CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Lunenburg, Nova Scotia The United Church of Canada Sunday, February 8, 2015 Epiphany V Minister: Guest Minister: Minister of Music: Lay Readers: Rev. Grace Caines-Corkum Rev. Neil MacDonald Heather Kristenson Carolyn Tanner, Graham Pearson **Please note: When we hear the chimes being played, it is to tell us to return to our seats and quietly prepare ourselves for worship. Scent-free Policy at Central United We encourage everyone to recognize that some members of our Church family are very sensitive to strong odours. There is a designated seating area for this purpose. The music for the weekly sung responses (e.g. Gathering, Offering) is available on laminated sheets which are located in the Narthex. THE APPROACH Prelude: “In Christ There Is No East or West” (Charles Callahan) A Prayer for private meditation “Eternal God, Light of the minds that know you, the joy of the hearts that love you, and the strength of the wills that serve you; Grant us so to know you that we may truly love you, whom to serve is perfect freedom. Amen.” Central United – Used with Permission LicenSing 610384 One License A-717003 CCLI 308623 2 Call to Worship Gathering Music: “A Light Is Gleaming” VU 82 (Chorus only) **Please remain seated**** (sing once) A light is gleaming, spreading its arms throughout the night, living in the light. Come share its gladness, God’s radiant love is burning bright, living in the light. Greeting and Welcome Hymn of Praise: “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” VU 232 Prayer of Approach Minister: Spirit of God, In an age of numbers, we thank you for those who know us by our names; In an age of double-talk, we thank you for all who work to uncover and interpret truth; In an age of cold steel and towering buildings, we thank you for warm havens of human love; In an age that prides itself on holding nothing sacred, We thank you for all guardians of the holy; And those who point our starving souls to Thee. ALL: O God, turn us around if we have lost our way, and let the gospel of grace in Jesus convert our lives into radiant songs of praise. Amen. 3 Time with the Children The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. THE WORD Ministry of Music: “The Word of Life” (John Bell) Senior Choir Scriptures: Galatians 3: 23 -29 Luke 4: 16 - 21 May we but wait upon Love’s word. Knowing our prayer is heard. (Sing twice) 4 Contemporary Reading: In the Name of God (From the cover story of Time Magazine, March 1993) “The global village is now a planetary city with a few luxurious districts, many terrible slums, and neighborhoods that are savage and very dangerous. AND it has no police force! What the global village does have are many churches and mosques. Sometimes it is the faithful of the churches and mosques who need policing the most.” Sermon: “In the Name of God” Hymn of Faith: “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” VU 575 OUR RESPONSE PRAYERS FOR COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD (by the Minister) All: Loving God, Grant us as a people so to order our life and conduct our business, that the corridors of industry and the halls of commerce may be no less holy than this house in which we pray. Make us modest in what we ask for ourselves – and generous in what we wish for others … and grant that all we do may be done as unto you. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Minute for Mission Offering Our Gifts: “In the Bleak Mid Winter” VU 55 vs. 1 (Please stand, as you are able, when the Greeters/Elders bring forward the Offering) 5 Dedication of Our Offering: “In the Bleak Mid Winter” VU 55 vs. 4 Hymn of Commitment: “Though Ancient Walls” VU 691 Commissioning and Benediction Sending Us Out: “Set the Sun Dancing” (Words by Shirley Erena Murray; Music by Ron Klusmeier) For the light that is shining is our light to hold, facing, embracing the darkness and cold, light that’s not hidden where Good News is told: the hope that is born with Christ Jesus! Postlude: “Menuet Gothique” (Leon Boellmann) WELCOME Welcome to our Sunday Service. If you are a guest with us, please sign the “Guest Book” at the back of the sanctuary and introduce yourself to our Minister. ELDERS Corella Courtney Everett Mason GREETERS Carolyn & Oliver Levy, Jr. A warm welcome to Rev. Neil MacDonald and Mrs. Linda MacDonald who are with us today for our Sunday Service. 6 Storm Cancellation Notification Notification about cancelled church services due to inclement weather can be found: 1. By listening to the CKBW radio station (on your dial at 98.1) although announcements will only be read once an hour. Cancellations are also posted on the CKBW website: www.ckbw.ca 2. Cancellation of our church service can also be found on our church website: www.centralunitedlunenburg.ca 3. You can also phone the church office on the Sunday when it storms: (902-634-4035) for information on our Voicemail which will announce our cancelled service for that week, due to stormy weather. COMING WEEK MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH 7:00 pm – Stewards’ Meeting – Fellowship Room TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 1:30 pm – “Knit Together in Love” Meeting this week at the home of Shirley Zinck SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 10:30 am – Regular Service Celebration of Communion (Distribution of Annual Reports) LOOKING AHEAD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 1:30 pm – Central United U.C.W. – League Room SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 6:00 pm – Men’s Social Supper – Central Church Hall 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 10:30 am – Regular Service Celebration Sunday WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH (See box) 7 pm - Card Party – Central United Church Hall CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Lenten Café – Fellowship & Worship Where: Zion Church Hall When: Wednesdays in Lent Beginning February 18th Time: 11:00 am – 11:45 am Host: Feb. – St. John’s th Feb. 25 – St. Andrew’s 18th March 4th – St. Norbert’s March 11th - Zion March 18th – St. Barnabas March 25th – Central United Offering: Lunenburg Food Bank Lenten Soup Luncheon Central Church Hall, Wednesdays in March Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm; Cost: $8.00 CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SPRING/EASTER NEWSLETTER We are seeking contributions for the Spring Newsletter which will be available to the congregation Sunday, March 15th. Please submit stories, book reviews, recipes, jokes, or cartoons. These submissions should be in the Church office no later than March 10th 2015. Thank you! 8 Card Party Wednesday February 25th (7 pm) is another Cards/Games night at Central. Get your team together for fun, prizes and refreshment!! ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 1st, 2015. ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE ANNUAL REPORT BOOKLET Prior to our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, March 1 st, we are again circulating copies of the Annual Report by email. Circulating the report by email allows you to read and print your report at home. If you have not signed up and wish to receive an electronic copy, please write your name & email address on the “sign-up” sheet at the back of the church. If you would like a print copy only, please sign your name on the “sign-up” sheet as well. This will help us to determine how many reports to print. Thank you! MUSIC & WORSHIP COMMITTEE The Music & Worship Committee will be meeting for a Winter Workshop – date to be confirmed. Anyone interested in joining the Committee is most welcome to join us for this day! Please speak to Heather Kristenson if you are interested in being involved on the Committee.
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