OUR VISION “Loving God, Loving Others; Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the World” THIS WEEK @ UBC TODAY—October 26th 9 am Classes for all ages 10am Worship Newcomers’ Luncheon at Guzelak’s home 7pm REDEMPTION October 26th, 2014 NEW SERIES BEGINS Monday Guys Sports Night 7pm Tuesday FALL BUSINESS MTG 7pm Wednesday Celebration 9:15-11:15 am Pioneer Clubs 7-8:30pm Thursday Worship Team Rehearsal ‘Community Through Christ’ Ecclesiastes 4: 7-12 Pastor Dr Dale Dawson Friday—Oct. 31st 6-8pm FALL FEST—Preschool—Gr 8 Saturday Barnabas 7am TURN CLOCKS BACK NEXT SUNDAY-November 2nd 9am Classes for all ages 10am Worship & Communion Servant Socks Returned Bible Memory Challenge Begins Too! 231 Brock St. W. Box 694, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N1 905-852-3662 / Fax 905-852-1955 Email: uxbap@uxbridgebaptist.com Website: www.uxbridgebaptist.com UBC MESSENGER- October 26th, 2014 We welcome you as we worship God together. If you are a guest today, it is our prayer that your worship experience will minister to your deepest needs. If we can be of personal assistance to you, please speak to any of our pastors. Blessings to you and your family! We invite all NEWCOMERS to visit the Welcome Centre to receive a Welcome Gift today. Let’s Pray Together - Sunday Mornings Join our Pastors and Elders for prayer as we seek God’s blessing on all aspects of our Sunday gathering. Everyone welcome. Pastor Dale’s Office at 9am. Uxbridge Baptist Church FALL BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, October 28th at 7pm Everyone Welcome! See reports in your mailbox today. Don’t forget to bring it with you to the meeting. Thanksgiving Special Offering Thanksgiving Offering The Thanksgiving offering this year is designated to the CAPITAL Fund. Thank you for your gifts to keep our building in good repair. The Thanksgiving offering was $7704.65. Thank you, Jim Fader (Treasurer) & Finance Committee Newcomers’ Luncheon—TODAY At the home of Steve & Kristi Guzelak Community Soup Lunch—Cooks needed UBC will be hosting the COMMUNITY SOUP LUNCH on November 12th and November 26th at 12 noon on Wednesday at St. Andrews-Chalmers Presbyterian Church. Other churches and community groups are also involved. Funds raised at the Wednesday lunches are donated to the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank. HELP is needed for our UBC team. If you are interested in making a pot of soup or a dessert for the dates above please contact Heather Ostroski at 905 640 0965 or fhostroski@gmail.com Thank You To the UBC Family Thank you for your prayer support during George’s illness. He is free of all pain and gone home to his heavenly home. Thank you to Pastor Dale & Pastor Murray for their messages and support and to the UBC Family for their donation of Bibles and New Testaments in Canada. Lorraine Peagam & Family Church Family News Engagement Congratulations! Congratulations to Adam Evans and Kendra Wilpstra who were engaged on October 8th, 2014. Adam and Kendra plan to marry in September 2015, Lord willing, and make their home in Wyoming, ON, just east of Sarnia. MOSAIC—CBM Publication FALL MOSAIC has arrived Those who have indicated that they would like to receive Mission Updates— have a YELLOW DOT on their mailbox name. If you would like to be on this list, please let the office know—& you too, could have a YELLOW DOT! There is an article this month by our newest Partners in Missions—Aaron & Erica Kenny and another article entitled: Plight of Christian and Muslim Refugees. Extra copies are available under the mailboxes. Please help yourself. Life Together - The Classic Exploration of Christian Community By Dietrich Bonhoeffer Book - $12.50 Book still available in the church office (also available on Kindle) Invitations Messiah Rehearsals are Sundays from 2-4pm. If you would like more information about the Uxbridge Messiah Singers performance, or would like to be involved, please contact Brian Evans. The choir is filling quickly. Women 2 Women Information Night Tuesday, November 4th at 7pm Downstairs in Lower Hall Hear how you can be involved in this ministry as a Team Member or Prayer Supporter. Receive an update on needs and concerns in the remote communities. ‘Saturday With Dad’—Invitation to all Dads Join us for a FREE playgroup for Fathers, Grandfather, father figures etc and their children ages 0—6. Meet other Dads and Kids! On Saturday, November 8th 10 am—1 pm Pizza lunch included To Register or for more information, please call the Family & Community Action Program at 1 800 214 7163 or speak to Karen Perrott Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting Mondays: October 27—December 15th 6—8pm UBC Overflow Room To Register or for more info, please call Family & Community Action Program at 1 800 214 7163 or speak to Karen Perrott See poster on bulletin board FALL FESTIVAL For this community outreach, we are looking for the following: volunteers for carnival-type stations Candy and treats to hand out to children (NUT FREE) If you are able to help with either, please speak to Gloria Hanna at 905-852-3208 or gloriahanna@bell.net FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st 6 - 8 pm Postcard are available to give out to your friends. From the Facilities Committee In an effort to more effectively and efficiently address any concerns relating to our facility and property, we need your help. If you notice or become aware of any concerns, please fill out of the NEW “Facility/Property Concerns” forms that is available in one of the RED FORM HOLDER box under the mailboxes and place it in DAN EVANS’ Mailbox. Thank you for helping us be good stewards of the property God has entrusted to us. Dan Evans, Facilities Committee Countdown to Christmas . . . As we reach out to the world, Let’s GIVE LOCAL & GIVE GLOBAL in 2014 - a wonderful family project this season— SERVANT SOCK PROJECT Canadian First Nations This year we have been asked to fill 75 STOCKINGS for the children of Weagamow, Wunnumin, Neskantaga, Muskrat Dam and Poplar Hill communities. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Clarke ($10 shipping fee) STOCKINGS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO UBC by November 2nd OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD This year we hope to fill 150 SHOEBOXES! Each Shoebox gift is incredibly special as it brings hope and life— changing good news of the Gospel to a hurting child. Your gifts from Canada are reaching children in 16 countries including survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and Syrian children living in refugee camps in Northern Iraq. If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Wilson at 416 996 4125. You may also learn more at www.samaritanspurse.ca ($7 shipping fee) SHOEBOXES NEED TO BE RETURNED TO UBC by November 9th Bless Israel Tour—March Break 2015 Spring Break, March 13-22, 2015 Hosted by Pastor Dale Dawson and Dr. John Howarth Ever wanted to tour the Holy Land? This might be your opportunity. Rev. Dr. Dale Dawson and Dr. John Howarth are making preparations to lead a small tour of 32 people to Israel during the spring school break (March 13-22, 2015). A seasoned tour leader, Dr. John has been to Israel twenty times. His experience, knowledge of the land and culture, not to mention knowledge of the Scriptures, are a great asset. Brochures and further information are available from Pastor Dale and Dr. John and from the UBC office. Among the many sites we will visit are: Caesarea Maritima, Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, the Mount of Beatitudes, Caesarea Philippi, the Jordan River Valley (and baptismal site), Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Garden tomb, the Dead Sea, Qumran, En Gedi, and Masada. For many a tour of Israel becomes the trip of a lifetime. If this is something of interest to you, or if you have questions, Pastor Dale or Dr. John would be very pleased to speak with you. Shalom! Call (416-827-5565) or email (drhogie52@gmail.com) John Howarth ASAP! For Gr. 6-8! Sunday School begins weekly @ 9 am! KW Junior High Edition - during church service OCTOBER 31ST All Ages/Bring Friends! November 8th Bible Trivia Twister & Devo Time at the church 7 to 9 pm November 22nd Pool Noodle Hockey & Devo Time at the church 7 to 9 pm If you have any questions about QUEST or any of these events, feel free to email Wendy Meek at greenbrook@bwmeek.com Grades 9-12 UBC YOUTH Sunday School weekly at 9am! @7pm Girls and Guys @ The May’s There will be NO YOUTH on October 31st due to the Fall Fest at UBC BUT we will be joining Young Life Uxbridge that night for a fun time of games, snacks and meeting new people! Let us know if you want to come or if you need a ride. *Since we are leaving the church there is a permission form* Nov 5th - Pre-Retreat Night! Get to know your Cabin, make an airband, get excited!! YOUTH ALPHA RETREAT November 7th - 9th Invite your friends and Get your permission forms in ASAP!! They are due back by Nov. 1st If you would like to be added to the Parent/Adult Email list to receive further information, please let us know at ianandlindsaymcintosh@gmail.com Bible Memory Challenge October 26 – December 7, 2014 To Bonhoeffer, meditation on God’s Word was absolutely essential for every follower of Jesus. In his work, Meditation of Psalm 119, he wrote: Therefore, it is never sufficient simply to have read God’s Word. It must penetrate deep within us, dwell in us, like the Holy of Holies in the Sanctuary, so that we do not sin in thought, word or deed. On the reverse side are the family verses for each week of this year’s Bible Memory Challenge. Underlined portions are for younger children. Memorize verses with friends and family… …share what you’re learning with each other. Verses can be recited to a Listener every Sunday from 8:30 am to before the service and then again after the service. You can also recite your verses to a Listener anytime on that Sunday. This year you can memorize verses together and encourage one another as part of a team. We will divide the church (Sunday School, Kids Connect and the rest of our church family) into 2 teams. Team ALPHA (families AM) and Team OMEGA (N- Z) will battle for top spot. Each week we will provide an update on how each team is doing and you’ll have a chance to cheer your team on. Plan to memorize verses diligently to be this year’s BMC Champions. Sunday December 7 we will do our final tally, announce the winning team and celebrate at an Ice Cream Party for all participants after the service. A Bible will be awarded to individuals in three categories who lead us in memorizing the most scripture verses. Elementary (11 and under) Students (12-18) Adults (19 and older) Challenge yourself and read through the book of Psalms during this 7 week period. You will reap the blessings of a closer walk with God. Bible Memory Challenge October 26 – December 7, 2014 November 2 Bonus verses: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 November 9 Bonus verses: 1 John 4:7-11 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph. 4:32 November 16 Bonus verses: Psalm 1 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Prov. 13:20 November 23 Bonus verses: 1 Peter 4:7-13 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 November 30 Bonus verses: Psalm 73:23-28 But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds. Psalm 73:28 December 7 Bonus verses: Psalm 32:1-5 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 Extra Bonus Verses: Can be completed any time during the six week challenge. All family verses to date must have been recited first to receive these bonus points. Psalm 51:7-12 John 15:1-5 Col. 3:12-16 Psalm 143:6-11 Eph. 5:15-21 Points for Memorization: Family Verse 500 Previous Family Verse 100 Bonus Verses 200 Bonus Passage 1000 Bible 100 It’s not too late to join a Life Group…. UBC Life Groups Open for New Members When Sunday 9am Sunday 8:45am Who Topic All Luke 15/ A Tale of Two Sons All All Apologetics Andy Stanley: Taking Care of Business Life Together Beginning Oct 26 Sunday 8:45 am Sundays 2nd & 4th 6:30pm Monday 7:30pm Young Adults Tuesday 9:15am Women Tuesday 9:30 Bi-weekly Wednesday 7:30am Women Contact Location Ron and Sandy Wagner John Howarth/ Randy Matthys Steve Guzelak Classroom LH North end Dave & Kathy McIntosh Tim Horton’s Overflow UBC Boardroom 2nd -Small Group 4th-Redemption Through the Bible See Dave/Kathy for Location Jacqueline Luinstra Uxbridge Carol McTaggart UBC Lower Hall Brenda Grundy Uxbridge Men Community Bible Study: Deuteronomy Daniel, Job With Christ in the School of Prayer Prayer Meeting Brian Evans Uxbridge Wednesday 9:00am Women Prayer Meeting Dolores Matthys Uxbridge Thursday 8pm All Romans Tim & Sara Daly Uxbridge Friday 7pm All Genesis/ Job Mark & Sharon Busse Sandford 7:30pm Saturday 7am All Men TBD Barnabas: Book of Acts J&K Lawson Rob Miller Don Garratt Uxbridge UBC Women Contact Carol McTaggart or Don Garratt for further information. Life Together A SIX-WEEK SPIRITUAL GROWTH focus on Christian Community Featuring Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer DATES: Nov 2nd - Living Each Day with Others - Becoming Real Oct. 26th - Community Through Christ Nov 9th Nov 16th - Living the “One Another’s” - Community, Confession and Communion Nov 23rd - Time Alone with God Nov 30th Objectives : 1. Encourage the UBC family to attend Sunday School and Sunday Worship Services to contribute to and benefit from Christian fellowship. 2. Encourage the UBC family to be involved in a UBC Life Group for at least six weeks. Life Groups are the basic expression of Christian community at UBC. Our aim is to have everyone involved in at least one regular Life Group as part of regular Christian life. 3. Encourage a daily discipline of private devotion for meditation upon Scripture and prayer. Daily private devotion is the engine of meaningful fellowship. Our aim is to see everyone experiencing a meaningful daily quiet time with God. 4. Encourage spiritual “Table Talk” at the dinner table or other serendipitous moments in family life. A few leading questions will be provided each week to focus your discussion and draw upon the Scriptures and meditation themes. This is a great time for parents and grandparents to pass on their faith and teaching to the next generation. 5. Encourage regular “spiritual meetings” of two or three for sharing the Word, prayer and mutual encouragement. This could be done in person or by phone or even online. You may consider committing to phone a shut-in or senior twice each week to share, pray and encourage. Perhaps you would consider a neighbor, or a brother or sister going through a difficult time, or a family member or friend far away. The meeting should occur at least once weekly. It should be quick (10 minutes) and should focus on sharing spiritual insights and truths. Close with prayer together. Perhaps there are two or three persons you would engage with in this way for this period of time . 6. Encourage the development of strong spiritual friendship and accountability in which the deep things God is doing in one’s life can be shared in confidence. Approach someone of the same gender whom you can trust and with whom you can have a special accountability friendship. Work toward being able to share openly and honestly with each other about real struggles (temptation, sin, heartaches). Learn the beauty of accountability, confession and forgiveness as taught in James 5:16. 7. Encourage the engagement with God’s Word through reading, meditation and memorization. We encourage everyone to read through the book of Psalms prayerfully during this six week period. Each week a memory verse is assigned which we encourage all to memorize. There are also bonus verses for those looking for a greater challenge. Prizes will be awarded to those achieving top results in this Bible engagement challenge. Listen. Join. Share. Encourage. Confess. Grow. SERVING IN NURSERY TODAY 10 AM ADULTS HELPERS Lisa Clarke Alanna Robinson Rubyanne May Kieli Wilson Julia Ott Lisa Wilson Next Sunday Beth Grove Emily Moore Judy Howarth Kristi Guzelak KIDZ EDGE (Sunday School) From JK/SK to Gr. 8 at 9am in lower hall. JUNIOR CHURCH (JK & SK), KIDS CONNECT & Gr. 7 & 8 dismissed during the 10am service. Chloe Weddel HEALTH CONCERNS & DAILY STRENGTH Florence Fockler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Cottage Hospital Ilene Geer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home Anne McDowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Grace Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undergoing cancer treatment Wayne Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering from knee surgery Doreen Pickett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Extendicare in Oshawa Ben Prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Caro Wiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ongoing neurological Issues Clarence Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering from pneumonia FRIENDS SHUT IN: Phyllis Feasby - Community Nursing Home, Port Perry Florence Fockler - Butternut Manor, Uxb. Joyce Greensides - Orchard Villa, Pickering Jean Hetherington - Fairview Lodge, Whitby Betty James - Butternut Manor, Uxb. Paul Leman - 20 Perry St. Uxb. Ruby Matthews - Parkview, Stouffville STAY CONNECTED: UBC INFOLINK is usually sent out on Thursdays and lists the current news and events for the week. UBC PRAYER NETWORK is available via phone (905-852-3662 ext 9 after office hours) or email. Please submit your prayer requests to the church office. The prayer network is updated daily during office hours. To receive either the UBC Infolink or Prayer Network via email please send your request to uxbap@uxbridgebaptist.com. STAFF Lead Pastor - Rev. Dr. Dale Dawson Pastors’ Secretary/Business Administrator Community Pastor - Kathy McIntosh Business Administrator - Mrs. Bev Ott Custodian - Mr Terry West Youth Interim Leaders—Ian & Lindsay McIntosh
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