All are invited to the 10th Annual Harmonies Hymn Sing this evening, March 22, at 6:30 pm at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church. The theme is Sing Spring! and features a lively journey through the seasons in song. Prayers and Praise of the Congregation Nancy Mast has been diagnosed with brain cancer. They are working at a treatment plan. Joe and Nancy are deeply grateful for your prayers and concern during this time. To know Jesus, to be like Him, to make Him known. We continue to pray for those who are managing a variety of health issues and ask for a sense of God's healing, encouraging, and loving presence to be felt. We lift up in prayer Janette Wenger, Ken Denlinger, Melissa Peifer, Leona Oberholtzer, Alma Brackbill, Nancy Mast, Judy Hoover, and Mary Lefever. 8:30….Coffee & Fellowship 9:00….Sunday School Many in our congregation have experienced the recent loss of loved ones. For those who are in the midst of these losses, we ask for God's comforting presence to be felt. We especially pray for DebbiSue Hoover, whose father passed away this week. “Thank you so much for the shower of birthday cards for my mother, Beatrice Hess, who turned 90 last week. She was thrilled by each of you who remembered her. Though she misses attending the services at Mellinger (due to physical limitations), she follows activities ardently on the webpage, listens to the audio services and reads all materials from her church mailbox." Liz Hess THANK YOU for your financial support for MYF356!! We are excited that we have raised our first fruits in the amount of $5,000! This money will be used to bless others who are struggling financially to come to Mennonite World Conference. Now we need to raise about $13,000 for our youth! God is good! Ministry Team Joe Miller……………………………...……..808.2417 Lead Pastor Ministry of Mission and Evangelism Joanne Kuniholm……………………...….381.7938 Minister of Congregational Life Leon Oberholtzer…………………………..393.7747 Minister of Congregational Life Andrea Brubaker……………….…….......665.7696 Minister of Worship Brenda Weaver……………………………..725-9800 Interim Youth Coordinator Lynelle Kreider................ ………......283.7986 Minister of Christian Education Jared Erb ...................................... 490.6888 Preaching Team Roger Weaver ............................... 725.2984 Preaching Team Ray Leaman - Deacon .................... 392.7745 Durelle Leaman ............................. 471.2541 Music Assistant Dorothy Nickles…………………………...209.7156 Administrative Assistant Jane Mininger……………………………...397.1772 Secretary Mellinger Mennonite Church 1916 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 17602 717.397.9360 - March 22, 2015 Welcome and Prayer.............................................. Christian Peifer Announcements Congregational Singing Offering and Congregational Prayer ..................... Joanne Kuniholm Scripture…………………...Acts 4:1-22 ............................ Doug Landis Acts 4:20 - For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. Message ................. From Bolted to Bold…………….Pastor Joe Miller Song of Response Benediction This Week: Sunday: MYF356 Soup ‘n Salad after worship service 7-9 pm - MYF356/Lighthouse Monday: 1 pm - Tricentennial Committee Meeting Tuesday: 7-8 pm - Lifetree Café - Be Happy Wednesday: 6:15-7 pm - Cherub Choir Rehearsal 7-8 pm - Adult Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal Saturday: 7-10 pm - Emmaus Road Café - Shelleen Upcoming Events: March 26 March 29 2:30 pm - Landis Homes Bible Fellowship Noon - Torchbearer Bike Hike Save the Date: April April April April April April April April 2 10-12 12 14 18 19 19 25 Maundy Thursday Communion Service Male Mentor/Mentee Retreat Membership Exploration Gathering 6-8 pm - JGAs visiting at Landis Homes Christian Service Class Retreat Membership Exploration Gathering 6:30 pm - Special Music Night MYF Surprise Activity March 15, 2015 Offering: Congregational Ministries Online Giving Missions (EMM) Online Giving Total Received Musical rehearsals for Easter: (Sign up sheets in the foyer) Adult Choir 7-8 pm March 25 & Apr. 1 (7-8:30 pm) Cherub Choir 6:15-7 pm March 25, Apr. 1 Ensemble 7-8 pm March 25, Apr. 1 (7-8:30 pm) Membership Exploration If you would like to explore becoming a member here at Mellinger, Pastor Joe is offering two Sunday gatherings after worship. These gatherings are a way to hear more about our church family and to consider if making a commitment to the church family is something you would value. You are free to choose which Sunday suits your schedule. A noon meal will be provided. The dates are April 12 and April 19. A sign-up sheet is in the lobby. Hosts Families Needed I have organized a tour for up to 30 people that is connected to Mennonite World Conference. The tour is focused on visiting Mellinger family farms. Would you be interested in hosting tour guests for the nights of Friday, July 17; Saturday, July 18, and Sunday, July 19? We are also looking forward to these guests being in worship with us Sunday morning, July 19. Hosts would provide breakfast and bring their guest(s) to the church by 8 am and pick them up around 7:30 pm each day. A sign-up sheet is in the lobby to indicate your openness to hosting. An overview of the tour is also available in the lobby. The nursery is seeking caring volunteers to help in the nursery on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Lydia Risser, the new Nursery Committee Leader. To sign up to volunteer online go to, type in Lydia's email address, ( and follow the directions listed. Thank you! $ 7,038.40 745.00 80.00 125.00 The Mellinger Affinity Group registration will begin this morning! Many of the existing groups are going strong and will continue through the 2015-2016 year. New groups will be added and we are open for suggestions! Please contact Joanne Kuniholm if you have an idea for an Affinity Group. $ 7,988.40 The Home Repair Affinity Group is ready to help with any minor home repair projects you may have. To enlist their help, please fill out a form found in the Home Repair Affinity Group mailbox, located at the mailbox station in the foyer. Simply fill out a form, place it back in their mailbox, and wait for their call! It’s that easy! This morning our offering will go toward congregational ministries unless otherwise designated. The Penny Power Jug is in the church foyer. All our donations will be matched up to $50,000. Don’t forget to bring your “pennies” for the jug. The Game Night originally scheduled for this evening has been cancelled due to the rescheduling of Frosty Fellowship Game Night to last Sunday. Please join us on April 26 for our next Game Night! Community Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be held on Palm Sunday, March 29, at Plain and Fancy Farm Restaurant, Bird-In-Hand. Call David Buckwalter, 717-471-4075, for reservations ($11.00). Connections is for women of all ages and meets on Tuesday mornings. This week Pam Armstrong will be sharing the mission at CVCCS, For Such a Time as This.
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