March 2015 Newsletter 1200 Atlantic St. Milford, MI 48381 (248) 684-2798 FAX (248) 684-9585 A Stephen Ministry Congregation Pastor’s Column: Doug’s Discoveries Traveling Companions My thanks to George Rogers for sending me the following meditation, author unknown: At birth we boarded the train, and most of us met our parents. For a while, we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant - our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don't realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers, requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station Upcoming Events Missions Potato Bar Lunch (pg. 5) Sunday, March 1st after 10:30 Service Irish Dinner (pg.11) Saturday, March 7th/4-7 pm we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way: love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. I wish you a joyful journey. May you reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 8th-Spring Forward 1 hr. UMW Gathering (pg. 4) Thursday, March 12th-10:00 am/Hall One Great Hour of Sharing (pg. 10) Sunday, March 15th journey. I thank you for being one of the passengers with me on this train. I pray God will make us more aware of the other people on the “train ride” of our lives. - Love in Christ, Pastor Doug McMunn 1 Deadline for Easter Flowers (pg. 4) Sunday, March 22-after church service Our Deacon-Rev. Sherry At the time of publication Rev. Sherry is under the weather with the flu. The editor has included some very interesting quotes from children about angels. Angels as explained by children I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold. -Gregory, age 5 Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it -Olive, age 9 It’s not easy to become an angel. First you die. Then you go to Heaven, and then there’s still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes. -Matthew, age 9 Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else. -Mitchell, age 7 Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his Son, who's a very good carpenter. -Jared, age 8 My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. -Ashley, age 9 When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath again, somewhere there’s a tornado. -Reagan, age 10 My guardian angel helps me with math, but he’s not much good for science. -Henry, age 8 Angels don’t eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!! -Jack, age 6 Angels talk all the way while they’re flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead. -Daniel, age 9 All angels are girls because they gotta’ wear dresses and boys didn’t go for it. -Antonio, age 9 Newsletter Deadline The newsletter deadline is the 15th day of each month. 2 M.O.P.S. – Our Mothers Of Preschoolers group is growing and active! They meet on the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 9:30 – 11:30am. Childcare is provided so the moms can have time with each other for sharing, devotions, snacks, crafts, and just enjoying time together. This is a great way to connect with other moms and young families; please help spread the word about our group! Mom-2-Mom Sale: April 25th – This is a fundraiser for our M.O.P.S. group so they can provide activity materials, childcare and take care of other expenses. There will be tables for rent for $25.00 – check the church website for a form or see Karen Smith. Sale items will be gently used children’s and teen items from clothing to toys to games to strollers to… you name it! There will also be a Bake Sale that day. Spread the word and come out to support our moms! Thank You for all your support and generous donations for this year’s Mitten Tree! It was covered many times over with warm scarves, socks, gloves and mittens – which are even now warming people in our area through Community Sharing and homeless people in the Lansing area through Grandma’s Comfort. You are a caring and generous congregation – thank you so much! Everest Is Coming! It feels cold enough right now to easily imagine scaling the heights of Mount Everest with its snow-capped peaks – but we aren’t going there now, we’re doing it this summer! Mark your calendars today with August 3-7, 2015 for this year’s Vacation Bible School! The theme is “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.” Registration will begin in June but planning is well underway! Watch future bulletins and newsletters for VBS Work Bee dates – we’ll need lots of help to pull off this expedition! Remember – this IS the BEST week of the year and you won’t want to miss it! Dear Members of the Church, Wishing you everything beautiful at the holidays and all through the new year. Thank you so much for the Kroger gift card! For me it is more than money to buy groceriesit is a gift of caring and love! I wish all of you a blessed Christmas! Love, A grateful recipient of one of our Kroger gift cards. Dear Church Friends, Thank you so much for the lovely Poinsettia plant we received Christmas Eve (Pastor delivered it between the 7:30 and 11:00 pm services). We really appreciated it and it made for a more blessed Christmas holiday. Hope you had a blessed Christmas and will have a happy, healthy New Year. God Bless, Winnie and Bill Crawford 3 United Methodist Women March 5-9:30 am Morning Glories meets at Leo’s Coney Island in Milford. March 5-1:30 pm Executive Meeting in the Parlor March 12-10:00 am UMW Gathering Under the Covers (Book Covers That Is)-Fellowship Hall March 20-10:00 am Clara’s Helping Hands meets in the Church Parlor. Devotions-”The Lilt of Irish Laughter” March 24-7:00 pm Mary Martha Circle to be held at the home of Sally Schiemann & Virginia Jeffers. Devo tions-Judy Culbertson March 29-Palm Sunday/UMW Ushers and Greeters April 17-18, 2015 will be the Ann Arbor District Prayer Retreat at Judson Collins Campground in the Irish Hills. Keep this weekend open in your calendar. More information to follow. Stitching for Others – Prayer Quilts and Shawls. Please come and help us. We need knitters, crocheters, sewers, cutters, ironers, etc. It is a wonderful fellowship group and there is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. For more info call Thesia Wolf, 248-310-8798. Thesia The Joyful Noise Hand Bell Choir Is making flowers available for Easter again this year. See the order form below for availability and ordering instructions. Joyful Noise Bell Choir Easter Flower Order Form In Memory of or In Honor of Our Loves Ones and Friends All orders need to be turned in to a Bell Choir member or the church office by March 22, 2015. Any flowers not picked up on Easter Sunday (directly after 10:30 service) will be donated to a deserving family. Please check off or write the quantity in the space provided. If more than one color is available, circle the color you would prefer. (All are 6” pots but Hydrangea/8”.) Please note that your phone number is required. Lily Single plant Hyacinth Blue or Pink Daffodil Yellow Tulip Red, Yellow, Purple Hydrangea Pink or Blue $12.00_____ $12.00_____ $12.00_____ $12.00_____ **$20.00_____**Please note price increase In Memory Of: __________________________________________________________________ In Honor Of: __________________________________________________________________ Given By: __________________________________ Phone #: ________________________ Name of Person Picking Up Plant(s):________________________________________ Phone # of Person Picking Up Plant(s): ______________________________________ Please make your check payable to the “M.U.M. Bell Choir” and thank you again for your continued support! 4 Missions Potato Bar Lunch March 1, 2015 11:30 AM Proceeds to support our Missionaries Dan and Rachel Gabler, in South Africa, and Karen and Ut To in Viet Nam Suggested Donation $3.00 Children 12 under $6.00 Adults 5 Happy Anniversary 3/10 Doug & Marianne McMunn Special Birthday: On March 30, our senior member, Helen McGee, turns 98! Happy Birthday Helen! 04: Madison Gurke & John Orr, 05: Karen Antrim & Judy Culbertson, 07: Mitchell Craig & Doug Radeka, 09: Jessica Harris, 12: Gary Herwick, 13: Grant Marquardt, 14: Judy Clemens, Brandon Shove, Dana Shove, & Regan White, 15: Cheryl Damman & Eric Smith, 19: Brook Bruletti, Jeana Marquardt, & Sue Tonello, 20: Barb Harrison, 22: Ray Laurent, 23: Ron Tribble, 24: Bill Antrim & Regina Olari, 25: Kevin Lupinacci, 26: Megan Fraser, 27: PJ Andrews, 28: Katie Glinter, 29: Donna Caswell & Sarah Craft, 30: Danielle Dexter, Helen McGee, & Thesia Wolfe. IN OUR PRAYERS New Prayers: Jerry Geirhart, John Moore, Linda Sturgeon, Jean Utley Continuing Prayers: Arlene & Steve Booker, Ken Bourns, Pamela & Bruce Chester, Evelyn Cohea, Tom Divozzo, Betty Dryer, Steven Harrison, Patty & Tutt Harvey, Carol Hawkinson, Pat Heidt, Margaret Leibler, Richard Leibler, Nancy London, Eddie McManus, Larry Moscal, Ann Morris, Gerry Nowland, Marilyn Nowland, Marianne & Laura O’Brien, Bonnie Parsons, Sharon Peterson, Jessica Rockwell, Isabelle Tulk, New Sawtrol UMC (sister church, Liberia), Norma Weening. Our Missionaries: Dan & Rachel Gabler and Ut & Karen To. Homebound, Rehabilitation Center & Nursing Care: Dorothy Branch, Winnie Crawford, Barb Harrison, Marjorie Morris, Donna Oberg, JoeAnn Pliska, Gary Scholes, Marjorie Wesley, Betty Whitworth and Kyoung Yim. Marjorie Wesley is in nursing care. Please contact the church office for address information. Members in College: Sarah Bonhard, Audrey Fisher, Christian James, Katie Loder, Rachel McAuliffe, Marshall Rittenger, Mike Rockwell, Shawn Shove, Ieasha Shufflebarger, Kayla Shufflebarger, Alexander Smith, Andrew Smith, and Sarah Smith. Other church members in postsecondary education? Please notify the church office. Those in the Military: Capt. Jamie Bowman, Matt Cowell, Sgt. Jennifer Ducote, Sgt. First Class Michael Ducote, Staff Sgt. Sean Foster, Jeremy Francis, Col. Chris Garver, ABF AR Elena Glinter/Navy, Kelly Harvey, Sgt Deacon Holton, Sgt. Ryan Kidd, 2nd Lt. Alaina Maten, Gunnery Sgts. Connie & Gary Ollor, Airman Adam Rack, Jeremy Rudd, Jacob Smucker, Chris Thomas, Staff Sgt. Charles VanAcker III, & Capt. Bryan Vaught. Deployed: Major Matt Graham in USAF deploying to Qatar; Jonathan Maten deployed to Ecuador. Lt. Col. Eric Harris deployed to the UAE, Bahrain, & Saudi Arabia for a few weeks, Danny Scull deployed to Japan. Others deployed? Please notify the church office. Thank you all for your service!! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our church family for their thoughts, prayers, cards, phone calls, concerns, and visits in the hospital (Pastor Doug). The Amish book and Peppermint tea, too. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. John is looking forward to seeing each of you as he resumes his church activities. Love, John and Marilyn Moore 6 God Inspired Turning Points. –Resilient By Debbie Llewellyn The word this month is “resilient” and it means “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.” Life isn’t a flat line. It’s filled with peaks and valleys. And, it’s those valley experiences that define us. Do we recover quickly? Or, are we down for the count? I know that growing up I didn’t expect some of the experiences I have had. And, more than once, I asked God “Why is this happening to me? “ I can recall being angry at God and then depressed. As I gained wisdom, I came to learn the lesson the experience was teaching me. There are many encouraging references in the Bible about resilience: Read Job 19:25, James 5:10, 11; Ruth 1; Esther 2; Corinthians 11:23-28; Philippians 4:11; Psalm 46:1-3. But, it you are like me, reading stories about people I can relate to also provides me inspiration and encouragement. Case in point – Gena Turgel. This 90 year old Holocaust survivor lived to tell the tale about Auschwitz. She actually survived being placed in a gas chamber. I can’t imagine the horror of such an experience and also living though the loss of seven siblings and her father. Something good did come from the experience. A soldier whom she escorted through the camp as it was being liberated became her husband – it was “love at first sight for him.” And, the movie, “Unbroken” is a biography of Louis Zamperini who survived Japanese prison camps. This Olympic athlete endured unthinkable acts of violence. He prayed during his time in the camp and he would be reminded of those prayers to “seek and serve God” during a Billy Graham crusade. This led him to a new career as a motivational speaker with “forgiveness” as the main theme. What can we learn from their experiences? Life goes on – and it’s what we do next that matters. While you are in the “experience” look for ways to bolster your spirit. Read the Bible. Read inspirational biographies. Listening to music is a favorite tactic for me. I can recall during one experience singing a tune from the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Carousel “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” If this isn’t your kind of music, there are websites that list “The Top Tunes” that relate to resilience. In closing, think about the quote from Confucius, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling down, but in rising every time we fall.” Evangelism and Care Report-April The committee doesn’t have any events planned until April. But, we ask that everyone consider: Bringing canned goods to church during Lent Supporting the Irish Dinner – and bring a friend or relative A recent survey pointed out that people who attend church routinely are happier than non-churched individuals. Let’s share the joy, happiness – invite someone to church. You can make a difference one person at a time. 7 February, 2015 Dear MUMC, Reverend Howard F. Short has died. He was the pastor of Milford United Methodist Church from 1960 – 1966. Some of our current members were part of the Milford congregation in those days. For perspective, Ken Lawrence was 9 years old when Rev. Short came to Milford. Richard and Elaine Skarritt were a young married couple with growing children. Rev. Short was born on November 28, 1925, and died in Grand Rapids, MI on November 18, 2014, just before his 89th birthday. The following information is taken, in part, from the Milford UMC history, titled, Milford's Methodist Pioneers, 1836-1986, by Patsy Gamble Patterson and Marjorie Jackson Bourns. Please let me know if you'd like to borrow a copy. Rev. Howard F. Short was our pastor in our last years at the church's Union Street location, and when we acquired and developed the Atlantic Street church property, where we meet now. He was our pastor when in: April, 1961: We formed groups and studied the Milford community to gather facts on the needs of our church. We studied population trends, zoning, residential growth, business growth, church membership trends, Sunday School membership trends, and the location of our members' homes. We formed a 5-year plan to build a new church facility. 1961, 1962: We considered 3 properties and purchased the 7 acres at 1200 Atlantic Street. 1963: Easter Sunrise service held at the new property 1964: Building Fund grew to $77,083.31, including a gift from the estate of Mabel Palmer. 1965: Hired Architectural Firm from Birmingham, MI August 14,1966: Groundbreaking service. Main speakers were Rev. Howard Short and Rev. Jesse DeWitt (representing the Ann Arbor District Board of Missions and Church Extension). Rev. DeWitt later became a bishop and lives in retirement at Dexter, MI. In the second half of 1966, Rev. Archie Donigan became our pastor, and as of this writing I do not know where Rev. Short went at that time. We completed the first phase of the Atlantic Street church building in 1967, and Rev. Donigan was our pastor until 1972. Rev. Short's obituary indicates that he was "survived by his wife, Lois June Short and their children: Janet and William Morton, Kathy Beurkens, Sandy and Randy Hendrick, Lea and Robert Bolt, Richard Homrich, Wendy and Rod Tasker, Terrance and Judy Wexel, Steve Wexel, Cathy Reifsynder, Daniel and Laurie Wexel, Patricia Wexel; many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son, Lee Short. He spent 17 years as Western Michigan Director of the American Diabetes Association; previously he served as a Methodist Pastor to churches in Massachusetts and Michigan." Imagine the missional enthusiasm in this church with regular ministries continuing at the Union Street location and a growing vision of the future over here on Atlantic St. I imagine this effort spilled into the prayers of the congregation and the sermons offered in worship. Like our forebears, I think we need a compelling vision of our future and a groundswell of missional enthusiasm! Please pray with me for God's mighty work within us and through us in these days of our journey. What a great time to be alive! May God bless Rev. Short's family as they remember him now. Grace and peace, Pastor Doug McMunn 8 Meals on Wheels MUMC members delivered Meals on Wheels one week in each month: December, January, and February. Thanks to the drivers – Jan and Bob Olari, Larry and Carol Shaver, Myles Dexter, Maureen Bonhard, Linda Lutz, and Dave Ebert. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve a local mission. All who have participated feel enriched by the experience. We can always use new volunteers. Our next delivery week is March 23-27. If you would like to volunteer, contact Dave Ebert at 248.684.1151. Dave Ebert Coordinator Finance Committee Update Thanks to the MUMC members and friends for the generous giving that allowed full payment of 2014 apportionments. This is the second year in a row that MUMC has fully paid its fair share. A budget is in place for 2015. This budget will be reviewed throughout the year to keep spending on track. Please contact me, or any member of the Finance Committee if you ever have any questions on MUMC finances. Dave Ebert MUMC Finance Chair Resilient E L B I X E L F A C A N D O G I F U I V A V D Z O W J K J J H N X Q F U A T V Q Y S H G S Y H E C H P Y N L B M H T E L Z M B R T O S A I D U P J Z J W X W A Q Q E Y K A Q A X B I P E B L T W Y O L B C G C Q U M L O P C H D U E L N A U Y I E D B Z S I J B T O M M O H J H N N F O W V G R O O N V A R J E B U T Z F T O O U W W R B Y J N S O M S Q L Z U G M D T U G R S W B S M X L P M H Y J B E M B V I E X N S E D Z G E L F J Q X M O R B U U I D V E ADAPTABLE BOUYANT CAN-DO FLEXIBLE HARDY REBOUND STRONG TOUGH 9 Did You Know? Willow UMC Chicken Dinner Will Begin The 2nd Wednesday of The Month? Chicken Supper-Served Family Style – all you can eat, Where-Willow United Methodist Church, 36925 Willow Rd., New Boston, MI 734-654-9020, Runs March, April & May. Time: 5:00pm ‘til sell out (Carry outs start at 4:30pm), Cost-Adults: $10.00 Children – 12 & under: $5.00, Pay at the door. Menu: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Biscuits and Gravy, Dinner Rolls, Dessert, Coffee, Hot Tea, Milk. Willow is the church served by Pastor Marianne McMunn. March 15: OGHS: One Great Hour of Sharing Celebrating 75 Years For 75 years, UMCOR has been in ministry with the most vulnerable—being present with and offering relief to those who have been displaced by war, other conflicts, or natural disasters. That’s who we are as UMCOR—the globally connected United Methodist family. UMCOR: The United Methodist Committee on Relief is supported by the special offering called “One Great Hour of Sharing.” For 75 years, United Methodists have been journeying with communities on the long road to recovery and development, responding to the spiritual and emotional needs of those who find their lives turned upside down by disasters, and compelled by Christ to offer hope and healing to a hurting world. The 1940 General Conference launched UMCOR with a speech by Bishop Herbert Welch, when it approved the Methodist Committee for China Relief. A committee was formed, with Bishop Welch as chair, and a day of prayer and fasting, when the churches could collect an offering, was set aside for a Sunday later in the year. The 1940 General Conference was concerned over Methodist missionaries held as prisoners of war and prayers for those who had died while in service. Methodist churches in Europe and China were being crushed by the war. (And yet the conference focused) on the needs of those who are the most vulnerable. UMCOR works on behalf of all United Methodists to alleviate human suffering and to advance hope and healing. UMCOR is called by Christ to work with the poor—with all those on the margins—acting, as Bishop Welch challenged, “in the relief of human suffering without distinction of race, color, or creed.” The agency does its work boldly because it is grounded in Christ. It lives out this mission in relationship with the communities it serves. As Christians, we believe that all persons are created in the image of God and have the right to a full and abundant life. Through the work of UMCOR, lives are being transformed and communities, strengthened. UMCOR’s work is marked by mutuality, empowerment, and sustainability. We strive toward a rightsbased approach in all that we do. The mission of UMCOR is God’s mission. As such, it is centered in relationships—relationship with God through the living Christ, relationships with one another, and relationship with all of creation. When a crisis disrupts life and overwhelms a community’s capacity to respond, UMCOR works to empower the community’s full recovery, staying until the recovery is complete. Beyond the initial emergency response, proactive steps are taken to train and equip communities to prepare for future scenarios through Disaster Risk Reduction projects. We help communities design local strategies to prepare communities for action before the next crisis comes. UMCOR has earned a global reputation for its ability to provide professional humanitarian assistance that meets international standards for best practices. We stay to address long-term development needs. - See more at: For Smart Phone Users QR CODE Scan this QR code with your smart phone or electronic device and it will take you directly to the MUMC website. 10 Irish Dinner Milford United Methodist Church 1200 Atlantic Street, Milford March 7, 2015 4 - 7 pm Adults $11 Seniors $9 Children 5-12 years $6 under 5 free Menu includes: corned beef & cabbage redskin potatoes carrots jello salad & bread beverages & desserts Tickets at the door or in advance from the Church Office 248-684-2798 11 Worship Service Volunteers March 1 Greeter: Elaine Skarritt Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Julius Glinter, Evelyn Cohea, John Robinson, Emil/Sue Tonello Liturgist: 8:30-Barb Harris 10:30-Lauren Whitlock Counters: TBD March 8 Greeter: Bob & Margaret Leibler Ushers: 8:30 Kelsey Shufflebarger/David Bonhard 10:30 Doug Radeka, Ray Michaels, Jeff Motschenbacher, Chris Smith Liturgists:8:30– TBD 10:30-Evelyn Rose Whitlock Counters: Deb Bonnewell & Bette Knedgen March15 Greeter: Nancy Weeks Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Roger Clemens, Cole McKane, Ron Opfer, Carla Gorton Liturgists: 8:30 & 10:30-Gary Herwick Counters: TBD March 22 Greeter: The McKane Family Ushers: 8:30 John & Kris Heidt 10:30 Jan/Bob, Regina, & Katja Olari, Larry Shaver Liturgist: 8:30 Kelsey Shufflebarger 10:30-Regina Olari Counters: TBD March 29 Greeter and Ushers: UMW Liturgist: 8:30 & 10:30-Judy Culbertson Counters: TBD March 2015 Worship Features and Sermon Themes In March, we continue the theme we opened on Ash Wednesday: “Holy Vessels,” based on 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us." March 1 Holy Communion “Safekeeping” Psalm 86:7 Choir: “Think of Me” Potato Bar Lunch for Missions March 8 Girl Scout Sunday Daylight Saving Time begins “Stories” John 4:10 Choir: “Wind Blew Over Calvary” March 15 OGHS: One Great Hour of Sharing (see related article) “Different Pictures” Exodus 15:26 March 22 “Restoration” Luke 4:38-41 Joyful Noise Hand Bell Choir- “A Joyous Ring” March 29 Passion/Palm Sunday “Holy, Holy, Holy” Mark 11:1-11 Choir: “Who is that Man?” Noisy Offering-Missionary Support Fellowship Hour Hosts-Finance Our Staff Pastor-Douglas McMunn Deacon-Rev. Sherry Foster Children’s Ministry Director-Karen J. Smith Music Director-Linda Lutz Nursery Care Director– Kayla Shufflebarger Friends Preschool Director-Robin Fletcher Office Manager-Kelley Cerny Custodian-Margie Majewski Maintenance-Tim Bonnewell 12
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