Duncan Christian Reformed Church 930 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia,

Duncan Christian Reformed Church
930 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 2S1
November 23, 2014
Walt Vanderwerf, Pastor
Child care for infants to 3 is located in
the wing to the right of the sanctuary.
Henry Vanderschaaf,
Leader of Congregational Life
Sunday school children 3 years to
grade 3 are dismissed part way
through the service and return during
the service.
Office: 250 748-2122
Church Hall: 250 748-2109
Fax: 250 748-2365
Office E-mail:
Church Website: www.duncancrc.org
The prayer room is staffed before and
after the morning service.
Hearing assistance is available upon
request from the usher.
10 am Worship Service
Song: Everlasting God
Welcome/God's Greeting
Song: Great Are You Lord
Song: Not What My Hands Have Done
#260 / Not By Might
Song: Good To Me
Song: Great Is Thy Faithfulness #556
Children Dismissed
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Church Ministries
Pastor Henry Jonker will bring the
Message “When You Have Eaten and are
Satisfied” from Deuteronomy 8:10-18 (pg
Song: Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult
Song: Jesus Messiah
Service Notes:
Deuteronomy 8:11,17,18
Be careful that you do not forget the Lord
your God, failing to observe his commands,
his laws and his decrees that I am giving
you this day.
You may say to yourself, “My power and
the strength of my hands have produced
this wealth for me.” But remember the
Lord your God, for it is he who gives you
the ability to produce wealth, and so
confirms his covenant, which he swore to
your ancestors, as it is today.
7 pm Worship Service
Song: Amid the Thronging Worshipers
Welcome/God's Greeting
Song: Praise The Lord with the Sound of
Trumpet #569
Song: Blessed Be Your Name
Song: Breathe
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Deacon Fund
Pastor Kerry McIntyre will bring the
Message “Drawing Close to God through
the Psalms of Lament” from Psalm 6 (pg
846), Psalm 130 (pg 969), Psalm 143 (pg
Song: Out of the Depths I Cry #655 (Red
Song: To God Be the Glory #473
Service Notes:
Psalm 130:1-4
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;
Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
Duncan CRC
As followers of Jesus, we are Christian, being His presence in the world, receiving His life.
We are Reformed seeking first God’s Kingdom and righteousness.
We are Church living in our neighbourhoods, being a light in the darkness, enabled by the
power of Jesus to serve and love.
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have
received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and
one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one
baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6
Church Family
We thank God for the deacon dinner for the
single and single again crowd.
We pray for the congregational meeting
tomorrow night. May the Lord give
us the Spirit of unity as we hear what He is up
to among us, and as we wrestle with the
realities we face as a congregation.
We keep praying for those dealing daily with
physical limitations.
Please pray for our shut-ins
Joanna D - Cerwydden
Grada R - Cairnsmore
Sadie W - Cairnsmore
Dorothy vB
Birthdays this Week
Sunday, November 23: Miriam P
Tuesday, November 25: Rijk V, Alanna W,
Seth P
Wednesday, November 26: Norm B, Nettie
Thursday, November 27:
Sheri A
Friday, November 28:
Katrina B
Saturday, November 29:
Grace K
Worship Services today
This morning we welcome Pastor Henry
Jonker and in the evening Pastor Kerry
The offering this morning is for Church
The offering in the evening is for the Deacon
Next Sunday November 30
Today is the first day of Advent.
The offering next Sunday morning will be
for Church Ministries.
The offering in the evening will be for
Church Ministries.
Monthly Mission Moment
Monthly Mission Moment: Missionaries in
Mexico will be assisting at a youth retreat
this weekend. At the event, 100 young people
living near Mexico City will hear testimonies
from a local missionary and explore God’s
Word. Pray that this event will be an effective
way to encourage young people in their walk
of faith.
Congregational Meeting Tomorrow!
GEMS At Evening’s Ease this Tues.
Come young and older to the Fall
Congregational Meeting tomorrow evening,
Monday, November 24 at 7 pm. Council
members will be supplying refreshments!
On Tuesday, November 25, the GEMS girls
will be coming through Evening's Ease to
collect non-perishable food items for the
Christmas hamper to be given to a needy
family. They'll be coming through around
7-7:30 pm. Please be prepared to give.
Thanks so much!!
Sandy Veenstra’s Christmas Social
On Wednesday, November 26, Sandy V's
Care Group will have a Christmas social at
the Veenstra's starting at 5:30 pm. Please
bring an appetizer to share and please call
Sandy to confirm if you're coming. Everyone
is welcome! Looking forward to seeing you
Community Dinner Help Needed!
THIS Saturday is our monthly free hot meal
for those in our community going through
hard times. At this colder time of the year it
is especially important for us to reach out
and help with a hot meal and a warm place
to sit for awhile. If you have a few hours to
spare this Saturday it would be great to have
you come and join the team who work hard
to make this meal possible. Set up and
cooking in the kitchen begin at 2 p.m.,
serving at 5 p.m. and clean up at 5:30 p.m. It
is a blessing to serve this way and work
together. There will be a job for you – so
please consider coming to help! Thanks!
From the Worship Committee
For our Christmas Eve service this year
the worship committee would like to invite
YOU to participate with a favourite
Christmas poem, song (vocal /
instrumental), or by sharing your memories
of a Christmas that was special to you. If you
are too shy to do a solo, ask some friends to
join you! Please let Henry know what you
plan to share with the congregation by
December 14.
Advent 2014
Advent 2014: "Heaven invades Earth."
Throughout the Bible we see a consistent
pattern: God sends from heaven His help
and guidance. We see it especially so in the
coming of the Messiah. We'll be exploring
that Coming out of Matthew 1, 2 & 3, seeing
how God's Ways are not ours, and how He
continues to surprise and make right what
has gone wrong. "Oh, that you would rend
the heavens and come down, that the
mountains would tremble before you!" (Isa
64:1). Pray that God will continue to send
from heaven His good news today.
“Blaze, Spirit, Blaze
Join us for our Sunday Morning ignite gatherings!
We meet from 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready at 8:20) in the Fireside Room.
Tuesday Prayer this week
We will pray together this Tuesday at 7 pm at the church. Everyone is welcome and see you
Forward in Faith Ladies Bible Study this Wed. At 10 am
We will study Lesson 4 from our Peter Booklet with the Bible Reading from Matthew 26:31-75.
Duncan Christian School Annual Christmas Bazaar.
Mark your calendar and come join us on Friday, December 12 from 2 - 7 pm. Handcrafted
items; numerous vendors, scholastic book sales, fun fair, white elephant sale, and much more!
Don”t forget to join us for dinner as well.
Also, pick up your rookworst, orders. Order forms are available in your mailslots or by
contacting Carol K. Thank you for your support of Christian Education!
Fundraising for Pastor Keith Davies & Gill of Lifestyle Ministries International
Moringa Tea can be purchased in the office for $30.00 a box and will help support the various
ministries of Lifestyle Ministries International.
The 2014/2015 Gift Catalogues are in your
mailslots and on the Literature Racks in the
Look through the catalogue and make gift
donations as individuals, families and even
through Bible study groups or any group!
World Renew works in areas of the world where hope can be hard to find. Ever deepening
cycles of poverty, disease, and injustice lead to environments where a better tomorrow no
longer seems possible. We partner with more than 84 churches and organizations to work in
26 countries around the world, helping over 850,000 people overcome illiteracy, hunger,
malnutrition, unemployment, HIV and AIDS, child mortality, injustice, and more. In addition,
we helped 750,000 people recover and rebuild their lives after disaster. World Renew reaches
out in the name of Jesus to help people find lasting ways to experience renewal for their lives
and their communities.
If interested in giving, complete the order form at the back of the catalogue and make a
cheque out to World Renew. Your cheque and order form can be placed in the church offering
plate or mailed directly to World Renew. Or donate online at worldrenewgifts.net
To call in Canada: 1-800-730-3490
Duncan Christian School is launching the
Power Card
The Ministry to Seafarers’ preparation for
Christmas at Sea has begun
This card is a practical way to fund raise and
support local businesses at the same time!
The Power Card fits easily in your wallet and
at a cost of only $25 it offers discounts at 19
local businesses. These discounts are
repeatedly available to you, each time you
present the Power Card at time of purchase
until November 1st 2015.
Proceeds will go towards new Intermediate
playground equipment and the Secondary
Library Upgrade.
To purchase your own DCS Power card ask
any DCS student, or see Nettie and Marjan.
Thank you for your support, DCS….Building
on Faith, Family & Community!!!
and what a privilege it is to share the Good
News with seafarers who arrive at Port Metro
Vancouver and Delta Port. Especially at this
time of year when we are able to distribute
small gifts, including Christian literature and
music, pointing to the true gift of Christmas
– Jesus Christ – is this a wonderful
opportunity to share God’s love with those
who must spend Christmas working aboard
the various cargo vessels far from home and
family. However, to make Christmas at Sea
a reality, we need your financial help. By
sending us your cheque made payable to
Ministry to Seafarers and with Christmas at
Sea noted on the memo line, you can partner
with us in this mission work. Please, if you
feel led to assist, mail your cheque to:
Ministry to Seafarers, 401 East Waterfront
Rd., Vancouver, BC V6A 4G9. A donation
receipt for tax purposes will be issued for all
gifts of $10.00 or more.Ernst Devries,
Chaplain, Ministry to Seafarer
Collection in Dutch Immigration History
at The King’s University
Looking for a place for those old letters and
photos? Please don’t throw them away! The
purpose of the new Gerry Segger Heritage
Collection at King’s is to collect, preserve,
and share materials related to the Dutch
experience in Canada and to the Dutch and
German traditions of the Reformed faith in
this country. Boxes of old documents, letters,
and photographs might not have much
apparent value, but they are invaluable for
future historians, for future members of this
community, and for people of Dutch descent
who wish to understand and cherish their
pasts. These are the sources from which we
can tell and remember our stories, and share
them with future generations. If you have
documents you’d be willing to donate
(letters, photos, diaries, journals, memoirs,
immigration or business records, etc.) or if
you wish to know more about the Heritage
Collection, please contact us at
heritagecollection@kingsu.ca or call Bonita
Schalk Bjornson at 780-465-3500 x8054.
Phone Lists/Websites
The up-to-date phone lists are kept in the
office beside the photocopier.
Please submit any changes in contact
information (including addresses) to the
office whenever there is an update.
The bulletin and weekly sermons can be
found on our website, www.duncancrc.org
Christian Reformed Communications:
This Week’s Schedule
Serving This Week
Ignite 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready
at 8:20) in the Fireside Room
Mon Fall Congregational Mtg 7 pm
Tues GEMS at Evening’s Ease 7 - 7:30 pm
Tues YDC 7 pm
Tues Prayer this week 7 pm
Wed Forward in Faith 10 am
Wed Sandy’s Christmas Social 5:30 pm
Thurs Coffee Break Ladies Bible Study
Nursery: Trudy, Jenny B
Community Dinner
November 23
Driver: Bill W
Hall Monitor: Gerald W
Nursery: Tamara or Deen, Jesse vW, Jesse P
Ushers: Raymond W, Adam K
Deacons: Norm, Andrew, Dustin, Joel
Greeters: Andy & Ann R
Leading Elder: Rijk V
Welcome Table: Estherina B
Prayer Room: Dianne L
Worship Team:
AM: Matt, Pete, Susan, Marilyn, Margie, Joel
PM: Matt, John S, Susan, Marilyn, Margie
Coffee Servers: George & Clasiena A, Bruce
& Aafke J, Renee dB
Sunday School:
3-4 yr: Alanna W, Morgan N
K-Gr.1&2: Brenda Vds, Nettie vW
Gr.3,4,5: Joyce P, Georrie A
Future Dates
Nov 30 Ignite 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready
at 8:20) in the Fireside Room
Dec 4 Coffee Break Christmas special and
last meeting until the new year
Dec 8 Full Council first half of meeting &
Elders’ Mtg after refreshments
Dec 12 DCS Christmas Bazaar 2 - 7 pm
Dec 13 Food Bank Christmas dinner 4 p.m.
and 6 p.m.
Dec 14 Lord’s Supper am service
Dec 17 Fireside Bible study hosting the
annual “Christmas Carol sing-along” evening at 7 p.m. in the church
fellowship hall
Dec 21 Morning service only
Dec 24 Christmas Eve service 7 pm
Dec 25 Christmas Day service 10 am
Dec 28 Morning service only
Dec 31 New Year’s Eve service 7 pm
Jan 1 New Year’s Day service 11 am in the
Fellowship Hall
Jan 4 Morning service only
Serving Next Week
November 30
Driver: Gerald W
Hall Monitor: Mike K
Nursery: BJ or Albert, Nettie, Adam
Ushers: Jerry Kuipers, Joe Rubin
Deacons: Will, Norm, Andrew, Benjamin
Greeters: Jeremy & Jennifer T
Leading Elder: Bill W
Welcome Table: Joanne B
Prayer Room: Marg V, Anneke W
Worship Team:
AM: Henry, Josie, John D, Joel
PM: James, John, Joel
Coffee Servers: George & Clasiena A, Bruce
& Aafke J, Renee dB
Sunday School: video this morning
3-4 yr: Alanna W, Morgan N
K-Gr.1&2: Brenda Vds, Nettie vW
Gr.3,4,5: Joyce P, Georrie A