January 13, 2015 - First United Methodist Church

January 13, 2015
Come to the water where scriptural tradition and contemporary relevance converge to help you
meet Jesus, grow in Christ and serve God in your every day life.
“Priests and Kings”
Thank You…
Men’s Prayer Group
The First UMC United Methodist
Men are sponsoring a breakfast for this
prayer group. The breakfast will be held
at our church at 8:00 a.m. on February 7.
All men are invited to attend. Bring
a friend and enjoy a time of fellowship.
Lenten Crosses
crosses will be
available from
UMM for
$10.00. They
are meant to be
displayed during Lent in your yard. They
come with instructions and cloths to represent the progress of the season.
Contact one of the members of UMM
Please Remember…
If you want to schedule an event at
the church, you will need to call the
church office first for availability.
This will prevent conflicts. Thanks
To everyone who
participated in any way in
mission projects in 2014.
From the Orrick tornado to
Serve 2014 to Christmas for adopted families, it has been a busy year.
The most recent project was the food
drive for Good Samaritan. 92 pounds of food
and $600.00 was delivered to help those less
First UMC is lucky to be able to participate in these many mission projects. We are
and can be God’s hands on earth. Please be
ready to participate in the many mission
projects of 2015. Your help is needed.
Upcoming dates
Saturday, January 17
Sunday, January 18
Monday, January 19
Tuesday, January 20
Wednesday, January 21
Thursday, January 22
Sunday, January 25
Second Milers Social
5-7 Youth Group
Office closed MLK
6:30 Finance Committee
5:30 Worship Committee
7:00 Venturing Crew
7:00 PEO
2:30 Service at Convalescent
Worship Schedule
Sunday Morning
9:00 a.m. — All Sunday Schools
10:00a.m.— Worship Service
Followed by hospitality in the Fellowship
End of Year statements are available in
the narthex.
Minister: Every Member
E. D. McClaflin- Pastor
Karen Glamann - Secretary
Barbara Hay - Publications
Jerri Morris - Organist
Dustin McKinney -Music
Wilma Smith - Nursery
Lorraine Miller - Care &
Preschool Director-Darla Sims
Preschool Assistant-Denise
Betsy Easley
Jerry O’Leary
Margaret Brown
Janice Sprott
Linda Miller
Camilla Snider
Steve Butts
Kim McDaniel
Ralph Clark
Lucille Anderson
Joan Patton
Nancy Danner
Jolyn Garcia
Shay Plattenberg
Trace Reigelsberger
Meg Duffy
Dennis Butler
Karen Johnson
Karen Kruse
Charlie Hicks
Wilma Smith
Brock Moon
Terry Rausch
Carl Kurtz
Jason Roos
Margie Brown Jordison
Karen Wartner
Jim Aiderson
Meg Duffy
Carol Snyder
Sue Rickerman
Dan Mahnken
Kevin Shelton
Wanda Mills
Charles Ketron
Brad Rice
James Kern
Linda Cooney
Richard Sznejkowski
Mackensie Arganbright
Noah Wilson
Sharon Barnes
Larry & Jane Hoffman
John Baker
Karren Horek
Mindy Knutter
Our twins Holly and Rylee Price
LoRena Jones
Brian Cleek
Larry Tuso
Phil Senger
Gary Protenic
Marylou Smith
Paula Ackerson
Linda McAninch
Want to know more about
The United Methodist
Church? Check it out on the
Church Office Hours
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday through Friday
We care about you!
Please call or e-mail
et) the church office to inform
the pastor and staff of
hospitalizations, illnesses,
special needs or blessings.
Like us on Facebook at
First United Methodist
Church of Excelsior
Alan Price
Joan Martin
Mallori Franklin
Peggy Craven
Jesse Baird
Julie Patleo
Vivian Trumbauer
Jinx Fisher
Mary Lou Brandt
Gary Sexton
Betty Owen
Julie White
Edger Keller
Lee Brooks
Joy, Thanks, & Celebration
To have daughter Becky home—Rice Family
Happy Birthday to Brian Rice
Cheryl Norred
Shelly Flickenger
Anna, Daughter of Hammers
General prayer concerns
Tyler Stone & Family
Kimberly Ferro
Connie Oliphant
Michael Brown
Rhodus Family
Clark/Pate family
Julie Cleek
Ilon Kotular Sr. and Jr.
Ericka Duker
Families of those in Redondo Beach accident
All those who have no family to share this holiday season
Shelly Clevenger
If you know of anyone who can be removed from our list, please call the church
office. Thanks.
Pastor Parish Relations Committee-2015
Do you have a concern, problem or joy about something that is going on at First UMC?
Talk to one of the committee members: * Co-Chairs
Ron Cogdill*
Joyce Green
Brian Rice
JaNeen Danner
Judy George
Nancy Garrett
Cheryl Derdich
Jai Pate 816-476-7406
Carol Dildine
E. D. McClaflin
Thank you…
Thank you to the Prayer Shawl ladies for giving me a prayer
shawl on Christmas Eve.
LoRena Jones
Dear Prayer Shawl Ladies,
What a wonderful surprise when Margaret O’Leary brought
me the beautiful shawl to Liberty Hospital! The message with the gift
was very meaningful and the handiwork is fantastic. How nice to be
friends across the faith. Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Sincerely, Jinx Fisher
Thank you to the Boy Scouts for helping take down and storing the
Christmas decoration. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all of our members who are retiring from our
working committees. Also thanks to those who are taking positions to
serve our church.
From Girl Scout Troop 3810
There is a sign-up sheet on the table in
the narthex for Hospitality for the coming
year. Since Jean Herzog, our hospitality
chair, is not feeling well, extra help is needed
if we are to have this time of fellowship.
For more information contact Kelly
Incident Reports
The trustees are asking for your help.
A form is available to report things that
need fixing around the church. If you notice a light bulb burned out, etc. fill our a
form and put it in the trustees’ box in the
hall. Hopefully this will help with keeping
our church building in top shape.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Church,
Thanks for letting us meet here for Girl Scout meetings. It’s
very nice of you. Sincerely, Gina S.
Dear Church, Thank you for letting us do the activites and I
love to sell cookies. Love, Jenna, Tanya, Sharon, Trista, Carline
To my Church Family,
Thank you for remembering us at Christmas time. Your
thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
Barbara Hay and Karen Glamann
Youth Group
The UMYF will meet on Sunday, January 18, 5-7.
They will be working on plans for the coming year. All youth
grades 6-12 are invited to attend. Activities include Bible
study, mission projects and fun field trips.
Please join this great group of youth!
New address:
Church Attendance
December 21
Christmas Eve
December 28
January 4
January 11
Jane Cox
Apt # 357
8559 N. Line Creek Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64154
New room number:
Margaret Brown
Room 503 at E. S. Nursing & Rehab.
First United Methodist Church
1650 Rainbow Blvd.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024-1161
Phone : 816-637-2138 Local
816-630-2139 Metro
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage PAID at
Excelsior Springs, MO
Permit #3
First News
January 13, 2015
First United Methodist Church
1650 Rainbow Blvd.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024-1161
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:00 Sunday School for all ages
10:00 Worship service
Pastor’s Column
So much changed in 2014. We welcomed a puppy to our family (in spite of Sue Nomi’s feline objections.)
Rob grew about a foot taller while his voice dropped about an octave. And before the year was out, my son Ian
was engaged to his girlfriend Kelsey – ring and all! But some things have stayed the same. Rob continues to be a
talented artist. Laura can always make me laugh. Steven is still making me proud as he progresses in his career.
And Ian still lives or dies on the results of the Chiefs games.
My son Ian and I have always been Chiefs fans. We used to go to games together when we lived in Independence, and one of the most memorable ones was on a Christmas Eve morning. It started about 9:00 a.m. Ian
and I looked out the window to see the sky darkened by clouds and the slight patter of rain on our porch. We
weren’t worried though, we had heard the forecast for the day that had promised a little rain perhaps turning into
snow. And so with all the excitement of the season we loaded up the Ford and headed toward our destination Arrowhead Stadium. For Ian’s birthday we had purchased tickets to the K.C. vs. San Diego game on Christmas Eve.
Ian and I had done our pre-game shopping so we had our cookies, our crackers, our root beer, and of
course our Johnsonville Bratwurst to complete our tailgating experience. We had our little grill and our self-lighting
bag of charcoal and a whole box of strike-anywhere matches. As soon as the rain let up we would be ready. We
pulled into the parking area and the rain kept coming. We found our space and parked, and the rain kept coming.
We got the grill out of the trunk, and the rain kept coming. But we were determined and with umbrella in hand we
placed the charcoal bag in the grill, and started to light a match – when we heard the call, “Hey, you guys want to
come over here?” It was our tailgating neighbors from across the row. They had two big tent shelters set up, and
they invited us to an unused corner of their dry oasis.
Our bag of charcoal turned out to be far less self-lighting after it had faced a little rain. But our new found
friends offered their assistance, and with matches, lighting wands, and two borrowed hot coals, our grill was ablaze,
and before long we were enjoying the joys of true football camaraderie along with our brats and root beer.
This is a new year. We never know what will happen in the upcoming 12 months. We will have rainy days
and sun. There will be wins and losses. There are no guarantees attached to 2015. There is only one way to face
such a future - faithfully! There are things we must do. There are needs that we must meet. And the only way we
will achieve these things is through faith. Faith is bringing the grill to the game in the rain. Faith is cheering for the
Chiefs even when their play-off hopes are slim. But most of all faith is trusting God to provide the needed shelter in
this upcoming year. Faith is a gift from God but it is up to us to use it. Remember, through Christ we can do ALL
things! As we begin the fifteenth year of this millennium, I am convinced that the God who has brought us safe thus
far, will safely lead us home. -e