We are thankful that you are here to worship with us today and we hope you will feel welcome in our faith community. Please record your visit with your name and address in our guest book located in the hall by each door. Large print bulletins Assisting hearing devices for improved sound A supervised nursery for infants and toddlers to age 4 Church School: Beginner, Primary, Junior ages Youth Class meet upstairs after Word with Children Offering envelopes PAR Form (monthly Pre-authorized Remittance) All poor folk and humble, all lame ones who stumble, Come haste ye, nor feel ye afraid; For Jesus our treasure, with love past all measure, In lowly poor manger was laid. *Please stand as you are able. Prelude "Noel huron” -arr Denis Bedard Words of Welcome The Life and Service of the Church The Rev. Bert Radford Introit “One Tiny Babe” Solo: Malcolm Paterson -Raymond Gould Call to Worship *Hymn “Angels, We Have Heard on High” Prayer of Approach and Confession God of time and eternity, You gave us Jesus to share our time - bound lives and to open to us the mysteries and wonder of time eternal. Jesus, You are named Wonderful Councillor and Prince of Peace, come to us in Burlington in this brief moment of time as You came to Bethlehem so long ago. Holy Spirit, gift of God to our troubled world, visit us in these moments of worship and go with us as we journey further into the days to come. Creating, Redeeming, Sustaining God, keep us always in Your love until time shall be no more. Amen. -1- Words of Assurance Solo "Mary, Did You Know” Malcolm Paterson -Mark Lowry The Epistle: Colossians 3: 12-17 L. This is the word of the Lord. P. Thanks be to God. Responsive Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 L: For everything there is a season, P: and a time for every matter under heaven: L: A time to be born, and a time to die. P: a time to mourn, and a time to dance; L: a time to seek, and a time to lose; P: a time to keep, and a time to throw away; L: a time to tear, and a time to sew; P: a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; L: a time to love, and a time to hate; P: a time for war, and a time for peace. All: God has made everything suitable for its time; moreover He has put a sense of past and future into our minds. Thanks be to God. Amen. *Children’s Hymn “Away in a Manger” Word with Children and Prayer The Gospel Lesson: St. Luke 2: 25-40 L: This is the Gospel of Christ. P: Thanks be to God. -2- Meditation “Seeing God’s Salvation” The Rev. Bert Radford Moment for Reflection The Gathering of our Offerings Offertory “Stille Nacht” -Franz Gruber arr. Porter/Carlson *The Presentation of the Offering Grant us Lord, the grace of giving with a spirit large and free that ourselves and all our living we may offer unto thee. Amen. Offertory Prayer The Prayers of the People We pray that those in need, the sick, the grieving, the hurt, will receive God’s special care. “Prayer is the soul’s supreme desire expressed in thought and word.” - James Montgomery The Prayer of Jesus (sung) Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen. -3- *Hymn “O Little Town of Bethlehem” *Commission and Benediction *Choral Blessing “May the Spirit Bless You” May the Spirit bless you, comfort, love and keep you, Shine the light upon you and give you peace. Postlude Vom himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (From Heaven Above to Earth I Come) -J. S. Bach We thank all participants in the service today including Malcolm Paterson, soloist. Greeters: Abby Vista, Dolly Sarsfield Ushers: Wayne Freeman, Marleen Hoolboom Al Stockwell, Nandy Vista Hospitality Team Sound Tech: Tim Mastin Duty Deacon: Shirley Lucken Tellers: Dora Lane, Ken Lloyd Thank you for your Christmas greetings, cards and gifts. How very thoughtful and so much appreciated. All the best and a healthy 2015. -Tracey Gallenger Terry is on holidays until January 1st. We are pleased to have The Rev. Bert Radford conducting worship this morning. Please contact Bert for pastoral emergencies up to January 1�� at home, 905/333-4065. On Sunday, January 18��, Clint Mix, Director of Congregational Health for CBOQ will attend our morning worship service and bring greetings from CBOQ. Following the service, there will be lunch provided and Mr. Mix will be available to answer questions regarding the most recent CBOQ policies and procedures, including toward LGBTQ people. To help in preparation, Mr. Mix has asked that we forward him a list of questions. Please submit questions that you would like answered to Elizabeth Rennie by January 4��. Thank you. The group involved in the Adult Study Class, “The New Testament Part 2”, are reminded that the class will reassemble on Tuesday, January 6, at 1:30 pm for an open discussion on the topics covered in both Parts 1 & 2 of the study. Participant are requested to bring comments and questions in preparation for a lively discussion. If you have assigned numbered envelopes, please pick them up in the foyer today. Thank you. Please sign up in the foyer to be a Sunday greeter in January. 2225 New Street Burlington, Ontario L7R 1J2 905-634-2477 www.burlingtonbaptist.com bbchurch@cogeco.net Sunday Worship Services, 10:30 am Nursery School (3 & under) * During Church Service (Marina Lloyd) Children’s Sunday School & Youth Class (Malcolm Paterson, Miles Ross) *Senior Choir, Thursday, 7 pm (Linda Mourot) *Women’s Study Group (Peggy Kitchen) Jessie Woelfle Mission Circle, Second Monday bi-monthly, 1:30 pm Circle of Care Second Wed. of month, 11:45 am (Rev. Terry Dempsey, Liz Donaldson, Marleen Hoolboom, Dolly Sarsfield, Marg Warriner) *Living the Word: Activities (TBA) Monday, 7 pm (Shirley Lucken) *Friendship Group Fourth Tuesday of month, 10 am (Doreen Jervis, Walter Mulkewich, Mo Thomas) *Wellness Committee Presentations (TBA) Community Dinners Outreach Provided one Friday each month by 'BBC & Friends' (Ella Wilbur) * Indicates September - June Wellness Workshops Adult Bible Study Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Lenten Series Study Easter Sunday/Sunrise Service Cabaret Youth Service, June Church Family Picnic, June Vacation Bible School BBQ & Corn Roast Welcome Sunday, September Church Anniversary, October Family Christmas Dinner, Dec. 6th Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm Minister: The Rev. Terry Dempsey, B.A. B.Ed. M.A. M.Div. Tuesday - Friday Director of Music: Linda Mourot, B.Ed. B.A. M.A. Office Administrator: Tracey Gallenger Tuesday - Friday, 9 am - 2 pm
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