The Corvallis United Methodist The monthly newsletter of the First United Methodist Church, Corvallis, Oregon. “A Reconciling Congregation” March 26, 2015 Volume 61, Issue 4 Easter’s Coming! Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! s n choru i n e v a nd he ! Earth a Alleluia We are a Reconciling Congregation that welcomes everyone into full participation in the life of this church! Your age, sexual orientation, gender identity, racial or ethnic background, economic situation, marital status, and physical or mental condition will enrich the fabric of our community. We accept all people as children of God. We are a congregation on a journey to Sustainability, recognizing that we are stewards of God’s creation for all generations, and believing that all human needs must be met equitably. The Natural Step Framework is our guide to Sustainability. Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heavens and earth reply, Alleluia! say, Holy Thursday Journey with Jesus: Last Supper through crucifixion Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5 Sunrise on the steps 7:00 am Celebrate with brass, bagpipe, choir, and bells 9:30 am Easter Egg Hunt following 9:30 am worship Random Musings from Pastor Barbara Some delightful things have been happening around FUMC since our last newsletter. More than eighty of us signed up to wear the little purple bracelets, making promises to monitor our awareness of violence in the world around us. There have been several interesting conversations that have arisen from this exercise, but mostly I’ve simply appreciated your willingness to try something new – together! We held a Town Hall Meeting that was attended by more than seventy people who came with genuine interest in our incredible facilities. We learned about things that are happening or will be happening soon to keep our buildings and grounds beautiful, welcoming and well-maintained. There will be so many ways to be involved in these efforts – indoors and outside. Watch for opportunities to be part of these efforts. You are needed to bring these improvements to life! Speaking of which – by the time this newsletter is in your hands, you will see some changes coming in the Library/ Gathering Area of the main floor at FUMC. The focus for now is on the WELCOME COUNTER (Information Counter). We hope to catch the eye of visitors with a fresh and tidy space to receive information and find any assistance they may need. You should know also that new energy efficient lighting and user-friendly, easy-care furniture is being selected for the library. Informational bulletins boards for all ministry teams are being spruced up and located along the COMMUNICATION CORRIDOR (education wing hallway). Ultimately, the whole main floor will have a fresh coat of paint. The nursery and classrooms are all being updated is various ways as well. Questions about paint color? We’ve had professional input and the colors chosen work beautifully with the permanent items in the library – the wood and stainglass windows. How are we paying for this? Many sources including memorial gifts, the Carol Raab gift and some maintenance funds in the budget. If you are interested in adding to funds some of this work, see Jim Swinyard, Facilities Manager. In addition to these delights, the joy I find in working with staff and volunteers to create Sunday morning worship seems to match the joy many of you have expressed in being here on Sunday mornings. Musicians, ushers, greeters, sound techs, choir members, liturgists, communion stewards and preparers, flower and banner people, Bible Study students – I feel so grateful for the involvement of so many caring people in making Sunday mornings at FUMC truly beautiful and meaningful. All of which is to say, we seem to be finding new life in so many fabulous ways – it truly feels like Easter at FUMC. Thank you, God for your spirit among us. Amen. email: ~ phone: 208-991-8464 Movie Night Sunday April 19 at 5:30 We will show the movie “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” a film on international water issues based on the book by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. It covers four issues. large corporations buying up territories where large water supplies can be found the fight to protect the Great Lakes a powerful political family attempting to corner the market on water in Paraguay what ordinary citizens can do to keep the water supply free and shared fairly This event is sponsored by the Natural Step Ministry Team. Room TBA. Page 2 April 2015 Pick Your Passion Game Night Friday, April 3 and Friday, April 17 game nights from 6:00-9:00 pm in the Martha Room (B19). Bring a favorite board or card game to play. Drop in anytime; bring a snack to share, if you wish. Everyone welcome. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Nielsen at or 541.757.0057. Amore Music Series Production The next noon-time Amore Music Series Organ Concert is Wednesday, April 15, 12:15-12:45 pm in the Sanctuary. Music for mechanical organs performed by Craig Hanson. Free but donations to support the series appreciated. 4F The 4F group will take a tour of the Evergreen Air and Space Museums in McMinnville on Friday, April 17. Anyone interested in joining us for this tour is welcome. Our tour will start at 2:00 pm. For those wanting to share a ride, please contact Patty Sorem 541.757.7918 or the Joneses at 541.745.3802. For those not participating in the tour, you are invited to join the Friday game night held in the Martha room that night. I’m So Egg-Cited Easter Egg Hunt Workshop on Investing Sunday, April 5 following the 9:30 service. Children fifth grade and younger. Have you thought about the power of your investments and their unintended consequences? You are invited to attend a workshop on the topic “Change the World: Investing for a Fossil Fuel Free Future” Thursday, April 23, 6:00 pm, Ecotrust Building in Portland. This event is being put on by the Progressive Asset Management Group of Financial West Group FINRA/SIPC, the organization affiliated with the FUMC Methodist Foundation Board’s financial advisor, Celia Mueller. If you want more information, or to carpool to the event, contact Marge Stevens . The Easter Bunny came by today and left surprises along his way. Colorful eggs are all around. With baskets in hand we search the ground. Hiding in places here and there Easter eggs are everywhere. ~ Author Unknown Easter Egg Hunt Items We are collecting wrapped candy, stickers and other goodies to fill plastic eggs for the annual FUMC Easter Egg Hunt. Donations may be left at the Welcome Counter (Information Counter) on Sunday mornings or at the church office during the week by Tuesday, March 31. April 2015 Page 3 In Our From General Board of Global Ministries... Dear Friends in Mission: Thank you for your support of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Through the Advance, the designated giving channel of The United Methodist Church, 100 percent of your contribution will go to Disaster Response, International, Advance #982450. Your gift of $940 is quick response to meet emergency needs around the world. This gift will bring hope to those who need it most. From Bishop Thomas Bickerton, Imagine No Malaria Chairperson... Dear First UMC of Corvallis, Thank you for your generous gift of $1,924 to Imagine No Malaria, a life-saving ministry that aims to eliminate death and suffering caused by malaria in Africa by 2015. Your generous gift will continue to fund Imagine No Malaria’s four-pronged approach to eradicating malaria by 2015: prevention, education, communication, and treatment. Please pray for the success of this ministry and for those suffering from malaria. For Love and Money Are you interested in serving the church on a team which meets only four times a year and contemplates topics like legacy endowments, socially responsible investing, and definitions of fiduciary responsibility? Then you may be just the person we are looking for. The FUMC Methodist Foundation Board has added two positions, and we are seeking people to fill them. There is a one year term, ending in December 2015, and a two year term ending December 2016. If you are interested in joining this auspicious group, please talk with Pastor Barbara or Council Chair Nita Phillips Page 4 Thoughts & Prayers Madeline Fernandez, recovered from an emergency appendectomy. Judi French, recovering from surgery. Patti McClintock, spending some time at Corvallis Manor recovering from a stroke. Tom McClintock, at Stoneybrook while Patti is at the Manor. Howard Wilson, who had a pacemaker installed. Jim Maitland, after back surgery. Sylvia Cardwell, doing rehab in Albany. Remember: Gordon & Teca Greathouse, Missionaries in Brazil Welcoming New Members On April 12 during worship, we will be welcoming new members into the life of our church! If you are interested in being part of this joyful event, please contact Pastor Barbara and she’ll be glad to talk this over with you and connect you with those who have already let her know their intentions. Mark your calendars now! April 2015 Safe Sanctuary Training A Safe Sanctuary training session will be held at the Congregational Care meeting on Thursday, May 7, 2015, 11:30-1:30 in the chapel. This session will have an emphasis on volunteering with vulnerable elder adults. These classes are valuable in educating our volunteers in the Safe Sanctuary policies of our church. Additionally, it educates our volunteers in ways to ensure the safety of the vulnerable populations with whom they interact, as well as, measures for a safe and positive experience for our volunteers. Financial Numbers February 2015 General Fund income: $39,890 February 2015 General Fund expenses: $48,474 YTD General Fund income: $63,639 YTD General Fund expenses: $88,415 To review the FUMC policy, please visit: http:// Methodist Barebones Basics May 9, 10:00 am – Noon Are you new to the United Methodist Church and want to know a little more about what it means to be a UM, particularly what it means in THIS congregation? Have you been a Methodist for years and years but have forgotten what distinguishes us among protestant churches? Are you simply curious about what Pastor Barbara will highlight in a barebones 2-hour overview of our tradition? Then you simply must come to this class. Watch for sign-up opportunities after Easter. May Newsletter Deadline Submission deadline for the May newsletter is April 20, 8:00 am — NO EXCEPTIONS. This is the normal deadline for a newsletter that comes out the last Thursday of the month. However, due to a few days off by the office manager, the May newsletter will be out earlier, on Tuesday, April 28 instead. April 2015 John Reed Business Manager Photo Directory Photos for a new directory start Tuesday, April 21 and go through Saturday, April 25. Each family making an appointment gets a free 8x10 photo and copy of the directory. Appointments still available at the church website: Or sign up on Sunday, April 12 or 19. For additional information, contact Kris Graves, Valerie White, or Rebecca Marti. Nonagenarians One who is between the age of 90 and 99, inclusive. One who is in his or her tenth decade. Emery castle celebrating number 92 on April 13. Maxine Bown turning 94 on April 20. Page 5 Special Offering Sunday, April 19 Native American Sunday One tribe in North America has told this story for centuries: when people “pale as birch” crossed the great water in large canoes, they brought with them “The Black Book.” However, the bringers of the physical Book could not have known what it would mean and look like to be Native and a follower of Jesus. Today Native Americans—with many unique languages, many unique cultures—honor their heritage, and live as Jesusfollowers, led by a rotation of primarily Native American pastors. When you support Native American Ministries Day, you equip seminary students who will honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. And you empower congregations that are finding fresh new ways to minister to their communities with the love of Christ. Summer Camp What are your plans for summer? Summer Camp! FUMC youth are encouraged to attend Camp Magruder August 9-14! Shauna Holt, the youth director, plans to attend as a leader and we can all have a camp experience together! Please reserve your spot by visiting Would you like help paying for camp? Scholarships are available. You just have to ask. Jamming Volunteers needed for a one-time jamming session to make FUMC new member welcome gifts. Time TBA. Please contact Beverly Park ( or sign up on the Opportunities. End of Life Planning: Definitions, Discussions, and Decisions Saturday, April 11, 2015, 9:00 am–noon Register at 541.752.2491 or Join our legal, medical, and spiritual panel in a workshop to get the conversation started. Workshop materials will include a glossary of terms and definitions, worksheets to help you decide what your end-of-life care preferences are, a funeral planning guide, and ideas on how to start the conversation with your loved ones. Page 6 April 2015 Vacation Bible School July 20-24 (Monday-Friday) Time: 9am – noon Registration forms can be found on the church website. Early registrants will receive the G-Force music on CD. Please prayerfully consider helping out this year. You don’t have to commit to the entire week – it’s okay to share! The activities are simple to follow and prepare. BEFORE VBS. Donate $$ for supplies (mark envelopes with VBS). We do not charge for our VBS, and there are supplies that must be purchased. Create decorations. Backdrops, banners, signage. Lots of ideas provided! Prepare craft activities. Cut out parts, count out and assemble materials by day. DURING VBS. Crafts. Prepare sample crafts for examples, lead children through craft activity. Materials provided. Bible Story. Coordinate actors and participate in the daily Bible story time. Scripts provided. No memorization required, just a youthful spirit! Puppeteer. Checkers the Cheetah. Can be a teen or adult. Script provided. Skit to be done with Pastor Barbara. No one can see you! Group leaders. Entering 6th grade or older. 2 people needed for each group of kids. Missions. Present a brief “missions moment” at the beginning or end of each day. This year we will be focusing on the Room at the Inn women’s shelter. Can you help? Please call Alicia Straub at 541.757.2049 or email at The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been. April 2015 Page 7 A Celebration of Caring for God’s Gift of Creation Our Green Moment on Sunday, March 8 was given by Marge Stevens and focused on our church’s involvement in the Blue Sky Program. It is a program of Pacific Power which purchases renewable energy certificates from newly developed renewable energy facilities. For more information and to sign up, go to Our survey this month asked about other ways that our church reduces its environmental impact. Composting was noted 15 times. Recycling and use of CFL light bulbs were noted 10 times each. Cloth napkins was noted six times. Some other items noted included native plants, ceramic mugs for coffee hour, availability of recycling bulletins, plants requiring less water, compostable plates for some events, no pesticides/ herbicides, and cutting down on paper by electronic newsletters and statements. There are several other things our church is doing that you may not be aware of. These include, to mention a few, LED parking lot lighting and plug in station for electric cars, a new more efficient heating system, earth friendly carpeting, development of a waste management plan, and an FUMC Foundation vote in favor of fossil fuel divestment. A Natural Step Congregation Our April survey will ask about disposable water bottle usage April 26 Water & Care for Creation Event We will be hosting a Water and Care for Creation event at the church on Sunday, April 26, 2:00-5:00 pm. Dr. Brenda Bateman from the Oregon Water Resources Department, our key note speaker, will share information about the state’s strategic water plan. This will be followed by breakout sessions with speakers from the Sustainability Coalition water action team, OSU Water Resources Department, and the Benton Soil and Water Conservation group. We will conclude the event with a time of sharing led by the Rev. Ann Bateman. Please join us for an informative afternoon and bring a friend! Reconciling Ministries Team The Reconciling Ministries Team is reorganizing and looking for new participants. Our long-standing commitment has been to welcome those from the GLBT community into our congregation AND to stand with them in matters of public rights and concerns. This commitment continues but we are also working to expand our understanding of welcoming ALL. If you have thoughts about how to be more affirming of those with disabilities, those released from prison, those of minority status and others who often feel less than welcome in the world, please contact Beverly Park or Pastor Barbara. A meeting will be announced in May. Page 8 April 2015 Youth Activities Recurring Events: Homework club grades 4-12 Tuesdays, 5:00-5:30 pm, room 119 Middle School Sunday Un-School grades 6-8 Sundays, 10:30-noon, room 118 Middle school youth AND grades 6-12 Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm (8pm on Building Better Moms night), room 218/219 High school youth What’s Happening in Palestine/Gaza/Israel? Why Is It Important to Us as World Citizens Our local church has been taking on this daunting subject, one that will be addressed at our church’s Annual Conference in June and our denomination’s General Conference in 2016 in Portland, Oregon. In an attempt to help us become better informed, we are hosting the concluding four April sessions following Easter. Each session begins at 10:45 am, but note the various locations below. (Background: We began a 3 week session in March discussing the DVD “Little Town of Bethlehem” focusing on a Palestinian Christian, a Palestinian Muslim and an Israeli Jew before 1947 and afterwards, and how their lives have changed now.) April 12: Rev. Tim Stover, discussions. Changes in American Evangelical Christians? Christian Zionism? Influence of American money? Sojourners article, March 2015. (Chapel/B02) April 19: Maya Rotem, now living in Portland. An Israeli Jew, she only discovered the nature of the Israeli military occupation of Palestine after graduating from high school; became active in resistance and organizing Palestinians. A member of Students United for Equal Rights and the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). (Martha Room/B19) April 26---Rev. Diane Dulin & husband Tom Beilman, Salem. Session on BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions); providing information on background, goals, rationale, accomplishments and future of BDS movement to support justice for Palestine people. Diane is Director of Church Participation for Kairos USA and Tom heads up the Portland SodaStream Boycott effort. (Chapel/B02) May 3: Jan Nelson, Salem. Jan is a member of our Conference and chair of Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA). She will share her heart-warming and heart-breaking experiences in her trip to Palestine in March with eight other UM Oregonians. (Martha Room/B19). April 2015 Page 9 stamp First United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation 1165 NW Monroe Avenue Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone: 541.752.2491 Fax: 541.752.3636 E-mail: Web site: Sunday Worship: 9:30 am Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00; closed noon-1:00 Friday: 9:00-noon address label Barbara Nixon, Pastor Tim Stover, Campus Minister Nursery Care is available. Church building is accessible. Our Mission Our mission is to bring people into a living relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, that we might love the world as God Loves the world. Newsletter Deadline: April 20, 2015 for the May Newsletter. Page 10 April 2015
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