WAYSIDE PULPIT “To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.” —Anonymous ALL SOULS WEEKLY BULLETIN DECEMBER 21 - 27, 2014 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Childcare Children’s Prog. Youth Prog. 10:00 a.m. Traditional Service Sunday Circle Circulo Dominical Understanding the Bible Coming of Age (9th Gr.) 10:50 a.m. Congregational Meeting 11:30 a.m. Contemporary Ser. The Point Sunday Circle 1:00 p.m. Communion YAVE YUUTs 2:30 p.m. Camp Fire: Little Stars 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir YRUU WATCH THE TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY SERVICES LIVE! Live Stream allsoulschurch.org/live Please park at BOK at 33rd & Peoria. The Shuttle runs 9:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. A second lot is available on 33rd. The last shuttle leaves at 1:15 p.m. Thank you for being considerate of our volunteer drivers. 10:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:30 a.m. Humanist Service, The Point SOLSTICE Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister In this season when our current culture bombards us with commercialism, consumerism, and Christian ardor, let us take a moment to step out of the clamor and remember the solstice and how nature is a source of our renewal and hope. People in ancient times were much more connected to the cycles of nature. They spent more time outside. They cultivated the earth on a daily basis, had substantially fewer conveniences and comforts so that the seasons had an even more essential and inexorable influence on their lives. Winter solstice was an important time of celebration and had a role in helping people face their fears with hope and joy. Join us as we celebrate the solstice this Sunday. 11:30 a.m. Contemporary Service BRIDGING BETWEEN HOPES AND DREAMS Bishop Carlton Pearson King Solomon of old wrote: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy.” Proverbs 13:12 One of the kindest most gracious wishes people give to someone they admire or care for is, “May all your hopes and dreams come true”. There is a strange, usually strained and direct connection between hopes and dreams. They are not one and the same thing, but strongly associated. To hope is to expect. To dream is to imagine. We can learn to imagine what we expect and expect what we imagine. We must not only build, but be the bridge between the two. Lets talk about effective and productive ways of doing that. It is powerfully possible! THE OFFERING WILL GO TO NEIGHBOR FOR NEIGHBOR. What’s happening with your fellow church members? CONGREGATIONAL MEETING All voting members of the congregation are needed at the Congregational Meeting Sunday, December 21 at 10:50 a.m. in Emerson Hall. The 2015 budget will be presented and voted on during this meeting. It will be posted beforehand and members of the Board of Trustees and staff will be available beginning at 9:30 a.m. to answer questions. TRANSITIONS Condolences to Kathleen and Charlie Plumb, Joe and Nora, on the loss of Kathleen’s mother, former Channing Preschool teacher Ann Dowell Barry on Nov. 17. Condolences to Resident Minister, David Ruffin and family on the loss CHRISTMAS COMMUNION If you have never attended communion service at All Souls, you of his uncle, Robert (Bobby) Ruffin, may find it incredibly refreshing in its inclusiveness and depth who died on December 7. of meaning. Join us December 21 in the Chapel immediately Condolences to member Nicole following the Contemporary service for a new communion Ogundare and family on the loss of experience. her father, Gilbert Warren, who died on December 8. CANDLELIGHT SERVICES Dec. 24, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 p.m. All services include traditional readCondolences to member Stacey ings and carols, with Cherubs at 4:30, Children’s Choir at 6:00, Craig and Glen Craig, on the loss of and Youth Choir at 7:30. his cousin, Lena Mae Smith, who died December 14 at the age of 101 NEW YEAR, NEW GROUND Dec. 31, 5:00 p.m. All services include traditional readings and ½ years old. carols, with Cherubs at 4:30, Children’s Choir at 6:00, and Youth Choir at 7:30. WEDNESDAY CONNECTIONS KICKOFF Join us Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 5:30 p.m. for our Wednesday Connections Kick-off Dinner Theater. We will begin the evening with a delicious shared meal, then enjoy the improvisational poetic, storytelling, and musical stylings of some of our most talented poets, storytellers, and musicians – and friends – at the first All Souls WedCon AS IS Slam! Bring the family and see what happens. Wednesday Connections classes resume Jan. 14. P.I.E. WISH TREE Partners In Education annual Wish Trees fulfill holiday wishes of teachers in our three partner schools! Select one or more stars from the trees in the church foyer to provide materials, supplies, books, and more for their classrooms. *Please purchase the gift(s), wrap it, (then tape the star to the package so they know where to deliver it) and return to the church. Classes to help prospective members learn about our faith. SHUTTLE BUS DRIVERS NEEDED We need your help! Volunteers are needed to drive shuttles from 11:30-1:30 on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month. Please contact Rachael Hunsucker at RHunsucker@allsoulschurch.org to sign up. VOLUNTEER IN THE MEMORIAL GARDENS WITH CHEF SHANE! Volunteer to help Chef Shane in the All Souls Memorial Gardens Mondays 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. (except the fourth Monday of the month). Just show up and bring whatever small garden tools you have! Contact Shane at chef@AllSoulsChurch.org if you would like to work on larger projects. END OF YEAR GIVING The church welcomes your end of year gifts to Operating! For end-of-year gifts to be tax deductible in 2014, they must be received at the church by Dec. 31. The office will be open until 5:30 p.m. If you cannot get to the church before then, please contact Kathy Keith at 918.743.2363, ext. 316, Fran Younger, ext. 331 or Rachael Hunsucker, ext. 326 to make delivery arrangements. YOUR GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE Thank you for Gifting! Thanks to all who have given in 2014, and to all who have pledged for 2015. The 2015 pledges will fund the budget proposed at the congregational meeting at 10:50 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 21. Pledge cards are available in the pew backs, the foyer, and online. AllSoulsChurch.org/GIVE ALL SOULS 101 A three-week orientation to All Souls. All prospective members are encouraged to take this class. The next All Souls 101 series will be Jan. 4, 11, 18 at 10:00 a.m. in room 206. ROOTS (History & Theology) A three-class series that presents an opportunity to get to know our ministers, gain an overview of All Souls’ background, and glimpse into the history of Unitarian Universalism. The next ROOTS series will be Feb. 4, 11, 18. at 7:00 p.m. in room 206. BECOME A MEMBER A one-time class on the first Sunday of the month, identifying where your gifts and passions can serve the church, and concluding with an opportunity to join. The next opportunities to join are Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 after each service in Sonen Library. 2952 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74114 allsoulschurch.org Connect with us online to stay updated and keep in touch. ALL SOULS allsoulschurch.org FACEBOOK facebook.com/allsoulstulsa TWITTER twitter.com/AllSoulsTulsa GOOGLE+ google.com/+AllSoulsUnitarian YOUTUBE youtube.com/AllSoulsUnitarian INSTAGRAM instagram.com/allsoulstulsa PODCAST allsoulschurch.libsyn.com LIVE STREAM allsoulschurch.org/live non-profit org. U.S. Postage Paid Tulsa, OK Permit No. 21 Time sensitive information, please deliver promptly. WANT TO INCLUDE AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN PARISH NOTES? If you would like to include an announcement for your group or for an upcoming event in Parish Notes, please contact Sheba Sanders at announcements@allsoulschurch.org or 918.743.2805 ext. 305.
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