WELCOME TO BURSCOUGH Key events SUNDAY 26th OCTOBER - 8.00pm,from this week , during November and selected Thursdays in Dec. Stewards Marion & Debbie Methodist Women in Britain –Autumn District Day Thursday 30th October, Irby Methodist Church , Wirral . See The Signal for details We warmly welcome you into the fellowship of this church in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Tuesday 11th November,7pm in church , Emma Potter will share experiences and photos of her recent visit to Tanzania. Followed by refreshments and opportunity to donate to her next project ,an orphanage in Romania.( See The Signal for more details ) Annual Quiz Night Sat. 15th November at 7.00pm in church hall. All welcome, especially children. Fun for all the family with prizes. METHODIST CHURCH Open for coffee, tea & toast Every Monday & Wednesday 9.00-11.30am Open for Prayer every Thursday evening 7.00 Pre-Christmas Flower Arranging Course, over 4 Mondays, commencing 17th Nov. 7.00pm-9.00pm Presentation by Jayne Marsh & own arrangements. ( See The Signal for more details ) Next Weeks Service at 10.00am Sunday 2nd November Mrs Monica Rhead Please submit your notices for inclusion to me , Janet Walton ,by Wednesday evening. Email: janwal123@talktalk.net or tel. 01704 894961 Or phone: 894961 Burscough Methodist Church, Orrell Lane, Burscough, Lancs, L40 0SG Today's service is led by Mrs Jenny Ashcroft Organist Joyce Technician: Jon Stewards: Marion & Janet Lectionary Readings Lev.19:1-2,15-18 Ps 1 Thess.1:2:1-8 Mt.22:34-46 ‘I am the Lord your God. I am holy, and you must be holy too!’ Lev.19:v2 Bible Sunday There will be a display of bibles , in the foyer ,where George& Brenda Philips will be available for Q/A on the work of the Gideons. Please support this very important ministry Minister Revd Michael Tindsley 01704 893230 Church Website www.burscoughmethodistchurch.org.uk If you would like someone mentioned during the prayers in the Sunday morning service. Please write their name in the prayer book found just to the right of the entrance as you walk into church. This book is available for anyone to contribute. HARD OF HEARING: May we remind members of the congregation that there is a ‘loop’ system in operation in this Church. Please adjust your Hearing Aid to setting “T”. Our children and young people leave the church service to attend Junior Church, in the Upper room, immediately following the second hymn. If you are a visitor to our Sunday morning worship, your children are invited to join with the Junior Church session. Parents are welcome to accompany their children and are free to return to the main service at any time. We serve tea, coffee and soft drinks after the morning service Do stay and meet together with us. Order of Today’s Service The hymns and order are as follows: OPENING PRAYER HYMN. MP 690 THIS IS THE DAY CHILDREN'S ADDRESS COLLECTION. PRAYER OF PRAISE. HYMN MP 832 GOD IN HIS LOVE FOR US Prayer Focus Please pray for : the work of the Gideons for Peter & Susan Janvier , visiting India & the charity they support ‘Street Kids Community Villages’ Heavenly father ,teach us each day to reflect on your word and do it. Dear God of abundant and lavish love , we pray for your help to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Christmas Shoe Box Appeal READINGS. LEVITICUS 19; 1-2 15-18 MATTHEW 22; 34-46 Fill a shoebox for a needy child this Christmas Leaflets in Church foyer and official shoeboxes available from the stewards (33p) or donate gifts so we can make up boxes. PRAYER ; CONFESSION Final date for shoeboxes to be brought in is 16th November HYMN STF 249 JESU, JESU FILL US WITH YOUR LOVE PSALM 1. For more information call Barbara Davies 01704 892995 PRAYER SERMON HYMN MP 619 SUCH LOVE INTERCESSIONS OFFERING HYMN MP 705 THY HAND OH GOD HAS GUIDED CLOSING PRAYER Sale of Christmas Cards On Sunday Nov 2nd after the service Norman will be selling Christmas Cards in the foyer - all proceeds to St Catherine's Hospice . Cards will be £2.00 per pack of 10 or 3 packs for £5.00 Please support this very worthy cause.
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