March 30, 2014 Vine Grove United Methodist Church Welcome! In order to stay informed of events and activities in our church, please take your Sunday News home and put it on your refrigerator, or in some other prominent location, and transfer the dates to your personal calendar. It’s also online. The Week Ahead -Monday, 10:30 a.m.—Early Birds -Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.—Women’s Bible Study -Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.—Trustees Meeting -Thursday, 5:00 p.m.—Food Pantry One Great Hour of Sharing We will receive a special offering today for One Great Hour of Sharing. 100% of the giving for this special offering goes to those in need through the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Today is the 5th Sunday offering for our KY United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth. This offering helps youth who have suffered from abuse, neglect, or trauma receive care and help for healing and wholeness. Envelopes are enclosed. You are also invited to participate in KY Gives Day, an online donation drive on April 9th and to attend Annual Day at Mary Kendall Campus on May 17th. For more info, call 877-887-4481 or email The Wednesday Bible/Lenten Study Group will not meet this week but will resume next week. Participants should continue with the daily readings and exercises. If you are a newcomer to our Church we want to get to know you. Please fill out a Registration and Communication Card located in each pew in the offering envelope slot. Also, please fill out a card if you have a prayer concern or other need. Please place the card in the offering plate or in the box as you leave the sanctuary. Worship Ministers for Next Sunday April 6, 2014 Worship Leader: Donna Moore Greeters: Sue and Shelby Exler Prayer: Mickey Moore Ushers: Earl McCoy, Raymond McCoy, Byron Nelson, Butch Wieber Holy Scripture Reader: Garry King Children’s Message: Whitney Mudderman Holy Communion: Butch & Stephanie Wieber, Max & Sherry Foster Needed to meet the Budget every week: $3,325.00 Offering received last Sunday: $2,537.00 Sermon Notes “The Arena for Faith-Sharing: Making Contact” Try to understand the current culture. Pray for discernment as to where persons are in their life. - Remember God’s Prevenient Grace is already there, perhaps at work. 2. Begin where people are, not where we wish they were. 3. Assessing persons needs. A. Are they empty inside? B. Do they have a purpose? C. Do they have fears? D. Do they desire inner peace? E. Are they lonely? People need to have an identity. They need to be free. They need to be productive. They need contentment. Christ can fill all the above. 4. Enter into (as much as possible) the other person’s world. 5. Try to speak the language of the other person (Acts 2:6) 6. Be sensitive to passages in persons lives. - Death of a loved one. Jail. Retirement. Divorce. Job loss, etc. 7. Recognize and KNOW that the Holy Spirit prepares persons to be responsive to the Gospel. A. Praying for the person. B. Prevenient Grace, the Grace that goes before prior to your arrival or invitation. Prayer List 1. Easter Egg Hunt This year’s Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 19th at 11:00 a.m. In case of rain, it will be moved inside the Church. If you would like to donate eggs, or help with the Easter Egg Hunt, please contact Stacy Deaton at 270-877-2322. Joyce Ferguson Nona Riddle Alice Seabolt (Flo Shelton’s Sister) - Health Problems (in VA) Joe Foster Tommy Moore—Has completed 10th Chemo Treatment Dennis Basham—Pancreatic Cancer, Chemo Treatments Jessica Bruce Jane Hickok Penny Russell Homer Smith—Lung cancer David Dowell—Throat cancer Paul Popham—Bone cancer Lloyd Crockett—Stroke Bill & Gilda Lopez—Health concerns (Gayle Atcher’s Sister and Brother-In-Law) Jeff Craig—Eye Surgery Geneva Short’s Grandson—Appendicitis Earl McCoy—Breathing problems Larry Calvert Melissa Miller—Cancer Bro. David Sparks—Cancer Margie (Diane McCoy’s Sister)—Lung Cancer David Daniels—Unspoken If you would like to add or delete anyone from this list, please contact the office or put it on your Communication Card. Vine Grove United Methodist Church Pastor Johnny Craig, 306 High Street, Vine Grove, KY 40175 Phone: 270-877-5231, Email:, Web:, Facebook: Vine Grove United Methodist Church Vine Grove United Methodist Church Sunday News (Continued) Looking Ahead -Tuesday, April 8th, 6:30 p.m.—Evening Unit UMW Meeting -Wednesday, April 9th—Methodist Mountain Mission Truck Pick-up -Saturday, April 19th, 8:00 a.m.—UMM Meeting -Saturday, April 19th, 11:00 a.m.—Easter Egg Hunt -Sunday, April 20th—Easter Sunday -Saturday, May 17th—Barbeque Cook-Off, Hodgenville UMC -Sunday, May 18th, 3:00 p.m.—E-town District Conference, Hodgenville UMC If you would like to purchase an Easter lily to decorate the sanctuary in memory or in honor of a loved one, please indicate that on the enclosed form. Drop the form in the box outside the sanctuary. Cost for the lilies is $10.00 each. To pay for the lilies, please use an offering envelope and mark “For Easter Lilies.” The last day to order is Sunday, April 6th. The Nursery will be closed on Palm Sunday and Easter, since the choir is singing both days. Page 2 Together We Can: Take the Next Steps April Birthdays 9th—Darrell Edwards 11th—Dean Crockett 14th—Stephanie Wieber 18th—Teresa King 28th—Kristofer King 28th—Mickey Moore 28th—Pastor Johnny *** If your April birthday is not listed, please contact the office and we’ll add it to the list. Nursery Helpers Mar 30—Jackie Adcock Apr 6—Norma Crockett Apr 13—No Nursery on Palm Sunday Apr 20—No Nursery on Easter Sunday The schedule for the year is posted in the Nursery and on the bulletin board. See Devin Henson for more info. Congratulations to the VGUMC Dart Ball Team—Tournament Champions!!! April Worship Assistants Annual Conference Ordination Choir Worship Leader: Donna Moore The E-town District is going to provide a district choir for the ordination service this year at Annual Conference in Covington. The service will be on Monday, June 9th in the evening. Memorial UMC’s Cathedral Choir is helping to organize the group for this special opportunity. Ushers: Earl McCoy, Raymond McCoy, Byron Nelson, Butch Wieber If you would be interested in being part of this choir, please contact the office or email More information is on the bulletin board. 20th: Greeters: Tom & DeeAnna Musgrave Prayer: Janet Henson Holy Scripture Reader: Donna Moore Children’s Message: Connie Craig Interested in Summer Camp? See Pastor Johnny The Sunday News is available online. Simply go to, then select Sunday News from the menu on the left side of the page and click on the link to see the latest edition of the news. 13th: Greeters: Raymond & Linda McCoy Prayer: Donna Moore Holy Scripture Reader: Teresa King Children’s Message: Joel Henson 27th: Greeters: Darrell & Joanne Edwards Prayer: Dale Gumm Holy Scripture Reader: DeeAnna Musgrave Children’s Message: Janet Henson ******* Note: The Worship Assistants list is on the bulletin board. If you will not be available during your scheduled time, please notify Teresa King or contact the office. Vine Grove United Methodist Church Pastor Johnny Craig, 306 High Street, Vine Grove, KY 40175 Phone: 270-877-5231, Email:, Web:, Facebook: Vine Grove United Methodist Church Admin Office Hours: Mon, Wed, and Fri, 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. unless otherwise needed (Call 270-877-5231 for more info.)
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