The Window of First Christian Church - Port Arthur SEEKING GOD’S WILL ~ SEARCHING GOD’S WORD ~ SHARING GOD’S LOVE February 24, 2015 Cabinet Meeting Board Meeting The Cabinet will meet this Tuesday, February 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Bible Basics Classroom. The Board will meet this Tuesday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor. All Elders, Diaconate, and Trustees are encouraged to attend. Congregation members are encouraged to attend to voice your opinions and concerns before the Board. UBM Pantry Needs Do not forget First Sunday, March 1st to bring Dry Cereal and Mac & Cheese for the Food Pantry at United Board of Missions. Help Needed for Dinner Theater The Act 1 Scene 1 Dinner Theater will be presented on Friday, Saturday and Sunday Matinee for two weekends, February 27th, 28th, March 1st and March 6th, 7th and 8th. Help will be needed to prepare and serve the food and with clean-up. The money raised by this project will be used to fund the ministries of our church and will be designated by the Board. Sign-up sheets will be on the Narthex table. Please give the time you can. Thank you, Joann Come join us this Sunday, March 1st as we continue the Lenten Journey! There are six Sundays in Lent; the last being Palm Sunday! "Therefore whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (I Cor. 10:31) I received the following story and believe it lends us to thought. A customer comes to a grocery and sees a delivery of fresh fruit. "Give me two pounds of oranges and wrap every orange up in a separate piece of paper, please," he asks. "And a pound of cherries, please, and wrap up every one in a separate piece of paper, too." Once again, the clerk does what he asks, although frustrated with the demand. "And what is that there?," he asks pointing out a bushel in the corner. "Raisins," says the clerk, "but they are not for sale!" There's nothing wrong with a customer in a grocery store who wants to wrap each piece of fruit. But it reminds me that sometimes we tend to do the same thing with our lives. We wrap up a piece of our lives and give it to our family. We wrap up another piece of our lives and give it to our employer. We wrap up another piece of our lives and leave it laying on the couch in front of the television set. And we don't forget God! We wrap up an hour of our lives and give it to Him on Sunday morning. God doesn't just want the hour of our lives that we have wrapped up and presented to Him on Sunday morning. He wants all the pieces! Every piece of our life is to be lived with the purpose of bringing God the glory. Pastor Scott Disciples Women News The Charity Group will meet on Thursday, March 5th at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. Please read for our next meeting Sarah and Hagar - Genesis 16, 18:1-15, 21:1-21. Bring your lunch to fellowship afterwards. All women are invited! Don't forget to save your ink cartridges for the youth… we can send them in as a fundraiser. Coming Events February 24th - Cabinet Meeting February 24th - Board Meeting February 27th-March 1st - Act 1 Scene 1 Dinner Theatre March 1st - Children/Youth Groups Resume March 5th - Disciples Women Charity Group March 6th - 8th - Act 1 Scene 1 Dinner Theatre March 8th - Daylight Saving Time Begins March 10th - Worship Meeting March 10th - Membership Meeting March 11th - Evergreens’ Covered Dish Lunch March 14th - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast March 15th - Children/Youth Groups March 15th - Sisters of Faith March 16th-20th - Spring Break March 17th - Cabinet Meeting March 29th - Palm Sunday March 29th - Easter Luncheon and Egg Hunt Words cannot express my appreciation to the congregation for the support shown the Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner on Monday February 16 th. From those who stayed on Sunday to help cook, to those who were here to the very end to clean up, you went above and beyond to help make this a success. To those who gave money, and those who provided desserts, to make it possible to feed our guests, thank you so much. The weather was not the best and I really appreciate the members who braved the cold rain to help welcome our officers and make them feel appreciated. I have heard nothing but positive appreciation for our efforts. The office has received some phone calls of appreciation and I have had some personal contacts with big thank yous. You are an awesome group of faithful followers of Christ, each of you is appreciated for praying for our law enforcement officers each day. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I am thinking that 2015 was the First Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner. In Christ Anna Christian camp fIrE By Rev. Miller This past Sunday I was at the Chi Rho Mid-Winter Retreat at First Christian Church Texas City. The group attended worship with FCC-TC on Sunday. Their service is formatted very close to ours by the elements in the service. But they end with the sermon. Their Choir wears robes. They are very laid back and very informal. Different announcements are made throughout the service and there is much interaction within the congregation. It was great to worship with them this past Sunday. I have their bulletin if you would like to take a look at it. We are resuming our Children/Youth Groups this Sunday, March 1st. We will meet from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. please note the time change from last year. Check out the article below for more information on the activity for the day. Look forward to seeing you around the Table this Sunday! In His Service, Scott Children and Youth Groups to Meet Sunday All Children and Youth Groups will meet this Sunday, March 1st at 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be doing a craft on Spring has sprung. Planting will be involved with individual pot plants. This week’s groups will be lead by Alicia and Lance Barnett. We will also have a snack. We will finish at 5:30 p.m. Please note the new time 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Meet in the Fellowship Hall as the Act 1 Scene 1 play will be performing in the Gym. Hope to see you there! Fat Tuesday Report Last Tuesday we held our Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper; thanks to everyone who came out to eat and support our youth. Fun was had by all; plus the food was great. No one went home hungry. We had about 65 people in attendance the weather was a little chilly but the Gym was warm. Thanks to all of those that helped in the kitchen to prepare and to clean-up, you made the evening so much easier. After expenses we brought in $171.65 which will go towards our Youth Activities. Patriot Corner Patriot Corner Protecting the Foundations Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826) was a pioneer American educator, clergyman, geographer, and father of Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph and Morse Code. Jedidiah studied for the ministry at Yale and, in 1789, accepted a call to the First Church of Charlestown, Massachusetts. He was highly alarmed by how far away the clergy had moved from doctrinal orthodoxy and by the influence of European rationalism. In a 1799 sermon “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” he said the following: Our dangers are of two kinds, those which affect our religion, and those which affect our government. They are, however, so closely allied that they cannot, with propriety, be separated . . . . To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation . . . in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom, and approximate the miseries of complete despotism . . . . It follows, that ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them. Patriot Prayer God almighty, forgive my apathy toward spiritual things. Put in my heart a new and lasting passion for You. Patriot Promise “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from him” (Hosea 14:4). Daily devotional book “In God We Still Trust” by Dr. Richard G. Lee. Concerning Our Prayer List We take our privilege of prayer very seriously! If you have a loved one, friend, or acquaintance that needs prayer, we encourage you to fill out a Prayer Request Card (found in the pew pockets) and place it in the offering plate. The name will appear on the next week’s Prayer List. These names remain on the list for 60 days and then drop off. If at the end of that time your person still needs to be on the list, we ask you to place the name on the list again. In an effort to keep our list current, please let us know if the name can be removed before the 60 days are up. Your prayer need is important to our Prayer Warriors. Week of Compassion Offering Update Because of your generosity towards this year’s Week of Compassion Special Offering we will be sending a check for $1,358.00 to the Week of Compassion office. Again we thank you for your generosity to this ministry! Welcome Ethan Sawyer Kutac and Savannah Elise Kutac Ethan was born on Friday, February 20th at 8:10 a.m. He weighed 4 lbs 3 oz and was 17” long. Savannah was born on Friday, February 20th at 8:11 a.m. She weighed 5 lbs 15 oz and was 19” long. Proud parents are Dennis and Angela (Tate) Kutac. Proud grandparents are Don and Dene Tate. Proud great -grandmother is Gerry Tate. Congratulations on your new bundles of joy! First Christian Church 5856 Ninth Avenue Port Arthur, TX 77642 Phone: 409-548-0305 Fax: 409-548-0333 E-Mail: Website: 9:00 a.m. - Sunday School 10:15 a.m. - Worship Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Our Church Staff Rev. Scott Wallace - Senior Minister Rev. Scott Miller - Associate Minister Rev. Sonya Barnett - Minister of Fine Arts and Worship Rev. Joann Richards - Minister of Property and Worship Technology Gussie Richerson - Secretary/Treasurer Sue LeBer - Financial Secretary Allen Green - Building Superintendent Vicki Linthicum - Choir Director Patsy Edmonds - MDO Director PRAYER CONCERNS Bob Anderson, Courtney Anistasio, Deby Antich, Barker Family, James “Chief” Baumgardner, Laurie & David Bawden, Kennadi Bellow, Lisa Bellow, Scott Bergeron, John Bernard, Joe Borne, Bob & Angie Bowers, Terry & David Bowers, Bob Bowling, Patty Bowling, Diane Boyd, Chandler Braquet, Chase Braquet, Daphne Braquet, Jody Cash, Mike Cole, Rick Collida, Lois Copeland, J.D. Crabbs, Tommie Crawford, Dalton Deslatte, Andrew Dixon, Keith Duncan, Lindsey & Colton Durham and Family, Kayla and Joel Dutton, Sharla Evans, Jean Ferdinand, Kelli Ferguson, Norma Forey, Ricky Francis, Blanche Fussell, Keeli Gontarek, Allen Green, Hanks Family, Jesse Hearn, Linda Holbrook, John Holland, Kayla Kay, Hope Kelley, Robbie Kelley, Mike LeBoeuf, Shareen Lee, Mary Lindley, Mattie Londow, Marcelino Lopez, Capri McCrate, Edie McGuire, Josh Melancon, Chantelle Moore, Bess Morris, Hugh Reeder, Ron & Beth Routzon, Irene Schamber, Troy Schamber, Seaman Family, Dick Spencer, Gary Stahlheber, Isabelle Sullivan, Yvonne Sutherlin, Gerry Tate, Gerald Thompson, Mary Thompson, C. J. Trahan, United States of America, VanDevender Family, Kelly VanDevender, Lolly VanDevender, Michael Venegas, Steve Verret, Betty Wallace, John Warden, Jim & Jan Weaver, Laura Willey, Rich Wilson, and Boonlert Wongsuwan Average Monthly Need $22,885.00 ~ February Received-to-Date $19,898.95 Sunday Schedule March 1, 2015 Sermon Title: “Success In Life” Scripture Reader: Patty Bowling (Mark 8:31-38) Greeters: Vicki Linthicum and Mike LeBoeuf Elders: Steve Verret and Debbie Verret Diaconate: Team 1 Communion Preparers: Nancy Blitch, Rose Merriman, and Margaret Blitch Acolytes: Maddie Amburg and Rocky Whitehead Intercessory Prayer: Sonya Barnett Attendance Report February 22, 2015 Sunday School - 53 Worship – 85
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