Page 1 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” January 2015 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “Building to Grow….Growing to Serve” Rev. J. Keith Newell, Pastor, 828-342-6077 5929 Coble Church Road Liberty, North Carolina 27298 (336) 685-4093 Pastor: Church: Editor: In His Service Ushers Brian Smith Curtis York Offering Counters James Amidon John Ferrell Greeters 4—Kevin & Brenda Shepard 11—Mike & Karen Andrews 18—Richard & Lorraine Coble 25—Brett & Teresa Wagner Nursery -Worship Service 4—Carrie Caligan 11—Diana Euliss 18—Kelley Kimrey 25—Nancy Fisher Children’s Church 4—Tammy Russell 11—Wendy Lowe 18—Carrie Caligan 25—Melody Smith Communion Servers 5—Chris Bowman & Paige Garland, Will Holt Sunday Building Inspector Bryan Bowman To Ponder “There isn’t a person any- where who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can.” ~Henry Ford (1863-1947) American January 2015 Newsletter From the Halls of Pleasant Union … If you're like most people, in a few days you may begin making some resolutions for the coming year. Perhaps, you'll lose weight, exercise more, watch less television, or spend more time with God. The problem with resolutions is that they're only skin deep. You make a proclamation and then you use your willpower to try to fulfill it. The Bible says that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Although our intentions are good, we lack the wherewithal or persistence to stick with our new year's resolutions for the long haul and within days, weeks, or even months we're right back where we started. Zechariah 4:6 declares "It's not by power, not by might, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." It is through God's Spirit that we are to accomplish our purposes and goals. In John 15:5 Jesus tells us, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Philippians 4:13 says, "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." These scriptures demonstrate that the responsibility to change or to fulfill our desires (or resolutions) isn't based entirely upon our will, but God's Spirit living in us. God knows that we are weak, but in our weakness, he is strong. It is in our own frailty that we surrender and turn the reins over to God. When we acknowledge our weaknesses and inability to change ourselves and surrender ourselves to God, the architect and molder of our lives as well as our hearts, we become the clay in God's loving and wise hands. Therefore, our resolutions must change from seeking after a desired outcome to seeking after God. In Matthew 6 Jesus instructs: "Do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans (unbelievers) run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." The bottom line is this: there are no short-cuts to spiritual maturity and an intimate relationship with the Lord. God said that you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). God will lead us in the right direction. And you'll find that the more you seek after God, the less these peripheral things will matter, for when we are full of God, there is not much room for anything false or fake. May each of us let whatever needs, resolutions, or desires that we have, cause us to go deeper in Christ in 2015. Use these 8 steps to go deeper in God this New Year. 1—Be still before the Lord and know that he is God and that he really does have everything under control. Learn to silence all thoughts and eliminate all emotions that pull you from resting under the shadow of the almighty. 2—Stop trying to fill your hunger and anxiety with things that can't satisfy. Instead, ask God to fill the voids in your life with his love, mercy, and grace. 3—Enter into God's rest. The Bible says that he can do exceedingly abun- Page 2 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” dantly above all we can ask for or think. The only thing he needs from us is faith, trust, and obedience. 4—Keep your eyes on Jesus instead of your circumstances. The scripture says, "I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon me."(Isaiah 26:3). Jesus is the answer to every problem you are facing. Continually bring your attention back to his love, power, and faithfulness. 5—Meditate on the Lord day and night. Joshua 1:8 tells us that this is the surest way to success in God. Meditate on the word, meditate on his goodness, and meditate on his love. Spend time in God's presence, the place where we can touch the hem of his garment and be made whole. 6—Hide God's word in your heart. God's word is true and powerful and can't return void. Let his word be the fuel that drives you. Ask God to help you memorize His Word. 7—Eliminate any attitudes or mindsets that grieve or limit the work of the Spirit in your life. Become an instrument of God's love. The Bible says that God is love; that love never fails, that perfect love casts out fear, and that we are made perfect in love. Want to become more like God, then let love motivate your every action. 8—Take every concern to God. The Word of God tells us to cast every care upon Him because he cares for us(I Peter 5:7). Too often we will tell everybody but God our problems. But something supernatural happens when we turn every care over to God. He actually takes them and leaves us with his peace instead. A peace that passes all understanding. The result of going deeper in God will result in a new you, a healthier you, a more joyful and content you. If you only have one new year’s resolution, let it be to surrender yourself more fully to the living and transforming power of God and to let him do the work he wants to do in you and through you. In Christ’s love, Pastor Keith Newell ************************** From Will Holt Think how you can apply this story for yourself in 2015— Two men were chopping down trees in the forest for firewood. One man was young and energetic. Without a doubt, he thought he could cut down plenty more trees than the older gentleman. After a few hours of work, he noticed that with all of his efforts, the older man still had cut more trees. This made the young man work even harder. The young man then began to notice that the old man took fifteenminute breaks every hour. After the day was over, the older man had cut down nearly double as many trees as the younger gentleman. “How,” asked the young man, “could you cut more trees down and still take breaks? I worked so much harder and never stopped.” The older man replied, “Easy, I stopped to sharpen my axe.” ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ◊ “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —Aristotle ◊ “Quality is not an act. It is a habit.” —Aristotle ◊ “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” —Helen Keller January 2015 Think About these Quotations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.” John Muir (1838-1914) Scottish American “To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” e.e. Cummings (1894-1962) American “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 “Sometimes we have to go far in order to come home.” Henry Nouwen (1932-1996) “We owe our children a better future. We owe our country a better future. And for all those who dream of that future tonight, I say—let us begin the work together. Let us unite in common effort to chart a new course for America.” Barack Obama (1961-) American Prayer Concerns: Ruby Shepard, Jan Gailey, Ruth Hicks, Vicky Amidon, Norma Shepard, Diana Williams, Ethel Henwood, Larry & Sharon Pernell, Clark & Celeste Causey, Earnest Jones, Ronda Shepard, Martha Sather, Susie Cook, Peggy Gentle, Belinda Blake, Thelma Gordon, Lauren Woytisek, Yvonne Oxley, Ada Sanders, Bobby Shoffner, Janet Howard, Michael Fitzgerald, Nancy Allen, Lisa Hopkins, Futrell Lowe, Rick Church, Fred Jacques, Gloria Mejia, Edward McDonald, Nicole Twiddy, George Carter, Johnny Key, Pam Griffith, Becky Sparks, Tom White, Marie Evans, Family of George Carter (Tammy Graves’ Father), Unspoken. Happy New Year—2015! Remember Every Day! “For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.” —Ralph Emerson (1803 –1882) American Page 3 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” January 2015 The Joy Club (Just Older Youth) will meet at the church on Tuesday morning, January 6th, at 9:30 a.m. to travel to Moriah Church for the regular monthly meeting. The United Methodist Men will meet January 5th. The United Methodist Women. The United Methodist Women will meet at the church Tuesday, January 20th, at 7:30 pm. Want more info? Contact, Patricia Shoffner the 2015 President. Mission Moments...Many Thanks Members of Pleasant Union Thank you Pleasant Union for all the monetary donations for Church & Society this month. These collections will go to friends and families that live in our area or we may go to church with and will be used for immediate or urgent needs. As of December 18th, this has been a quieter month than last year, but since it is only the middle of the month, I am reluctant to comment. However, if anyone knows of a need in our community now or in the future, please let me know. In the past few weeks, we have contributed 150 pairs of gloves and 150 toboggans to the homeless located under the bridge in Greensboro, NC. We have helped with a light bill so the power would not be cut off and the family would be warm for a while. We are helping out with personal hygiene items and paper products for 18 families in the community that would not be covered with food stamps. In 2013 we had 1261pounds of peanut butter and this year we have 1436 lbs—175 pound increase. Thank you Pleasant Union for all of your donations. Let’s keep up the great work for 2015 and try to help those in need! ~ Betty York, Church and Society Committee ##### 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 –“ Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” I think that God is smiling because Pleasant Union United Methodist Church has been such cheerful givers for 2014. The Missions Committee has given you many opportunities to share out of your abundance and you have responded generously to every project. We try very hard to balance our giving between local, district, conference and international areas. Locally and in Greensboro, we donate funds to: The Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, Urban Ministries, Sanctuary House (for Mental Illness), Faith Action International House, Hispanic Ministry, Chrysalis and Methodist Counseling Center, Mental Health Association (Operation Santa Claus), and Interactive Resource Center for a total of $3,200. On the conference level we give money to Red Bird Mission, Western NC Building Team supplies, UMAR, Wings of Caring (plane for Congo), Mission Response Center Coordinator and the WNCC Mission Response Center for a total of $2,600. Internationally, we help support Alina Keyse (GBGM) in Central America, Diengenga Trade School and African scholarships, the Fellowship of 1,000 for Armenia, Project AGAPE, Heifer Project, Bolivia fund, Guatemala Stove and water project and the Central Congo Conference needs for a total of $3,700. Some of the many projects we have asked for your help have included: ♦ Feeding the homeless at the Winter Emergency Shelter at West Market Street UMC ♦ The AGAPE collections in April and September with canned food, clothes, new shoes and school supplies, as well as shoe boxes ♦ The May and October collections for the Dept. of Social Services—diapers, wipes, gift cards to fast food eating places ♦ Funds for the Clean water/stove project in Guatemala (Read Charlie Causey’s report in the Nov. issue). He and Pam along with a group of 20 volunteers installed 163 stoves and distributed that many water filters. ♦ Samaritan’s Purse Shoe boxes – you filled 64 this year ♦ Christmas gifts for Mental Health patients ♦ The Silent Auction in April and Nov. which goes for scholarships to go on a mission trip ♦ We know of 41 Mission Teams (groups of 3 or more) that have gone beyond the walls of our church to serve others. This includes the youth and their Asheville and New York trips. We have had groups feeding the homeless and others feeding Habitat workers; some delivered Mobile Meals and some cooked and served meals for the Allied Churches in Burlington; some have provided cake for a birthday bash at Clapp’s Nursing Home. As you can see, the list is long and great. We have been faithful in many things—we give God the glory for His blessings and have given joyfully with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Thanks Be to God! Thank you, Pleasant Union, for being a mission-minded church! ~ Patricia Shoffner, Missions Committee Chairperson Page 4 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” Thanks and Praises for our Youth ********* Christmas Eve Service January 2015 Usher Duties The Usher Schedule changes every month, which means many people carry out these duties If you missed the Christmas Eve Candle Light and throughout the year. This is a “refresher” to remind Communion Service, you missed a special treat from ushers of the many responsibilities they have before, the Pleasant Union young people. These youth played during, and after the worship service. instruments or sang Christmas music and did an ex► Opening Sanctuary doors before and after the cellent job—Marie Amidon played piano (“I Heard the service Bells” and “Rudolph”). Sydney Amidon played piano ► Assist visitors and members with seating (“Greensleeves”). A trio with Bob Grimm, Debbie ► Remain in the Narthex until the end of first hymn Foust, and Robert Hinshaw sang “Mary Did you ► Receive offerings Know?” Chase and Mia Shoffner sang. ► Help monitor to assure leaders for Children’s Daniel Wray played and sang. Church Pastor Keith Newell led this service with Lighting ► Conduct random security checks of the building the Advent Wreath, greetings, prayers of Christmas, during the worship service special music, scripture, and a short message. After ► Assist with directing congregation during Comthe Sacrament of Holy Communion and the “Lighting munion of the Candles” the service concluded with the audi► Be aware of the needs of elder members ence singing “Silent Night”. The postlude was the ► Serve as required for special events singing of “Joy to the World”. ► Be responsible for additional seating as needed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ► If unable to serve, please call one of the alterOur thanks to the Judy Keck and her Worship nates so a replacement in in place before the time of Committee for their hard work in making this year’s the service. Advent and Christmas worship so Thank you for your service. meaningful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * Pleasant Union has Lots to Fun for Lexophiles (Lovers of Words) Praise...The many talented youth 1. A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired. from kindergarten through college grace our services and shine with their abilities. I like to think the “Just Older Youth” have taught the younger ones quite well! No one seems to have idle hands—all have worked together to make a very memorable Advent Season for our church. Let us continue the momentum as we move into the first month of 2015. Best Wishes to all. Many Thanks and Please Keep Up the Momentum To all of you who helped make my 2014 editorship of the Pleasant Union newsletter a smooth ride, I give many, many thanks. It’s always hard to find enough words and just the right ones to adequately express appreciation of such I’ll just repeat myself and say again “Many Thanks”. Then I’ll follow up and ask that you keep up the good work and the momentum we’ve begun. All of you sent items in, either early or on time, for this issue even though it was smack in the middle of the Christmas Season. So with such a record, we might as well keep the pace and keep schedule for the whole we come 2015! ~ Sarah Shoffner 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A will is a dead giveaway. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. A backward poet writes inverse. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered. You are stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it. He broke into song because he couldn’t find the key. A calendar’s days are numbered. A boiled egg is hard to beat. He had a photographic memory which was never developed. The short fortune teller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine. When she saw her first strands of grey hair, she thought she’d dye. Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses. Acupuncture: a job well done. Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet. Page 5 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” January 2015 Greetings and News from the United Methodist Women Tuesday, January 20, 2015—our first meeting of the new year at 7:30 pm in the Meeting Room. We invite all women of the church to start out the new year with us. We will put the final touches on plans for the Brunswick & Chicken Stew/Bake Sale which is January 24th— please put this date on your calendar. We always look forward to this event and how our church members jump in to help make it a success! Look for notices in the Sunday bulletins—we will be asking for help from the congregation for supplies and items for the bake sale. Watch for the clip boards and other opportunities to help—sign up for something! More thoughts as we make resolutions and set goals for the new year! For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. ~ Romans 15:4 ### Birthdays and Anniversaries in January 1—Clay Rousey 2—Brian McManus 3—Kim & Von Clapp 5—Brad Johnson Rheydyn Russell (2010) 6—Ann Butler 7—Jordan Shepard Sharpe 9—Ray Fisher Sally Queen 11—Betsy Grimm 12—Tyler Garrett 13—Gloria Rouse 14—Lauren Hutchens 15—Catherine Shepard Notes from the Worship Committee “Thank you” to everyone who participated in all the advent readings. I believe everyone received a positive, encouraging message from them all. I want to also thank the “candle angels” who put together the candles for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Ceremony. Stay tuned for a Worship Committee meeting to plan the beginning of 2015—Carrie Williams and Ronda Shepard are co-chairs. Blessings, Judy Keck If we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment...when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals. ~ Barack Obama (1961-) ### The best preparedness is the one that disarms the hostility of other nations and makes friends of them.~ Helen Keller (1880-1968) American 16—Dan Johnson Ben Johnson 17—Joan Ferrell Jeanette Moore 18—Matthew Clapp 20—Jason Fraley 22—Brenda Shoffner Tanner Phillip Planes (2001) 23—Ray & Nancy Fisher Jan Brittain 24—Logan Lowe (2002) 26—Adam Staley Ferne & Bill Dickey 27—Nicole Layton (2006) 30—Karen Andrews Daniel Wray Tammy Yow-Russell Page 6 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” January 2015 Calling ALL Lay Servants! Where are you on your faith journey? Our Northern Piedmont Lay Servant Training School is being held the last weekend in February and the first weekend in March at Guilford College UMC. The Saturday sessions will be from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.. The first Sunday session will take place from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. and the second Sunday session will begin at 2 p.m. and last until 6 p.m. to allow us to celebrate in a closing worship service. I would particularly encourage anyone who would like to “grow their faith” to attend these sessions. I offer a special invitation to any young person who wants to know more about how they fit into serving God and their fellow man in lay service. There will be a Youth Basic course offered especially for you. These are the other courses that will be offered this year: Adult Basic; Social Principles; Biblical Interpretation; Preaching; United Methodist History; Story Telling; Relational Evangelism and Spiritual Gifts. As you can see, there is quite a variety in the areas of personal interest. I will be working with the Spiritual Gifts class which is near and dear to my heart. If you have any feeling that God is asking you to give more of yourself or is calling you to do ANYTHING, I will promise you that this opportunity will enrich your faith journey. You could possibly identify and learn more about your call. God will not give up on you! We have several members of Pleasant Union who have attended this training most recently: Waynette York, Ferne Dickey, Lindley Smith and Jerry Toms. Please feel at ease in talking with any us about our personal experiences at the training school. Pastor Keith and I will have the registration forms in January. I take the responsibility of working with these talented and gifted servants very seriously. We would all appreciate your prayers for the leaders and the individuals who will be touched in one way or the other during the sessions. In HIS service, Tim Shepard, Lay Leader * (336-685-4280) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Lindley Smith is Lay Leader for 2015 (336-697-1690); Jerry Toms is the Associate Lay Leader for 2015 (336-430-9399) Page 7 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” Announcements € € € Flower Chart for 2015—The 2015 Flower Chart has now been posted in the hall near the sanctuary. If you have a special date on which you wish to place flowers on the altar, please sign up now. If you prefer, you may call Jeanette Moore at 685-0836, or email her at, give her the date you want, and she’ll fill it in for you if it is still available. € € € The Upper Room—The January/February copy of the Upper Room is now available in the Narthex. Be sure to pick up your copy. € € € Trustees Committee—These are your Pleasant Union Trustees: Brian Smith, Chair 2015, Winfield Causey (2016), R. W. Hinshaw (16), Don York (17), Pam Causey (17), Jimmy Jarrett (15), Walter Pate (15), Pam Callicutt (16), Margaret Hemphill (17). € € € Leadership List—The complete Pleasant Union Leadership List for 2015 is available. The following committee chairs are the Church Council: ~ Charles Callicutt, Church Council Chair ~ Beth Ritchie, Church Council Vice-Chair ~ Debbie Foust, Secretary ~ Lindley Smith, Lay Leader ~ Jerry Toms, Assoc. Lay Leader ~ Jane Causey, Treasurer ~ Brenda Shoffner, Assistant Treasurer ~ Dee Ann Staley, Financial Secretary ~ Paige Garland, Assistant Financial Secretary ~ Brent Caligan, Finance Chair ~ Terry Howard, Audit Committee Chair ~ Norma Shepard, Membership Secretary ~ Tim Shepard, Pastor Parish Relations Chair ~ Don Scholl, Evangelism Chair ~ Carrie Caligan, Education Chair ~ Nancy Fisher, Duke Student Committee Chair ~ Wendy Lowe, Sunday School Superintendent ~ Ronda Shepard & Carrie Williams, Worship Co-Chairs ~ Brett & Teresa Wagner, Family Ministries Co-chairs ~ Angie Allred, Youth Ministries Coordinator and UMYF Counselor—HS ~ Betty York, Church & Society Chair ~ Brian Smith, Trustees Chair ~ Nancy Fisher, Conference Delegate ~ Lindley Smith, 1st alternate Conference Delegate ~ John Ferrell, UMM President ~ Patricia Shoffner, UMW President ~ Mable Hinshaw, Youth Representative HS ~ Chase Shoffner, Youth Representative MS ~ Sarah Shoffner, Communications Coordinator ~ Bryan Bowman, Cemetery Committee ~ Jeanette Moore, Church Secretary ~ Joan Ferrell & Jeanette Moore, Older Adult Coordinators ~ Tammy Graves, UMYF Counselor—MS ~ Terry Howard, Mission Committee ~ Diana Euliss, Historian ~ Howard Holt, Safe Sanctuaries Interviewer Welcome and Thanks for Serving! January 2015 ***** Did you Know? € € € It’s Stew Time Again—January 25th is sale day for Pleasant Union’s Brunswick / Chicken Stew. But much goes on before the sale day...Soon the clip boards will be circulating so you can sign up to donate items for the stew (vegetables, etc.) or baked goods (candies, cookies, cakes, breads, etc.) to sell when folks come to buy their stew. Workers will be needed too. Please mark your calendars for this important date. Both stews will be available again this year for $6.00 a quart. € € € You can Always Consider a Building Fund Gift—Even though the move-in for the PU Parsonage was two years ago, we still repaying the loan. If you did not donate during the Advent/ Christmas season, donations are welcome anytime in 2015. This is an investment in our church’s future. Gifts of Thanks ◘◘◘ € € € Thanks from Robert Hinshaw— “Thanks to all who participated in the Cantata on Sunday, December 21st—to the choir members and Terry Shoffner for the good job you did presenting "Night of Wonder". The hard work paid off!” “Also, I appreciate the young people's participation in making the Christmas Eve Service a truly memorable and meaningful experience. All of you are appreciated more than words can say.” € € € Thanks to All Committee Members—In addition to committee chairpersons many PU members serve on our 11 committees along with 6 Work Committee / Teams ◘◘◘ € € € Notes— Our Church and Society mission continues to help people who have many needs. Please mark your 2015 calendar for the 5th Sundays during the year when we will collect a love offering to support the many people needing assistance in the community. The following dates in 2015 will be 5th Sundays: March 29, May 31, August 30, and November 29. “Thank you” to everyone for your continued support! Page 8 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” Youth Activities Pleasant Union Youth have been very active all are just a few of the things they accomplished in 2014: ◘ Sang and played instruments in the Christmas Eve Service ◘ Made delicious chocolate pies for fund raiser ◘ Sponsored a float in the Liberty Christmas Parade...rode in the mist and rain ◘ Helped with “Trunk or Treat” ◘ Worked with Vacation Bible School ◘ Servers at the Steak Supper ◘ Had a Lock-In ◘ Presented a Christmas Play and exhibited superb acting skills. ◘ Sponsored a Pancake Breakfast during Advent ◘ Participated in church services ◘ Went to Work on Service Projects in New York City ##### Food for Thought in 2015 I asked for peace. You offered your presence. I asked for hope. You came to my side. I asked for joy. You lit my journey. I asked for love. You gave me yourself. ~ David Adam (Contemporary) English ### Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not. ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American ### In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. ~ Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) ### It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them. ~ Alfred Adler January 2015 Did You Know? ♦ Stew Day is Coming—The United Methodist Women are gearing up to sell Brunswick and Chicken Stew on Saturday, January 24, 2015. Quart sales will begin at 10:00 a.m. It will sell for $6.50 per quart—first come. They will also provide a Bake Sale and will be asking for donations early in January. One half of the profit will be given to the Building Fund in an effort to pay down our loan on the parsonage. Everyone’s help will be appreciated! ♦ Pleasant Union Worship Attendance—These are the attendance records for the past four Sundays: Nov 30th—160 with 4 visitors (Kimberly Rush (Jeremy Jarrett's friend); Jennifer Ledford (Joan's daughter); Nyisha Lewis (she sat between Joann & Delan Huwe and Keith & Tammy Graves; Maria Mejia (Patricia Layton’s sister) Dec 7th—160 with 4 visitors (Maria Mejia (Patricia Layton's sister); Brooke Reynolds (Matthew Clapp's friend); Bess & Tory Hilliard (Brenda Shoffner's daughter & Granddaughter) Dec 14th—163 with 1 visitor (Alexis Conn Kyla McDonald's Friend) Dec 21st—160 with 7 visitors (Fernando & Lulu Vasques 4104 Brookwood Acres, Randleman, NC; George Anne Pons (Annette Toms’ mother), Brad, Lisa, Jaycie, & Lily Bolton ##### Thoughts for Beginning a New Year A Rerun from January 2014 Well Worth Revisiting! One day at a time—this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering. ~ Ida Scott Taylor (1901-1985) American ### If I were to begin life again, I should want it as it was. I would only open my eyes a little more. ~ Jules Renard (1864-1910) French ### The world needs dreamers, the world needs Doers. But most of all the world needs dreamers who do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) ### I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me… ~ Philippians 3:14 NIV Page 9 Pleasant Union United Methodist Church “BUILDING TO GROW, GROWING TO SERVE” January 2015 January 2015 Sunday Monday 28 29 Tuesday Wednesday 30 31 Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 Happy New Year No Choir Practice 7:30 pm 5 11 12 Pick up Newsletter in Narthax 13 14 Administrative Council 7:30 pm Committees plan yearly events Choir Practice 7:30 pm 19 Newsletter Copy Due—February issue 25 Choir Practice 7:30 pm Methodist Men 6:30 pm Children’s Coin Offering for Disaster Response 18 7 JOY Club Meet 9:30 am at PU to go to Moriah UMC Communion Service Servers: Paige Garland Chris Bowman 6 26 20 UMWomen 7:30 pm 27 21 UMW Brunswick / Chicken Stew and Bake Sale 10:00 a.m. Choir Practice 7:30 pm 28 Choir Practice 7:30 pm 29 30 Announcements: 4 31 Building to Grow, Growing to Serve January 2015 Sarah Moore Shoffner 6078 Old 421 Road Liberty, NC 27298 This Newsletter may be down loaded from our Web Site On the Internet IGNITING MINISTRIES! OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS! WE ARE THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH!
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