Capital City Methodist From the Hilltop In Mark 12:41-44 we find the words: “And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in November 6th, 2014 large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount GLORIFY GOD by to a cent. Calling His disciples to Him, CONNECTING PEOPLE He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this with poor widow put in more than all the conJESUS CHRIST tributors to the treasury; for they all put through in out of their surplus, but she, out of her SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT poverty, put in all she owned, all she had and DYNAMIC OUTREACH to live on.” Jesus made a big deal about the woman In this issue: giving her ‘penny’; so the disciples could relate to the church later on that all have • From the Hilltop the ability to give in the Kingdom of • Mountain Mission Truck God. Not all have the ability to give as • Things You Didn’t Know their neighbor but all have the ability to About Your Endowments give in the eyes of God. • UMW News I don’t know who gives what at church, • Upcoming Events those numbers are strictly confidential • Sympathies & Thank You’s but I do know that at First Church, we • Hospice Needs You! have about 300 regular givers making the • VIM Honduras News ministry/mission possible for a world• Toy Sale News wide endeavor. We are blessed with • Follow the Star great leadership both staff and laity and Follow the Light we have a first class facility to launch • Rutter’s Requiem Photos these worldwide ministries/missions after we take in spiritual nourishment. We begin these last 60 days of 2014 in seasons of thanksgiving and celebrating the birth of Christ. These seasons remind me personally that my life has been blessed and I hope you share that same feeling with me as you listen to your heart. Our church has been able to touch thousands of lives outside ourselves this year because of the faithful giving (large and small) of some 300 units (which include single persons and large families). Now that we are counting down to the end of the year, I believe we can do even more before we look at 2015. I’m wondering if each of us could give a little more. What if over the next two months I could give ($75.00 per month for example); what doors might open that are now closed because we are focused on the cost rather than the life that could be changed for the Lord. Honestly, I don’t want to be caught celebrating the birth of Jesus in the beautiful Christmas Eve service and wondering in the back of my mind, if some family is hungry tonight because I wasn’t willing to offer a little more from what God had provided me. How about you? Would you be willing to make a final countdown offering of yourself so God’s work can take place through First United Methodist Church? Join me as we pray and act on this opportunity to be faithful to the purposes that God has called us. drPHIL Mountain Mission Truck Coming Nov. 24th First United Methodist Church of Frankfort 211 Washington Street Frankfort, KY 40601 502.227.7430 office hrs: 8:30-3:00 M-F The Mountain Mission truck will be here on Monday, November 24th. If you have items to donate, you may leave them on the porch of the lighthouse on Sunday afternoon, November 23rd. Items needed are new toys and other Christmas gifts for the entire family. Children’s clothes & shoes, including underwear and socks. Dishes, pots & pans, small appliances. All good and usable items are appreciated. Glorify God by Connecting People with Jesus Christ Something You Might Not Know About Your Church’s Endowments This past week, the subject was raised about how our church’s endowments are invested and what stocks are included in their portfolios. As you are probably aware, FUMC has three endowments it administers: Frankfort First UMC Endowment Fund; Ruth Spurrier Memorial Scholarship Fund; and Ted Crosthwait Memorial Scholarship Fund. There have been two additional endowments established that benefits FUMC administered by the Kentucky United Methodist Foundation(KUMF): Jim Sublett Scholarship Fund Endowment and Least of the Brethren Endowment Fund. In addition to these endowments, the church has set up Reserve Funds invested with the Kentucky United Methodist Foundation: Building Fund Reserve Fund and Van Replacement Reserve Fund. All of these investments with the KUMF are earning outstanding returns and are being managed by an independent investment consultant, Mitchell-Kelly Group of Merrill Lynch, Louisville, who research, recommend, monitor, and evaluate investment managers. All investments are made in accordance with a detailed Kentucky United Methodist Foundation Investment Policy Statement that follows the United Methodist Church’s policy on “Socially Responsible Investing” as outlined in the 2012 The Book of Discipline. Individually-managed holdings (no mutual funds) are screened each quarter against a comprehensive list of disallowed companies which is updated quarterly. Examples of disallowed companies are those companies involved in producing/manufacturing/owning/managing, alcoholic beverages; tobacco products; casinos, racetracks or off track betting parlors; weapons and ammunition (exceptions may be made for weapons and ammunition provided for legitimate military or law enforcement uses); and investments in any company producing or involved in selling/distribution of products or services that are considered pornographic or meet the legal definition of “obscene” or “harmful to minors.” More detailed information is available if anyone is interested in knowing more. This article is provided for you from your Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Committee. For more information on how you might include your church in your estate plan, contact Dr. Phil, one of the committee members, or call David Bowles at the Kentucky United Methodist Foundation (888) 841-7935 (toll free). Caring for the Aging Supportive Fellowship & Encouraging Outreach UMW ‐ Faith, Hope, Love in Action Please plan to attend the Annual Harvest Breakfast, Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 a.m. in Asbury Hall. Variety Circle will be our hostesses and will provide a delicious breakfast. The program will be led by Debbie Ison and will focus on "Caring for the Aging - Supportive Fellowship and Encouraging Outreach". Our "Mission Present" will be a collection of items for long-term patients at one of our local nursing homes. Please see the list below for items you can bring. We will continue to collect items until December 10th for distribution nearer the Christmas holiday. Following the program, the 2015 officers will be elected and installed, special recognitions will be announced, and we will conclude with the presentation of our World Thank Of- fering. Don't miss this wonderful morning of fellowship and focus on mission! Child care will be provided. Executive Board Members for 2015 We will have our first planning meeting for 2015 on Monday, December 1st at 7:00 in the Todd House. Nursing Home Item List: • Medium ladies PJ's, Large ladies PJ's, XL and 2XL and 3XL ladies PJ's • House Shoes - enclosed shoes, no slides. Sizes Small - XL • Lotions and Soaps - good smelling, plus hypoallergenic • Blanket Throws - lap blankets and afghans through Spiritual Nourishment Kids Konnection Needs Ties Our Wonderful Wednesday after school group, Kids Konnection, has gotten off to a great start with all public elementary schools represented! We enjoy gym play, snacks, homework time and a Bible study. So far we have learned about baptism and communion as well as what it means to have radical hospitality (did you see their posters around the church?), inspiring worship (did you see their beautiful banner?), Intentional faith development (they have a calendar to keep track of how they are doing), risk-taking mission and service (they got to meet Cindy Littleton, one of our own missionaries) and extravagant generosity (we took a walk around the church to see where our offering goes) . Our fall series ends on November 12. In January, we will begin a new series, Bible Black Belt: Scripture with a Kick, which will include learning about the bible and parts of the bible. Used neck ties are needed for us to make stoles for each child which will become full of patches celebrating each level of learning. Please bring ties to the church office or leave on the Wesley Center welcome desk. We Care About Our College Kids! We need college addresses so we can send some love for finals week! Please call the church office or email Regina with the information ( Wonderful Wednesdays Wind Down "Join Us at the Table" with suppers and bible study has been well attended and enjoyed. As this series ends with our Thanksgiving Barbecue Potluck on November 12, you are invited to join us for dinner at 5:15 (bring side dishes or desserts) and worship at 6:15. A new series will begin in January - watch the newsletter and bulletin for details. Operation Christmas Child with FISH and You are Invited! Our fourth and fifth graders First In Serving Him group invites the congregation to help them reach children all over the world through providing shoe boxes full of Christmas gifts. Boxes are available at the church and donations of filled boxes, items for boxes and money for postage ($8 per box) are appreciated. The FISH group invites all donations on Sunday, November 23. We will fill the boxes and prepare them to take to Thornhill Baptist for shipping. All interested persons are invited to join the FISH at noon for a pizza lunch (we will order and take up money for the lunch) followed by a presentation of the Operation Christmas Child video, preparing the boxes and then taking them to Thornhill Baptist Church. and Dynamic Outreach Sympathy We express our sympathy to Mike Robinson and his family in the passing of his wife, Jerri, on October 30th. Condolences may be sent to Mike Robinson, 313 Stonehedge Street in Frankfort and John Heltzel, 1135 Blackberry Drive, Lawrenceburg 40342 Thank You Many thanks for all your prayers, calls, flowers and cards during my recent surgery and recovery time. Although it was difficult time, God’s love and His abundant blessings are never far from my thoughts. You are a very special and caring church family. Again - thank you. Marilyn Davis Advent Sunday School Series Offered: "Not A Silent Night" November 30, December 7, 14, 21, 28 10:00 a.m. Asbury Hall This Adam Hamilton video and discussion series is offered to youth and adults, classes or individuals. Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point of view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Mary’s beautiful baby. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary. Kids Night Out Friday, November 21, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Fun in the gym, crafts, Thanksgiving activities, pizza supper infants to 6th grade! Donations to children's ministry are welcome. Hospice of the Bluegrass will have volunteer Training/Orientation on Saturday, November 15, 2014, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 643 Teton Trail, Frankfort. Please contact Shellie Brown at or call 502-2231744 by November 13 to register if you are interested in becoming a Hospice volunteer. Lunch will be provided. Toy Sale change in leadership If you have a desire to serve as the new coordinator and would like to assist this year in order to “get a leg up”, please call Brenda Rue (319-3808) or Rosie Doerting (223-7429) ASAP. Rosie will continue as the shopping coordinator. ~ John Rutter’s Requiem ~ Multiple choir directors, musicians, and over 81 vocalists joined together on Nov. 2nd to present this very special worship celebration! Photos by John Heltzel First United Methodist Church of Frankfort 211 Washington Street Frankfort, KY 40601 502.227.7430 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Dr. Phil Hill - Pastor James Shepherd - Pastor in Residence Tonya Kenner - Christian Education Minister David W. Goins - Director of Music & Worship Laura Leigh Goins - Wesley Center Day School Director Regina Hellard - Administrative Assistant Roy Nance - Organist Meredith Goins & Raye Hurley - Children’s Choir Coordinators Greg & Melissa Hardison - Youth Directors Doug Eades - Communications Specialist "Follow the Star - Follow the Light: A Christmas Invitation" Christmas time is here and we are preparing our hearts and our minds for the Coming Light! How will this Christmas be different from the others? How will we keep our great traditions but also possibly step out and be the face of the church during this season of great need in our community? One of the ways is through our upcoming Christmas Celebration entitled "Follow the Star - Follow the Light: A Christmas Invitation". This Christmas program will be like none other we have presented and will hopefully leave you charged to go out and make a difference this year. The program will be offered on two evenings - Friday, December 5 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. It will involve all members of our congregation and will include traditional carol singing while also introducing a spectacle of lights and music as presented by our youth and young adults. Most importantly, you will leave changed and ready to serve a loving God. See the insert for more information and feel free to print it and hang it on your workplace bulletin board. VIM Honduras Construction News! Toy Sale News - December 13th Anyone interested in going to Honduras for the first construction trip for The Hands of Christ hospital January 21 28, 2015, please come to the first team meeting November 9 at 2:00 pm in the Todd House. Approximate cost is $1500. Call or text Cindy Littleton for more information 502-3826639. The VIM Honduras Construction Team will hold a bake sale during all three services and Sunday School on November 9 in order to help raise funds to support some of our missioners. Come and get some goodies and help someone go to Honduras. "Sweat Shirt Sunday" for the Toy Sale will be November 16th at all three services. Please buy a sweat shirt for a child, age 6 through 12, boy or girl, to be given away at the 31st annual Ruth Spurrier Children's Christmas Benefit. Although some 12 year olds are large, please be aware that adult size XL and above are too big for these children. Thanks for your help and remember to bring those sweat shirts to church on Sunday, November 16th! Toy Sale: Please consider volunteering to shop (Rosie Doerting – 223-7429) or to set up/work the sale (Brenda Rue – 319-3808). Set up day is Friday, December 12th, and Toy Sale Day is Saturday, December 13th. We also need good used toys, books, DVDs, CDs, games, dolls, etc.
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