The Newsletter Free February 2015 March 2015 Community Meal February 21, 2015 Pulled Pork Dinner 4-6 PM Our Mission “To reveal the light of Jesus Christ in Columbia and around the world.” All Are Welcome!!! Contact Lisa Sheldon if you would like to help. The next Free Community Meal is May 16, 2015 United Methodist Women’s Lenten Study “How is it with Your Soul” (all are welcome) March 9, 16, 23, & 30 9-11:30 AM Ash Wednesday Meditation Breakfast February 18, 2015 Service at 10 AM followed by breakfast Palm Sunday Service 10:30 AM, March 29, 2015 Holy Thursday 7:30 PM April 2, 2015 Good Friday Tenebrae Service “Song of the Shadows” held at Strongsville United Methodist Church this year with combined choirs and orchestra at 8:00 PM. Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Easter Sunrise Service at 6:45 Easter Sunday Service at 10:30 AM Dated Material ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED 25453 Royalton Rd Columbia Station, OH44028 Phone: 440-236-8822 Email Columbia U.M.C. Transfer of Football Field Parking Lot and Property Tax Update As many of you may be aware, the church has been in the process of donating a piece of our property to the Columbia Local School System. The property in question is the eastern most section of our land and is used as the parking lot for the high school football field. The transfer of property is finally complete and has been recorded at the county registrar’s office. Thank you to Roger Boris, John Kiley and everyone else whose hard work helped make this gift of land possible Easter, the holiest day of the Christian year, is upon us. It may seem early right now, but really it is not. Easter is the culmination of the entire Christian year. Easter and the resurrection of Christ are the basis of our entire faith. Easter and the holy days leading up to it are important and should not be taken lightly and the journey to Easter begins on Ash Wednesday. On a related topic, CUMC’s issues with property tax have finally been resolved. Because the football field parking lot was not being used by the church for a church purpose, we have been paying property tax on that portion of our land since the 1990s. Additionally, for some reason, the county taxed the new pavilion behind the education wing. In conjunction with the transfer of the land to the school, Bob Eichenberg has been working with the county and state tax offices to rectify those property tax issues. I encourage the entire congregation to take that journey and to participate in the worship services and activities available to help all of us grow spiritually. We prepare ourselves for Easter during Lent through prayer, repentance, atonement, and self-denial. Maybe consider participating in the church-wide Bible study “24 Hours That Changed the World.” Then ,when Holy Week arrives, attend all the services. Enter Jerusalem triumphantly with Christ on Palm Sunday. Share the Last Supper with Jesus and his Disciples on Holy Thursday. Walk with Christ to the cross and experience his death with “Song of the Shadows” on Good Friday. If you do all of this prayerfully and introspectively, then you will be ready for Easter Sunday. You will be ready for the resurrection and the empty tomb. You will hear and understand the Easter message of hope and life. Thanks to Bob’s efforts and the transfer of the parking lot, CUMC is now completely tax exempt with regards to our church property. Additionally, all property taxes paid in 2014 on the church property will be refunded. Thank you, Bob, for making that possible. E-Mail Prayer Chain Organizer CUMC needs someone fill this important position. This person would monitor the prayer concern e-mail account and forward any concerns out to the congregation using an e-mail list. Lynne Keane will be available to help any volunteers get set up and started. The period between Ash Wednesday and your Easter dinner is a journey. It is a journey that brings us closer to God and gives us hope. Please seriously consider taking the journey this year. It is a journey with great rewards. Nursery School The Executive Board of the Columbia United Methodist Nursery School has been reconstituted. The new board was appointed in January and will begin updating the Nursery School By-Laws. The board consists of: Renee Huntington, Chair; Vicki Boris, ViceChair; Sally Stone, Secretary; and Kathy Roth, Treasurer. Many thanks to these ladies for their willingness to serve. Thanks also to teachers D.J. Warren and Leslie Holstein for keeping the Nursery School going in the absence of an Executive Board. A Registrar is still needed. Please contact one of the board members if you are interested. Easter Flower Orders 2015 Please return this form to the church office to order flowers to decorate the sanctuary at Easter. Make checks payable to COLUMBIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, with the memo marked: “Easter Flower.” Deadline for orders is Sunday, March 15. Name_____________________________________ Address____________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________ All plants will be in 6” pots. Lilies and tulips are $6.50, azaleas are $7.00 each, hydrangeas are $10.00 each. Please indicate the number of each plant you wish to order TYPE OF PLANT QUANTITY 1._________________________________________ Church-Wide Bible Study “24 Hours That Changed the World” by Adam Hamilton Beginning the week of Feb. 15, CUMC will hold this 7 week study. No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. In this study, Adam Hamilton will guide us through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. Each session is designed to help participants experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death in a way they may never have before, whether they are long-time Christians or simply curious about the story of Christ’s crucifixion. There will be two sections of this study. The first will meet Sundays following worship services beginning on Feb. 15. The second will meet Tuesdays at 11 a.m., beginning Feb. 17. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex. 2._________________________________________ 3._________________________________________ Message to be printed in bulletin: (e.g. “In memory,” “In honor,” “In celebration of”) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Blessings, Sermons will be coordinated with the subject matter for that week and the elementary age Sunday school class will follow an age appropriate curriculum designed for this study. Pastor Matt 2 11 March 2015 Sunday 1 8:15 AMMen’s Brf. Communion Monday 2 24 Hour Study after church Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 6 PM Trustees 10 AM UMW Thursday Friday 5 6 7UMW North Coast Dist. Bedford Phyllis Saunders Memorial 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 11 AM-24 Hour Study 8 Girl Scout 9 Sunday Souper Sun- Lenten Study 9day 24 Hour Study 11:30 10 15 17 7:30 PM Ad Council Saturday 7:30 Finance 11 AM-24 Hour Study after church 24 Hour Study after church 16 Lenten Study 911:30 Youth Club Children’s Christmas Play The Winter Session started January 7 with a tailgate party for Ohio State University’s National Championship. This was followed by a Winterfest, Bring the Can Man (a collection of canned goods for the Columbia Food Bank), and National Kazoo Day. The themes for the next two months include: February 4, “Mexican Night” (Everyone is encouraged to dress Mexican); February 11, “Alien Adventure” (Dress is Alien); February 18, “Ash Wednesday” (Purple is the color of the day); February 25, “Pajama Day” (Pajamas are to be worn); March 4, “Bowling;” March 11, “Blizzard;” March 18, “National Yoyo Day.” December 14, 2014 “Anchored in His Love” Our banquet will be March 25 and we will be asking for volunteers from our church family to help with the cooking and clean-up. Cooking will be done the day of and the day before the banquet. As a token of appreciation, we will share our meal with all who volunteer. Please contact Lillie Merrill (330-483-4609) if you are able to help. 4:30 11 AM-24 Hour Study Wedding NEWS LETTER DEADLINE 22 Youth 23 Sunday Souper Sun- Lenten Study 9day 24 Hour Study 11:30 24 11 AM-24 Hour Study 25 Youth Club Banquet after church 29 Palm Sunday MYF Bake Sale 30 31 Lenten Study 911:30 11 AM-24 Hour Study 26 27 28 Souper Sundays are Back Plan to stay after church on Souper Sundays, February 8, March 8, and March 22. The menu will consist of super fellowship accompanied with a variety of homemade soups, breads, crackers, desserts, and beverages. In lieu of a set fee, a basket will be available for donations. We are hoping to have all the items for the luncheons donated. If you have a favorite soup, bread, or dessert you would like to make for your church family, see the sign-up sheet posted on the church bulletin board. For the soup donations, our goal is to have 6 or 7 crock pots of soup with at least one variety being vegetarian. We will also have at least one gluten free dessert. 10 Special thanks to Director/Writer/Choreographer Carol Roginski and to all the kids for their wonderful performance. Also, thank you to the parents and helpers who made this production possible. 3 Trustee Update Methodist Youth Fellowship Below is a summary of the numerous projects the trustees are working on. The MYF had a great Christmas season. They held a local one-day mission trip doing odd jobs for church members, helped decorate the church for Christmas, and enjoyed a fun-filled Lock-In on December 28-29. Air Conditioning Education Wing. $35,000.00 has been donated for this project. However, this has been delayed because the education wing lacks sufficient amperage to run an AC system. Upgrading Electrical Service to support an AC system. Tim Gerbick has taken the lead on upgrading the education wing from a 200 amp system to 400 amps. He hopes to report the specific requirements and cost of this project at the trustee’s February meeting. The group will return to the Blue Rose Mission in Mansfield, OH for a week long home repair mission trip during the week of July 12-18. New Windows for Education Wing, Although this project was tabled by the need for a new septic system in 2013, it is still alive. Currently, there are no specific plans to go forward with windows, but the project is still on our radar screen. Special Need: With the retirement of a couple of long-time mission trip support volunteers, we find ourselves in need of cooks. The cooks are vital to the success of the mission trip and past volunteers will be available to help the new ones get organized. The mission trip is a lot of fun for both kids and adults while at the same time presenting a great opportunity for spiritual growth. Anyone interested please see Pastor Matt or Terry Byrne. Parking Lot. The parking lot is in terrible condition and needs repair. Currently there is no specific plan to remedy this. We Need Your Ideas At the end of the 2014, CUMC was blessed to receive a very generous anonymous donation of $25,000.00. This money can be used for a wide variety of ministries or projects. While we are very aware of the all the pending capital improvement projects, it would be good to hear other ideas, also. If you have an idea for a ministry or project that you feel God is calling you to do, contact Pastor Matt. February 2015 Sun SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE Toddler & Two Sunday School class for children Under 3 Yrs. 10:30-11:30 AM-Teachers=Nicole Miller & Laura Pekrul Sunday School Class Ages (Preschool-6th grade) 10:30-11:30 AM Teachers=Carol Roginsky & Marianne Lanning Teen Class 9:15 AM Sunday Mornings-Teacher=Bob Keane Adult Class 9:15 AM Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:15 AM Men’s Brf. Communion 2 3 3:30 - 6:30 PM Immun. Clinic 6 PM Trustees 4 10 AM UMW 4 PM Youth Club 5 6 7 8 Boy Scout Sunday Souper Sunday 9 10 7:30 PM-Finance 11 4 PM Youth Club 12 13 14 16 15 24 Hour Study after church 17 11 AM-24 Hour Study Set up for Meditation Breakfast 7:30 PM Ad Council 18 10 AM Meditation Breakfast 4 PM Youth Club 19 20 21 Free Meal 4-6 22 First Sunday in Lent Children Sing 24 26 27 28 23 25 Youth Club 11 AM-24 Hour Banquet Study Souper Sunday 24 Hour Study after church Our Mission “To reveal the light of Christ in Columbia and around the World” 4 9 United Methodist Women UMW Christmas Luncheon and Installation of 2015 Officers “The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer.” December 3, 2014 Thankfully, we had a January meeting and many programs are in place for 2015. Our next meeting is Feb. 4 at 10:00 AM. Marcia Adamczyk will present the program “Welcoming New People and New Opportunities.” Pat Schaffer is hostess. Plans for Meditation Breakfast will be finalized. Our Annual Ash Wednesday Meditation Breakfast is Feb. 18, 2015 at 10:00 AM. After the service, breakfast will be served. Please make reservations by signing up on the bulletin board by Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015. Our March meeting will be March 4 at 10:00 AM. Pam Andrews will present the program :Going Out to Welcome.” Thelma Ball is hostess. Also in March UMW will hold its Lenten Study. This year we will do the spiritual growth study “How Is It With Your Soul?” This study is based on the teachings of John Wesley. Hopefully it will help you bring into balance the inner and outer dimensions of your Christian life. It will be held on Mondays, March 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015. The class will meet from 9:30-11:30 AM in the courtyard room. All are welcome. Questions should be directed to Sally (236-8935). Sally Stone, President UMW Calendar Every Thursday-11 AM-noon-Upper Room Devotional Group (All are welcome!) Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015-10 AM-regular Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015-10 AM Meditation Breakfast Sat. March 7, North Coast District Meeting Mondays, March 9,16,23,30-9:30-11:30 AM Lenten Study Wed. April 1, 2015-10:00 AM-Regular Meeting 8 Methodist Youth Fellowship, cont. At the Worship Committee meeting on January 11th, the following items were discussed: Future Plans: Feb. 8: Bowling/Meeting Feb. 21: Help at Community Dinner Advent review was positive. Keep Christmas Eve services at 7 & 11. Include ringing the church bell at the end of candle lighting at both services. Consider adding a special Advent “Blue Christmas” service of remembrance and hope for those who are still hurting from loss or suffering for a long time. Communion Sundays: January 4; February 1, March 1 Children will provide music for Sundays, January 25, February 22, March 22 Boy Scout Sunday is February 8th; Girl Scout Sunday is March 8th - we encourage all former Scouts (all ages!) to bring memorabilia from their past scouting experiences to share during the coffee hours … maybe even wear a uniform? New Communion stewards are Heidi Merriman, Ruth Vallejo, and Jennifer McDonaugh. Thank you, ladies! March 1: Meeting 6:30 March 15: Undetermined fun event (bring your ideas on Feb. 8) March 29 (Palm Sunday): Bake Sale Prayer Chain is Down The E-Mail Prayer Chain is temporarily down. If you have prayer concerns and would like the prayer warriors on the prayer chain to know, please call Gail Knopf at 440236-5712 or Lynne Keane at 440-236-6547. Christmas Meal Report Thanks to the generosity of this congregation, we were able to provide Christmas dinners to 25 families in need. Holy week Services include: Communion, Maundy Thursday, April 2; Good Friday Tenebrae service “Song of the Shadows” held at Strongsville United Methodist Church this year with combined choirs and orchestra. Service to begin at 8 PM.; Easter Sunrise service at 6:45 a.m. and regular Easter service at 10:30. Palm Branches will be available on Palm Sunday, March 29th; order form for Easter flowers included in this newsletter. Next Worship Committee meeting is April 19th, following the worship service. The meals were purchased from Smart Choice Food at a cost of $35.00 each. Each box contained a 3-5 lb turkey breast, a 2.5 lb. ham, a frozen mac and cheese tray, dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, julienne carrots, and a cherry pie. So much money was donated that we also included a $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card. Thank you again for your willingness to give and to spread Christ’s love to the less fortunate in our community and beyond. 5 Annual Turkey Dinner Columbia Food Center The Board of Trustees held their annual Turkey Dinner fund raiser on January 24. Somewhere between 160 and 170 attended and more than $1900.00 was raised. The proceeds will be used by the Trustees for building maintenance. The Food Center is supported by the following local churches: Clearview, Columbia Baptist, Columbia United Methodist, New Life Wesleyan, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Hosanna Lutheran. Additionally, a wide variety of businesses, community groups, and individuals also provide support. Support includes donations of food and money. This year the Food Center extended the love of Christ to approximately 40 families a month in Columbia and North Eaton. In addition to the food that was donated, the Food Cupboard also purchased and gave out an additional $12,600.00 worth. During the Holidays, they distributed 66 Thanksgiving boxes and 82 Christmas boxes. Martin Lodge, Ed Scott, Mary Bentley, Pat Richardson, Geneva Hammond, Rick and Kriste Mott, Kyle Delligatti, Don & Anita Cassidy, Wilma Trende, Ellen Roth, Kieth Donence, Toni Post, Mark Waschak, Mary Ellen Dennington, Mary Hall, Nicholas Kristek, Sally Croft, Carl Jones, Todd Montgomery, Milo Balcziunas, John Handrush, Fran Voekel, Chuck Everly, Donna Kresty (Rene Huntington’s Mother), Mary Alice Lewis, Ellen Roth, Mildred Herron, Jerry Dengler, Cecil Kerley, Charlotte Kiley, Diane Morlock, Lew Knopf... Special thanks to the volunteers who keep the Food Center going and to the many generous individuals, congregations, and groups who so generous give to this wonderful ministry. Tara Haddix (sister in law of Becky Keane Wilson) Ed Powell (father of Cheryl Ives) Remember there are Coffee Hour and Flower sign up sheets on the bulletin board. Make sure you sign up if you intend to host a coffee hour or buy flowers in order to avoid double booking. Thanks to all the people who donated their time, talents, and food. 6 For Daily Prayer: Prayers for the families of : Those in service to our country: J. Campbell, Nancy Westbrook, David Sorrell, Tim Boris, Mark Kincaid, Jordan Kinal (California), Paul Brown (Kanahar, Afghanistan) ... (Notify the office of your requests so we can pass them on to our members in Christ. PLEASE let us know when prayers have been answered and names can be removed.) Our Web Page... Our Email… Our Prayer Chain... To receive phone messages about prayer requests please contact our coordinator, Gail Knopf, at 440-236-5712. Messages are also sent out via email. To receive these announcements send a message to... 7
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