Items of Interest PLEASE CHECK YOU MAILBOX!! “THANK YOU, CHURCH FAMILY for all of the prayers raised and heartfelt expressions of condolence that have been shared with me after my Dad fell asleep in Jesus December 4. Your support and love is truly a blessing to me and my family.” Doug Woods and family THE WISE MEN “saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold, and of incense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11 NIV. To this day wise men, women, and children seek the Messiah King, and they gratefully share their treasures with Him, so everyone, everywhere can learn the greatest Good News ever! COMMUNITY SERVICES needs your help with food for those in need in our community—dry cereal, small packages of rice, canned fruit, such as peaches (we have plenty of applesauce and cranberries), boxed meals, such as Hamburger Helper, cooking oil and snack and breakfast bars. Thank you. THANK YOU !!! to all who prayed for or in any way helped with Follow the Star! God blessed many through your efforts. You are invited to a potluck celebration, 5:30 Saturday, January 17, at the Gladstone Conference Center Cafeteria. Come and celebrate what God has done. MAY GOD BLESS YOU NOW AND IN THE COMING YEAR December 20, 2014 To those Who Worship Here Gladstone Park Seventh-day Adventist Church December 20, 2014 The Church at Study 8:50 a.m.—10:35 a.m. 8:50—Brunch in the Group Ministry Room 9:20—Christmas Sabbath School with Stark Family Lesson Study Pianist—Rocelia Holmes The Church at Worship 10:45 a.m. — 12:15 a.m. TODAY After Church—Please join us for a Fellowship Lunch SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.—Breakfast at O’Bryant Park THURSDAY—Christmas Day FAMILY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Remember— Jesus is the reason for the season NEXT SABBATH —”Meet and Greet” 11:00 a.m.— Personal Ministries After Church – Hospitality Fellowship Lunch hosted by Doug/Kim & Chris/Montica (SEE INSERT) COMING EVENTS January 5—Church Board Meeting January 17—Follow the Star Potluck February 6—Evangelistic Series with Jason Worf Presiding Elder—Bob Durbin Gladstone Giving Local Church Budget Big Lake Youth Camp Combined Budget suggested giving guide is 3% of income Monthly Combined Budget Combined Budget Received through December 13 Funds received for Fellowship Hall through December 13 Total funds received for Fellowship Hall in 2014 Sabbath Rest Ends Today: 4:29p.m. Sabbath Rest Begins Next Week: 4:33 p.m. Church Calendar OFFICE—- will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday GLADSTONE Offering Today Offering Next Week We are glad that you are worshiping with us today, and we invite you to return often. We are here because we need spiritual support, and respond to Christ who said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” It is our prayer that you will find Christ here this morning as you join us in this hour of worship. We trust you will find us friendly, caring, and wanting to know you better. Also, Pastor Bob would be glad to visit personally with you today or at another time. His contact information is below. $9,940.00 $4,727.40 $1,706.00 $95,455.59 Gladstone Park Contact Information 8378 Cason Rd. Church Office—503-655-2614 Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10-2; Thursday 10-3 Bob Uhrig—Pastor Cell Number 503-475-5946 Dona O’Daniel—Secretary Home Number 503-824-2929 Church E-mail— Pastor’s E-mail— Website— Webmaster email address: Christmas Sabbath Program - December 20, 2014 Prelude "Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella " Kim Huey Announcements & Welcome Christmas Chimes Doug Woods Caroling Opening Song The Burville Family & Friends "Angels From the Realms of Glory" Morning Scripture: Luke 2:8-16 P.119 Michaelynn, Zack and Ryan Paul Morning Prayer / Amen Offering Burt and Charla Pooley Offertory: "Ding Dong Merrily on High" Rocelia Holmes & Kim Huey Song: "Away in a Manger" Bryson Sander & Treena Gribble Song: "When Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" Song: "What Child is This?" Beginners, Kindergarten & Primary Connie Andrews & Melissa Christensen Song: "Wind Through the Olive Trees" Renee' , Shanna, & Lorna Huey Story: "Christmas in the Mission Field" Don Lorenson Song: "When Love Was Born" Jim Reynolds Song: "Winter Snow" Summer Fiore Skit: "The Best Christmas Gift Ever" Song: "We three Kings" Song: "O Come All Ye Faithful" Juniors, Earliteens & Youth Men Of Praise Wally Christensen, Doug Woods, Chris Keene, Matt Ballard Jeff Beals & Gloria Perry Reading: "Aria" Sue Wyman Song: "O Holy Night" Chris Keene Song: "Do You Hear What I Hear?" Grace Dow & Matt Ballard Closing Thoughts: "A Christmas Wish and Prayer" Closing Song: Closing Prayer: Carol Response Postlude: "In Excelsis Deo" "Joy to the World" Valena McEvers P. 125 Bob and Geri Wytcherly The Burville Family & Friends Rocelia Holmes and Kim Huey Place your gift in a Tithe Envelope and mark it specifically for the Fellowship Hall. Each $10.00 donated will hang a new snowflake on the tree. Every gift can be a tax deduction. *Amount does not include Audio/Visual needs.
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