FOLLOWING CHRIST Discipling / Equipping / Serving TO THE GLORY OF GOD! Family News Welcome Antenor & Phyllis! Prayer Requests Announcements Antenor and Phyllis Goncalves, longtime mission partners of the Granbury Church of Christ, touch hundreds of lives as they minister to people, not only in their local church of over 300 in the city of Itu, but across the entire nation of Brazil. Their ministry includes producing Christian television and radio programs which are aired across Brazil and throughout the world online, speaking at retreats and workshops on such topics as marriage, family, spiritual renewal, and leadership, and conducting annual events such as Vacation Bible School, Camp Roots, and Family Day. God has used the many talents of this dedicated couple to make a lasting impact for Him throughout the world. Members in Hospital & Rehab Alma Gilliam – Granbury Villa, Bobbie Van Liew - HealthSouth Rehab VBS is coming soon, June 8 -12. You may sign up in your Sunday morning classrooms or at the VBS Information table in the Gym. Volunteers are also needed. It takes lots of volunteers to make VBS fun for all involved. Volunteers can sign up in classrooms or the Information table as well. This past week Antenor and Phyllis spoke at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures in California and have stopped by here to worship with us before traveling back to Brazil. Antenor will be speaking in both assemblies this morning regarding our identity and mission as a church. Be sure to give Antenor and Phyllis a warm GCOC welcome! Jan Knox Members Don Drake, Helen Lockett, Caroline Monday, Mary Beth Moore, Michael O’Dell, Harold Renninger, Jane Thompson, Bonnie Vance, Don Wiggins Relatives/Friends Eric Austin, Charmaine Boone, Jared Dear, Hanna Darden, Cindy Horn, Lillian Jeffries, Tom McClelen, Gil and Becky Sanchez, James Stone, Lou Seckler, Ronnie Vance Sympathy A Memorial Service for Clar a Sandel was Saturday. To the family of George Milligan, former member of the congregation. His memorial service was Wednesday. Thank You Elder Resignation The following announcement was made by the Elders in the morning assemblies last week: It is with sad but understanding hearts that the Elders announce that David Wims has resigned as an elder. David has served in the role of elder since 2003, and we will miss his wise counsel in the eldership. As a result of our reduced number, the Elders are undertaking a process to identify additional qualified men to help lead this congregation. We will share more about that in the weeks to come. Mike Blevins For the Elders A very big “thanks” to ever yone for the cards, calls, visits, and especially the prayers. Everything is coming along well, at least when I don’t push too hard. Another couple of months should do it for recovery. In Him, Michael O’Dell Bridal Shower Honoring Caitlyn McCoy on Sunday, May 17, from 2:00pm-3:30pm at the Donahoos’ home, 4479 Acton Hwy. T.J. & Caitlyn are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond, Pottery Barn & The Panhandle. Wednesday Night Diner – May 13, 5:00pm – 6:00pm. The White Plate Special includes Smothered Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, California Mixed Vegetables, Salad, Dessert and Drink for $5. Kid-friendly menu of Chicken Tenders or Individual Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni) or Salad is also available for $1 each. Kids’ Armor of Hope is r equesting monetary donations to help purchase materials for fleece blankets for the RFKC campers this year. See Pinkie Jeffries to donate or for questions. Come explore the world of Christian Education! Cor ner stone Chr istian Academy is hosting an open house and Information on Enrollment for Preschool (ages 2 - 4 year olds) through 12th grade. Come and Go, Tuesday, May 12, from 9:30am-11:30am or 5:00pm-7:00pm Cherokee Home for Children needs your help! They are in desperate need for married Christian couples from their 20s and up to serve the children at Cherokee as direct-care staff (houseparents). They offer a very comfortable housing, insurance, and benefit package along with a schedule that allows for up to 15 full weeks off per year. Call Executive Director, Delton McGuire, at 325-372-7621 or find out more about the home and get an application package on the website at Foster’s Home Workday – May 12 - Meet at the church building at 8:30am, travel to Foster’s Home and work for the houseparents cooking, etc. Lunch for the workers will be provided by Foster’s Home. The van will return around 1:30pm. If you plan to go this month to help, please call Glenda Fry at 817-573-3244. Men4God Remember! - Come this Satur day, May 16, from 8:00am – 3:00pm for a great day of fellowship working together to tidy up the grounds of the church. All men are needed and encouraged to participate. Please bring mowers, fuel, trimmers, chainsaws, reciprocating saws, pole saws, axes, blowers, gloves, trailers and trucks to assist in this effort. Water and lunch (hamburgers and hotdogs) will be provided, so for us to have an accurate count, please RSVP by signing up in Bible class or contacting Rodney Welch (817-964-0894), Brian Blevins (817-573-1232) or Ronnie Roberts (817-219-2300) by Thursday. When you sign up, please indicate what tools you will bring to assist in this project. Thank you in advance for your participation. Motherly Love New Wednesday Night Classes - May 6 - June 3 Remembering Our Roots: History of the Church of Christ in Hood County Chris Frizzell ~ Room 5 At the Crossroads: Discerning God’s Will Jan Knox ~ Room 7, Ladies’ Class Looking to Eternity: Realities of Heaven and Hell Tom Rickey ~ Room 30 Mothers of infants through kindergarteners - J oin us for our first session of Motherly Love on Thursday, June 4, from 6:00 8:30pm, at the home of Marsha Gilbert, 1540 Boyd Rd. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Ginger McCall or Heather Blevins by Sunday, May 31. Attendance Report In the Spotlight Sunday, May 3 May 10, 2015 Encouraging Our Young Mothers On this special day dedicated to mothers across our nation, the following letter, written by Christian author Casandra Martin on her blog, The Jesus Resolution, is shared here with thanksgiving for our young mothers at GCOC and the prayer that they will never give up planting and nurturing seeds of faith in the fertile, impressionable hearts of their most treasured gifts from God. Dear young mother, I watched you today in worship. You spent the hour doling out cheerios, retrieving toys, quieting babies, and dealing with a tantrum. You looked around a little embarrassed, hoping, but not believing, that no one noticed the mess surrounding your pew. You shook your head, whispering that maybe it just isn’t worth it right now. Maybe when they are older or you have it more together, you can make it all work. Please look in my eyes and hear this truth. I watched you in worship today and praised God for you. I thanked God for your commitment to bring your children into God’s presence and introduce them to worship. You inspired me, challenged me, stretched me, and humbled me with your deep love and searching heart. You reminded me of Jesus’ love for children and His command that my faith needs to find its mirror in the face of your little ones. Happy Mother’s Monday: 5/11 - Have humility toward one another. 1 Peter 5:5 Tuesday: 5/12 - Submit to one another . Ephesians 5:21 Wednesday: 5/13 - Instr uct one another . Romans 15:14 Thursday: 5/14 - Sharpen one another. Proverbs 27:17 GCOC Mission Statement Following Christ to the Glory of God * Pursuing Unity * Serving the Community * Extending the Kingdom 197 10:45 am Assembly 325 Worship Assembly Total 522 Sunday pm Assembly 70 Life Groups 27 Connections Groups nc Sunday pm Total 97 Total Committed $203,000.00 Total Contributed $158,568.00 $44,432.00 Schedule of Services Saturday: 5/16 - Be gentle & patient with one another. Ephesians 4:2 * 8:15 am Assembly Yet to Come Friday: 5/15 - Spur one another on. Hebrews 10:24 Honoring the Word 394 Harvest Sunday Report Sunday Morning Worship 8:15am & 10:45am Sunday Morning Bible Class 9:30am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pm Sunday Spanish-speaking Bible Class 4:00pm Sunday Spanish-speaking 5:00pm Worship Following Christ to the Glory of God Worship Leader – John Duty GOD GATHERS HIS PEOPLE… #744 God’s Family Body Life - Call to Worship - Tribute to Mothers John Knox GOD’S PEOPLE CELEBRATE FAMILIES AND NEW LIFE... I’m Happy Today Kids’ Time Kevin Brown #1014 Jesus Loves Me Wednesday Evening 6:30pm Elders Mike Blevins Ronnie Roberts David Casey Ike Sawyer Joe Daugherty Bob Spies Mike Gilbert Ira Wright Billy Martin GRANBURY PROCLAIMER (USPS 046-190) Periodicals My Jesus Resolution today is to cheer on a young mom. Little ones grow up so fast, and it doesn’t take long to forget the courage and commitment it requires to get small children to church. I want to slow down, hug a young mom, and whisper to her heart that God sees, knows, and is blessing her efforts. I want to be able to listen to a baby’s fussing and hear faith growing. I want you to know, young mom, that you are doing great. The seeds you are planting today will someday bloom into something that will take your breath away as you watch them grow up to look like Jesus. Sunday: 5/10 - Honor one another . Romans 12:10 Granbury Proclaimer Volume 36 Issue 19 Editors: Rita Powell & Jan Knox Granbury Church of Christ 1905 W. Pearl St. Granbury, Tx 76048-0396 Office: (817)573-2613 Fax: (817)573-2966 E-mail:janknox@gr anbur or I know these days are hard. You spend more time walking in and out than sitting and listening. Worship days mess up their schedule, interfere with bedtimes, and make for cranky Mondays. Please believe me when I tell you that what you are doing is so worth the investment. You may not see it in the midst of disrupted naps and lost shoes, but every time you faithfully make worship a priority, you are writing His glory into the story of your children’s lives. You are giving them a foundation that will not be easily broken, a framework that will help them build a faith that will stand for a lifetime. 2015: Living Our Mission Sunday Bible Class Introduction of the Families Parents’ Commitment Congregational Commitment ELDERS’ PRAYER FOR GOD’S BLESSINGS… Ira Wright GOD’S PEOPLE OFFER PRAISE... Ministry Staff #432 How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts? Kevin Brown Children’s/Family Minister GOD SPEAKS TO US THROUGH HIS WORD… Harold Durham Minister of Community Services John Duty Worship and Body Life Minister Michael Grayson Youth Minister Mark Hackney Administrative Minister John Knox Preaching Minister Introduction of the Speaker John Knox Sermon: Our Identity and Our Mission Antenor Goncalves GOD’S PEOPLE RESPOND… Mighty to Save GOD INVITES US TO HIS TABLE… How Deep the Father’s Love The Lord’s Supper Prayers 8:15 Ronnie Clark/10:45 Frank Odom GOD’S PEOPLE BRING OFFERINGS… Contribution Prayer 8:15 Ronnie Clark/10:45 Frank Odom #711 Blest Be the Tie That Binds GOD SENDS US TO LOVE AND SERVE… Benediction Prayer Day! 8:15 Winston Nickel/10:45 Oliver Bodden
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