OUR VISION “Loving God, Loving Others; Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the World” THIS WEEK @ UBC TODAY—December 21st ADVENT IV 9 am Classes for all ages 9:45 am Christmas Carols 10 am Worship December 21st, 2014 Monday Prayer resumes January 5th Tuesday Movie & Craft Time for Kids (K-Gr 6) Noon to 4pm Lunch & crafts included SERIES: The Essential Jesus ‘His Majesty’ John 18: 33-40 Pastor Dale Dawson Wednesday Christmas Eve Service 7 pm Thursday MERRY CHRISTMAS Friday Boxing Day—Church Office Closed Next Sunday, December 28th Christian Education Classes resume January 11th 10am Worship Only Jr. Church today ADVENT IV Led by Dawson’s Life Group Join us for Coffee 231 Brock St. W. Box 694, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N1 905-852-3662 / Fax 905-852-1955 Email: uxbap@uxbridgebaptist.com Website: www.uxbridgebaptist.com UBC MESSENGER - December 21, 2014 We welcome you as we worship God together. If you are a guest today, it is our prayer that your worship experience will minister to your deepest needs. If we can be of personal assistance to you, please speak to any of our pastors. Blessings to you and your family! We invite all NEWCOMERS to visit the Welcome Centre to receive a Welcome Gift today. Bring your whole family and join us for our Christmas Eve Service at 7 pm New Year’s Eve Family Skate Uxbridge Arena Wednesday, December 31st @7:15 -9:15pm Bring the whole family! Refreshments provided Christian Education There will be NO Kids Connect or Kids Worship on December 28th & January 4th. Jr. Church WILL continue without a break. (Bless you, Jr. Church leaders!!!) Adult & Youth classes will also take a break December 28th & January 4th. ALL CLASSES resume January 11th UBC Family News Our Sympathy is expressed We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Carol Hoggard and the Hoggard family. Keith Hoggard went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014. A Celebration of Life service was held on Friday, December 19th, 2014. Birth Announcement Congratulations to Tim & Kirsten Merrill on the birth of their 4th child, a GIRL! Ethan, Eli & Micah welcome their new baby sister, Abigail Marie Merrill, born on Friday, December 12th, 2014 and weighed 8 lbs 15 oz. Congratulations to grandparents, Wayne & Marcia Wilson and Great Grandparents, Clarence & Helen Wilson too! 90th Birthday With joy, Ben Prince, husband of Marianne Prince, will celebrate his 90th Birthday on December 22nd, 2014. Praise the Lord! Winter Parking Issues Once again we need to remind everyone that they must park legally on the surrounding streets and that we must not obstruct driveways or park so that a fire truck could not pass down the street. Last Sunday, someone parked in front of a neighbour’s driveway. Please car pool as much as possible or park a second vehicle up at the arena or we have permission to use Firebridge Fireplaces’ parking lot. Wanted: Computer Monitor with an HDMI input The facilities committee is looking for a used monitor that has an HDMI input and preferably a 16:3 aspect ratio. Size does not matter, but the smaller the better actually. If anyone has one, or knows of someone who might, please contact Dan Evans- Cell: 416-771-3588, or email: wreckemracer@yahoo.ca In HIS Service, Dan Evans (Facilities Councillor) UBC Financial Update Financial Update as of December 15, 2014 Annual Budget Income to Date Expenses to Date $572,150.00 $502,755.51 $494505.19 As of December 9th, 2014, we have a surplus of $14,800 income to expenses, but please note that if we were paying a youth pastor, we would be in a deficit position. We are now $69,395 short of our annual approved budget. Please remember our finances in your prayers and give as God would have you give. 2014 Receipts for Income Tax The Finance Committee would like to remind everyone that monies donated to UBC for 2014 receipting, need to be to the church office by NOON on Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 or contact Jim Fader directly. 2015 envelopes will be in mailboxes shortly. 2014 receipts available late Feb. Outstanding Budget Receipts from 2014 Please submit ALL 2014 RECEIPTS no later than noon January 5th, 2015, so they may be included in the 2014 reconciliation in preparation for the Annual Meeting on January 31st, 2015 (Please mark your calendars!) Thanks, Jim Fader and Finance Committee Christmas Special Offering This year’s Christmas offering will be used to support the Women to Women (30%) and the Hope through Hockey (20%) that will show the love of Jesus to the First Nations through developing relationships that give opportunity to share the hope we have in Jesus. The remaining 50 % will be distributed to missionaries that we already support , but have expressed a shortfall when surveyed about their needs. We feel that they need the encouragement to continue in the work the Lord has called them to. Hope through Hockey (Dec 27, 2014 – Jan 3, 2015) and Women to Women (May 2015) are ministries that reach out to First nations communities in Ontario. The money received will contribute to shipping hockey equipment to Weagamow, providing groceries for community meals and home visits, and assisting in the costs of guest speakers for the Mother’s Day weekend event. Children’s Movie & Craft Day for K—Gr 6 Christmas Movies & Craft Afternoon for Kids Tuesday, December 23rd NOON—4 PM ***MOVIES *** CRAFTS ***HOT DOGS *** Join us for a Hot Dog Lunch! Movies, Craft and Cookie decorating to follow! Please drop your children Grades K- 6 off at noon and come back to get them at 4:00! Pastoral Search Team Update The Pastoral Search Team has been working diligently on the search for an Associate Pastor: Youth and Young Adults. With the cooperation and input of the Elders Board and Church Council, we have finalized the job description and job posting. A significant amount of time has been spent individually and as a group in prayer. We are praying expectantly and in faith for God's will to be done in the selection of the individual who will lead our Youth and Young Adults ministry. We would ask you to join us in prayer for the search process and the candidates being considered. Also keep the Search Team in prayer as they come together to work through the application and interview process. Terry Curtis Chair, Pastoral Search Team Grades 9-12 UBC YOUTH There will be NO Sunday School Dec 28th or Jan 4th Dec 26th - NO YOUTH– It’s Boxing Day! Dec 29th - Christmas @7pm At Ian and Lindsay’s Dec 31st- Church Skate - Arena - 7pm - Free!! Youth New Years All-Nighter!!! Church - 10pm-7am - $5 Get ready for BLIZZARD!!! (CBOQ event, Last weekend of Jan.) Info Packages and Forms are due soon! Names and down payment of $40 due before Christmas. Total cost is $131 (sorry it was not on the form) Please note there is always financial assistance, don’t let anything keep you from coming! If you would like to be added to the Parent/Adult Email list to receive further information, please let us know at ianandlindsaymcintosh@gmail.com UBC New Security Camera System Some of you may have noticed that the church has had a security camera system installed and the church council would like to update the congregation as we are aware there may be some questions regarding its necessity. With a changing litigious environment, insurance companies are requesting additional protection and evidence, as well as added criminal activity deterrence. Many insurance companies now require video evidence before they will even act on a claim. Now churches are having to consider these issues, and take action, with the primary reasons being insurance and liability. Seeking to protect UBC and its’ ministries from future issues in the event of an incident or insurance claim, council feels it is prudent to be proactive in this regard, and prepare ourselves for these potential concerns. We want to assure the congregation that the privacy of the congregation, staff, and volunteers of UBC is of utmost importance to us, and for this reason we have kept the camera system to a bare minimum, capturing only points of entry into the building, main traffic areas, and areas of specific concern. (Such as the soundboard and stage, and the entrances to the church offices, elevator, kitchens, nursery, and mechanical rooms) There are NO CAMERAS inside any rooms with the exception of the sanctuary and the Gymnasium. Furthermore, these cameras will not be actively monitored and no one should feel as though they are “being watched”. The digital footage is stored on a secure hard-drive which cannot be accessed, even for playback, without the closely guarded password, and the system is NOT connected to the internet or church network. It is a CLOSED CIRCUIT SYSTEM and CANNOT be remotely accessed by ANY means. We appreciate your understanding and support as we seek to honour God and be good stewards of what the Lord has entrusted to our care, and we understand that this level of security is something new for our church, even though UBC is merely catching up with current standards when it comes to security. We continue to covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment in the many decisions and circumstances we face as we serve UBC in our varied roles. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding the new security camera system, please do not hesitate to speak with Dan Evans. (Facilities Councillor) In HIS service, your Church Council. SERVING IN NURSERY TODAY 10 AM ADULTS HELPERS Lisa Clarke Alanna Robinson Rubyanne May Kieli Wilson Julia Ott Lisa Wilson Next Sunday Beth Grove Emily Moore Judy Howarth Kristi Guzelak KIDZ EDGE (Sunday School) From JK/SK to Gr. 8 at 9am in lower hall. JUNIOR CHURCH (JK & SK), KIDS CONNECT, & Gr. 7 & 8 dismissed during the 10am service. Chloe Weddel HEALTH CONCERNS & DAILY STRENGTH Ilene Geer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home Anne McDowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Grace Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Doreen Pickett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home Ben Prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Caro Wiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ongoing neurological Issues FRIENDS SHUT IN: Phyllis Feasby - Community Nursing Home, Port Perry Joyce Greensides - Orchard Villa, Pickering Jean Hetherington - Temporarily at Hillsdale Terraces in Oshawa Betty James - Butternut Manor, Uxb. Paul Leman - 20 Perry St. Uxb. Ruby Matthews - Parkview, Stouffville STAY CONNECTED: UBC INFOLINK is usually sent out on Thursdays and lists the current news and events for the week. UBC PRAYER NETWORK is available via phone (905-852-3662 ext 9 after office hours) or email. Please submit your prayer requests to the church office. The prayer network is updated daily during office hours. To receive either the UBC Infolink or Prayer Network via email please send your request to uxbap@uxbridgebaptist.com. STAFF Lead Pastor - Rev. Dr. Dale Dawson Pastors’ Secretary/ Community Pastor - Kathy McIntosh Business Administrator - Mrs. Bev Ott Custodian - Mr Terry West Youth Interim Leaders—Ian & Lindsay McIntosh
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