and the packages have been placed under the tree. This family is ready for a Rockin’ Christmas. Outside the house you can see trees in their yard—covered with snow. People from Wesley United Methodist Church are handing out candy and magnets which invite people to their church. Members from other United Methodist Churches have joined them. Poinsettia Order Form Would you like to sponsor a Poinsettia for the church sanctuary? You are welcome to take it home after the Christmas Eve Service. The cost this year for each plant is $7.50 and you may designate it in honor of someone special or to celebrate an event. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND PLACE IT WITH YOUR PAYMENT IN THE OFFERING PLATE OR IN THE CHURCH OFFICE BY DECEMBER 15th. Number of plants desired: 1 2 3 Total amount enclosed $_________ Your Name______________________________________________ ____In Memory of _______________________________________ ____In Honor of _________________________________________ Page 6 Page 7 4 Tue 11 Council 6:30 p.m. TKD 5:00 p.m. 18 TKD 5:00 p.m. 25 TKD 5:00 p.m. 10 Trustees 6:30 p.m. Scouts 6:00 p.m. 17 Scouts 6:00 p.m. 24 Scouts 6:00 p.m. 16 9:00 a.m. Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour 23 9:00 a.m. Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour TKD 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour 9:00 a.m. Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour 30 5 Office Closed Wed 27 Office Closed Thanksgiving Interfaith Service at Grand Opera House 7:00 p.m. MG Singers 6:00 p.m. Chancel Choir7:00 p.m. Friendship Circle 9:30 at Delta Bible Study 3:00 p.m. TKD 5:00 p.m. Pastor Sabbath 28 Pastor Sabbath 21 Pastor Sabbath 20 14 Bible Study 3:00 p.m. Oshkosh Holiday Parade TKD 5:00 p.m. Pastor Sabbath 13 7 Bible Study 3:00 p.m. TKD 5:00 p.m. Fri 6 Thu 26 Office Closed MG Singers 6:00p.m. Chancel Choir7:00 p.m. 19 Office Closed Mission 9:00 a.m. WWF 5:15 p.m. MG Singers 6:00 p.m. Chancel Choir7:00 p.m. 12 Office Closed MG Singers 6:00p.m. Chancel Choir7:00 p.m. Board of Ministries Interview at Pine Lake for Pastor Wiley Finance 6:30 p.m. Scouts 6:00 p.m. 3 Mon 9 9:00 a.m. Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour 2 Sun November 2014 29 22 15 8 1 Sat Wesley United Methodist Church 761 Florida Avenue Oshkosh, WI 54902-6549 (920) 235-3070 Change Service Requested Published Monthly Issue # 20138 The Wesleyan Connection is published monthly for the members and friends of Wesley Methodist Church, 761 Florida Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54902-6549 Reverend Wiley Gladney, Pastor Church Phone: 920-235-3070 Church Fax: 920-235-1158 Email: Church Web:
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