First Family News Our Mission Statement First United Methodist Church of Saint Marys is Christ-centered with open doors. We extend our May 2015 Volume 40 hands and hearts into the world to alter lives for God’s Kingdom. Honor Our Graduates GRADUATION SUNDAY Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:30 AM COMBINED SUNDAY SERVICE Cake and Fellowship to Follow Service Issue 5 A Message From Pastor Tim May 2015 With the arrival of spring plenty of activities from gardening, cleaning, attending spring sporting events that our youth participate in, golf, tennis, exercising fill our days. And of course we enjoy the warmer weather and flowers as they emerge from the long winters hibernation. We open doors and windows and allow the fresh air to fill our homes. During the Spring of the year in ancient times, armies went off to war. Since oxen and men pushed or pulled carts and supplies, winter battles were not possible. The carts stuck in the mud making them useless. King David sent his armies to fight in the springtime according to 2 Samuel 11. However, David remained behind. The Scriptures do not tell us why he remained in Jerusalem, but we know the consequences of his lack of participation in the battle. Not long after the armies leave Jerusalem, David spies Bathsheba across the rooftops bathing. He lusts after her and takes her into his chamber. Because of this action a son is conceived, and in order to cover up his sin, David sends for Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband. Uriah will not go to his wife as long as his soldiers remain in battle, and petitions David to be sent back to the battle. David agrees, but sends instructions that Uriah is positioned close to the front where he will likely be killed. This story blemishes a rather good life David lived to this point. At this point, we either talk about the sin of David or we move forward to the grace God offers David and offers to us as well. I would like to address idleness. David should have been at the battles, but instead he remained back and this left him time to allow his thoughts and convictions to run away from him. I have noticed in my own life, when I have free time, it can be used for good or evil, and to many times evil wins. If David went off to war, he never would have fathered a child who dies, and Uriah would not have died. Because of a single sin, many unintended consequences happened. A time of rest is needed but be aware of idle time. I know we live busy lives and the springtime may be the busiest, but even during this active time in the year, we must always be on guard and protect our faith. Stay active not only in your daily lives, but stay active in your prayer and spiritual life as well. Make time for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. By making time for them, we prevent the Devil from making time for us. God bless, Pastor Tim, Nancy, Ashley, and Ian Day of Pentecost Day of Pentecost “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:1-2). Pentecost was originally a Jewish festival, also known as the Festival of Weeks or Shavuot. It is celebrated 50 days (hence the name Pentecost) after the Passover. It served as a celebration of the grain harvest as well as a celebration of the Torah (Law), which was received by Moses on Mount Sinai 50 days after the Hebrew people were delivered from slavery in Egypt. It is also known as the Festival of Weeks because one counts a week’s worth of weeks (7×7=49 days) after the Passover (+1=50 days) to arrive at the date. The Old Testament book of Ruth is often associated with Pentecost because the barley and wheat harvest plays an important role in the story. For Christians, Pentecost is when we remember and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Church. Following Jesus’ ascension, the disciples met together, prayed, and waited. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit empowered them to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ, and thus the church was born. We are especially mindful of this event on the Day of Pentecost, but throughout the season of Pentecost, we seek to celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the world and to remember the role of the Church in God’s work in the world to bring about the reign of God. The liturgical color for Pentecost is red, and prominent symbols include fire and a dove (both representing the Holy Spirit). Pentecost Sunday this year is May 24, 2015. There is no firm transition from the Season of Pentecost (red) to Ordinary Time (green), but we typically make the change in early Fall. Church Meetings Finance Meeting Tuesday, May 19th 7:00 PM Pastor Parish Relation’s Mtg FUMC Tuesday, May 5th 7:00 PM FUMC Ad Council Meeting Tuesday, May 26th 7:00 PM FUMC Trustee Meeting Tuesday, May 12th 7:00 PM FUMC Protestant Cemetery Association Meeting Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 6:00 PM Saint Mary’s Monuments,148 Timberline Road Join Us New committee members welcome. For more information, please contact us at 814.781.6160. Church Meetings Work Night Heart to Heart Meeting Wednesdays Monday, May 4th 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Contact Fred Krug 814.594.9288 All help is appreciated. Man to Man Meeting Every Wednesday 8:00 PM Conference Room Man to Man is a Men’s The next Heart-to-Heart meeting will be Monday, May 4th at 6:30 PM. The hostess will be Sally Novosat. The devotion will be provided by Cindy Schloder. Esther Circle Monday, May 11th 7:00 PM prayer and worship group that meets every Wednesday evening at the Church. All men of the Church are invited and encouraged to attend. Praise Band Practice Wednesdays 6:00 PM In The Church Sanctuary ♥ TO ♥ MEETING FUMC The next Esther Circle meeting will take place on Monday, May 11th at 7:00 PM at the Church. We are currently studying books 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians of the Bible. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Tuesday, May 5th & 12th 7:00 PM Regular Choir Rehearsal for the Chancel Choir is from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Church. Church Announcements Dessert Donations Needed Welcome for Bowls of Love New Members Wednesdays to the FUMC We need your help… Cupcakes, cookies and brownies needed for the Wednesday Soup Kitchen. Drop off items in the Kitchen of the FUMC on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Thank you. Vada Liptak Welcome Ron and Mary Frost as new members of the First United Methodist Church. Active Duty Service Military Send a Card or Note of Appreciation to our Military Service Members PV2 Hoover Brittany A. Bosier James Nussbaum D Co TF 2-9 SPC Dorm 214 Unit 15098 Theater Gateway Unit 2581 APO-AP APO-AG Minot, ND 58705 96224-5098 09366 Victoria & Scott Nemmers Lieutenant Colonel USAF Wright Patterson AF Base Dayton, OH 45433 Church Announcements Pre-School Enrollment ~ Accepting Applications 2015-2016 At the First United Methodist Church The First United Methodist Church, located at 140 North St. Marys Street in St. Marys, is accepting applications for enrollment for Pre-School for the 2015-2016 school year. Our highly qualified Staff includes a Teacher who is certified in Early Childhood Education and a Teacher’s Aide with a 4-year degree in Fine Arts. Packets are available now in the Church office. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM—11:30 AM. Children must be at least 3 years old and potty-trained by August 15, 2015. Enrollment is limited to 10 students and is on a first come, first served basis. Deadline to enroll students is May 15, 2015. Please contact the Church Office at 814.834.3016. College Students Drop a Card to Our College Students Larissa Chicola Ashley Hoover Sean Gray Slippery Rock University 11 College Drive Lycoming College 255 Building D Box MCA 213 700 College Place Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Cresson, PA 16630 Campus Box 823 Williamsport, PA 17701 Church Announcements ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS BEGAN IN APRIL, 2015: Facilitator: Shawna Grim God's At War Kyle Idleman's riveting new study, gods at war properly notes that Christians and the church correctly emphasize the need to identify and eradicate sin. But what if we're actually missing the point? What if all sin has a common root? Is there a core issue that we failing to address? In this new series, Kyle Idleman challenges our presumptions about sin by suggesting that all sin derives from the same source—idolatry. While we don't see many "graven images" around today, Kyle argues that there are still countless gods passionately at war for the throne of our hearts. If we put the wrong god on the throne, our lives will be thrown into chaos, and all of the effort we put into fighting sin and overcoming it will be futile. While there are many gods at war for our hearts, this study focuses on four in particular: the gods of love, money, pleasure, and power. This series is filmed in a docudrama style—and features real people telling real stories. These stories are compelling, and in them everyone will see some reflection of themselves, and recognize the true battle that lies at the heart of all of our sin struggles. These stories also point the way to victory, as we see the kind of lifetransforming power that Christ is ready to pour out in our lives as well. As a result, seekers, non-Christians and life-long Christians alike will all be moved to grow their relationship with Christ. UM Women’s Monthly Meeting Monday, May 18 th Tuesday, March 10th Tuesday, March 24th 7:00 PM 6:00 PM The next UMW monthly meeting will be held on Monday, May 18 Adult Fellowship th at 7:00 PM at the Church. The speaker is to be announced. The hostess for the meeting is Theresa Pfaff. Elco Glen Adult Fellowship, Games, and Fun at Cyndi Scholder’s residence at Elco Glen in Saint Marys on Tuesday, May 5 & 19 & on Friday, May 15 at 6:00 PM. Please call 814.335.4729 for more information. Thank you. Church News CAMP PENUEL A reminder that the collection of clean plush animals for Camp Penuel located near Eldred will start the last week in May. This is a Christian Camp for children ages 7 to 11 years of age that are bussed in from the inner large cities. Collecting puzzles and coloring books for rainy days. This will be the 7th year our church has been doing this! Delivered thousands of items. Thank You! Alice “Youth Turkey Dinner” Saturday, May 16 4 PM ~ Sold Out! Everyone is Invited…. Bring a Friend Desserts are needed for the Dinner. There is a Sign-up Sheet in the Old Kitchen for Dessert Donations. Thank You Proceeds Supports Missions ONE-COMBINED SUNDAY SERVICE ON MAY 3 AT 10 AM In Recognition of our Sunday School Classes there will be one-combined Sunday Service at 10 am on Sunday, May 3. Cake and Coffee will follow the Service. Mark your calendars! SUMMER CELEBRATION SCHEDULE WILL BEGIN MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND Sunday, May 24 begins Our Summer Service Schedule at FUMC. There will be One-Combined 9:30 AM Service on Sunday mornings through Labor Day weekend. Mark Your Calendars! Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Inspiration Soup Station Bowls of Love We need people to serve and clean up on Wednesdays with Bowls of Love. For more info, please contact Vada Liptak at 814.834.2230. Overhead Screen Helpers Needed Sunday Church Services We are in need of overhead screen volunteers for Sunday Church Services. If you are interested, please feel free to sit and observe the screen presentation on a Sunday morning to see if this is a Ministry for you; or, you may contact the Church Office at 814.834.3016. Develop a new skill or sharpen one that you already have. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. Scripture Readers Needed Sunday Church Services Volunteers needed for Scripture Reading during Sunday Church Services. Youth and Adults are welcome. Please see sign-up sheet in Welcome Center of the Church. Volunteers Needed We Need Your Help Teachers and Helpers Needed Summer Children’s Church June—August 2015 We are looking for volunteers to teach and assist with Children’s Church this summer, June 7 through August 23, 2015. Sign up to help for one Sunday or as many as you would like! Teachers would be responsible for planning a short Bible lesson and activity from Gospel Light’s curriculum. The curriculum will be available to you as soon as you sign up so you can plan the lesson at your convenience. Assistants would help the teacher during class but would not need to do and preparation ahead of time. If you have been unsure about committing to a teaching position in the past, this is a great opportunity to try it out and serve the children of our Church with only a small time commitment. Please prayerfully consider joining us in showing the love of Jesus to our children this summer! We would like to have the schedule completed by Sunday, May 24, 2015. so please sign up soon! There is a sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center of the Church. Clearances are required (the Church will submit them for you and cover the cost of the clearances). If you need Clearances, please see a member of the Safety Committee or stop in at the Church Office as soon as possible. For more information, please contact Christy Keiper at 814-571-0309 or email Christy at or see Beth Gornati Your Friend in Christ, Christy Keiper Special Calendar Days Celebrate Mothers Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th Thursday, May 7th The National Day of Prayer “Donations Make a Difference” A special note sent to the Trinity United Methodist Church in Ridgway, PA from an Operation Christmas Child Volunteer: Dear Friends at Trinity United Methodist Church, We are praising God for your generous gifts to Operation Christmas Child. With your help, God blessed us with 44,419 boxes collected in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Please continue to pray for the children around the world who will receive these boxes. Gratefully, Heather Rogers Summer Camps 2015 Even though there is snow still flying, it is not too early to think about going to summer camp! Before your calendars fill up with sports, vacations and other activities, look at the summer camp brochures and find a week (or a three-day camp for younger children) that works for you. Please check out the camps on-line or take a brochure from the front of the Church (when available). To check out the camps on-line go to: (Warren County) (1hr 45 min away) (Allegheny County) (2 hr 40 min away) (Fayette County) (3 hr 15 min away) From there, you can print an application or enroll on-line. (Enrolling on-line seems to be the easier way and will only require a deposit.) Here are some guidelines for parishioners who would like some financial assistance: If the camp costs $150-$250, campers are responsible for $50. If the camp costs $250-350, campers are responsible for $75. If the camp costs $350+, campers are responsible for $100. Non-parishioners who need assistance are responsible for the registration fee plus 50% of the camp. I will need to hear from every camper’s family who is requesting financial assistance from the Church before or after registering for camp so our Church can send in our portion of the cost. I am happy to help in any way I can. Please call me at 814.781.3148. Campership Steward, Laura Smith CHURCH LOGO WEAR FOR SALE IN THE CHURCH OFFICE * All proceeds going toward the Campership fund! Short Sleeve T-Shirt - $20, Long Sleeve Shirt - $25, Hat - $20 Items are in stock at the Church Office ~~ stop by or call 834-3016. Vacation Bible School at the FUMC VBS 2015 is looking for Volunteers Please consider helping us July 12-16 as we Journey off the Map at Vacation Bible School at the FUMC in St. Mary’s this year. Any and all help will be appreciated as we teach the children of our community about the love of Jesus and the awesome God we serve! Please call the Church Office at 814.834.3016 or Missy Smith at 814.594.8723 with any questions or to volunteer. We would love to have you on the team as we sow seeds in the future generation for Jesus Christ! Journey to the Unknown With Us! Vacation Bible School at the FUMC Children 4 Years Old to Entering 5th Grade Please join us Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the FUMC Pavilion on South Michael Street for Vacation Bible School Journey off the Map takes your kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. So, toss the map, stick close to your guide, and prepare to listen for God’s direction in this journey that is unknown to us, but known by Him. Mark your calendars, invite a friend and come Journey off the Map with the First United Methodist Church’s VBS Team! VBS Registration Forms are available on the Church’s website: or call 814-834-3016. Take the Journey With Us! Song of Remembrance I shared this during the night of Prayer and Healing on April 10, 2015 and wanted to share it with you as well. It is something that God put in my heart during a time of prayer in preparation for the night of prayer. Sometimes we forget to thank God for being there for us. Perhaps we fail to recognize when He is standing right next to us in a situation. Take time to think back and reflect on those times when He has been there for you. Take time to remember and give thanks. Candy Frey Song of Remembrance Remember the day, you cried out to me? Remember the day, you thought I was gone? Remember the day, you sat with tear stained checks? Remember the day, you felt so wronged? I was there, I was there listening to your cries. I was there, I was there holding you close. I was there, I was there wiping the tears from your face. I was there; I was there to come to your aid. I was there; I was there to help you forgive. I was there; I was there when all seemed lost. I was there; I was there the day you were judged. I was there; I was there when the decision was rendered. I was there; I was there when you breathed a sigh of relief. I was there, I was there when you stood and walked out the door. I remember you held me close. I remember you holding my hand. I remember feeling peace and victory. I remember the final outcome. I remember you being there. I remember…………………………….. Celebrate Memorial Day Memorial Day Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. This memorial, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries. Annual Decoration Days for particular cemeteries are held on a Sunday in late spring or early summer in some rural areas of the American South, notably in the mountain areas. In cases involving a family graveyard where remote ancestors as well as those who were deceased more recently are buried, this may take on the character of an extended family reunion to which some people travel hundreds of miles. People gather on the designated day and put flowers on graves and renew contacts with relatives and others. There often is a religious service and a picnic-like "dinner on the ground," the traditional term for a potluck meal in which people used to spread the dishes out on sheets or tablecloths on the grass. It is believed that this practice began before the American Civil War and thus may reflect the real origin of the "memorial day" idea. Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. Sharing Our Gifts By Vada Liptak Inspiration Soup Station May 2015 Bowls of Love Menu and Servers Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Menu: Ham and scalloped potatoes, roll, green beans, dessert Servers: Praise Band Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Menu: Beef stroganoff, corn, roll, dessert Servers: Gerry Frey, Connie Amendola, Patty Hasselman and Rosemary Gray Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Menu: Macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, dessert Servers: Chancel Choir Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Menu: Baked beans, hot dogs, dessert Servers: Jean and Tom Price, Paula Mertel and Tom Heindl If you are unable to serve, please contact: Pat Johnson (814.834.3184) or Vada Liptak (814.834.2230). Graduation Sunday Sunday, June 7, 2015 All Are Welcome to Attend Refreshments & Fellowship to Follow 9:30 AM Service Come and celebrate with our graduates and their families on Sunday, June 7, at 9:30 AM at the First United Methodist Church. There will be a Combined Service at the Church with Refreshments to follow. If you have or know of a High School or College graduate or Any graduate in our Church family, please complete the form below and return it to the Church office before May 17. We will have a special gift for each graduate. If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office at 814.834.3016. NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE ST. MARYS, PA 15857 PERMIT NO. 38 First United Methodist Church 140 N. Saint Marys Street Saint Marys, PA 15857-1236 Change Service Requested Contact Information Telephone: 814.834.3016 Fax: 814.834.0035 Email: Web: Please let us know if your address changes. At Your Service The Reverend J. Tim Hoover “Pastor Tim” Joyce Sorg, Church Secretary Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monthly Deadline for Articles 15th of each month, 12:00 NOON You can submit your articles several ways: Email: Email: In-Person: Editor’s Box in the hall by the Church Office Your timeliness is greatly appreciated. Thank You, The Editor All Sidestream Clip Art © Mike Purcell. All rights reserved. Used with permission. All God’s Graffiti Clip Art © Tim Bertram. All right reserved. Used with permission.
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