Prayer Requests Recent Requests LAKELAND AWESOME ADVENT EVENT 2014 Are you ready to have an Awesome Advent so others might have a Wonderful Christmas? This year we will be obtaining names of children/families in need and asking for volunteers to experience the wonder of giving this Christmas. Gender and ages will be available soon to purchase gifts and bring them to the church for prayer and final distribution at Christmas time. Our vision is to provide gifts and some type of meal for these families, showing what great love LUMC has for God and His people! More info soon, or contact Bernard Addison if you would like to assist in this effort. Gracelyn Daniel Barry C. Davis Virginia Giddens Cammie Holmes McCook Stacey McDowell Antonnio Peake Bob and Cynthia Rice Jay Shaw Leah Harrell Shaw Wallace Shiver Julia Hendrix Steed Olivia Libby Ursrey Lakeland United Methodist Church Lakeland UMC is a BLESSED place to be!!!!!!! 80 West Main Street · P.O. Box 7 · Lakeland, GA 31635 Pastor: Devin Schultz (229) 412-2524 Church Office (229) 482-3574 Sunday Worship Times: 11:00am & 6:00pm November 23, 2014 Est. 1856 Website: Email-Pastor: Facebook: lakelandunitedmethodistchurch Email-Church: All military Deployed and at station Ongoing Requests Ken & Jeanne Han Carolyn Giddens Bobby & Virginia Godwin Letitia Benefield Ann Buskirk Laverne Tucker Sally Giddens Have Ed & Joan Batchelor Julia and Jim Kelly Ed and Esta McLaughlin Tommy Ganas a great week! Our Finances YTD Budget (10/31) YTD Income (10/31) YTD Bdgt vs. Inc (10/31) Weekly Budget Last Week Received $187,091.67 $159,432.46 -$27,659.21 $4,317.50 $3098.39 THANKSGIVING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Wishing Everyone A Very Blessed Thanksgiving ! LUMC seeks to grow disciples who are Developed in faith, Devoted to God’s Kingdom and desires, and Determined to make a difference in the world. It is our joy to have you in worship today. Our only request is to fill out the connection card and enjoy your worship experience. Please let us know how we might serve you! 11:00am Order of Worship Announcements Pastor Devin Schultz Invocational Prayer Chuck Edwards *Songs of Celebration “I Will Be With You” Responsive Reading CH 628 “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” CH 630 WHAT’S HAPPENING The “Everyone” Bible Study WILL NOT MEET Monday, Nov. 24, but will resume Monday, Dec. 1 at 6p.m. in the Action Bunch Classroom! Come out and enjoy! The Men’s Bible Study is open to all men on Wednesdays at 6pm in the Action Bunch Classroom. (We meet at 5:45 for brown bag supper then study @6pm) United Methodist Men: 1st Monday @ 7p.m. Dedication of Nursery and Sacristy United Methodist Women: 2nd Tuesday @ 6p.m. Nursery in memory of Mrs. Beadie Giddens Sacristy in memory of Mrs. Jimmie Lee Herndon Presented by Pastor Devin Schultz, Ms. Sara Ray, and Mrs. Sharon Andrews REMEMBER: DEC. 3-PRACTICE FOR CHRISTMAS Invitation and Call to Prayer “He Is Lord” Pastoral Prayer (and Lord’s Prayer) Wonderful Wednesdays for kids/youth @ 6 pm (upstairs) PROGRAM DURING WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY AT 5:30 p.m. CH 34 UMH 895 The Community Clothes Closet is open every 2nd Wednesday and every 3rd Sunday from 8-10 8 am behind the County Annex. UMH 95 Children & Youth Christmas Program Dec. 7 @ 6 pm - finger foods served afterwards Choir *Our Offerings & Doxology Fellowship Chorus “The Family of God” The Written Word/The Spoken Word CH 419 2 Samuel 7(CEB) A Response of Love *Invitation & Sending Forth “In His Time” CH 681 *Please Stand As You Are Able Music Books: UMH-Red/CH-Brown Christmas Cantata “Christmas “ Makes Everything New” Dec. 14 @ 7 pm 5:00pm Hanging of the Greens Flowers The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today for the glory of God and in memory of Dr. John M. Miller by Pat Miller. November Ushers Christmas Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 29, 9am-2pm 9am in our Fellowship Hall Lots of handmade items plus much more Proceeds to benefit Queen of Peace Rosary Ministry Kemp Greene, Donald O’Quinn, Buddy Purvis, Kem Mancil, Jeff Miller Nursery: Shannon Mancil NOTICE:: We will not be holding evening services from November 30, 2014 to January 4, 2015. Connection Card Welcome!!!!
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