May 3, 2015 - Bethel Presbyterian Church

B e t h e l P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h
Corner of George & Brookland Streets
Sydney, NS
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015
Mission Statement
Our vision is to be a local community of believers where:
 Jesus Christ is head;
 The Bible has the ultimate authority as the true, infallible and complete
Word of God;
 Salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and belief in
His finished work on the cross is preached;
 The Gospel of Christ is spread in our community, our nation and
around the world in both work and action;
 Believers encourage each other and hold others in higher regard than
themselves so that each may use the gifts God has given him/her to the
glory of God.
Rev. Robert Lyle, B.A., M.Div.
Home: 902 - 564 - 5009
Cell: 902 - 549 – 6411
Clerk of Session
Mr. Charles Greaves
902 - 564-9570
12 Lorway Avenue, Sydney, NS B1P 4Z2
66 Eagleview Drive, Albert Bridge, NS B1K 2P1
Choir Director
Peter MacDonald
Sharon Morrison
902 – 562 – 3740
Mr. Donald Slade
Hall: 902 - 564-5069
Christian Family/Mother’s Day Sunday
Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Organ Prelude
William Sneddon
Gwen Shepard
We Gather Together – Our Approach to God
Call to Worship
Prayer of Adoration and Approach (The Lord’s Prayer)
Hymn # 416
Blessed Jesus, at your word
Prayer of Confession
We hear from God’s Word
First Lesson
Acts 8: 26-40
(p. 777)
Responsive Psalm
22: 25-31
(p. 392)
Hymn # 376
Lord, the light of your love is shining
Children’s Story
How does fruit grow?
N.T. Epistle Lesson
1 John 4: 7-21
(p. 863)
N.T. Gospel Lesson
John 15: 1-8
(p. 764)
Branching out
Our Response to God
Hymn # 692
Where charity and love prevail
(tune St. Peter 357)
Choir Anthem
We will be a shelter for each other
Doxology (#830)
Prayer of Dedication
We go out in Service to the Lord
Hymn # 746
What a friend we have in Jesus
Benediction & Choral Amen
We welcome everyone to this service of worship this
Lord’s Day and pray that this will be a time of blessing for all.
Everyone is invited to a time of fellowship in the hall following the
service. On duty today are Bill & Mona Sneddon and David &
Catherine Sneddon.
The Christian Family Letter was mailed on Friday so you should
receive it sometime in the next day or so.
Nancy MacDonald and Lucy MacKinnon
Next Sunday: Karen Wheeliker and Joan Grant
Greeter at the Choir Room Door – Roy MacDonald
Greeter at the South Door – Donald Morrison
Readings for next week:
Acts 10: 44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5; 1-6; John 15: 9-17
This Week
7:00 p.m. Bible study in the hall. We have started a 4 week study on
Prayer by Max Lucado called “Before Amen.” All are invited to come
and share in this program.
6:30-9:30 Digital Communications Workshop
Mother's Day High Tea:
Where: Munro Academy (Christian School)
Imported Irish tea, Homemade sweets, sandwiches and fresh fruit
Three sittings: 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
For tickets ($15) please speak to Nancy MacDonald (567-2291)
Next Sunday
Christian Family/Mother’s Day Service will be held.
The Kiwanis Club of Sydney will be hosting a Mother's Day Buffet
Lunch on Sunday May 10th.
It's being held at the Horizon Achievement Centre on Upper Prince
Street. Seatings at 11:30AM and 1:00PM. Tickets on sale until
Thursday, April 30th. Musical entertainment - a flower for Mom - face
painting for the kids. Adults $30 / Seniors $25 / 12-years and under
$20 / 5-years and under FREE For tickets, please contact Brad Gillespie
@ 902-577-1969. All proceeds support the ongoing youth-based
community projects of the Kiwanis Club of Sydney.
“Mothers’ Union of St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, 28 King
Street, North Sydney, will be hosting a Fashion Show by Nygard on
Monday, May 11 th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $12.00 each & are available
from any member of Mothers’ Union or call Debbie Moore at 902544-1018. Each Ticket includes refreshments.
On Saturday, May 23 rd a Congregational Spring Tea will be held in
the hall and all are invited to attend. It will be held from 2-4 p.m.
FROZEN dress up tea party. St. Theresa's Hall, Saturday May 30 th,
1-3 p.m. Special guests Anna and Elsa, frozen themed treats, face
painting, frozen tattoos, crafts, princess procession and
singing/dancing. Great afternoon of fun. $6 per person.
In support of the CB DnR Competition Dance Team. Advance tickets
phone Tanya at 902-578-5882.
On Saturday, June 6 th The Cove Ladies Auxiliary is having a basement
to attic sale at the “Y’s” Men’s Hall on the Westmount Road. If you
have something you would like to donate, please leave in the Church
Hall, lower hall, Monday to Wednesday mornings or call Mabel
Thompson 902-562-2046 or Gwen Shepard 902-562-4055.
Camp MacLeod
We are looking for a qualified cook for our camp this summer. If you
are interested in this position please fill out an application o n our
website ( or contact us by email
( A current Food Handler’s Certificate is
Also, if anyone has tried to contact the committee with staff
applications or other emails on the website in the past few weeks
please resend to the same email address. We had some issues and
were not receiving emails. The issue has been resolved. Thank you.
Mission Moments – Partnering with Chinese educators
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing send Canadian Presbyterians to help
rural Chinese middle school English teachers develop their listening
and speaking skills. Last August, a team of four representatives from
Knox, Waterloo spent a month in Weifang, China with the Amity
Foundation’s summer English program. Both the Knox team and the
Chinese students learned from the experience. Athena, a grade one
teacher in rural China, shares, “Learning about the traditions and
beliefs of Canadians and comparing them to Chinese practices has
shown that we are all similar; we all have the same goal, to share our
love of language and to help our students be the best they can be.
Janice Harper adds, “My own approach to teaching has even changed
as a result of our experiences, and that is after being a teacher for 32
Presbyterians Sharing strengthens partnerships