At the Crossroads — DECEMBER 2014
Volume 5 Issue 10
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A November to Remember...
Front page photo descriptions on p. 2. Parent / Child Dedication Service photos on p. 4.
FBC @ UBC photos on p.5. All photos courtesy of Joe Bray.
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Advent 2014
Wednesday, Dec 3
6:00p Carol Sing - Memorial Chapel
Sunday, Dec 7
11:00a “Lessons and Carols” - Sanctuary
Chancel Choir and Readers
Sunday, Dec 14
11:00a “What We Say About Ourselves” - Sanctuary
(John 1:6-8,19-28)
Sunday, Dec 21
11:00a “Through the Mercy-Glass” - Sanctuary
(Luke 1:26-38) Adult Handbells
Wednesday, Dec 24
6:00p Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion
Sunday, Dec 28
11:00a One Event Sunday - Sanctuary
COVER PHOTOS: Clockwise from
top right: Quentin & Lillian (Mercer)
Brooks with Pastor Simpson on
their wedding day, Nov. 26; Pastor
Simpson explains the wedding ring
symbol; Lillian’s son Marquee escorts the bride down the aisle;
Quentin kisses his bride; Chin
families proudly receive knit caps made by UBC
friend Lisa Steinberger; UBC/FBC dinner Nov. 5,
“Voices in the Community” concluding speaker,
Sen. Valerie Foushee; UBC Children’s Choir
sings on All Saints’ Day; Parent / Child Dedication service, November 2; Hau Deih Tung places
Bible on altar during worship; Center Photo: NC
Sen. Valerie Foushee holds Community Room
plaque honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In Concert
Thursday, December 11
7:30 p
University Baptist Church
$10 suggested donation
for Fall / Winter Missions Offering
Wish List for UBC:
Sign Master: We currently have a need for someone to update the Columbia Street outdoor church sign
weekly, on Mondays. This task requires about 30 minutes, requires bending or stooping, involves changing
the date and sermon title using plastic letters.
Desktop Publishing: If you know or can learn MS Publisher, we currently have a need for a volunteer to
publish the “At the Corner” weekly e-news on Tuesdays. Also, we have need for a volunteer to assist with layout for publishing the Monthly newsletter for one or two days during the last week of each month.
Contact Leigh Bigger in the Church Office.
Receptionist: The office has several open time slots for someone to answer phones and greet visitors.
Handbell Ringer - must be able to read music. No experience needed. Contact Craig McCoy in the church
Handyperson - clean closets, touch-up painting, replace doorknobs, etc.
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Carol Sing
Wednesday, December 3 - 6:00p
Memorial Chapel
Christmas Greeting Cards:
In the past we have had Christmas gift
bags available for you to drop in cards
and small gifts for folks on the Visitation
list. This year, we will not have the bags
but encourage you to send a card to the
folks you want to remember! The staff
will be sending cards on behalf of UBC.
If you would like to send your own
cards, the list of names & addresses will
be available in the church office.
6:00 P
Missions Post Office:
Members and friends of UBC are invited to bring Christmas cards for others
who attend UBC to the mailbox outside the choir room in the Gathering Area!
First and foremost, this is a MISSIONS PROJECT. Please donate the
money you save on postage to UBC’s Fall / Winter Mission Offering.
Please stop by the Christmas Post Office before and after each Sunday
school and worship to check for cards addressed to you and your family.
Unlike the US Post Office - We don’t deliver!
Continue to check for cards throughout the month of December. If you have checked before, please
check again! We would like you to have these special Christmas cards before Christmas Day.
Hey kids & youth, time to get out the mixing bowls & sprinkles to bake &
decorate some delicious Christmas cookies! This year our cookie baking
WILL be on the same morning as the Chapel Hill Christmas Parade! Come
& bake cookies with us & watch the parade. Our cookies will be gifts for the
residents of Wynwood!
Parents Note: In order for you to get into our parking lot before the streets
close for the parade, bring your children at 9:00 am on Sat. 12/13. All ages
are invited, but children under 5-years-old should have a parent remain
with them. Both the parade & the cookie baking will be over at noon.
This year, the cookies we bake on Saturday, December 13 will be given to the
residents of Wynwood the very next day. Parents, please mark your calendars.
On Sunday, December 14 at 2:00p, the children will hand out small bags of the
baked cookies to the residents and sing a few Christmas carols with them! Allison will be in touch with you to work out driving details.
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Parent / Child Dedication
November 2, 2014
Crysta Hilliard with son,
Kardale Cameron
Michael & Megen Vesser
with daughter, Ellery
Mang Thawn Tuang and Hau Lun Cing
with son, Michael Nuam Kim Sang
Ricky & Michelle Hargrave
with daughter, Maya
Steven & Meghan Chewning
with son, Trey
Mrs. Cing Pi with daughter,
Nuam Sian Lun and son, Khup Van Mung
Andy & Jessica
Meyers with son,
Ethan; daughter,
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The UBC Community Room
in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On Sunday evening, May 8, 1960, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed a group of UBC members
and UNC students in our church fellowship hall. King spoke of the challenges facing churches as
they confronted racial tension in the United States, and the important role churches should play in
resolving that conflict. On November 5, 2014, in celebration with UBC’s sister congregation, First
Baptist Church, the space was re-named the Community Room and consecrated in honor of Dr.
King. A memorial plaque was presented, bearing these words: “The University Baptist Church
Community Room, a gathering place for all God’s children, is dedicated in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., who delivered a message of courage and hope in this room on May 8, 1960,
including these stirring words: ‘We must work together as brothers, or we will perish together as
fools.’ ” Our thanks to Joe Bray for capturing the moments of that dedicatory presentation and our celebration with FBC
in the photos below.
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University Baptist Church
100 South Columbia Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Interfaith Council
Community House
January Bible Study
Starting January 7, 2015
Memorial Chapel
Assistance is needed in preparing lunch for the
IFC Community House on the 1st & 3rd
Saturdays monthly.
Call: Carol Newnam at 919-929-2076.
UBC Contribution Envelopes
Available now in the Gathering Area are
your envelope packets for 2015.
May we suggest: STILL LIFE, By Louise Penny: Chief
Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec and his team of investigators are called to the
scene of a suspicious death in a rural village south of
Montréal and yet a world away. Jane Neal, a longtime resident of Three Pines, has been found dead in
the woods. The locals are certain it’s a tragic hunting
accident and nothing more, but Gamache smells
something foul this holiday season and is soon certain that Jane died at the hands of someone much
more sinister than a careless bowhunter. Read and
join us for discussion on JAN. 22 @ 7:00p.
Dec. 24-25
Jan. 1
UBC Ministry Staff
Mitchell Simpson - Pastor
Craig McCoy - Minister of Music
Steven Chewning - College Ministry Coordinator
Allison James -Director of Children’s Ministries
Leigh Bigger - Office Manager
Jo Ellen Blaine - Financial Assistant
Zollene Reissner - Interim Organist/Accompanist
Jackson Boone - College Ministry Intern
Mary Alice McMillan - College Ministry Intern
Ben Pennell - Youth Ministry Coordinator
Addison Cook - Youth Ministry Intern