THE SPIRE First United Methodist Church 130th Year of Ministry

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November 2014
Old Fashioned Christmas
Stone Soup Cook Off
Saturday, November 22
Lemon Park – Come to vote
for Pastor Donna’s Soup.
First United Methodist Church
130th Year of Ministry
Recycle at FUMC
Recycle and Remember in November. On Thanksgiving Day and every day we
thank God for the wonderful earth, and we want to keep it clean and green!
Love, The United Methodist Women Recycling Team:
Helen Bailey, Kim Claycamp. and Annette Van Blaricum
The church directories are here.
Pick up your copy in the church office.
First United Methodist Church
The Spire
P. O. Box 316
Pratt, KS 67124
Phone: (620) 672-6473
FAX: (620) 672-3101
Web site:
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
If you are not receiving the Spire, please send
your email address to
or contact the church office.
Senior Pastor..................................... Donna Voteau
Associate Pastor of Ministries............Sheryl White
Youth Director................................... Louis Keeling
Facilities Coordinator........................ Louis Keeling
Business Manager..................... Jacqueline Johnson
Organist....................................................Jane Biles
Nursery............................................Georgie Fowler
Audio/Video Coordinator..................... Stan Reimer
November 2014
Newsletter for the First United Methodist Church in Pratt, KS
Every Member in Ministry
page 2
November 2014
Pastor’s Thoughts
It is November so when I think of dessert for November, I
have to to think of pumpkin pie or pecan pie at the Thanksgiving
meal. In my family growing up there were thirty-three of us who
would gather. Can you imagine the noise? Remember I am the
quiet one in the Voteau family. Aunt Vi, my father’s sister, was the
host and what a great time.
How do you make pumpkin pie? Do you use pumpkin pie
spice or do you measure out all the spices individually? Have you
ever made pumpkin pie using a real pumpkin? It is sort of scary when it comes out brown and
not orange.
To remember to be thankful is what Thanksgiving is all about! To say thank you for all the
blessings that God has given us! I am hopeful you will remember to be thankful and perhaps
find ways to keep a list of what you are thankful for in your life. There is value in remembering
and writing this list daily. It is too bad we have lost the art of sending a thank you card. I still
think they are awesome even if it is just a card that says thank you that we sign our name to.
The best dessert of November, like the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie, might be the
thank you note that you send to the least suspecting person!
Pastor Donna
If you did not have the opportunity to take Pastor Donna’s class on Tullian
Tchividjian’s book One Way Love, you have one more chance. She is leading a Monday, 10 a.m. One Way Love, Bible Study Class for anyone interested in participating. The class began Monday, October 20, in the Heritage
Room. Books are available in the office.
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November 2014
Integrated Leadership
Coming: November 8,
Saturday, 8-4 pm
First United Methodist Church, Pratt, KS
Fellowship Hall
Integrated Leadership:
“Anxious Times call for Non-Anxious Leaders”
Presented by
Rev. Bill Selby
Center for Pastoral
Bill Selby is an Ordained United Methodist Minister
since 1974 who has led both small and large
churches in Indiana, Wyoming, and Colorado,
including a new church development in Highlands
Ranch, Colorado. He will be leading our Leadership
Training Workshop.
This seminar introduces a new way of thinking about
and addressing anxiety based on the works of Edwin
Friedman “Generation to Generation” and Bowen
family systems theory.
CEU Credits are available for the conference
$10 Lunch & Snacks provided
RSVP – 672-6473
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November 2014
Christmas Activities
Operation Christmas Child Collection Week, Nov 17-24
Pratt, 1st UMC – Drop Off Site
Fill your boxes early! Drop Off is in Fellowship Hall. Let’s make it a
great Christmas for
children around the world.
We will pack boxes into
vehicles on Sunday,
Nov. 23 following the
Thanks-4-Giving Dinner!
The Donkey Who Wanted to Be a Camel
Rewritten & Royalties Owned by Donna K. Voteau
Directed by Jane Biles
 Christmas Program, Sunday, December 14
at 10:00 a.m. No traditional service.
Presented by the children
& other interested adults.
If you’d like to participate,
contact the church office, or see Jane Biles.
page 3
November 2014
Wednesday Activites
Wednesday Nights at FUMC
Start out your evening with a delicious Snack Supper to support specific ministries in our church. Then join us for the following classes!
Offer Them Christ
Puppets Ministry
Middle School
(6:00 p.m.)
Senior High Fellowship
Ages 4th grade & up! Led by
(7:00 p.m.)
Linda Buchmueller, Deb Withers,
Led by Louis Keeling
& Awesome Sponsors!
and Charmaine Swanepoel!
Come join the fun
at 4:15 p.m. -5:15 p.m.
Wednesdays after school.
The Christmas Experience, by Kyle Idleman ex-
amines the Christmas story in detail, emphasizing how God
chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific
purpose. Kyle Idleman is the Teaching Minister at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY with over 21,000
in attendance. He’s also a regular guest speaker for many of
America’s influential churches, regional and national conventions. Join Pastor Donna on a 6 week journey through
Advent & Epiphany as she leads us in The Christmas Experience. Mark these Wednesday evening dates and join us in
this time of reflection and study for the season: Nov. 5, 19,
Dec. 3, 10, Jan. 7 and 14 at 6:00 p.m.
All 3 & 4 year-olds will be having their
special club in the downstairs
nursery with
Liz Krehbiel & Kerri Copus.
K-4th grade will be rotating to centers
for Bible stories, recreation, music
and crafts. We will also memorize
scripture and the Lord’s Prayer.
Join us for a Great Time
at our “Back to School” party.
Fun for the whole family!
page 4
November 2014
News from the Kubacz family
Greetings from Chad! We are at the 2 month mark and God has graciously kept us - we
are doing very well overall. No Ebola here, so don’t worry. In fact, from the sound of
things, it is getting much more hype and causing more hysteria in the USA than is truly warranted. I’m sad to say that the news media often paints a sensation picture of reality (as you
well know).
On to other things... As I said, we are well. Gracie attends a French-speaking preschool
with a few other missionary kids but mostly Chadian kids. Simeon will be one year old
in just over a month - Wow, that was fast!!! We are well in the groove of learning Chadian Arabic from a very kind lady. Please pray for her (I’ll just give her initial of A). She is
probably in her early 50s. Simeon and Gracie both like her very much. She is Muslim but
has been reading some of the New Testament and we gave her some other materials recently
to read. She’s worked with lots of missionaries, so God is giving her a chance to see and
hear the Good News!
Outreach Committte Project—
P.O. Box 127
314 S. Main
Pratt, KS 67124
Thanks to everyone
for your support
in donations!
A coordinated and partnered
approach to serving our
community and meeting the needs
of individuals and families.
The Hope Center has
a 3 tiered approach
1­­—Addresses immediate needs
2­—Provides for immediate short-term
3—Establishes life skills needed to
move forward in a positive direction.
page 13
November 2014
United Methodist Women Fundraiser Benefits Local Missions
Creative holiday table settings and tabletop designs will be on display for the UMW annual “A Taste of
Christmas” mission fundraiser with all proceeds going to local missions. Tickets are $10. Don’t miss this opportunity to view tables styled by our talented First United Methodist Church members and friends. Join us for
“A Taste of Christmas” on Tuesday, December 2. Viewing of tables begins at 6:30 p.m. with seating and eating
delicious Christmas treats at 7:00 p.m. We hope you’ll purchase a ticket and join us for a delightful opening
to the Advent Season. Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex each Sunday in November until all seats are sold.
Contact Jeanette Garretson or Genny Schmidt for tickets.
Thank offering will be collected at November guild meetings. Members are also asked to pay the remainder of their mission pledges at November meetings. UMW Executive Committee will serve the
Snack Supper on November 19.
Marilyn Kennedy and Pat Schwartz attended the Wichita West District Annual UMW meeting. Our UMW
unit was once again named a “Platinum” Mission Today Unit and also qualified as a 5-Star Unit for our Mission Giving. Those achievements would not have been possible without
the active participation of our 120 members, their sincere faith, and their
dedication to daily opportunities to serve others. It’s a blessing to be connected with each of you through UMW.
“A Calling For This Time”
Pat Schwartz
UMW President
Meet Loaf Greeters for November & December
Thanks to our 10:40 a.m. Meet Loaf Greeters for November and December.
Feel free to trade during these months to cover vacation times!
Your ministry to new people is greatly needed and appreciated!!!
Sunday, November 2— Marvin & Eunice Proctor, Mary Gordon
Sunday, November 9— Nancy Bailey and Adam Wyatt
Sunday, November 16— Mark & Earlene Ploger, Howard & Lois Gray, Renee Wilson
Sunday, November 23— Chris & Michelle Pfannenstiel, Dean Fitzsimmons
Sunday, November 30—Marvin & Eunice Proctor, Mary Gordon
Sunday, December 7—Nancy Bailey and Adam Wyatt
Sunday, December 14—Mark & Earlene Ploger, Howard & Lois Gray, Renee Wilson
Sunday, December 21— Chris & Michelle Pfannenstiel, Dean Fitzsimmons
Sunday, December28—Marvin & Eunice Proctor, Mary Gordon
If you are not a MEET LOAF GREETER but would enjoy greeting and meeting visitors
in our church following the morning services, please give Sheryl a call and we’ll get you
on the list.
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November 2014
Sheryl’s Ponderings
November highlights
“Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is
– his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1. 2 (NIV)
I am reminded each Sunday as we gather together for corporate worship of the
beauty in our time together as God’s children lifting our voices and hearing the Word that God pours out
through Pastor Donna. But, I have become even more conscious of the fact that our worship times are just
those spiritual feeding times that prepare us to get out each day of the week and offer ourselves to serve
the Living God. I don’t know about you, but many times I feel that I fall painfully short in this area. I see
so much need and suffering. I want to do so much more, but in spite of this desire I feel my efforts are very
limited. We pray each week in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!” As
Christians what can we do to find where God is at work and join Him in simple, faithful obedience to make
this a reality? What can we do as His body, the church? I am excited to be on this journey with you, my
brothers and sisters here in Pratt. I am deeply moved when I see us working together to further the work of
the Kingdom.
As we think about the many blessings God has given us during the Thanksgiving season, I hope that we
can listen together to hear and discern God’s calling over our church. As Pastor Donna leads us in a visioning process and we develop a mission statement, please be praying about your spiritual act of worship. There
are so many great ways we can serve together such as through the Operation Christmas Child ministry and
the Pratt Co. Food Bank. This fall the Ministerial Alliance is hosting three Thanksgiving Lunches in our
church fellowship hall, Nov. 5, 12, & 19. The proceeds of these lunches will go for the emergency fund to
support the Hope Center. The needs in our community are great and the Hope Center can always use our
gifts to help Pratt families. On Nov. 22 our staff will be at the Old Fashioned Christmas in Lemon Park
sponsored by the Pratt Chamber of Commerce. Pastor Donna & Friends will be making some delicious soup
that we will be selling at these afternoon/evening’s festivities. The proceeds for this will go to Operation
Home Fires which helps pay for the utilities of those who are struggling to make those payments during the
winter. There will be a competition among the churches to see whose soup recipe wins the contest. Yet, we
all walk away winners when we work together to support such a great cause. Having said that, we hope you
like our soup the best. Ha!
Thank you to all who serve in many capacities within our church family. Each of you are a blessing and
I thank God for your faithfulness as I am blessed to be in such a great church family! “I thank God through
Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported around the world.” Romans 1:8.
Let’s think together about the ways our lives are a spiritual act of worship within our community and
our world. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you….
page 5
November 2014
Wednesday, Thanksgiving Lunches
for Ministerial Alliance
11:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall
Nov. 5, 12, & 19.
Our church will be in charge
of the Nov. 19 luncheon.
The lunches are sponsored by the
Ministerial Alliance for the
benevolence fund to the
Hope Center.
Come support these special seasonal events.
Judgement House
in Pratt
is Friday, Oct. 31, 6:30-9:30
Saturday, Nov. 1, 6:30-9:30
Sunday. Nov. 2, 4:30-7:30
at the
1st Christian Church
123 N. Ninnescah.
For reservations call 388-5998
Tours begin every 15 minutes.
page 6
November 2014
Youth News
Come to Thanks-For-Giving Dinner to support youth
The Holidays are upon us!!! It is a most wonderful time of year, a time
of family and tradition. One of our church family traditions is our annual
Thanks-For-Giving Dinner. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a holiday meal on Sunday, November 23rd, following the Contemporary service at
10:45 and also following the Traditional service at 12:00. We will have Thank
You notes around the church for you all to fill out. I will be buying the turkeys
for our Thanks-For-Giving Dinner and need around 10 volunteers to cook and
de-bone a turkey for a great holiday meal! Freewill donations for the meal
will be accepted to support youth activities like a Ski Trip to Monarch follow-
ing Christmas this year! Be blessed, be thankful, and be here for all of the great events this month!
page 11
November 2014
October Activities
All Saints
Costume Contest
Wed, Oct. 29
During Snack Supper
5:30 ish’
Open to children
& adults alike!
“The Most Honorable
Rev. Judge” Donna K.
Voteau will preside.
God Bless, Louis
Attention: College Students
Applications for scholarship awards for the Spring Semester 2015 are available in the church office
and online at If you are a member of the Pratt First United Methodist Church, you
are eligible to apply. Please follow the application directions carefully and return the completed application to the church office by January 5, 2015. You must include your transcript of grades through
the fall semester along with your application. The Scholarship Committee awarded $750 to each
student who qualified for the fall semester. The Committee will meet to review the completed applications. – Diana Harris, Chairman, Scholarship Committee
Thanks-4-Giving Dinner
Sponsored by FUMC Youth &
Fabulous Sponsors!
Sunday, Nov. 23
Following Contempory Service
until everyone is served following
the Traditional Service.
Donations will go to the FUMC Youth Fund for their ministries to our young people here in Pratt!
Trunk or Treat is Halloween Night
October 31, from 5-6:30 pm on the east parking lot at 1st UMC.
We are looking for donations of trunks and treats!
If you can help with either of these,
or would like to help out that evening,
contact the church office.
November Activities
Regular Happenings
November 2014
8:10 a.m. Informal Service
9:05 a.m. Sunday School
9:30 a.m. 50/50-Kum Double Class, Parlor
10:00 a.m. Contemporary Service
10:40 a.m. Meet Loaf, FH
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. Quilters
10:00 a.m. Moms’ Group
7:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship
10:00 a.m. Mom’s Day Out
You may pick up your copy of the Spire
at the church. If you wish to have your
name added to the email list, please
advise Jacqueline or Jane Bolen of your
No Classes Tonight
10:00 AM One Way Love
class, Heritage
5:00 AM Snack Supper-He‐
len Bailey and the Hope
11:45 AM Ministerial Al‐
liance Luncheon at FUMC
6:00 PM Christmas Experi‐
ence, Sanc.
Bill Selby preaches
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
10:00 AM One Way Love
class, Heritage
7:00 PM Endowment Com‐
mitte, CR
11:45 AM Ministerial Al‐
liance Luncheon at FUMC
for everyone
5:00 PM Snack Supper, Re‐
bekah Guild
7:00 PM Trustees Meeting,
Heritage Room
Operation Christmas Child
10:45 AM Thanks-for Giv‐
ing Dinner, FUMC Youth,
1:00 PM Operation Christ‐
mas Child, Pack boxes in
10:00 AM One Way Love
class, Heritage
12:00 PM Delivery of Oper‐
ation Christmas Boxes to
First Sunday of Advent
Student Day
Operation Christmas Child
7:00 PM Church Confer‐
ence, FH
Operation Christmas Child
11:45 AM Ministerial Al‐
liance Luncheon at FUMC
5:00 PM Snack Supper,
6:00 PM Christmas Experi‐
6:30 PM Rebekah Guild,
No Snack Supper
Church Office Closed
9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Operation Christmas Child
Church Office Closed
December 2014
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
5:00 PM Trunk or Treat,
FUMC east parking lot5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
8:00 AM Bill Selby-Integrat‐
ed Leadership Conf. 8:00
a.m. -4:00 p.m.
6:00 PM Pitch Party, FH
1:00 PM UMW Exeutive
Committee Meeting, CR
8:30 AM Sarah Guild, Mary
Ann Van Blaricum
9:15 AM Naomi Guild, Par‐
2:00 PM Martha Guild,
7:00 PM Cub Scouts, FH
November 2014
5:00 PM Snack Supper,
Naomi Guild
5:00 PM All Saints Costume
12:00 PM Fellowship Din‐
October 2014
First United Methodist Church
Memorial Dedication Sunday
All Saints Sunday
Daylight Savings Ends
1:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
Wednesday: Activities start again
in the fall
7:00 a.m. Ladies Prayer Group, CR
4:15 p.m. Puppets
5:00 p.m. Snack Supper
5:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Treasures,
6:00 p.m.-Disciples
6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Sisters
6:00 p.m. Middle School
7:00 p.m. Senior High
If you have something that you
would like to put in The Spire,
please email Jane Bolen
or call her at 672-3198
by the 20th of the month
before the next Spire.
Operation Christmas Child
Church Office Closed
Old Fashioned Christmas
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
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November 2014
Thank you
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I quote the words of Paul when he writes, “I thank
my God upon every remembrance of you” (Phil. 1: 13). Your cards, calls, visits and invitations for lunch have been such a blessing to me. You have no idea how energizing your
contacts have been, and how welcome they are!
I am nearly finished with week 2 out of 12 of my medication. Presently, the most
troublesome side effects have been the constant headaches, muscle tension, jitteriness and
fatigue. Having been on treatment before, these are all quite manageable! I pray daily that I
would submit my body to God’s healing. Who could imagine praying and giving thanks for
having to take medication!
Please know I do thank God and ask His blessing to fall upon the congregation of Pratt
1st UMC. Be open to God’s leading and know that you are loved by me.
Jan E. Blasi
306 So. Howard
Pratt, KS 67124
2014-2015 Schedule for United Methodist Snack Suppers
You may contact Kim at or at home, 672-7273 or 770-0281 if
you have questions, to sign up for another supper, want to trade,
would like another supper, etc.
November 5-Outreach Committee
November 12-Rebekah Guild (Kim Claycamp)
November 19-UMW Board (Eunice Proctor)
November 26– OFF
December 3– Helen Bailey & Friends for the Hope
December 10December 17– OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS
December 24– OFF
December 31-OFF
January 7– Youth (Louis)
January 14- Seekers (Diana Harris)
January 21– CAYA (Brenda Fowler)
January 28- Naomi (Mary Ann Rose)
February 4–
February 11– Boy Scouts (Dave Schmidt)
February 18- Louise’s Home Team (Linda Broce)
February 25– Puppets (Linda Buchmueller)
March 4-Staff
March 11March 18– Spring Break – NO SNACK SUPPER
March 25-Faithbuilders (Sara Wyatt)
April 1– Youth (Louis)
April 8– Rebekah Guild (Kim Claycamp)
April 15-Naomi Guild (Ginny Houdyshell)
April 22– Puppets (Linda Buchmueller)
April 29- UMW Board (Pat Schwartz)
May 6– Groundbreakers (Mary Gordon)
May 13– Women’s Study Group (Lois Gray)
May 20– Staff
If any other small group would like to do a
snack supper, please contact Kim.
page 7
November 2014
Birthdays/Anniversaries/ Mission Opportunity
November 1 Pat Schwartz
November 2 Sally Laprad
November 2 Louis Keeling
November 2 Michael Laubhan
November 2 Grace May
November 4 Aleigh Dunaway
November 5 Kyle Hampton
November 7 Glenda Houdyshell
November 7 Alaena Endsley
November 8 Duane Bush
November 8 Phil Lunt
November 9 Jane Bolen
November 9 Dave Schmidt
November 9 Brent Uphoff
November 10 Janice Keller
November 11 Mary Bergner
November 11 Margie Bennett
November 12 Rodney Lesh
November Birthdays
November 12
November 12
November 12
November 13
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 15
November 16
November 16
November 16
November 17
November 17
November 18
November 18
November 18
November 19
November 19
November 20
Larry Riffey
Ruth Ann Barker
Victoria Black
Stacie Tharp
Dawson Snider
Ethan Demuth
Bonnie Albers
Jeff Mardis
Louise Reimer
Lisa Fincham
Alexis Eubank
Donna Swisher
Scott Younie
Shirley Gibbons
Jack Galle
Jenna Fitzsimmons
Deb May
Lynette Freeman
Shirley Lawton
November 20
November 20
November 21
November 21
November 22
November 22
November 23
November 23
November 25
November 25
November 26
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
November 30
November 30
Kenneth Lewton
Logan Barker
Dale Withers
Cole Freeman
Marie Eubank
Kelsey Potter
Larry Northway
Whitney Galle
Janice Norman
Cooper Gates
Merle Mc Cune
Awie Cilliers
Jeanette Garretson
Tim Kuhn
Martha Wade
Wakon Fowler
Nathan Humble
Nolan Pfannenstiel
November Anniversaries
November 3 Jerry & Iola Corbin
November 3 Wendell & Vicki Howell
November 3 Patrick & Jenny Blasi
November 4 Gerald & Linda Dick
November 6 Jeremy & Danielle Demuth
November 9 Duane & Marian Bush
November 11 Carter & Marje Barker
November 18
November 19
November 24
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
Mission Opportunity
Tom & Melanie Black
Joe & Kim Kendall
Gale & Mary Carroll
Merle & Beth Rose
Charles & Kerri Boldt
Ron & Glenda Sibley
Lester & Mary Lou Snell
The UMCOR Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana is in need of some volunteers the week of January
11-16, 2015. Volunteers will stay on campus in a dorm like setting. They will assemble, verify and
pack relief-supply kits so that they can be sent to areas where they are needed most. Last spring our
UMW made birthing kits. It is through this depot that those kits are packed and shipped for use overseas. If you are interested in joining the Buchmueller’s on this mission project, contact them at 7700411. UMCOR Sager Brown needs to know an exact number of volunteers by November 25, 2014.