MOUNT COMFORT BLESSING Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church (of the Risen Christ) Pastor’s Corner By Pastor David Galbraith Without Easter, the Christian faith is a waste of time. That’s what the apostle Paul says: “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17). The reason for this is that Christ’s resurrection not only gives us hope for eternal life, but it also confirms that what Jesus said in his earthly life was true. Jesus said he would rise from the dead. If he hadn’t, who would have taken his teachings seriously thereafter? “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead,” Paul said in I Corinthians 15:20. The resurrection was God’s stamp of authenticity on Jesus, proclaiming, “Yes, Jesus is my son. Yes, he has overcome death. Yes, what he told you is true. Trust him! Follow him!” May your Easter be filled with his hope. Pastor Dave Easter Egg Hunt March 23 The children of the church and community are invited to an Easter Egg Hunt at Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church on Saturday, March 23, at 11:00 a.m. Weather permitting, the Easter Egg hunt will begin at the Shelter House. If the weather does not cooperate, the Easter Egg Hunt will be in the gym of the Family Life Center. Donations of small wrapped candy may be dropped off at the church – no plastic eggs are needed. Note that the Easter Egg Hunt takes place the Saturday before Palm Sunday. March/April 2013 Lenten and Easter Events You are invited to join Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church for Lenten and Easter events and services. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, let’s take time to remember the days leading up to His crucifixion. Lenten Suppers and Services Lenten suppers and services continue through March 21 with a light supper beginning at 6:15 p.m. followed by a short Lenten service at 6:45 p.m. Children attend a special Children’s Worship. Lenten Breakfast March 16 A district-wide Men’s and Women’s Lenten Breakfast takes place on Saturday, March 16, at 7:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Featured speaker is University of Indianapolis Chaplain and Assistant Professor of Ecumenical and Interfaith Programs, the Reverend Dr. L. Lang Brownlee. Palm Sunday Service March 24 Palm Sunday will be observed at worship service, March 24 at 10:30 a.m. Good Friday Service March 29 The MCUMC Holy Week Good Friday service will begin at 7:30 p.m. on March 29. Come, and prepare your hearts for Easter. Easter Sunday Service Celebrate the Resurrection of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ, with MCUMC on Easter Sunday, March 31 at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join us on this most holy day. Newsletter 1 Pork Chop Dinner March 9 Be sure to purchase your advance sale tickets for the State-Fair-Style Pork Chop Dinner, set for Saturday, March 9, from 4 – 7 p.m. in the Church Family Life Center. The event includes a silent auction and door prizes. The meal includes a pork chop, pit potatoes, applesauce, bread, and a drink. Desserts will be available for $1.00. A children’s meal of hot dog, chips, applesauce, and drink is offered for $3.00. Contact Mel Branson or John Forcum for tickets. Trustees’ Corner Mel Branson and Rudy Nylund, III, presented an AED unit from the Buck Creek Fire Department to Mt. Comfort UMC on February 3. John Bundy gratefully accepted the donation on behalf of the Board of Trustees, while Pastor David Galbraith looked on. New Adult Class Begins April 7 A new adult Sunday School class will begin April 7 at 9:15 a.m. in the church parlor exploring the topic, “What do United Methodists Believe?” Pastor Dave and Reverend Bob will lead the twelve-session class and will explore theology, social issues, and church doctrine. This class is recommended for those who are considering church membership as well as for church members who want a review, update, or find the topics of interest. The Trustees have continued to work around the church. As many of you have seen, the new lighting is now complete in the Sanctuary. We are continually working on weekly repairs and tasks throughout the building, such as repairing toilets, drainage issues, changing lights, and repairing doors. For those of you who may not know, I would like to introduce you to your 2013 serving body. John Bundy, Chair; Kevin Sheets, Vice Chair; Pat Shreve, Secretary; Ron Hoeppner , Treasurer; also Kathy Aldrich, Tim Waymire, Connie D'Angelo, and Mel Branson. I would like to be the first to thank all of the Trustees who are serving you and this wonderful facility this year. If you get a chance, stop one of them and thank them, or if you have questions, feel free to ask. Thank you. God bless, John Bundy, Trustee Servant VBS Begins in June Reserve these dates for Vacation Bible School: Friday, June 21, 6:00-8:30 p.m.; Saturday, June 22, 9:30 a.m. -12 noon; and Sunday morning. The times could possibly be changed, but not the dates. The VBS farm-related theme is Hay Day. Volunteers include the following: Music, Elaine Holloway; Games, Jo Sullivan; Snacks, Christina Bundy; Crafts, Pat Ringer and Rose McKinney. More volunteers are needed. Speak to Amy Hoeppner or Rose to volunteer or ask questions. We will offer baby-sitting if any of those helping with VBS need it. Please pray about how you can help make VBS a great experience for the children of our church and community. You can also help when the list of needed supplies is posted closer to the date of VBS. The new energy-efficient lighting has been installed in the sanctuary. The project was funded with an equity loan, and the energy-efficient upgrade will result in cost savings over time. (Photo courtesy Tom Seng) Newsletter 2 Notes from the Music Director By Elaine Holloway Pepper Choplin is a composer, clinician, and conductor. Many of his choral pieces are ones written to fill a need at his church in Raleigh, NC, where he is minister of music. Pepper’s chief desire is “to create music that will lead people to worship in a dramatic way.” The Chancel Choir is presenting some of Pepper Choplin’s works during this Lenten season. The selections are from a cantata written for use during Holy Week entitled, We Were There. Its intent is to bring the characters who were there when Jesus died on the cross “to life” and move the listener as we witness the tragedy of Jesus’ suffering and death. A single character will be portrayed each week in this order. They are Mary Magdalene – Emily Richardson; John – Bruce Kendall; Peter – Pastor David Galbraith; Mary, Mother of Jesus – Linda Wynn; and The Centurion – Mike Adkins. Hopefully, as we experience this story, we are drawn closer to the cross. “As we share in His death on the cross, we will surely be united with Him in His resurrection.” So, how is your Lenten walk with Jesus coming? Are you preparing for His death so that we can rejoice on that glorious morning called Easter? I hope to see you at our Lenten services on Thursdays. What a great way to spend time together and do what Methodists do best – eat, sing, and pray! Your music director, Elaine Eastertide Play April 7 A service of Eastertide, featuring music and drama is set for Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. on April 7 at Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church. A children’s chorus, directed by Elaine Holloway, will feature the SonShine Kids. The SonShine Kids Drama Group will perform a one-act play written by Reverend Bob Miller, Children around the Cross. The cast includes children and adults. Pastor Dave Galbraith will provide special music in addition to the children’s chorus, duet, and solos. Everyone is invited to this special service during Eastertide, the week following Easter. United Methodist Cluster to BUILD AN ARK You may not know that we are part of an organization called the Northern Hancock United Methodist Cluster. We, the NHUMC, have decided to build an ark. Through the Heifer Project, a mission organization that supplies animals, plants and education, we, together will collect $5,000 to build an ark. Get your ARK and calendar in the narthex (entryway) and fill it/them up! Watch for details from the Missions Committee. The event will end with a celebration meal at 5:00 p.m. at the Fortville United Methodist Church on April 14. Let us use God’s blessing for others who have so little. Weiler Brothers Achieve Eagle Rank Congratulations to Drew and Nathan Weiler, who achieved the Eagle rank in Boy Scouts of America Troop 236. Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church is the chartered organization for Troop 236, and a ceremony honoring these young men was held February 26 at the church. “The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting, and a Boy Scout must earn twenty-one merit badges to achieve this honor. In addition a Boy Scout must serve six months in a troop leadership position; plan, develop, and execute a service project for a religious organization, school, or community; take part in a Scoutmaster conference, and complete an Eagle Scout board of review” (http://www. Mission Statement, MCUMC (of the Risen Christ) To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Newsletter 3 Birthdays MARCH 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 23 25 26 27 Anastasia Hendrix Candy Adkins Debbie Berry Larry Fentz Maurice Jarrett Amanda Ross Marie Ellis Heather Joffer Cindy Kendall Drew Weiler Sheila Voelkel Audrey Voelkel Sharon Hensley Donna Zering Julie Heckman Ashley Ross Lori Thompson Steve Dant Tristen Bundy Jeffrey Dant Justin Piercy Barbara Olin Sharon Adams Dave Holloway Dylan Piercy Feliz Jimmy AvilaVasquez Connie D’Angelo 27 29 30 30 Anniversaries Danny Dunn Marcy Grandstaff Elaine Poulos Dave Thomas APRIL 2 1 2 3 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 30 Patty Wilkinson Kenny Thompson William Carder Marcia Piercy Caitlin Grandstaff Lauri Thomasson William D. Fry David Springer Kathy Bennett Kimmy Ellenberger John Bales Geth Hunter Ev Zarse Marty Haymaker Samantha Ferrill Dana Denton Heather Meredith Lisa Dant John Bundy Melody Benson Hanna Jones Ramsey Neer MARCH 5 22 Jerry & Jerri Stang Ruth & William Carder APRIL 4 14 16 18 Drew & Jamie McClellan Doug & Liz Hampton Lloyd & Leona True Dana & Sheila Voelkel Dan & Patty Johnson Garden Project The SonShine Kids will plant a garden at the church this spring. The Lord’s Acre project needs some donations to get started. You may help by donating any of the following: potting soil, vegetable seeds, seedlings, and empty paper towel or toilet roll cardboard to start seedlings indoors. Contact Mike or Darla Gibson if you would like to help. Shepherding Committee News By Cindy Kendall During the month of January, the Shepherding Committee recognized the passing of our sister in Christ, Sharon Kingen, with a white carnation on the altar. Sharon and her mother Mildred wrote a booklet about the history of Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church some years ago; you can read it on the MCUMC website. The passing of Mary Lou Jarrett, mother of Pat Ringer, was also recognized. Most recently, our congregation mourned the loss of fellow church member, Virginia Kuhn, mother of Sandy Abel. Our condolences and prayers go to all the families. In February, the congregation celebrated the birth of Aimery Leigh Pierce, granddaughter of Mike and Candy Adkins. A red carnation was placed on altar in honor of Aimery’s birth on February 15 th. Congratulations! The Shepherding Committee is requesting volunteers to take food to people undergoing transitions in their lives. We have had several requests in the past couple of months and need your help. If you are interested in serving this way, you can sign-up at the welcome center in the narthex or see Connie Branson or Cindy Kendall. Please see any Shepherding Committee member if you, or someone you know, has a need that we can help fill. Thank you! Committee members include: Doug Hampton, Jinny Waymire, Linda Neer,Newsletter Marty4 Haymaker, Connie Branson, and Cindy Kendall. DAYTIME MINISTRIES By Pat Zarse He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6 When parents inquire about how we present Christmas and Easter to the children, I always tell them that we talk to the children about the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, not Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I’ve always thought that the birth of a baby was an easy concept for them to understand because we have all experienced that in some way during our lives. Most children have a sibling and may remember them being born and coming home for the first time from the hospital. I never thought the concept of the Resurrection was easy for children to grasp. I’ve decided I’m wrong. Why? At this age, children accept what you tell them and don’t question the improbability of death followed by life again. They have the faith that we often lack. A friend told me recently that she read: the smarter the individuals, the more they questioned the Bible and did not accept on faith its teachings. Isn’t that sad? One would hope that the smarter an individual, that the individual should accept the Bible as written. During this time of reflection and preparation for the GREATEST EVENT, I wish you have the faith of a small child and hope you are willing to stand up and say, “MY SAVIOUR LIVES!! ALLELUIA!!!” PRE-SCHOOL February was our “Party Month.” We spent two weeks visiting Mexico and ended with our fiesta celebration. Next were Valentine parties, followed by Opposite Day and Pajama Day. March brings a short month because of the new school calendar and a two-week spring break. Spring break is March 18 - 29. Prior to break the children will learn about Dinosaurs and Easter. Please be on the lookout for dinosaurs roaming the hallways. Easter will conclude with a celebration with special treats and egg hunt. Once again, I know the children will accept Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection with no hesitation. If only adults had that faith. In April our units of study will be Spring, Transportation, Safety Helpers, and Farm Animals. The children will be singing in our worship service Sunday, April 28. We’re praying for a houseful of children and their families. Please encourage and welcome them to our church. CHILDCARE Our state inspector visited on January 2 and found no concerns. YEH! She was newly assigned to our ministry and was extremely helpful. Thank you to all our staff and the great work they do in this ministry. The children who moved at the end of the year have been replaced, and our numbers are still terrific. Thank God for the phone calls and visits from the people inquiring for childcare. We have had our share of flu and pink eye. The staff has had to diligently clean to prevent the spread of the infections. A big thank you to John Bundy and his quickness in getting our restrooms seriously cleaned and disinfected. Thank you also to Janet and Jay Klein and Christina Bundy for their cleaning in the Family Life Center. Also, thank you to Dave Branson and his staff for cleaning the doors, windows, and carpet. Everything looks so much better. Thanks to all of you from Daytime Ministries!! Pat SonShine Kids Prepare Butterfly Garden The SonShine Kids are preparing a Butterfly Garden for everyone at Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church to enjoy. Butterfly larvae will be placed in the tent, and then from March 9 until Easter, everyone can watch the transformation take place when each butterfly emerges from its chrysalis. Look for the display in the “Cry Room” during the week and in the Sanctuary on Sundays. SonShine Kids is a MCUMC after-school ministry that meets on Thursdays from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. when school is in session. Volunteers are always welcome to assist in this program. Newsletter 5 Missions By Rose McKinney CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX REPORT Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church collected over 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in November 2012. As a relay station, the church collected 1,769 shoeboxes. Central Indiana collected 42,115 boxes at Heritage Christian School; the Great Lakes region collected 706,766 boxes. In total 9,039,060 boxes were collected to be sent to children all over the world in 2012. Since 1993, a total of 103, 661,430 boxes have been distributed. Thanks for your contribution to this worldwide effort. The distribution of these boxes in 2010 resulted in 76,000 Christian teachers being trained, and 580,449 children accepting Christ. This year’s Operation Christmas Child collection will be November 18th through 25th. You may start collecting for your boxes now. FILL THE ARK MCUMC is continuing to collect for filling the Ark for Heifer International. It has been fun the last few Sundays to hear the coins hit the metal containers. We are over $500 at this point. Thanks for your support and continuing contributions. MISSION TRIP The dates for the annual mission trip to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky, are June 2-8, leaving Sunday after church and returning Saturday morning. On the mission trip, we will be doing home additions and repairs and other projects. This is a family mission trip, so adults are encouraged to participate and bring their children. The cost is $225 per person for lodging, meals, and programmed evening activities. If you are interested or have questions, contact Dan Johnson. FEEDING THE HUNGRY In January a group of six representing Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church went to Fletcher Place to feed a hot meal to the local people on the south side of Indianapolis. Fletcher Place also provides a food pantry, clothing assistance, and community outreach for people in that area. MCUMC has committed to helping collect food for the month of April to stock the Fletcher Place food pantry. Please bring cereal, canned goods (especially those with meat), peanut butter, jelly, etc.. The grocery cart will be awaiting your contribution. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Just Reflecting By Reverend Bob Miller I love the church! It has been my inspiration, my anchor, my refuge and my life for many years. Jesus left us with two terrific tenets to live by, and I suggest they are essential to living out our faith. The first is the great commandment from Matthew 22:38 “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” the first part of the commandment and the second is like it, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” My first full-time church came along in the ‘70’s located in an upscale suburb in the southeast part of the state. The church had been in decline for several years. The church authorities had sent me to somehow revive the church; I observed a number of churches at that time using school buses to increase their attendance. I was able to secure two buses, and our attendance within a year more than doubled, but responses were not all accepting, Kids and some adults were not respecting the sacredness of the church; there was some extra expense; expense, and some untrained children had no idea what was expected of them. But after some time, the Holy Spirit put a calm in the church, and it is still vital today. Taking the call seriously to take the message of Jesus to our world can take as many forms as there are persons. It may take the shape of sharing the Good News on a softball field, or putting on a roof on a mission project, over a cup of coffee, or through the conversation with a waitress at lunch, or the comfort offered during a loss, or just one’s presence after the divorce. The key to taking forward the gospel is to do it, for someone’s eternal life depends on your actions Taking seriously the Great Commission and looking after our neighbor will more than likely require us to step outside the box. And when we get outside the box, we usually step on someone’s security blanket and ruffle up someone’s Holy Grail. Is it worth it for Jesus’ sake? What would Jesus Do? You know the answer! Follow HIM! Newsletter 6 Kids’ Church News Many different activities were enjoyed by children in Kids’ Church over the last couple of months. In January, the kids spent time working on the song, “My Life is in Your Hands.” Later, in February, a new and challenging song, “Testify to Love,” was added to their repertoire. Hopefully, sometime in the future, both songs will be performed for the congregation. On January 20th, Kids’ Church participants had fun with a lesson on the tower of Babel, which included a coloring sheet and acting out their own rendition of the story. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the children read and discussed the scripture from I Corinthians 13, also known as “The Love Chapter.” Afterward, they cut out Valentine hearts and wrote messages which were sent to Veterans at the VA Hospital in Indianapolis. This activity is part of a program called “Valentines for Vets” started by the famous columnist, Ann Landers. In addition to this, the kids also made Valentines for their own family. UPWARD soccer evaluations have been completed , and practices begin the week of April 1. The season kicks off with the first game day on April 20. Players participate in one practice per week and eight Saturday games. March 2 marked the beginning of 100 Days of Prayer for 2013 UPWARD Soccer at Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church. The 100 Days ends as the season concludes June 9 with the awards celebration. Participants are asked to pray for a variety of things, including volunteers, parents, coaches, players, teams, open hearts, new friendships, safety for all players, and half-time devotions. Pick up a 100 Days of Prayer sheet at the church. Volunteers are always needed. Plan to attend a soccer game this spring and see this dynamic sports ministry in action. Contact Kenny Thompson to volunteer. UMYF -- “On the Air for God” During the first part of January, the cast worked on their new series, The Good Book. In addition, the cast and crew read and discussed scripture from the book of Genesis, on which the premiere episode is based. That particular episode, “Adam’s Apple,” was shown to the congregation on the 27th of January. The critics overwhelmingly voted the new series a huge success, so we can look forward to viewing more episodes in the near future. The last Sunday in January, the youth studied “Putting on the Full Armor of God” and also began shooting their morning news show, Good Morning God. February 10th, the youth members read and discussed the story of the Golden Calf from Exodus 32. The group later enjoyed a football game (Golden Calf-style) under Bruce Kendall’s leadership. The following Sunday, youth made collages, using pictures of things we make the “Golden Calves” in our lives. This lesson prepared the cast for future filming of The Good Book based on this scripture. Recently, parents of youth group members started a concession stand. The stand is open during Optimist Basketball games held in the church Family Life Center on Saturdays. All proceeds from concessions will be donated to the youth fund. A sign for the stand made from handprints of the youth is proudly displayed. A big thank you to all the youth parents for making this possible! As always, the UMYF can use volunteers at any time, so if you are interested in helping, please contact Jordan Kendall. A highlight for this winter was a trip on February 24th to Sky Zone in Fishers, Indiana. A report from this adventure will be given in the next newsletter. MCUMC Pre-School Registration 2013-14 Early registration for the MCUMC Pre-School program has begun for children who will be ages two, three, and four in school year 2013-14. The registration fee is $75. Two-year-olds attend a session one day per week; three-year-olds attend a session two days per week; and four-year-olds attend a session three days per week. MCUMC also offers a daily Childcare program. Contact Pat Zarse for more information: 317-894-6276. Newsletter 7 Mt. Comfort United Methodist Church 3179 North 600 West Greenfield, IN 46140 Mark Your Calendars for These Important Dates! March 7 March 9 March 9 March 14 March 16 March 21 March 23 March 24 March 31 April 7 April 14 June 2-8 Lenten Supper & Service Pork Chop Dinner, 4 – 7 p.m. Bishop’s Youth Rally Lenten Supper & Service Lenten Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. Lenten Supper & Service Easter Egg Hunt, 11:00 a.m. Palm Sunday, 10:30 a.m. worship EASTER Sunday, 10:30 a.m. worship Eastertide Church Play w/ SonShine Kids, 7 p.m. ARK Celebration Dinner, Fortville UMC Mission Trip, Henderson Settlement 2013 Upward Soccer Calendar Practices Begin – Week of April 1 First Game day – April 20 Awards Celebration – June 9 Visit our website: Newsletter 8
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