Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a
family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead,
and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our
peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our
This Christmas cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted
and broke at the end of the year. Instead, experience the peace of
knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and
the love of the Savior who gave everything he had for us.
This year, we’re going to have an “all church” study during Advent
as our Worship + opportunity. Pastor John and Pastor Jenny will
address it in worship. On Sundays or Wednesdays, all are invited to
gather for a brief video presentation from Pastor Mike Slaughter.
We’ll break into groups for discussion and study. There are two
options to choose from: Sundays from 10:15 - 11:00 am or
Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. For those who wish to attend both sessions, there will be new content offered each
time. Childcare provided. November 30 - December 14. Sign up at or in the bulletin insert!
Ease into the Christmas Season
with our Advent Adventure! Our
Advent Adventure is scheduled for
Saturday, November 29 from
10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Come and
join us for fellowship and fun in the
Life Center (giant gym) for crafts
and activities that help keep us
focused on family and Baby Jesus
while we prepare for Christmas.
The crafts are geared towards ages 2 and up. You will also have the opportunity to
create an Advent Log that may be used in your home to help recognize and celebrate
the Advent Season. We are always looking for volunteers to host a craft table, provide a
craft, or supervise a table. We also need people to help with setup on Friday, November
28 and clean up immediately following the Adventure. Please let Judith Goodrum know
if you are interested in helping by calling the church office at 344-3025 or email her at
The Eagle Wing is a monthly
publication of
Saint John
United Methodist Church
1801 O’Malley Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
The mission of Saint John UMC
is to grow disciples of
Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world,
and to be a welcoming family,
joyfully sharing God’s light.
Decorate for Advent
Many of us decorate our homes
for Advent and Christmas. We also
prepare our worship space and
building for the season! Join us for
lunch and decorating on Saturday,
November 29 from 12 - 2 pm. It's
a great project for all ages and
families to do together. Please
sign up on the yellow sheet in the
Prayer Shawl Group
Keep Knitting and Crocheting
while praying. The Prayer Shawl
Group will take a hiatus from
meeting the first and third
Wednesdays of November and
December. We will meet January
7 and 21 at 6:30 pm in the staff
conference room. Please keep us
in your prayers as we minister to
those in crisis by knitting prayer
shawls, lap robes, pocket prayers,
and comfort dolls. If you would
like patterns, please contact me
by email (
Ann LaRue
Wreath Sale
I suspect like me you will be glad when the November 4th
Election is over. I’m tired of the ads, especially the negative
ones, often provided by outside sources. They start to wear on
you after a while, and I wonder whether they even become
counter-productive for the candidate or issue they are intended
to represent. But despite my weariness over the campaign,
November 4th, the day we get to vote, is an amazing day. Every
time I go to the polls and cast my ballot – even when I know my
choices are not likely to be the winning choices – I come away
with an incredible sense of awe and privilege at the opportunity
to vote. I get to choose. I get to express my views and rights as a citizen. And I get
to do it without fear of retribution. I sometimes fear that we take this privilege for
granted. In fact some of us will choose to stay home because we aren’t happy with
the candidates running, or we think our vote doesn’t matter, or we just don’t care.
Sometimes we stay away because we feel unprepared to vote. There are a number
of ballot measures coming up that are important to folks in the state of Alaska. In
this age of the internet you can find more than enough material on both sides of
any issue to help you make your own informed decision. That’s the best you can do.
There is an old expression about how “90% of most things is just showing up.” This
is true of our right to vote. If we don’t show up and express our preferences then
nothing changes. The other 10% should be our diligence in making informed
decisions about candidates and issues. I pray that you will exercise your right and
privilege on November 4th.
Pastor John
*Chewing again that which has already been chewed – cows ruminate!
Annual Boy Scout Troop 210
Christmas Wreath Sale - $25.00
Date: Sunday, November 30
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Beautiful wreaths with your
choice of Bow.
Thank you for supporting the
Scouts of Troop 210.
I’m back! Well, kind of. I began part time maternity leave
on October 13. For the next four weeks, I’ll spend part of
the day at home with Wesley and part of the day in the
office. I’ll be with you in worship on Sundays and a couple
other gatherings. I’ll return to full time work on November
10. I observed a couple things during the first part of my
maternity leave that I thought I’d share.
I’m a disciple. I loved worshipping alongside you all on
several Sundays during my leave. I wasn’t sure at first if I
should be at church at all. But I felt drawn to be present in
worship simply for my relationship with God. It can be difficult at times for worship leaders to worship God themselves. Sometimes I’m more focused on what
element comes next and what I’ll say than calming my spirit to be present in the
moment. I was thankful for several opportunities to experience worship at Saint
John from a different perspective. I know it will strengthen and inform how I plan
worship experiences in the future.
A slower pace. Saint John is a dynamic and fast-moving environment. There are
lots of moving people and parts to ministry. It can be a challenge to nurture a quiet and slow spirit in the midst of the excitement of this faith community. Being
able to step away for the season was a gift. Life slowed down. Granted, I was
chasing a toddler and walking a crying baby around the house, but it was still a
different pace. Some days my biggest accomplishment was getting both kids
dressed and taking them to the store to get groceries. I had more time to play in
the rain with Isabella, cuddle on the couch with Wesley and walk around the
neighborhood with Aaron.
Do you need a slower pace in life right now? How is your Sabbath practice going?
Pay attention to those longings to slow down. A quote on my wall reminds me
often, “Efficiency is not God’s highest goal for your life.” May the seemingly mundane moments of life that we usually only notice when we slow down catch you
off guard with their hidden beauty.
Love grows. I’ve certainly asked a classic second child question: “Will there be
room in my heart to love a second child in the way I love my first born?” Yes,
there will. I’m watching my heart expand as each day passes. My daughter’s heart
is too. At first she wasn’t so sure about this little creature who was stealing her
parents’ attention. But her love is growing for Wesley too. She is so affectionate in
her hugs and kisses that she sometimes wakes him up. Just this morning I overheard her whisper to her brother, “Wesley, I love you.”
I’m reminded this is the call God gives in our lives. We look around and see
friends, family and strangers who can be difficult to love. We wonder if we have it
in us to love like Jesus loved. Can our hearts expand to include the hurting, broken
and frustrated? Yes, they can. Especially when we pause long enough to notice we
are the hurting ones as well. God’s love has a way of growing and expanding in
situations we thought impossible. That is good news for all of us!
Honored to grow as a disciple among you,
Pastor Jenny
Alaska 20s and 30s
Young Adults, please join us for
Theology on Tap! It will be a great
evening of discussion, food and
fellowship. Pastor Bob Smith from
Turnagain United Methodist
Church will be facilitating a discussion on the role of religion in
Middle Eastern conflict. Bring
food to share and join the conversation from 6:00-8:00 pm on
Saturday, November 15 (Jeff &
Susan Koonce’s house: 11863
Rockridge Drive). Childcare provided from 5:30-8:30 at Saint
John. Visit
Alaska20s&30s. Contact Marie
or Jamie Trammell at
Thank You!
To Sharon Sauer, Linda Heim
and Judy Gastrock for helping
fold the Stewardship letters.
To Karen Divelbiss, Roz and
Jerry Headley for setting up
and preparing lunch for the
Young at Heart Lunch Bunch.
To Parke and Diana MacDowell on the birth of Kalina Parke
MacDowell born Oct. 9th,
grandparents are Beth & David MacDowell.
Janie & Steve Eschmann
welcomed baby Roger Oct 17!
They play violin & guitar for
the 11:15 band. Molly is big
For Dana Shearer and family
in the loss of Dana’s brother.
As we get closer to the general election on Nov 4, few of us are immune to the uptick in robocalls, pollsters, and radio and
TV spots. Good or bad, this flurry of activity does say something, "YOUR vote counts." And, because your vote counts, it is
critical that each and every one of us be informed about this election's ballot choices and how they may affect our communities, state, nation, and the world.
Through very thoughtful and reflective discussion at the October Church Council meeting, your leadership recognized the
importance of encouraging each and every registered voter to exercise his/her privilege on Tuesday, Nov 4th by studying
the issues and getting to the polls.
The exercise of study and reason and conversations with fellow Christians are main tenets of our Methodist tradition.
(1) While each one of us may study the ballot issues from a faith perspective, we may find that our personal interpretation
and vote differs from the individual sitting next to us on Sunday morning, in Worship +, or at Wednesday night supper. John
Wesley's words provide some wisdom in this situation:
"Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?
Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences."(2) - John
As Christians, we are called to live out our faith through a life of discipleship. Our spiritual life informs our decisions and
actions not only within the confines of the church but outside of its walls as well. Jesus often presented ideas that challenged and encouraged people to think about various subjects from alternative perspectives. In His example, we recognize
and celebrate the unique perspectives and gifts each of us bring to the conversation.
Your church leadership encourages you to take the opportunity to block off time on November 4 to head to the polls. Until
then, study the issues, learn about the candidates and encourage others to inform themselves in advance of Election
Day. An informed populous exercising its privilege to vote can exert a positive influence in our communities in substantial
In His service,
Erin Narus
Council Chair
The Outreach Ministry Team is pleased that this year’s Mitten Tree Outreach will be in partnership with United Utilities.
Tracy Coleman is the contact and may be reached at 529-8369.
We are looking for new (or gently used and in good condition) clothing, socks, gloves, scarfs, hats and unwrapped toys for
children. The gifts can be placed under the Mitten Tree. The tree will be in the Triangle Room November 30 thru December
9, so please deliver your gifts no later than December 9 so that they can be delivered in time for Christmas.
Can you flutter like an angel, bray like a donkey, coo like a dove, walk like a king, or herd sheep? Then we need you to participate in our Christmas Pageant! We are looking for children who are age 3 years – 6th grade to participate in our
Annual Christmas Pageant! Pageant practice will be on November 30, December 7, and December 14 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.
We will share the Christmas Pageant with the congregation during the 9:00 am and 11:15 am worship services on December 21! If you or your child is interested in participating contact Gail Skurla at gailskurla@yahoo,com, sign up on line, or on
the yellow sheet in the bulletin!
Wednesday Night Supper
Strong Women 10/8/2014
Sharing the Light 10/22/2014
Malaria claims a life every 60 seconds. It’s a disease of poverty, which means that society’s
most vulnerable members– such as mothers and small children - are affected most. This is a
tragedy. That’s why the people of the United Methodist Church have made it their business to
end preventable deaths from malaria. Imagine No Malaria is a holistic health program that
combats malaria through prevention, treatment, infrastructure, communication, and education in Sub-Saharan Africa.
‘Tis the season? Already? Yes, indeed. As you begin your Christmas shopping and think about
year-end charitable gifts, please keep our brothers and sisters in Africa in your hearts.
This year, there are many creative ways to support Imagine No Malaria.
 Consider participating in alternative giving this year. (After all, most of us don’t really need more stuff.) We will
have alternative gift cards for sale in our fellowship hall throughout December. Give the gift of life to families
in Africa, and families here at home will appreciate it.
 We are joining with United Methodist Churches across the Northwest in dedicating all of our Christmas Eve
offering to Imagine No Malaria. Talk and pray with your family about how you might support this special offering with abundant generosity as we work to honor the child who came to save us by saving children in Africa. Learn more at We're in the midst of a three-year campaign to raise $45,000
towards Imagine No Malaria. We're excited to share we've already raised $25,000 in our first year and a
half! This Advent season, we'll look at what we spend on Christmas and consider giving an equal amount to
Imagine No Malaria.
Working to make a difference,
Your Imagine No Malaria team
Harry DeBruhl, Andrew Cutting, Pastor Jenny Smith & Pastor John Campbell
United Methodist
Women Fashion Salon
Date: November 22, 2014
Time: 10 am - 4 pm
"Nearly new" casual, dressy, and
holiday clothing will be available
in the Fellowship Area. Donations
can be brought to the church at
any time until Friday, November
21st. Come, browse, and buy
quality and name brand clothing
at really low prices. All proceeds
go to UMW mission efforts.
United Methodist
Women Annual Holiday
Back by popular demand! Ray
Buckley, Director of the Center for
Native American Spirituality and
Christian Study, staff member of
The United Methodist Publishing
House, Director of the Native People’s Communication Office
(UMCom), and Director of Connectional Ministries for the Alaska
Missionary Conference will, as our
guest speaker, help us prepare
our hearts for this Advent Season
on December 6 at 10 am in the
Life Center.
We will also be hosting a 10,000
Villages Craft Sale. 10,000 Villages
is a nonprofit fair trade organization that markets handcrafted
products made by disadvantaged
artisans from more than 120 artisan groups in more than 35 countries. Items will be available
from 9 am - 10 am on Saturday,
December 6 and 8 am - 12 pm on
Sunday, December 7. The cost is
$10.00. Tickets go on sale November 2.
Bill Floerchinger was honored by
the United Methodist Men of St.
John UMC for his outstanding work
as an advocate and volunteer parts
builder for the PET Mobility cart
that serves the world’s disabled.
Bill was presented with a life membership in the United Methodist
Men and received a plaque from
the founders of the PET Mobility
Project, Rev Mel West and Rev.
Larry Hills (both UMC clergy) who
founded this faith-based, volunteer
driven movement 20 years ago.
Walt Hays, volunteer coordinator
for the PET Project in Alaska, cited
Bill’s eight years of service as tireless promoter of PET and his coordination in building and shipping over 500 sets
of seats and large quantities of finished wooden parts to the PET Shop in Spokane, WA for final assembly. Bill has worked with Untied Methodist Men, The
Christian Men’s Fellowship (Disciples of Christ), youth at Birchwood Camp, scout
groups and with an individual scout working on his Eagle award in this effort.
PET is an acronym for Personal Energy Transportation. This sturdy, hand-cranked
cart can carry 300 pounds and is made by some 800 volunteers – mostly seniors –
in 24 shops across the USA. In the past 20 years, 48,000 PET carts have been given free to the leg-disabled in 100 countries world-wide. $12 million in private
sector funding has been raised and expended to underwrite this ministry. PET is
approved for “Advance Special” giving by the Board of Global Ministries of the
A photo of Bill and a brief article about his volunteer work with PET appears in
the Fall, 2014 edition of the national newsletter of United Methodist Men.
Church Office remodel
Thank you to John Meyn, Nick
Brawner, Jeff Koonce, Leslie
Baston, Tom Liss, Teri and Shane
Inch for all your help during the
office remodel.
St. John youth made 500 sandwiches for those in need locally.
Youth pray over the food that will be received.
Parents Night Out! 18 youth took
care of 46 young children as parents enjoyed a night out! The next
Parents Night Out is November 7.
Contact to
Thank you to the youth and parents who helped serve lunch at the Lay School of Theology as well as for the United Methodist Women's State meetings.
5:00 Youth Study Group
6:30 Youth Group
8, 9, 11:15am worship
10:15am Sunday School for grades 7-8, 9-12
Bundles of Love: Our ongoing support of Bundles of Love continues! Working with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Providence Hospital, making baskets for the mothers/babies. Donations are being collected in a tub in the west door, where you
can leave your donations. A baby born prematurely can cause extreme stress and turmoil to a family. Through these baskets
I hope to provide a sense of comfort and joy to these families. Donations might include: water bottles, infant toy (0-6
months), small diapers and nursing pads, infant books (board books, pop up).
Anchorage, AK
Permit No. 98
United Methodist Church
1801 O’Malley Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
Return Service Requested
Office Hours
M-F, 9 am—4 pm
Phone: 907-344-3025
Fax: 907-344-4322
Visit the church website at
The Saint John UMC Staff
John Campbell, Jenny Smith
Robbie Brawner
Youth Director
Judith Goodrum
Children’s Ministry and
Membership Director
Pam Okeson
Preschool Director
James Wardlaw-Bailey
Music Director
Freya Wardlaw Bailey,
Aaron Smith
Music Staff
Jane Crane, Gina Bardsley,
Anna Lukas, Teresa Backus
Office Staff
Jessie Herring
Sunday Office Assistant
John Meyn
Plant Supervisor
Yuh-Yin Hsi Liu
The work of the above staff is to
help all the members and friends of
Saint John be in ministry to the
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